1 |
Folder 1: Harry S. Truman Reservoir Budget/Budget Proposal |
1975-1980 |
None |
2 |
Folder 35: "The Spatial Distribution of Kay County (Florence A) Chert during the Plains Village Period in North-Central Oklahoma" Unknown Author |
None |
3 |
Folder 25: "On the Use of Site Catchment Analysis: Some Problems and Solutions" |
None |
4 |
Folder 26: Papers printed from electronic files |
None |
5 |
Folder 27: "Partitioning the Variation in Central Plains Traditions Pottery Vessel Form" Donna Roper |
None |
6 |
Folder 28: Pedro Vial at the Pawnee Village, 1793" by Donna C. Roper |
None |
7 |
Folder 29: "A Prehistory of the North American Plains" Donna Roper |
None |
8 |
Folder 30: Proposal for "The Indian Burial Pit at Salina: The Archaeology and History of a Kansas Landmark" Donna Roper |
None |
9 |
Folder 31: "Re-evaluating the Organization of Upper Republican Phase Sites in the Medicine Creek Valley" Donna Roper |
None |
10 |
Folder 32: "Results of Some New Analyses on Materials from the Upper Components at the Claussen Site, 14WB322" Donna Roper |
None |
11 |
Folder 33: The Search for Coronado's Quivira |
None |
12 |
Folder 34: "The Spatial Component of the Western Clovis Chronology" Donna Roper and Brian Wygal |
None |
13 |
Folder 36: "Western Ozarks Prehistory and the Problem of 'Late Archaic/Woodland Sites'" by Donna C. Roper |
None |
14 |
Folder 23: The Indian Burial Pit at Salina |
None |
15 |
Folder 37: Unidentified Research Paper |
N/A |
None |
16 |
Folder 38: "An Arrow-head Found with Bones of Bison Occidentalis (Lucas) in Western Kansas" by S.W. Williston |
1902 |
None |
17 |
Folder 39: "The Distribution of Middle Woodland Sites within the Environment of the Lower Sangamon River, Illinois" Donna Roper |
1974 |
None |
18 |
Folder 40: "Reporting the Results of Factor Analysis: Some Suggested Guidelines" by Donna C. Roper |
1975 |
None |
19 |
Folder 41: American Antiquity Vol. 41 |
1976 |
None |
20 |
Folder 42: "An Introduction to the Truman Reservoir Project" Missouri Archaeological Society Newsletter- Donna Roper |
1976 |
None |
21 |
Folder 43: "A Trend-Surface Analysis of Central Plains Radiocarbon Dates" Donna Roper |
1976 |
None |
22 |
Folder 44: Plains Anthropologist, Journal of the Plains Conference |
1976-2012 |
None |
23 |
Folder 45: Published Manuscripts of Donna Roper |
1976-2002 |
None |
24 |
Folder 46: The Wisconsin Archaeologist |
1977, 1991 |
None |
25 |
Folder 47: "Breakage Patterns of Central Illinois Woodland Projectile Points" by Donna C. Roper |
1978 |
None |
26 |
Folder 24: Introduction and Executive Summary of Lecompton, Douglas County, Kansas water tower project |
None |
27 |
Folder 22: House Count for Pawnee and Lower Loup Sites |
None |
28 |
Folder 49: "Some Observations on Spatial Differentials of the Hopewell Radiocarbon Chronology" by Sharon L. Brock and Donna C. Roper |
1979 |
None |
29 |
Folder 8: "Past Lifeways on the Plains: Continuous Occupation, Continuous Variability and Change" by Donna Roper |
2013 |
None |
30 |
Folder 23: The Whiteford Site |
2007 |
None |
31 |
Folder 24: Central Plains Anthropology Vol 4 articles |
2008 |
None |
32 |
Folder 25: Middle Ceramic Period Pottery from Coal-Oil Canyon |
2008 |
None |
33 |
Folder 26: Shell-Tempered Pottery on the Central Plains by Donna C. Roper |
2008 |
None |
34 |
Folder 1: Central Plains Housing |
2010 |
None |
35 |
Folder 2: "The Vail Fluted Point Site, Oxford County, Northwestern Maine Highland's" Unknown Author |
2010 |
None |
36 |
Folder 3: "The Chronological Position of 14RC410, a Little River Focus Site in Rice County, Kansas, and its Implications" Donna Roper |
2011 |
None |
37 |
Folder 4: Food and Pottery |
2011 |
None |
38 |
Folder 5: "Interpreting AMS Radiocarbon Age Determinations from Selected Central Plains Tradition Sites" by Donna Roper and Mary Adair |
2011 |
None |
39 |
Folder 6: "New AMS Radiocarbon Dating Results for Central Plains Tradition Sites in Kansas and Nebraska" by Donna C. Roper |
2012 |
None |
40 |
Folder 7: Central Plains Manuscript Drafts |
2013 |
None |
41 |
Folder 9: "Extending the Evaluation of Gendered Publishing Trends in American Archaeology: The View from the Plains" by Donna C. Roper |
2014 |
None |
42 |
Folder 21: Historic Method in Central Plains Archaeology |
None |
43 |
Folder 10: 1986 Ceramics Descriptions |
None |
44 |
Folder 11: "An Evaluation of Central Plains Tradition- Pawnee Ancestry" John Ludwickson, Terry Steinacher, John Bozell, and Gayle Carlson |
None |
45 |
Folder 12: "The Central Plains Tradition" by Donna C Roper |
None |
46 |
Folder 13: Central Plains Tradition Ceramics Analysis |
None |
47 |
Folder 14: "Chapter 2: The Wichita Indians, Quivira, and the Great Bend Aspect" Unknown author |
None |
48 |
Folder 15: Chapter 5- "Pottery" |
None |
49 |
Folder 16: Computers in Archaeology |
None |
50 |
Folder 17: Ethnobotanical Remains Csv20, Mnv94 |
None |
51 |
Folder 18: "Frameworks for Interpreting Pawnee Hunting, 1541-1876" by Donna C. Roper- Chapter 1 |
None |
52 |
Folder 19: "Hematite in the Harry S. Truman Reservoir Area" by Deborah House |
None |
53 |
Folder 20: Harry S. Truman Reservoir Research Design |
None |
54 |
Folder 48: "The Method and Theory of Site Catchment Analysis: A Review" by Donna C. Roper |
1978 |
None |
55 |
Folder 50: "The Method and Theory of Site Catchment Analysis: A Review" by Donna C. Roper |
1979 |
None |
56 |
Folder 21: Mummy Cave, Wyoming 48PA201 |
2007 |
None |
57 |
Folder 25: "Spatial Variability in Central Plains Tradition Lodges" by Donna C. Roper- pg. 27 |
2002 |
None |
58 |
Folder 15: Review of "Evidence of Awari: the Spring Planting Ceremony to Evening Star and Her Sacred Children" by Susan A. Holland |
1997 |
None |
59 |
Folder 16: Review of "Antelope Creek Phase Resource Procurement Strategies in the Texas Panhandle" by Paul Matchen |
1998 |
None |
60 |
Folder 17: Review of "A Source Study of Obsidian from the Infinity (14MY305), Kansas" by Marlin F. Hawley |
1998 |
None |
61 |
Folder 18: Review of "Geochemical Analysis of Eight Red Ochres from Western North America" by Jon M. Erlandson et al |
1998 |
None |
62 |
Folder 19: Elizabeth Prince Earthlodge Manuscripts |
1999 |
None |
63 |
Folder 20: "The Identification of Clovis Sites from Blade Technology: A Cautionary Note" by Donna C. Roper |
1999 |
None |
64 |
Folder 21: "Source Area Analysis of Obsidian from Early Ceramic Period Context near Manhattan" by Donna C. Roper pg. 8 |
2000 |
None |
65 |
Folder 22: "A Pawnee Hunting Camp in the Solomon River Valley" by Donna C. Roper- pg. 19 |
2001 |
None |
66 |
Folder 23: "The Marion Great Bend Aspect Sites: Floodplain Settlement on the Plains" by Donna C. Roper |
2001 |
None |
67 |
Folder 24: Penokee Stone Man |
2002 |
None |
68 |
Folder 26: "Implications of the Ceramic Assemblage in the Whiteford Site (14SA1, the Indian Burial Pit) by Donna C. Roper |
2003 |
None |
69 |
Folder 13: "Spatial Dynamics and Historical Process in the Central Plains Tradition" by Donna C. Roper- Drafts |
1995 |
None |
70 |
Folder 27: Review of "Letter's from Pawnee Country, 1834-39" edited by Richard Jenson |
2003 |
None |
71 |
Folder 28: <emph render='italic'>Yellowstone Science</emph>: "Archaeology of Osprey Beach a Voluntary Perspective the Red Sowash Saloon Theodore Roosevelt IV's YNP Keynote" Vol. 11, No. 4 |
2003 |
None |
72 |
Folder 29: "Phase III Investigations of Two Sites on the Proposed Veterans' Cemetery, Fort Riley" by Donna C. Roper |
2004 |
None |
73 |
Folder 30: Illustrations Published in Plains Earthlodges from Donna Roper |
2005 |
None |
74 |
Folder 31: "Ceramic Period Components at the Claussen Site, 14WB322" by Donna C. Roper- pg 18 |
2006 |
None |
75 |
Folder 32: "Parasitism in Kansas in the 1800's- A Glimpse to the Past through the Analysis of the Grave Sediments from Meadowlark (Stillman) Cemetery" |
2006 |
None |
76 |
Folder 33: Coal-Oil Canyon Pottery Analysis |
2007 |
None |
77 |
Folder 34: "The Kohr Site (14SA414) House 1 Pottery Assemblage Revisited" by Donna C. Roper- pg. 8 |
2007 |
None |
78 |
Folder 35: <emph render='italic'>Southeastern Archaeology</emph>, "Shell-Tempered Pottery on the Central Plains" by Donna C. Roper |
2011 |
None |
79 |
Folder 36: "Archaic Adaptations in the Central Osage River Basin: A Preliminary Assessment" by Janet E. Joyer and Donna C. Roper |
None |
80 |
Folder 37: "Historical Perspective and the Development of Social Identity: An Evaluation of Pawnee Ancestry" by Donna C. Roper |
None |
81 |
Folder 14: "Variability in the Use of Ochre during the Paleoindian Period" by Donna C. Roper |
1996 |
None |
82 |
Folder 12: "The Material Culture of 25DS21, A Lower Loup Hunting Camp in the Platte River Valley" by Donna C. Roper- Draft and Comments |
1994 |
None |
83 |
Folder 51: "A Paleo-Indian Point from Henry County, Missouri" by Donna C. Roper |
1980 |
None |
84 |
Folder 63: "A Role of Graphic Analysis of Quantitative Data: A Brief Commentary on Behren's Review of the Visual Display of Quantitive Information" by Donna C. Roper |
1988 |
None |
85 |
Folder 52: Review of "Data Bank Applications in Archaeology" by Sylvia W. Gaines |
1981 |
None |
86 |
Folder 53: "A Petroglyph in Stockton Lake" by Donna C. Roper |
1982 |
None |
87 |
Folder 54: "Notes on Lithic Raw Materials from a Dismal River Site in Western Nebraska" by Donna C. Roper |
1983 |
None |
88 |
Folder 55: "On the Use of Diversity Indices in Archaeological Assemblage Analysis" by Donna C. Roper |
1983 |
None |
89 |
Folder 56: Review of <emph render='underline'>Settlement Predictions in Sparta</emph> by Robert H. Lafferty III et al |
1983 |
None |
90 |
Folder 57: A Preliminary Evaluation of Lithic Technology at Lake Red Rock by Donna C. Roper |
1984 |
None |
91 |
Folder 58: "Resource Structure, Mobility Patterns, and Woodland Site Distributions in the Prairies: Some Observations with Implications for the Central Plains" by Donna C. Roper |
1984 |
None |
92 |
Folder 59: "42MD749: A Fremont Salt Extraction Station?" by Donna C. Roper and Lucy Hacket Brambery |
1985 |
None |
93 |
Folder 60: "A Reconstruction of the Mortuary Component at the Airport Site, Illinois" by Donna C. Roper- Preliminary draft |
None |
94 |
Folder 61: A High Altitude Middle Archaic Site in Lake County, Colorado by Donna C. Roper |
1986 |
None |
95 |
Folder 62: Current Research in the Pleistocene |
1987-2002 |
None |
96 |
Folder 64: "Grinding Stones in Plains Paleoindian Sites: The Case for Pigment Processing" by Donna C. Roper |
1988 |
None |
97 |
Folder 11: "Report on Mortuary Context, Grave Good Association, and Cultural Affiliation of Human Remains at the Smithsonian Institution Claimed by the Pawnee Tribe" Roper |
1993 |
None |
98 |
Folder 65: "Malachite and Turquoise Artifacts from Upper Republican Sites in Nebraska" by Donna C. Roper |
1988 |
None |
99 |
Folder 1: American Anthropology, "The Role of Graphic Analysis of Quantitative Data: A Brief Comment on Behren's Review of <emph render='underline'>The Visual Display of Quantitative Information</emph>" by Donna C. Roper |
1989 |
None |
100 |
Folder 2: "Red Ochre Use on the Plains during the Paleoindian Period" by Donna C. Roper, <emph render='italic'>Mammoth Trumpet</emph>, Vol. 5, No. 3 |
1989 |
None |
101 |
Folder 3: Southwestern Lore Vol. 56, No.4 |
1990 |
None |
102 |
Folder 4: "A Comparison of Contexts of Red Ochre use in Paleoindian and Upper Paleolithic Sites" by Donna C. Roper |
1991 |
None |
103 |
Folder 5: "John Dunbar's Journal of the 1834-5 Chawi Winter Hunt and its Implications for Pawnee Archaeology" by Donna C. Roper |
1991 |
None |
104 |
Folder 6: North American Archaeologist |
1991, 1994 |
None |
105 |
Folder 7: "Protohistoric Pawnee Hunting in the Nebraska Sand Hills" for Plains Anthropologist |
1991 |
None |
106 |
Folder 8: Central Plains House/Households Research |
1992 |
None |
107 |
Folder 9: "A Reconsideration of the Mortuary Component at the Airport Site, Illinois" by Donna C. Roper |
1992 |
None |
108 |
Folder 10: "A Note on the Quail and the Pawnee" by Donna C. Roper |
1993 |
None |
109 |
Folder 22: Plain Village Archaeology Manuscript |
2007 |
None |
110 |
Folder 20: Frederick H. Sterns and the Portrayal of Variation in Central Plains Pottery by Donna C. Roper |
2007 |
None |
111 |
Folder 39: "Observations on Raw Material Selection in Sheridan County" by Ann M. Johnson and Donna C. Roper |
None |
112 |
Folder 38: Schudel Site 25GY12 Report |
1986 |
None |
113 |
Folder 28: Survey for an Upgrades Project to Martin Johnson Airport, Chanute, Neosho County, KS |
2014 |
None |
114 |
Folder 29: Archaeological Research in a Cultural Resource Program in the Norden Reservoir |
N/A |
None |
115 |
Folder 30: The Great Bend Variant and Its Phases: A Revision of Great Bend Aspect Systematics by Marlin F. Hawley |
N/A |
None |
116 |
Folder 31: Lithic Analysis of 25FT30 by Alex Martin |
N/A |
None |
117 |
Folder 32: Plain Pots: A Study of Late Woodland Pottery in Central Alabama by Jason Mann and Richard Krause |
N/A |
None |
118 |
Folder 33: Source Analysis of Central Plains Tradition Pottery Using Neuron Activation Analysis: Feasibility and First Results |
N/A |
None |
119 |
Folder 34: Archaic Adaptations in the Central Osage River Basin: A Preliminary Assessment by Janet E. Joyer and Donna C. Roper |
1977 |
None |
120 |
Folder 35: Harry S. Truman Archaeological Project Lithic Laboratory Procedures Manual compiled by P. Briney et al. |
1979 |
None |
121 |
Folder 36: Building a Microcomputer Program Library: One Archaeologist's Memoir by Donna C. Roper |
1983 |
None |
122 |
Folder 37: Ozarks Erosion |
1983 |
None |
123 |
Folder 39: Test Excavations at 25GY12, Scotia Canal, Greeley County, Nebraska by Donna Roper and Timothy Weston |
1986 |
None |
124 |
Folder 26: Survey for a Proposed Sewer Improvement Project, Atwood, KS |
2013 |
None |
125 |
Folder 40: The Culture History of Ochre on the Plains by Donna Roper |
1987 |
None |
126 |
Folder 41: Investigations at 25FT169 - Chapter 5 |
1987 |
None |
127 |
Folder 1: Publishing Plains Archaeology: An Analysis of Participation Trends, 1971-1985 |
1987 |
None |
128 |
Folder 2: Investigations at 25FT167 - Chapter 4 |
1989 |
None |
129 |
Folder 3: Archaeological Testing of Four Sites Harry Strunk Lake Frontier County, Nebraska |
1990 |
None |
130 |
Folder 4: Artifact Assemblage Composition and the Hunting Camp Interpretation of High Plains Upper Republican Sites 1 of 2 |
1990 |
None |
131 |
Folder 5: Artifact Assemblage Composition and the Hunting Camp Interpretation of High Plains Upper Republican Sites 2 of 2 |
1990 |
None |
132 |
Folder 6: John Dunbar's Journal of the 1834-1835 Chawi Winter Hunt and its Implications for Pawnee Archaeology |
1990 |
None |
133 |
Folder 7: The Lower North Loup River Valley, NE |
1990 |
None |
134 |
Folder 8: Case Studies in Archaeology |
1991 |
None |
135 |
Folder 9: John Dunbar's Journal of the 1834-1835 Chawi Winter Hunt and Its Implications for Pawnee Archaeology |
1991 |
None |
136 |
Folder 27: Survey for an Upgrades Project to the Augusta Municipal Airport, Augusta, Butler County, KS |
2013 |
None |
137 |
Folder 25: 14RP1 |
2013 |
None |
138 |
Folder 11: Archaeological Investigations at the Marvin Colson Site, 25FT158 Frontier County, NE - unedited draft pages 129-255 |
1992 |
None |
139 |
Folder 11: Studying Social Organization in the Western Central Plains Tradition using Ceramics by Donna Roper |
2007 |
None |
140 |
Folder 28: Survey on the Billips #1 Oil Subordination, Graham Co., KS |
2004 |
None |
141 |
Folder 1: Survey on the Peltzer and Orth Subdivision, Andale, Ks |
2004 |
None |
142 |
Folder 2: Survey for the Gilmore Creek Wetland Project in the Council Grove Wildlife Area, Morris County, KS |
2005 |
None |
143 |
Folder 3: Survey for the Golf Course Development Utility Improvements Project, Newton, KS |
2005 |
None |
144 |
Folder 4: Survey for the Proposed Wastewater Lagoon Improvements Project, Westmoreland, KS |
2005 |
None |
145 |
Folder 5: Survey for the Upper Little Arkansas River Watershed Floodwater Retarding Dam #26, Rice County, KS |
2005 |
None |
146 |
Folder 6: Rethinking the Analysis of Western Central Plains Tradition Ceramics by Donna Roper |
2005 |
None |
147 |
Folder 7: Survey for the Drinking Water Project, RWD #2, Elk County, KS |
2006 |
None |
148 |
Folder 8: Survey for the Meadowlark Hills Construction Project Manhattan, Riley County, KS |
2006 |
None |
149 |
Folder 9: Survey for the No.1 New Rural Water District, Phillipsburg, KS |
2006 |
None |
150 |
Folder 10: Survey for the Rural Water District #1 Waterlines Replacement Project, Greenwood County, KS |
2006 |
None |
151 |
Folder 12: Survey and Phase III Investigations for the Wastewater Treatment Facilities Improvements Project, Alma, KS |
2007 |
None |
152 |
Folder 24: Survey for a Wastewater System Improvements Project, City of Rush Center, Rush County, KS |
2012 |
None |
153 |
Folder 13: Surveys on a Proposed Cell Tower Location near Victoria and Ellis County, KS |
2007 |
None |
154 |
Folder 14: Survey on Two Proposed Cell Tower Locations, Graham County and Finney County, KS |
2007 |
None |
155 |
Folder 15: Survey for a Water Supply Additions Project, Rooks County RWD #3, KS |
2007 |
None |
156 |
Folder 16: Survey for a Waterline Improvements Project, Shawnee County, KS |
2007 |
None |
157 |
Folder 17: Survey for a Water Treatment Plant, Lecompton, KS |
2007 |
None |
158 |
Folder 18: Survey for the Sewer Improvements Project Blue Township, Pottawatomie County, KS |
2009 |
None |
159 |
Folder 19: Survey for the Water Well Improvements Project Rooks Co., RWD #3, KS |
2009 |
None |
160 |
Folder 20: Ceramic Geography and the Social Formations of the Smoky Hill Phase, East-Central Kansas: Results of Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis of Grit and Sand Tempered Pottery by Robert Speakman |
2010 |
None |
161 |
Folder 21: Survey for the Water Development Project, RWD #6, Doniphan Co., KS |
2010 |
None |
162 |
Folder 22: Survey for the Watersystem Improvements Project, Anthony, Harper County, KS |
2010 |
None |
163 |
Folder 23: Survey for the Grade Stabilization Detention Dam Project, Douglas County, KS |
2012 |
None |
164 |
Folder 10: Archaeological Investigations at the Marvin Colson Site, 25FT158 Frontier County, NE - unedited draft pages 1-128 |
1992 |
None |
165 |
Folder 12: Archaeological Investigations at the Marvin Colson Site, 25FT158 Frontier County, NE - edited draft pages 1-128 |
1992 |
None |
166 |
Folder 19: The Origins and Expansion of the Central Plains Tradition by Donna C. Roper |
2006 |
None |
167 |
Folder 6: The Randolph Phase in Southern Iowa by Donna Roper |
2001 |
None |
168 |
Folder 18: "Lessons, from an Earthlodge: An Observational Study of Deterioration in a Replica North American Plains Earthlodge" Donna Roper |
1999 |
None |
169 |
Folder 19: "Lower Loup Phase Pottery in Great Bend Aspect Sites" by Donna Roper |
1999 |
None |
170 |
Folder 20: Archaeological Investigations on a Portion of 14MN515, A Great Bend Aspect Village- Marion, KS pages 1-143 |
2000 |
None |
171 |
Folder 21: Archaeological Investigations on a Portion of 14MN515, A Great Bend Aspect Village Site- Marion, KS pages 144-267 |
2000 |
None |
172 |
Folder 22: Archaeological Investigations on a Portion of 14MN515, A Great Bend Aspect Village Site- Marion, Ks Draft |
2000 |
None |
173 |
Folder 1: Cambria |
2000 |
None |
174 |
Folder 2: "....Its Turtles All The Way Down": Pre-Federal Upper Republican Site Archaeology at Medicine Creek by Donna Roper |
2000 |
None |
175 |
Folder 3: KAA's Reynolds Fund Supports Radiocarbon Dating of the Great Bend Occupation at Marion by Donna Roper |
2000 |
None |
176 |
Folder 4: Macy Site 14RY38 |
2000 |
None |
177 |
Folder 5: House Floor Wear and Accurate House Floor Excavation: A Nebraska Case Study by Donna Roper |
2001 |
None |
178 |
Folder 7: From Loess Plains to High Plains: The Westward Migration of Upper Republican Pots in Nebraska, Colorado, and Wyoming by Anne M Cobry and Donna C. Roper |
2002 |
None |
179 |
Folder 16: 25LP8 Obsidian Source Analysis |
1999 |
None |
180 |
Folder 8: The Pawnee in Kansas: Ethnohistory and Archaeology by Donna C. Roper |
2002 |
None |
181 |
Folder 9: Pedro Vial at the Pawnee Village, 1793 |
2002 |
None |
182 |
Folder 10: The Pawnee in Kansas: Ethnohistory and Archaeology by Donna C. Roper |
2002 |
None |
183 |
Folder 11: The Whiteford Family of Saline: Mid-Twentieth Century Avocational Archaeologists |
2002 |
None |
184 |
Folder 12: A New Analysis of Salina's Indian Burial Pit |
2004 |
None |
185 |
Folder 13: Central Plains Tradition |
2005 |
None |
186 |
Folder 14: The Origins and Expansion of the Central Plains Tradition by Donna C. Roper |
2005 |
None |
187 |
Folder 15: 100° W Longitude: Exploring Cultural dynamics at the Western Edge of the Central Plains Tradition by Donna C. Roper |
2006 |
None |
188 |
Folder 16: Source Analysis of Central Plains Tradition Pottery Using Neutron Activation Analysis: Feasibility and First Results by Donna C. Roper |
2006 |
None |
189 |
Folder 17: The Effect of the Direct Historical Approach on the Development of Theory in Plains Archaeology: A Comment on Mitchell's Analysis of the MBP Legacy by Donna C. Roper |
2006 |
None |
190 |
Folder 18: The House with 49 Abraders: Implications for Interactions on the Central Plains by Donna C. Roper |
2006 |
None |
191 |
Folder 17: Earthlodge manuscripts, notes, and data |
1999 |
None |
192 |
Folder 15: "The Schudel Site Complex: Early Archaic Occupation in the North Loup River Valley" by Donna Roper |
1998 |
None |
193 |
Folder 13: Archaeological Investigations at the Marvin Colson Site, 25FT158 Frontier County, NE - edited draft pages 129-255 |
1992 |
None |
194 |
Folder 1: Survey of Selected Segments of a Proposed Waterline- Greenwood and Lyon Counties, KS |
1994 |
None |
195 |
Folder 14: Archaeological Investigations at the Marvin Colson Site, 25FT158 Frontier County, NE |
1992 |
None |
196 |
Folder 15: On the Explanation of Variability in Central Plains Tradition Faunal Assemblage by Donna Roper |
1992 |
None |
197 |
Folder 16: Phase III Investigations at 13LC17, A Randolph Phase Winter Camp in the White Breast Creek Valley, Lucas County, Iowa, Introduction and Correspondence |
1992 |
None |
198 |
Folder 17: Phase III Investigations at 13LC17, A Randolph Phase Winter Camp in the White Breast Creek Valley, Lucas County, Iowa, Chapters 1-6 |
1992 |
None |
199 |
Folder 18: Protohistoric Pawnee Hunting - Documentary Data |
1992 |
None |
200 |
Folder 19: Archaeology Data Base System (ARCH.DB): Documentation and Procedures by Melody Pope and Thomas Killion |
1993 |
None |
201 |
Folder 20: Central Plains Tradition Mortuary Practices: A Review by Donna Roper |
1993 |
None |
202 |
Folder 21: A Cultural History of the Pawnee by Donna Roper |
1993 |
None |
203 |
Folder 22: The Material Culture of 25DS21, A Lower Loup Hunting Camp in the Platte River Valley by Donna Roper |
1993 |
None |
204 |
Folder 23: Pawnee Ancestry A Position Statement by Donna Roper |
1993 |
None |
205 |
Folder 24: Reassessment of Some Radiocarbon Dates from the Central Plains by Donald Blakeslee |
1994 |
None |
206 |
Folder 2: The Schudel Site, 25GY12, an Early Plains Archaic Site in Greeley County, Nebraska- Draft Report |
1994 |
None |
207 |
Folder 14: The Paleoindian Occupation of the Plains, Clovis and Pre-Clovis sites |
1998 |
None |
208 |
Folder 3: "The Schudel Site (25GY12): An Early Plains Archaic Site in Greeley County, Nebraska" by Donna C. Roper |
1994 |
None |
209 |
Folder 4: "A Field Test of the Probability Model for Cultural Resources at Fort Riley, Kansas" Floyd B. Largent Jr. and Philip R. White |
1995 |
None |
210 |
Folder 5: Quivira |
1995 |
None |
211 |
Folder 6: Survey of the East Marion Interceptor Sewer Project- Marion, KS |
1995 |
None |
212 |
Folder 7: Draft of "Northern Plains Woodland" section for <emph render='underline'>Plains Anthropologist</emph> |
1996 |
None |
213 |
Folder 8: East Marion Interceptor Sewer Project- 14MN515 Phase 3 Report Draft- Marion, KS |
1996 |
None |
214 |
Folder 9: "Prehistoric Ceramic Technology and Physical Properties of Soils: An Analysis of Three Potential Pottery Clays from Logan and Wallace Counties, Kansas" by Margaret Beck |
1996 |
None |
215 |
Folder 10: Reanalysis of the Ceramic Assemblages of Three Houses at Minneapolis (14OT5) |
1996 |
None |
216 |
Folder 11: Archaeological Survey for the Land Conditions Trend Analysis (LCTA) Program, Fort Riley, KS |
1997 |
None |
217 |
Folder 12: "Coronado's Harahey Was Not the Pawnee" Donna Roper |
1998 |
None |
218 |
Folder 13: "On Coalescent and Lower Loup Hunting Camp Sites in Nebraska" Donna Roper |
1998 |
None |
219 |
Folder 38: "On the Explanation of Variability in Central Plains Tradition Faunal Assemblages" by Donna C. Roper |
None |
220 |
Folder 40: "Spatial Dynamics and Historic Process in the Central Plains Tradition" by Donna C. Roper- Drafts |
None |
221 |
Folder 26: Phase III Archaeological Investigations of the Two Sites on the Proposed State Veterans Cemetery, Fort Riley, Riley County, KS |
2004 |
None |
222 |
Folder 70: Review of Collin Calloway's "One Vast Winter Count: The American War Before Lewis Clark" |
2002 |
None |
223 |
Folder 60: Review of "The Leon River Medicine Wheel: An Assessment and Analyses" by J. Michael Quigg et al |
1996 |
None |
224 |
Folder 61: Review of "North American Indian Anthropology: Essays on Society and Culture" by Raymond Demallie and Alfonso Ortiz |
1996 |
None |
225 |
Folder 62: Review of "Archaeology and Paleocology of the Central Great Plains" by Jack L. Hoffman |
1998 |
None |
226 |
Folder 63: Request to review Fort Riley Commemorative Plaque |
1999 |
None |
227 |
Folder 64: Research project review criteria |
1999 |
None |
228 |
Folder 65: Review of "La Harpe's Post" by George Odell |
2000 |
None |
229 |
Folder 66: Review for the Journal of the West |
2001 |
None |
230 |
Folder 67: Review of "Iowa's Archaeological Past" |
2001 |
None |
231 |
Folder 68: Plains Anthropologist Review of "An Inventory and Analyses of Ceramics from Sites on the Fort Carson Military Base" |
2002 |
None |
232 |
Folder 69: Review of "Barbarian Hammer: Bison Hunting, Farming, and Social Change on the Late Prehistoric Southern Plains" by Susan C. Vehik |
2002 |
None |
233 |
Folder 71: Review of "Islands in the Plains: Ecological, Social, and Ritual Use of Landscapes" edited by Marcel Komfeld and AlanJ. Osborn |
2002 |
None |
234 |
Folder 58: "The Spreen Cache: A Case Study of a Prehistoric Curated Collection of Broken Tools from 41N108, Runnels County, Texas" |
1995 |
None |
235 |
Folder 72: Review of "Phase III Archaeological Evaluation of Site 14D0333, Douglas County, KS" |
2002 |
None |
236 |
Folder 73: Review of "Gateway to the Past: The Prehistoric Cultures of St. Louis, Missouri" by Joel Harl |
2007 |
None |
237 |
Folder 74: Review of "Archaeological Investigations at Arkansas City, Kansas" |
2009 |
None |
238 |
Folder 75: "The Formation of Late Prehistoric Household Assemblages in the Central Great Plains" by Brad Logan |
2010 |
None |
239 |
Folder 76: National Historic Landmark Nomination for Davis Oriole Earthlodge Site |
2010 |
None |
240 |
Folder 77: Manuscript Review |
2011 |
None |
241 |
Folder 78: Manuscript Review Comments |
None |
242 |
Folder 79: National Register of Historic Places Inventory- Nomination Form, Frontier County, NE |
None |
243 |
Folder 80: Prehistoric Cultural Continuity in the Missouri Ozarks the Truman Reservoir Project |
None |
244 |
Folder 81: Review of "Captured Heritage: The Scramble for Northwest Coast Artifacts" by David Cole |
None |
245 |
Folder 82: Review Comments on "Phase IV Archaeological Investigations at 14RY38: A Late Archaic/Early Ceramic Campsite Near Manhattan, Riley County, Kansas by Christopher Benison" |
None |
246 |
Folder 59: Review of "Archaeological Pottery of Colorado: Ceramic Clues to Prehistoric and Protohistoric Lives of the State's Native Peoples" by Susan Chandler, Robert Brunswig and Bruce Bradley |
1996 |
None |
247 |
Folder 57: Review of "Some Things are Not Forgotten: A Pawnee Native" by Martha Royce Blaine |
1995 |
None |
248 |
Folder 84: Review of "Deerskins and Hunting territories" by Richard Michael Gramly |
None |
249 |
Folder 43: Review of "Objects of Change: The Archaeology and History of Arikara Contact with Europeans" by J. Daniel Rogers |
1991 |
None |
250 |
Folder 32: Comments on "Site Distribution, Environmental Adaptation, and Environmental Change along the Northern Edge of the Prairie Peninsula" by James W. Springer |
1982 |
None |
251 |
Folder 33: Review of <emph render='underline'>Archaeology in Kansas</emph> by Patricia J. O'Brien |
1985 |
None |
252 |
Folder 34: Review of "Faunal Exploitation and Resource Selection: Early Late Woodland Subsistence in the Lower Illinois River Valley" by Bonnie Whatley Styles |
1986 |
None |
253 |
Folder 35: Review of "The Effects of CRM: A Socialhistorical Perspective of the Department of Anthropology, University of Nebraska of Lincoln" |
1987 |
None |
254 |
Folder 36: Review of "Missouri National Recreational River: Native American Cultural Resources" by John Ludwickson, Donald Blakeslee, John O'Shea |
1987 |
None |
255 |
Folder 37: Review of "Variation in the St. Helena Phase of Northeastern Nebraska" by James R. Wettstaed |
1987 |
None |
256 |
Folder 38: Review of "Geographic Information Systems in Plains Archaeology: The Potential of a New Technology" by Kenneth L. Kvamme |
1989 |
None |
257 |
Folder 39: Review of "The Hopewell Site: A Contemporary Analysis Based on the Work of Charles C. Willoughby" by N'omi Greber and Katherine |
1990 |
None |
258 |
Folder 40: Review of "The Big Buffalo Hunt of 1684: An Episode from the History of the South Plains" Nancy P. Hickerson |
1991 |
None |
259 |
Folder 41: Review of "Computer Cartography and the Validity of Surface Site Sampling" by Hassle and Day |
1991 |
None |
260 |
Folder 42: Review of "Early Holocene Domestic Dog Burials from the North American Midwest" by Dr. D. Marey and Dr. M. Wiant |
1991 |
None |
261 |
Folder 44: Commentary on "Guidelines for Geomorphological Investigations in Support of Archaeological Investigations in Iowa" by E. Arthur Bettis III |
1992 |
None |
262 |
Folder 56: Review of "Evidence for Archaic Lithic Craft Specialization on the Western Gulf Coastal Plain: a Flintknapper's Kit from Morhiss (41VT1) by Helen Dockall and John Dockall |
1995 |
None |
263 |
Folder 45: Review of "The Buffalo People: Prehistoric Archaeology on the Canadian Plains" by Liz Bryan |
1992 |
None |
264 |
Folder 46: Review of "Catchment Analysis and Linear Reduction Systems in Lithic Studies" by Harry J. Shafer |
1992 |
None |
265 |
Folder 47: Kansas Antiquities Commission |
1993 |
None |
266 |
Folder 48: Review of "Archaeological and Ethnohistory of the Omaha Indians: The Big Village Site" by John O'Shea and John Ludwickson |
1993 |
None |
267 |
Folder 49: Harry S. Truman Reservoir Sites |
1994 |
None |
268 |
Folder 50: Review of "60 Years of Southwestern Archaeology" by Richard R. Woodburg |
1994 |
None |
269 |
Folder 51: Review of "Archaeology on the Great Plains" by W. Raymond Wood |
1994 |
None |
270 |
Folder 52: Review of "The Gowen Sites: Cultural Responses to Climatic Warming on the Northern Plains" by Ernest G. Walker |
1994 |
None |
271 |
Folder 53: Review of "Long-Term Subsistence Change in Prehistoric North America" by Dale Cross, Rebecca Hawkins, Barry L. Isaac |
1994 |
None |
272 |
Folder 54: Review of "The Smithsonian and The American Indian: Making a Moral Anthropology in Victorian America" by Curtis M. Hinsley |
1994 |
None |
273 |
Folder 55: Review of "Towards an Understanding of Sedentary Cultures in the Central Plains" by Alfred E. Johnson, Brad Logan, Lauren W. Ritterbush |
1994 |
None |
274 |
Folder 83: Review of "Cultural Resources Survey of Smithville Late, Missouri Volume 1: Archaeology" |
None |
275 |
Folder 85: Review of "Geographical Distribution of Aboriginal soapstone from certain quarries..." by Holland, Pennell and Allen |
None |
276 |
Folder 30: Review of "Methodological Considerations of Surface Site Assemblage Variability" by William B. Turner |
1981 |
None |
277 |
Folder 8: Commonwealth Business Invoices |
1987 |
None |
278 |
Folder 115: Sigma Xi Kansas State University Chapter Membership |
1993 |
None |
279 |
Folder 116: Term Appointment for KSU Spring Semester 2001 |
2001 |
None |
280 |
Folder 117: Chapter 1: The Nature of Anthropology |
None |
281 |
Folder 1: Vita of Donna C. Roper |
1982 |
None |
282 |
Folder 2: Vita of Donna C. Roper |
1985-1986 |
None |
283 |
Folder 3: Curriculum Vita of Donna C. Roper |
1986 |
None |
284 |
Folder 4: Vita and letter of intent draft |
1986 |
None |
285 |
Folder 5: Vita and References for archaeology assistant professor |
1991 |
None |
286 |
Folder 6: NAPA William Duncan Strong Memorial Award |
2015 |
None |
287 |
Folder 7: Nomination of Dr. Donna C. Roper for the 2015 Distinguished Service Award of the Plains Anthropological Society |
2015 |
None |
288 |
Folder 9: Business Partnership Agreement |
1988 |
None |
289 |
Folder 113: University of Alabama Press: Royalty Statement |
2007-2008 |
None |
290 |
Folder 10: Jackson, Michigan |
1988-1992 |
None |
291 |
Folder 11: Commonwealth Cultural Resources Annual Report |
1992 |
None |
292 |
Folder 12: CCRG Call for Applicants for Full-Time Archaeologist |
None |
293 |
Folder 13: Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination Questions and Answers for Donna Roper |
1973 |
None |
294 |
Folder 14: Personal correspondence |
1976, 1998 |
None |
295 |
Folder 15: Donna's Dog "Bonnie" |
2012 |
None |
296 |
Folder 16: The Pathfinder, 2012 |
None |
297 |
Folder 17: Oneonta High School |
1964 |
None |
298 |
Folder 18: Hartwick College |
1968 |
None |
299 |
Folder 19: Indiana University Master of Arts Diploma |
1970 |
None |
300 |
Folder 20: University of Missouri Doctor of Philosophy Diploma |
1975 |
None |
301 |
Folder 114: Term Appointment at Kansas State University |
2008 |
None |
302 |
Folder 112: Kansas Humanities Council, speakers agreement |
2002 |
None |
303 |
Folder 86: Review of "The Identification of activity loci in plough zones: an example from New York State" by Sterud, E.L., F.P., McManamon, and M. Rose |
None |
304 |
Folder 98: Holly C. Abu Daqeh (Adams) request for letter of recommendation |
1999 |
None |
305 |
Folder 87: Review of "Models, metaphor, and Analogy in Archaeology" by Patricia Erying Brown |
None |
306 |
Folder 88: Review of "Predicting Aboriginal Site Locations in the Rio Grande National Forest" by Anthony L. Klesert |
None |
307 |
Folder 89: Review of Project Proposal |
None |
308 |
Folder 90: A review of "A Regional Systematic Collection from Southern Illinois" by George J. Gumerman |
None |
309 |
Folder 91: "Terminal Pleistocene and Early Holocene Archaeology of the Interior Low Plateau Province of Eastern North America" Janice McLean |
1999 |
None |
310 |
Folder 92: "Upper Republican Lithic Assemblage Variability at Medicine Creek Reservoir Nebraska" by Jennifer Noelle Macy Thesis |
2002 |
None |
311 |
Folder 93: "Comments on Roche Lindsey Thesis Draft" by Donna C. Roper |
2005 |
None |
312 |
Folder 94: "Faunal Analysis of Large Mammals from the Kansas Monument Site: a Kitkahki Pawnee Village in Republic County, Kansas" Master Thesis by Mark Volmut |
2011 |
None |
313 |
Folder 95: Letters of Recommendation and Termination |
1980 |
None |
314 |
Folder 96: Recommendation Letter for Dr. Bradley T. Lepper |
1989 |
None |
315 |
Folder 97: Letters of Recommendations |
1995 |
None |
316 |
Folder 99: Rebecca A. Osborn request for letter of recommendation |
1999 |
None |
317 |
Folder 111: Certificates of Appreciation |
2001-2011 |
None |
318 |
Folder 100: Letter of Recommendation: Jennifer Macy |
2000 |
None |
319 |
Folder 101: "Woodland Period Variability in the Midwestern Prairies"- Application for Visiting Scholar position in Eastern U.S. Archaeology |
1984 |
None |
320 |
Folder 102: Nebraska Association of Professional Archaeologists |
1986-2013 |
None |
321 |
Folder 103: Nebraska State Historical Society Meeting |
1986 |
None |
322 |
Folder 104: Personal Correspondence |
1988 |
None |
323 |
Folder 105: Nomination for the Plains Anthropological Society Board of Directors |
1989 |
None |
324 |
Folder 106: Distinguished Graduate Faculty Award for Patricia J. O'Brien |
1990 |
None |
325 |
Folder 107: Nomination for Sigma Xi Outstanding Scientist for Patricia J. O'Brien |
1990 |
None |
326 |
Folder 108: Farewell Poem for CCRG |
1991 |
None |
327 |
Folder 109: Archaeological Association of South Central Kansas |
1998 |
None |
328 |
Folder 110: Kansas Humanities Council Speakers Bureau |
2000-2001 |
None |
329 |
Folder 31: Review of "Plowzone Archaeology: Contributions to Theory and Technique" edited by Michael J. O'brien and Dennis E. Lewarch |
1981 |
None |
330 |
Folder 29: Review of "Catchment Analysis: Essays in Prehistoric Resource Space" by Frank J. Findlaw and Jonathon E. Ericson |
1981 |
None |
331 |
Folder 41: "The Woodland Period in the Ozarks- the Concepts, its History, and its Place in Prehistory" by Donna C. Roper |
None |
332 |
Folder 24: Plains Conference |
1996 |
None |
333 |
Folder 14: Society for American Archaeology |
1991 |
None |
334 |
Folder 15: Plains Conference |
1992 |
None |
335 |
Folder 16: Society for American Anthropology |
1992 |
None |
336 |
Folder 17: Flint Hills Conference |
1993 |
None |
337 |
Folder 18: Flint Hills Conference 1994 |
1994 |
None |
338 |
Folder 19: Plains Conference |
1994 |
None |
339 |
Folder 20: Flint Hills Conference |
1995 |
None |
340 |
Folder 21: Modeling Social Relationships through Ceramic Analysis: A Case Study from the Central Plains by Margaret Beck, 1995 Plains Conference |
1995 |
None |
341 |
Folder 22: Some Erroneous Notions about Calescent Bison Hunting Camp Sites in Nebraska |
1995 |
None |
342 |
Folder 23: Flint Hills Archaeological Conference |
1996 |
None |
343 |
Folder 25: Medicine Creek Conference |
1997 |
None |
344 |
Folder 12: Plains Conference |
1991 |
None |
345 |
Folder 26: Plains Conference |
1997 |
None |
346 |
Folder 27: Flint Hills Archaeological Conference |
1999 |
None |
347 |
Folder 28: Plains Anthropological Conference "Upper Republican Farmstead Organization in the Medicine Creek Valley, Nebraska" by Donna Roper |
1999 |
None |
348 |
Folder 29: Santa Fe Trail Symposium |
1999 |
None |
349 |
Folder 30: Flint Hills Conference |
2000 |
None |
350 |
Folder 31: Kansas Archaeology Week "An Archaeologist Looks at Coronado's 1541 visit to Central Kansas" |
2000 |
None |
351 |
Folder 32: Flint Hills Archaeological Conference |
2002 |
None |
352 |
Folder 33: KATP |
2002 |
None |
353 |
Folder 34: KHC Speakers Bureau |
2002 |
None |
354 |
Folder 35: Plains Conference |
2002 |
None |
355 |
Folder 36: Society for American Archaeology |
2002 |
None |
356 |
Folder 13: Quantitative and Graphical Spatial Analysis of a Hearth-based Depositional Model for the Koster Site, Greene County, IL |
1991 |
None |
357 |
Folder 11: Flint Hills Conference |
1991 |
None |
358 |
Folder 38: Flint Hills Archaeological Conference |
2004 |
None |
359 |
Folder 53: Society for American Archaeology |
1985 |
None |
360 |
Folder 42: Plains Conference: "The Truman Reservoir Survey: Approach and Preliminary Results" Donna C. Roper |
1975 |
None |
361 |
Folder 43: Society for American Anthropology |
1978 |
None |
362 |
Folder 44: Western Ozarks Research Consortium (Harry S. Truman Dam) |
1978 |
None |
363 |
Folder 45: Plains Conference |
1979 |
None |
364 |
Folder 46: Flint Hills Conference |
1980 |
None |
365 |
Folder 47: Plains Conference |
1982 |
None |
366 |
Folder 48: Society for American Archaeology |
1982 |
None |
367 |
Folder 49: Plains Conference |
1984 |
None |
368 |
Folder 50: Flint Hills Conference |
1985 |
None |
369 |
Folder 51: Plains Conference |
1985 |
None |
370 |
Folder 52: Presentation on the Use of Ethnographic Record, Case Study: 25LP8 |
1985 |
None |
371 |
Folder 54: "And Krober Said... and It Was So: Perceptions of the Role of the Horse in Plains Indian Culture"- Plains Conference |
1986 |
None |
372 |
Folder 10: Ethnological Conceptions of the Role of the Horse and Development of Central Plains Archaeology by Donna C. Roper |
1991 |
None |
373 |
Folder 55: Plains Conference |
1986 |
None |
374 |
Folder 56: Society for American Archaeology |
1986 |
None |
375 |
Folder 1: Influence of the Horse in Plains Hunting |
1987 |
None |
376 |
Folder 2: Plains Conference 1987 |
1987 |
None |
377 |
Folder 3: Flint Hills Conference |
1988 |
None |
378 |
Folder 4: Plains Conference 1988 |
1988 |
None |
379 |
Folder 5: Plains Conference Field Trip |
1988 |
None |
380 |
Folder 6: Flint Hills Conference 1989 |
1989 |
None |
381 |
Folder 7: Society for American Archaeology |
1989 |
None |
382 |
Folder 8: Flint Hills Conference |
1990 |
None |
383 |
Folder 9: Plains Conference |
1990 |
None |
384 |
Folder 37: Plains Conference |
2003 |
None |
385 |
Folder 39: Plains Conference 2004 |
2004 |
None |
386 |
Folder 28: Review of "Testing the Hypothesis of Paleo-Indian-Archaic Point Devolution" by Kenneth C. Reid |
1980 |
None |
387 |
Folder 15: Review of "Scarification and Cultural Resources" by Joseph G. Gallagher |
1978 |
None |
388 |
Folder 5: Thank You Cards |
N/A |
None |
389 |
Folder 6: Master Reference List |
N/A |
None |
390 |
Folder 7: References for Strunk Testing and 4 Sites Testing |
N/A |
None |
391 |
Folder 8: Book review for Archaeology for Dummies |
2009 |
None |
392 |
Folder 9: Across Atlantic Ice: The Origins of America's Clovis Culture by Dennis J. Stanford and Bruce A. Bradley, reviewed by Donna C. Roper |
2012 |
None |
393 |
Folder 10: Review of the Cannon Reservoir Archaeological Project reports |
1976 |
None |
394 |
Folder 11: Review of "Nearest Neighbor" by Gregory and Shimada |
1977 |
None |
395 |
Folder 12: Review of "Optimal Location in Settlement Space" by J. Wood |
1997 |
None |
396 |
Folder 13: Little Blue Lakes Project research design |
1978 |
None |
397 |
Folder 14: Review of "The Functional Analysis of Scrapers: Problems, New Techniques, and Cautions" by Anne-Marie Cantwell |
1978 |
None |
398 |
Folder 16: Review comments on Five Predictive Models Report |
1979 |
None |
399 |
Folder 3: Plains Anthropological Freshwater Mussel Conference |
N/A |
None |
400 |
Folder 17: Review of the Ammerman and Kintigh paper by Michael B. Schiffer |
1979 |
None |
401 |
Folder 18: Review of "A Cultural Resource Survey of the Phase III Portion of the Spring Branch-Bundshu Sewer Project in Jackson County, Missouri" by the Iroquois Research Institute |
1979 |
None |
402 |
Folder 19: Review of "A Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Liberty, Missouri Airport" |
1979 |
None |
403 |
Folder 20: Review of "Predictive Cultural Resources in the St. Francis River Basin: A Research Design" by Iroquois Research Institute |
1979 |
None |
404 |
Folder 21: Review of "The Relationship of Surface to Subsurface Material at the Murphy Site, Saline County, Illinois" by Mark Lynch |
None |
405 |
Folder 22: Review of "Research Design for Pre-Historic Archaeological Reconnaissance in the Harry S. Truman Reservoir" by the Iroquois Research Institute |
1979 |
None |
406 |
Folder 23: Review of "The Significance of Dart Point Stem Breakage" by L.W. Patterson |
1979 |
None |
407 |
Folder 24: Review of "A Survey Level Report of Ditch 24 Channel Enlargement Project, Stoddard County, Missouri" By Iroquois Research Institute |
1979 |
None |
408 |
Folder 25: Review of "A Trace Element Analysis of Several Middle Woodland Silver Artifacts and Native Silver Ores" (1976) by Christopher Maurer, Dennis O'Boyle, and Thomas Riley |
1979 |
None |
409 |
Folder 26: Review of "Mississippian Settlement Patterns" by Bruce D. Smith |
1980 |
None |
410 |
Folder 27: Review of "The Research Design for Archaeological Reconnaissance and Survey for Prehistoric Resources within the Ten Year Floodpod, Harry S. Truman Dam and Reservoir, Missouri" by Richard L. Taylor |
1980 |
None |
411 |
Folder 4: Trend-Surface Analysis Comments and Correspondence with Plains Anthropology |
N/A |
None |
412 |
Folder 2: Odessa Yates 34BV100 |
N/A |
None |
413 |
Folder 40: Plains Conference |
2006 |
None |
414 |
Folder 52: Flint Hills Discovery Center |
2012 |
None |
415 |
Folder 41: Society for American Anthropology |
2007 |
None |
416 |
Folder 42: Plains Conference Shell Tempered Pottery |
2007 |
None |
417 |
Folder 43: Flint Hills Conference |
2007 |
None |
418 |
Folder 44: Plains Conference |
2008 |
None |
419 |
Folder 45: Plains Conference |
2009 |
None |
420 |
Folder 46: Central Plains Workshop |
2010 |
None |
421 |
Folder 47: Society for American Archaeology Conference |
2010 |
None |
422 |
Folder 48: Plains Conference "Examining Pottery's Role in Central Plains Tradition Floodways" Current Investigations of Upper Republican Sites in the Red Willow Creek Valley, Nebraska |
2011 |
None |
423 |
Folder 49: Medicine Creek Conference |
1997 |
None |
424 |
Folder 50: Stillman Cemetery Dedication and Re-interment, Manhattan, KS |
2007 |
None |
425 |
Folder 51: Central Community College - Columbus Nebraska Workshop |
2011 |
None |
426 |
Folder 53: Newspaper Articles featuring Donna Roper |
N/A |
None |
427 |
Folder 1: Misc. Correspondence |
N/A |
None |
428 |
Folder 54: Publications naming Donna Roper |
N/A |
None |
429 |
Folder 55: Cancellation and Appointment of Contracting Officer's Technical Representative for Contract No. 3-CS-70-00620 for Cultural Resource Services for the Lower Missouri Region |
1988 |
None |
430 |
Folder 56: Correspondence |
1990-2002 |
None |
431 |
Folder 57: General Correspondence |
1992-1994 |
None |
432 |
Folder 58: Pawnee Culture-History |
1993 |
None |
433 |
Folder 59: 25FT22 House Excavation |
1995 |
None |
434 |
Folder 60: 1987 Artifact Catalog of 25FT22 and 25FT30 |
1997 |
None |
435 |
Folder 61: NAGPRA |
2000-2002 |
None |
436 |
Folder 62: Pikes Peak Vessel Correspondence |
2002 |
None |
437 |
Folder 63: Correspondence |
N/A |
None |
438 |
Folder 64: Correspondence for Plains Anthropology Book |
NA |
None |
439 |
Folder 27: Survey for the Koch and Company, Inc. Addition Project Seneca, Nemaha County, Kansas |
2004 |
None |
440 |
Folder 25: Evaluation of Site 14NT201 for the Water Supply Improvements Project, Almena, Norton County, KS |
2004 |
None |
441 |
Folder 2: Correspondence |
1979-2012 |
None |
442 |
Folder 38: University of Washington- Quaternary Isotope Lab- Kansas City area Early Woodland dates |
1993 |
None |
443 |
Folder 28: Colson Body Sherds |
1985-1986 |
None |
444 |
Folder 29: Cultural Resource Survey in Harlan County, Furnas County, and Scottsbluff County, NE |
1985 |
None |
445 |
Folder 30: Northern Loup- C-14 Dating |
1985 |
None |
446 |
Folder 31: Salina Burial Pit |
1985 |
None |
447 |
Folder 32: Hematite Use in Plains and Prairies |
1987 |
None |
448 |
Folder 33: Kansas City District, Corps of Engineers Cultural Resources Reports |
1991 |
None |
449 |
Folder 34: Pawnee Culture- History Data Base |
1993 |
None |
450 |
Folder 35: University of Washington- Quaternary Isotope Lab |
1993 |
None |
451 |
Folder 36: University of Washington- Quaternary Isotope Lab- Bluff Creek, Wilmore, and Pratt phase dates |
1993 |
None |
452 |
Folder 37: University of Washington- Quaternary Isotope Lab- Clovis |
1993 |
None |
453 |
Folder 39: University of Washington- Quaternary Isotope Lab- Manhattan area "Schultz focus" dates (Woodland) |
1993 |
None |
454 |
Folder 26: Hiawatha and Ottawa National Forests Location Data |
1981 |
None |
455 |
Folder 40: University of Washington- Quaternary Isotope Lab Mill Creek Dates |
1993 |
None |
456 |
Folder 41: University of Washington- Quaternary Isotope Lab- Monte Verde MV-II cultural dates |
1993 |
None |
457 |
Folder 42: University of Washington- Quaternary Isotope Lab- Oneota dates |
1993 |
None |
458 |
Folder 43: University of Washington- Quaternary Isotope Lab- Steed-Kister phase dates |
1993 |
None |
459 |
Folder 44: University of Washington- Quaternary Isotope Lab Variant Dates |
1993 |
None |
460 |
Folder 45: Site numbers and dates |
1996 |
None |
461 |
Folder 46: Central Plains Tradition Settlement Pattern Study |
1997 |
None |
462 |
Folder 47: Montana Radiocarbon Dates Calibration Project |
1997 |
None |
463 |
Folder 48: Dancing Leaf Earth Lodge |
1998 |
None |
464 |
Folder 49: Great Bend settlement data |
1998 |
None |
465 |
Folder 50: Kansas Woodland obsidian |
2000 |
None |
466 |
Folder 27: Hiawatha National Forest- Location Analysis- Logging |
1983-1984 |
None |
467 |
Folder 25: American Antiquity Publication Trends |
1971-1985 |
None |
468 |
Folder 52: 14LA1 Pottorff site |
2003 |
None |
469 |
Folder 11: Pecos National Historic Park and other places |
2011 |
None |
470 |
Folder 58: Miscellaneous Kansas Field Journals 2001-2014 |
2001-2014 |
None |
471 |
Folder 1: Sherwood Wastewater Plant, Shawnee County, KS Maps |
2001 |
None |
472 |
Folder 2: 14FY407 Map |
2002 |
None |
473 |
Folder 3: Albert Bell Site- 14SD305- Field Journal |
2002 |
None |
474 |
Folder 4: Personal Journal of Midwest Sites |
2003-2010 |
None |
475 |
Folder 5: Redbub Estates Storage Area Phase II/III |
2003 |
None |
476 |
Folder 6: Site 14RP326 |
2003 |
None |
477 |
Folder 7: Phase III investigations for the proposed Veteran's Cemetery Fort Riley, KS |
2005 |
None |
478 |
Folder 8: Water project- Scott City, KS |
2009 |
None |
479 |
Folder 9: Tauy Creek Map |
2010 |
None |
480 |
Folder 10: Marshall County- Horseshoe Creek Watershed Maps |
2011 |
None |
481 |
Folder 12: Blosser Municipal Airport (Concordia, KS) Maps |
2013 |
None |
482 |
Folder 24: Marion Archaeological District National Register of Historic Places |
1965 |
None |
483 |
Folder 13: Trileaf cells towers- GOSAOO3229 |
2014 |
None |
484 |
Folder 14: Atchison Airport |
None |
485 |
Folder 15: Ceramics Analysis, Lab Notes, Multiple Sites |
None |
486 |
Folder 16: Colson Site specimen list |
None |
487 |
Folder 17: Excavation Grid at 33CT476 |
None |
488 |
Folder 18: Greenwood County, KS Rural Water District #3 |
None |
489 |
Folder 19: Miscellaneous site maps |
None |
490 |
Folder 20: Rural Water District #2, Elk County, KS |
None |
491 |
Folder 21: Site Maps from Harry Strunk Lake, NE |
None |
492 |
Folder 22: Vessel Sketches |
None |
493 |
Folder 23: 14LC301 |
1961 |
None |
494 |
Folder 51: Smoky Hill Museum Program Evaluation: the Indian Burial Pit |
2001 |
None |
495 |
Folder 53: 14SA403 |
2003 |
None |
496 |
Folder 56: Pomona, KS Survey Map |
1999 |
None |
497 |
Folder 37: Wichita in Kansas Kaw Lecture for 4/6/99 |
1999 |
None |
498 |
Folder 27: Unassociated Data |
N/A |
None |
499 |
Folder 28: Unknown Site - Table 7 and Table 12 |
N/A |
None |
500 |
Folder 29: Quivira/ Coronado Research |
1929 |
None |
501 |
Folder 30: Population Trends in the Central Plains Tradition Notes |
1976 |
None |
502 |
Folder 31: 25FT158/Colson Site |
1978 |
None |
503 |
Folder 32: Bison Billings Trap |
1982 |
None |
504 |
Folder 33: Survey of 6 Parcels of Land Near Pueblo Reservoir, Colorado |
1987 |
None |
505 |
Folder 34: "Response to Criticisms of my 1995 Paper" Notes |
1995 |
None |
506 |
Folder 35: Central Plains Arrow Study |
1997 |
None |
507 |
Folder 36: Bell Collection Analysis |
1999 |
None |
508 |
Folder 38: Earthlodges |
2005 |
None |
509 |
Folder 25: Multiple Site Data through Midwest |
N/A |
None |
510 |
Folder 39: Central Plains Tradition |
2007 |
None |
511 |
Folder 40: Cone Firing Research |
2009 |
None |
512 |
Folder 41: Becoming Quivirans |
N/A |
None |
513 |
Folder 42: Central Plains Tradition Research |
N/A |
None |
514 |
Folder 43: Coalescent Pottery Synonymy |
N/A |
None |
515 |
Folder 44: Cross-Cultural Codes (Ethnology) |
N/A |
None |
516 |
Folder 45: Culture Change Bibliography |
N/A |
None |
517 |
Folder 46: Depictions of the Pawnee |
N/A |
None |
518 |
Folder 47: Head Smashed In Site |
N/A |
None |
519 |
Folder 48: Medicine Creek |
N/A |
None |
520 |
Folder 49: Middle Ceramic Period - Central Plains Tradition - Ceramics and Community Organization Project |
N/A |
None |
521 |
Folder 26: Petrography Study |
N/A |
None |
522 |
Folder 24: Multiple Sites Artifact Data |
N/A |
None |
523 |
Folder 54: 14SA415 |
2003 |
None |
524 |
Folder 10: Radiocarbon Dating the Upper Republican Occupation of the Medicine Creek Valley, Nebraska: A New Analysis by Donna C. Roper |
2015 |
None |
525 |
Folder 55: Albert Bell site (14SD305) |
2003 |
None |
526 |
Folder 56: Archaeological Neutron Activation Analysis from Missouri University Research Reactor |
2003-2006 |
None |
527 |
Folder 1: Central Kansas Radiocarbon Dates |
2003 |
None |
528 |
Folder 2: KUMA Schultz Collection |
2005 |
None |
529 |
Folder 3: 14RC410 Chronology-Radiocarbon dates |
2007 |
None |
530 |
Folder 4: Central Plains Tradition Ceramic Study |
2007 |
None |
531 |
Folder 5: Central Plains Tradition Chronology |
2007 |
None |
532 |
Folder 6: Radiocarbon Dates, Lists, and Calibrations |
2012 |
None |
533 |
Folder 7: Residue Dating Study |
2013 |
None |
534 |
Folder 8: Central Plains Petrography Data |
2014 |
None |
535 |
Folder 9: Contributors Authorization to Publish for Radiocarbon |
2014 |
None |
536 |
Folder 11: 25DS21 Site- artifact catalogs and radiocarbon dates |
None |
537 |
Folder 23: Meth. and Interp. in Paleo Dist. Studies |
N/A |
None |
538 |
Folder 12: 25GY12- artifact inventories |
None |
539 |
Folder 13: Colson Site body sherds |
None |
540 |
Folder 14: Blue Earth Site Artifact Catalog |
N/A |
None |
541 |
Folder 15: Bow and Arrow |
N/A |
None |
542 |
Folder 16: Bell Collection Lithics |
N/A |
None |
543 |
Folder 17: Central Plains Tradition - Whole Pottery Vessels |
N/A |
None |
544 |
Folder 18: Central Plains Spatial Dynamics |
N/A |
None |
545 |
Folder 19: Earth Lodge Data |
N/A |
None |
546 |
Folder 20: Frontier Pipeline - Site and Survey Data |
N/A |
None |
547 |
Folder 21: K.A.A. Digs and Flings |
N/A |
None |
548 |
Folder 22: Magnetometer Survey Results on Site MSS |
N/A |
None |
549 |
Folder 57: Quivira |
1999 |
None |
550 |
Folder 55: Iola Water Line Project Map |
1999 |
None |
551 |
Folder 51: Quivira Annotated Notes |
N/A |
None |
552 |
Folder 41: State of Kansas Time and Leave Document |
1997 |
None |
553 |
Folder 31: Kansas Archaeological Field School Proposal and Budget |
1995 |
None |
554 |
Folder 32: Proposal for Archaeological Services for Fort Riley, KS |
1995 |
None |
555 |
Folder 33: Proposal for Survey of Marais des Cygnes Basin Water Supply District, KS |
1995 |
None |
556 |
Folder 34: 14SH341 Request for Proposal |
1996 |
None |
557 |
Folder 35: Employee IDs and Account Info. |
1996 |
None |
558 |
Folder 36: Proposal for a Survey of Waterline between Sharon Springs and Wallace |
1996 |
None |
559 |
Folder 37: National Endowment for the Humanities Application |
1997 |
None |
560 |
Folder 38: "Proposal for Continued Fieldwork and Analysis on Upper Republican Sites Harry Strunk Lake, Frontier County, Nebraska" Donna Roper Sponsored Projects Transmittal Sheet |
1997 |
None |
561 |
Folder 39: Proposal for Survey of Pottawatomie County RWD #4 |
1997 |
None |
562 |
Folder 40: Proposal to Conduct a Survey for Sanitary Sewer System improvements- Alma, Wabaunsee Co., KS |
1997 |
None |
563 |
Folder 42: Archaeological Investigations at Medicine Creek Financial Report |
1998 |
None |
564 |
Folder 29: Signed Contract from the U.S. Army for John Tomasic |
1992 |
None |
565 |
Folder 43: Proposal for FY2001 Investigations at Medicine Creek, Harry Strunk Lake, Frontier County, NE |
1998 |
None |
566 |
Folder 44: Proposed for: 1999 Investigations in the Medicine Creek Valley |
1999 |
None |
567 |
Folder 45: Proposal to Conduct an Archaeological Survey for the Sewer Rehabilitation Project Cherryvale, Montgomery County, KS |
1999 |
None |
568 |
Folder 46: Archaeologist Investigations at Medicine Creek Reservoir, NE Modification No.011 to Cooperative Agreement |
2000 |
None |
569 |
Folder 47: Bureau of Reclamation Modification of Assistance Agreement |
2000 |
None |
570 |
Folder 48: Nebraska State Historical Society Research Grant to Reevaluate Upper Republican Phase/Sites |
2000 |
None |
571 |
Folder 49: Proposal for 2000 Investigations in the Medicine Creek Valley |
2000 |
None |
572 |
Folder 50: Proposal for Archaeological Investigations at Medicine Creek Reservoir, NE |
2000 |
None |
573 |
Folder 51: Field School Budget |
2001 |
None |
574 |
Folder 52: "Proposed Modification No.013 to Cooperative Agreement No.5-FC-60-06030 for Archaeological Investigations at Medicine Creek Reservoir, NE" |
2001 |
None |
575 |
Folder 53: Phase III investigation of 14WB301 for Fiber Optic Line Construction- Wabaunsee County, KS Contract |
2002 |
None |
576 |
Folder 30: 14SA402 Survey Correspondence |
1995 |
None |
577 |
Folder 28: Archaeological Investigations at the Marvin Colson Site, 25FT158 Frontier, NE- Task Order and Invoices |
1992 |
None |
578 |
Folder 55: KDOT Proposal |
2004 |
None |
579 |
Folder 14: National Register Evaluation of Sites Located Along the Proposed Right-of-Way for the Fuilerton and Elba Canals in Greeley and Howard Counties, Nebraska |
1988 |
None |
580 |
Folder 3: Proposal for a Cultural Resource Survey of the Mirdian Canal Laterals |
1982 |
None |
581 |
Folder 4: Proposal for a Class III Cultural Resource Survey of the Geranium Canal and Lateral System- Valley County, Nebraska |
1983 |
None |
582 |
Folder 5: Proposal for Cultural Resource Mitigation Operations at Sites 25LP7 and 25LP8- North Loup County, Nebraska |
1983 |
None |
583 |
Folder 6: Proposal for Survey of the Geranium Canal and Lateral System, Valley County, Nebraska |
1983 |
None |
584 |
Folder 7: Contract Proposal and Budget for Investigations into Fort Gibson Lake, OK |
1985 |
None |
585 |
Folder 8: Cultural Resources Services for the Lower Missouri Region- Task Orders No. 85-001 and 85-002 |
1985 |
None |
586 |
Folder 9: Request for Proposal for the Lower Missouri Region |
1985 |
None |
587 |
Folder 10: 1986 Phase 2 Excavations at Marvin Colson Site Work Order |
1987 |
None |
588 |
Folder 11: Contract for Cultural Resources Services for the Lower Missouri Region |
1988 |
None |
589 |
Folder 12: Gilbert/Commonwealth: Weekly Project Accounting Report |
1988 |
None |
590 |
Folder 13: Invoices 1988-1991 Bor Work |
1988-1991 |
None |
591 |
Folder 15: Northern Border Interconnect Pipeline Proposal, Iowa |
1988 |
None |
592 |
Folder 27: National Park Service Rocky Mountain Submittal Pack |
1991 |
None |
593 |
Folder 16: Proposal for a Data Recovery Plan for Five Archaeological Sites at Lake Red Rock, IA |
1988 |
None |
594 |
Folder 17: Proposal for a Data Recovery Plan for Fice Archaeological Sites at Lake Red Rock, IA |
1988 |
None |
595 |
Folder 18: Colson Site Job References Report |
1989 |
None |
596 |
Folder 19: Proposal for Cultural Resource Reconnaissance Survey for the Iowa Army Ammunition Plant- Burlington, Iowa |
1989 |
None |
597 |
Folder 20: Job Reference Report |
1990 |
None |
598 |
Folder 21: Nebraska Pipe Yard |
1990 |
None |
599 |
Folder 22: Northern Border Interconnect Pipeline, Iowa |
1990 |
None |
600 |
Folder 23: Proposal for Archaeological Work at Pinyon Canyon |
1990 |
None |
601 |
Folder 24: Proposal for Phase I Cultural Resources Survey Warren and Polk Counties, IA |
1990 |
None |
602 |
Folder 25: "Request by the Native American Rights Fund for Possession of Central Plains Tradition Skeletal Remains and Associated Burial Goods in the Collections of the Nebraska State Historical State" |
1990 |
None |
603 |
Folder 26: Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract from National Park Service, Rocky Mountain Region |
1991 |
None |
604 |
Folder 54: South Central Kansas Regional Medical Center Cultural Resources |
2003 |
None |
605 |
Folder 1: Proposal to Conduct a Cultural Resources Survey for the Future Leavenworth U.S. Army Reserve Center |
2004 |
None |
606 |
Folder 54: Arkansas City, KS Leeve Project |
1999 |
None |
607 |
Folder 41: NBIP |
1989 |
None |
608 |
Folder 31: 14RC410 Site Survey |
1975 |
None |
609 |
Folder 32: Multiple Site Survey Forms |
1976 |
None |
610 |
Folder 33: HST Survey Summer 1978 |
1978 |
None |
611 |
Folder 34: Williams II Site Testing Wister Lake, OK |
1983 |
None |
612 |
Folder 35: Survey of Shoreline at Merrit Reservoir, Cherry Co, NE |
1985 |
None |
613 |
Folder 36: Pueblo Reservoir Cultural Resources Location Map and Survey Forms |
1986 |
None |
614 |
Folder 37: Site 25FT158 Vandalism |
1986 |
None |
615 |
Folder 38: 25FT171 Site Survey Form and Excavation Form |
1987 |
None |
616 |
Folder 39: Personal Journal of Sites through Nebraska and Kansas |
1988 |
None |
617 |
Folder 40: 25FT39 Site Survey |
1989 |
None |
618 |
Folder 42: Northern Border Interconnect Pipeline Report, Iowa |
1989 |
None |
619 |
Folder 29: Sheridan Co., Montana-Sites and Environmental Study |
1970 |
None |
620 |
Folder 43: Survey of the Fullerton Canal, Section 1, Elba Canal, and associated laterals, Howard and Greeley counties, NE |
1989 |
None |
621 |
Folder 44: Summer Field Notes |
1992 |
None |
622 |
Folder 45: Marais des Cygnes Basin Public Wholesale Water Supply District |
1993 |
None |
623 |
Folder 46: Field Journal |
1994 |
None |
624 |
Folder 47: Rock Creek Watershed Survey |
1994 |
None |
625 |
Folder 48: Dickinson County Levees Maps and Correspondence |
1995 |
None |
626 |
Folder 49: Gas Services Marion County Pipeline |
1995 |
None |
627 |
Folder 50: East Marion Interceptor Sewer Project Correspondence |
1996 |
None |
628 |
Folder 51: Anderson County RWD #2 |
1997 |
None |
629 |
Folder 52: Plains Talk |
1997 |
None |
630 |
Folder 53: Woodland Site Map Dates |
1998 |
None |
631 |
Folder 30: Newspaper Articles |
1972 |
None |
632 |
Folder 28: Nebraska State Historical Society Site Survey Form |
1965 |
None |
633 |
Folder 2: Study Proposal for: An Archaeological Overview and Assessment of Homestead National Monument of America, Nebraska |
2004 |
None |
634 |
Folder 14: NSF Residue/ AMS Proposal |
2011 |
None |
635 |
Folder 3: Technical Proposal for an Archaeological Evaluation for Federal Land within the Shawnee National Forest in Southern, IL |
2004 |
None |
636 |
Folder 4: Leavenworth Co. Pipelines |
2005 |
None |
637 |
Folder 5: NSF Proposal: Defining Smoky Hill Phase Communities |
2006 |
None |
638 |
Folder 6: Proposal for a Study of the Smokey Hill Phase- Roper and Adair |
2006 |
None |
639 |
Folder 7: Proposal to Evaluate the Boys Town Archaeological Site 14RC413, Rice County, KS |
2006 |
None |
640 |
Folder 8: Proposal for National Science Foundation "Collaborative Research: Ceramic Geography and the Social Formations of the Smoky Hill Phase, East-Central, Kansas" |
2007 |
None |
641 |
Folder 9: Little River Archaeology Project Correspondence |
2008 |
None |
642 |
Folder 10: National Historic Landmark Nomination: Davis Oriole Earth Lodge Site |
2009 |
None |
643 |
Folder 11: Vessel Form and Function Proposal |
2009 |
None |
644 |
Folder 12: Collaborative Research: Ceramic Geography and the Social Formations of the Smoky Hill Phase, Sponsored by NSF |
2010 |
None |
645 |
Folder 13: Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Application |
2010 |
None |
646 |
Folder 15: Post-Ph.D. Research Grant and Osmunden Initiative Application |
2011 |
None |
647 |
Folder 27: Smithsonian Institution River Basin Survey Medicine Creek General Survey Form |
1946 |
None |
648 |
Folder 16: Historic Preservation Fund Grant "Radiocarbon Dating Upper Republican Sites in Western Kansas" |
2011 |
None |
649 |
Folder 17: Request for Proposal, Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements, Rush Center, Kansas |
2011 |
None |
650 |
Folder 18: 2013 KATP/ KSH Proposal Outline |
2013 |
None |
651 |
Folder 19: City of Plainville Contract |
2014 |
None |
652 |
Folder 20: Grant Reports |
2014 |
None |
653 |
Folder 21: Budget and budget justification for radiocarbon dates |
N/A |
None |
654 |
Folder 22: NSF Proposal: Central Plains Tradition |
N/A |
None |
655 |
Folder 23: "Radiocarbon Dating Upper Republican Sites in Western Kansas", Grant Proposal |
N/A |
None |
656 |
Folder 24: Nebraska State Historical Society Archeological Survey: Frontier County |
1938 |
None |
657 |
Folder 25: Medicine Creek Reservoir Site Survey Forms |
1946 |
None |
658 |
Folder 26: Smithsonian Institution River Basin Surveys: Medicine Creek |
1946 |
None |
659 |
Folder 50: The Pawnee (Lower Loup) Emergence |
N/A |
None |
660 |
Folder 52: Research and Interpretation Handwritten Notes |
N/A |
None |
661 |
Folder 24: Survey on a Proposed KCY Reno Cellular Tower Impact Area, Linwood, KS |
2003 |
None |
662 |
Folder 24: Colorado Mountains Prehistoric Context by Mark R. Guthrie et al. |
1984 |
None |
663 |
Folder 14: Chronology and Culture Process in the Central Plains Tradition: A Trend- Surface Analysis of the Radiocarbon Dates by Donna Roper |
1973 |
None |
664 |
Folder 15: Survey of Harry S. Truman Dam and Reservoir Project: Lower Pomme de Terre River Arm Missouri |
1976 |
None |
665 |
Folder 16: The Downstream Stockton Study: The Cultural Resources Survey Cedar County, Missouri |
1977 |
None |
666 |
Folder 17: A Resource Handbook: 1977 Archaeological Field School |
1977 |
None |
667 |
Folder 18: The Method and Theory of Site Catchment Analysis: A Review by Donna Roper |
1978 |
None |
668 |
Folder 19: Archeological Reconnaissance: Kansas and Smoky Hill Rivers Bank Stabilization Study, Kansas by Craig Sturdevant |
1980 |
None |
669 |
Folder 20: Stockton Lake Petroglyph |
1981 |
None |
670 |
Folder 21: Investigations in the Dry Creek Historic District, Loup County, Nebraska, Contract 1 of 3 |
1983 |
None |
671 |
Folder 22: Investigations in the Dry Creek Historic District, Loup County, Nebraska, Contract 2 of 3 |
1983 |
None |
672 |
Folder 23: Investigations in the Dry Creek Historic District, Loup County, Nebraska, Contract 3 of 3 |
1983 |
None |
673 |
Folder 25: Archaeological Testing of Four Sites Harry Strunk Lake Frontier County, Nebraska |
1990 |
None |
674 |
Folder 12: A Preliminary Note on the Dean-Dole Site, 14PH12, an Aksarben Manifestation on Prairie Dog Creek, Kansas by Frederick D. McEvoy |
1962 |
None |
675 |
Folder 26: Census Report on Human Remains Ancestral to the Pawnee Tribe at the Smithsonian Institution by Roger Echo-Hawk |
1990 |
None |
676 |
Folder 27: Archaeological Testing of Four Sites Harry Strunk Lake Frontier County, Nebraska by Donna Roper |
1991 |
None |
677 |
Folder 28: Phase II Investigations of 23NO107, Nodaway County, Missouri |
1991 |
None |
678 |
Folder 29: Pawnee Repatriation Reports |
1992 |
None |
679 |
Folder 30: Phase III Investigations a 13LC17, A Randolph Phase Winter Camp in the White Breast Creek Valley, Lucas County, Iowa |
1992 |
None |
680 |
Folder 31: Procedures for State, Tribal, and Local Government Historic Preservation Programs by Donald Barry |
1992 |
None |
681 |
Folder 32: Survey for Bridge Replacement Project No. M94-190, Nemaha County, KS |
1994 |
None |
682 |
Folder 33: Survey of Dam Site 7-11 Long-Scott Creeks Watershed District No. 93, Coffey County, Kansas |
1994 |
None |
683 |
Folder 34: Survey of Floodwater Retarding-Detention Dam Site # 18 Rock Creek Watershed No. 45, Pottawatomie County, KS |
1994 |
None |
684 |
Folder 35: Survey of a Segment of Proposed Waterline Rural Water District #9, Extension #2, Woodson County, KS |
1994 |
None |
685 |
Folder 36: Survey of a Segment of a Proposed Waterline, Bourbon County, KS |
1994 |
None |
686 |
Folder 13: The Robinson- Solesbee Site, HS-9, A Fulton Aspect Occupation, Robert S. Kerr Reservoir, Eastern OK |
1969 |
None |
687 |
Folder 11: Appraisal of the Archeological Resources: Weber Reservoir/ Wilson Reservoir |
1952 |
None |
688 |
Folder 38: A Survey of the 100 Line Creek Crossing at Mile Post 329.9 Riley County, KS |
1995 |
None |
689 |
Folder 39: Surveys for Cell Towers at Belpre, Palco, and Waldo, KS |
2009 |
None |
690 |
Folder 28: Survey for the Water Supply Improvements Project, Seneca, KS |
2006 |
None |
691 |
Folder 29: Phase I Site File Searches for Two Possible Wind Farm Sites in Pratt and Barber Counties, KS |
2007 |
None |
692 |
Folder 30: Preliminary Report of the Archaeological Survey on the Manufacturing Plant Location at Salina |
2008 |
None |
693 |
Folder 31: Survey for the Dodge City Cell Tower, Ford County, KS |
2008 |
None |
694 |
Folder 32: Survey for the Proposed Army Reserve Center, Dodge City, KS |
2008 |
None |
695 |
Folder 33: Survey of a Proposed Cell Tower Location, Russell Springs, Logan County, KS |
2008 |
None |
696 |
Folder 34: Survey of a Proposed Water Tower Location Lecompton, Douglas County, KS |
2008 |
None |
697 |
Folder 35: Survey of Proposed Waterlines, Atwood, KS |
2008 |
None |
698 |
Folder 36: Survey of Revised Proposed Cell Tower Location, Hugoton, Stevens Counties, KS |
2008 |
None |
699 |
Folder 37: Phase I Site File Search for the Petersburg, Nebraska site for Third Panel Windpower |
2009 |
None |
700 |
Folder 38: Phase II Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Cell Tower Location near Plains, Meade County, KS |
2009 |
None |
701 |
Folder 40: Survey for Cell Towers in Sheridan County, Meade County and Edwards County, KS |
2009 |
None |
702 |
Folder 9: A Site Catchment Analysis of a Single Upper Republican House, Medicine Creek, Nebraska |
N/A |
None |
703 |
Folder 41: Survey for the Water Distribution System Improvement Project Lyon County RWD #1, KS |
2009 |
None |
704 |
Folder 42: Survey at Rexford, Utica, Beeler, Kalvesta, Ensign, and Fargo Springs, Western KS Cell Towers |
2010 |
None |
705 |
Folder 43: Survey for a Wastewater System Improvements Project Hill City, Graham County, KS |
2011 |
None |
706 |
Folder 1: Survey for the Midwest Energy Substation, Rice County, KS |
2011 |
None |
707 |
Folder 2: Survey for the Water System Improvements Project Wilson County, KS |
2011 |
None |
708 |
Folder 3: Survey for a Flood Control Dam, Site 19, Horseshoe Creek Watershed District #110, Marshall County, KS |
2012 |
None |
709 |
Folder 4: Survey for a Grade Stabilization Detention Dam Project, Tavy Creek Watershed 82, Douglas County, KS |
2012 |
None |
710 |
Folder 5: Survey for Water System Improvements Project, Strong City, Chase County, KS |
2012 |
None |
711 |
Folder 6: More on Nebraska Bison Hunt Camp Sites: Response to Roper 1998 by John Ludwickson |
N/A |
None |
712 |
Folder 7: Plains Catchment Analysis |
N/A |
None |
713 |
Folder 8: Provenance Analysis of Shell-Tempered Pottery on the Central Plains Using Petrographic Analysis and Oxidation Analysis by Donna Roper, Richard Josephs, and Margaret Beck |
N/A |
None |
714 |
Folder 37: Archaeological Investigations for the Cross Creek Flood Control Project, Rossville, KS |
1995 |
None |
715 |
Folder 39: Survey of the Proposed Green Valley Business Park Property Pottawatomie County, KS |
1995 |
None |
716 |
Folder 26: Survey for the Riverside Elementary School, Emporia, Lyon County, KS |
2002 |
None |
717 |
Folder 11: Survey for the Wastewater Treatment Expansion Project and Phase III Testing of 14NH104, Seneca, KS |
2002 |
None |
718 |
Folder 1: Survey of the Second Route for the Water System Improvement Project City of Logan |
2001 |
None |
719 |
Folder 2: Survey for the Collector System Improvements Project, Mound City, KS |
2001 |
None |
720 |
Folder 3: Survey for the Elderly Occupancy Apartments, Paola, Miami County, KS |
2001 |
None |
721 |
Folder 4: Survey for a Bridge Replacement over a Tributary to the Wakarusa River, Shawnee County, KS |
2002 |
None |
722 |
Folder 5: Survey for a Gas Transmission System Improvements Project, Admire, KS |
2002 |
None |
723 |
Folder 6: Survey for a Wastewater System Improvements Project Glen Elder, Mitchell County, KS |
2002 |
None |
724 |
Folder 7: Survey for a Water System Improvement, Anderson County, KS |
2002 |
None |
725 |
Folder 8: Survey for the Riverside Elementary School, Emporia, Lyon County, KS |
2002 |
None |
726 |
Folder 9: Survey for the Water System Improvement Project Little River, Rice County, KS |
2002 |
None |
727 |
Folder 10: Survey for the Wastewater Treatment Expansion Project, Seneca, Nemaha County, KS |
2002 |
None |
728 |
Folder 12: Survey for the Wastewater Treatment Lagoon System Project, Meade, KS |
2002 |
None |
729 |
Folder 28: Survey for the Telephone System Replacement Project Council Grove Morris County, KS |
2001 |
None |
730 |
Folder 13: Survey for the Wells, Chlorination Building and Waterline Project, Saline County, KS |
2002 |
None |
731 |
Folder 14: Survey of Site 21 in the Rock Creek Watershed District #45, Pottawatomie County, KS |
2002 |
None |
732 |
Folder 15: Survey on a Cellular Tower Impact Area, Andover, KS |
2002 |
None |
733 |
Folder 16: Survey on a Portion of the Proposed Northeast Kansas Regional Airport, Brown County, KS |
2002 |
None |
734 |
Folder 17: Survey for a New Channel Creation Project on Lynn Creek, Shawnee County, KS |
2003 |
None |
735 |
Folder 18: Survey for an Air-Controlled Storage Project, Manhattan, KS |
2003 |
None |
736 |
Folder 19: Survey for the Expansion Project at Amelia Earhart Memorial Airport, Atchison, KS |
2003 |
None |
737 |
Folder 20: Survey for the Sandcreek Ecosystem Restoration Project Newton, Harvey County, KS |
2003 |
None |
738 |
Folder 21: Survey for the Sewer System Expansion, McFarland, Wabaunsee County, KS |
2003 |
None |
739 |
Folder 22: Survey for the Stanton County Municipal Airport Expansion Project, Johnson, KS |
2003 |
None |
740 |
Folder 23: Survey of a Proposed Private Recreation Lake, Leavenworth County, KS |
2003 |
None |
741 |
Folder 29: Survey of the Industrial Park, Marysville, Marshall County, KS |
2001 |
None |
742 |
Folder 27: Survey for the Sherwood Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Project, Shawnee County, KS |
2001 |
None |
743 |
Folder 1: Summary of the 1995 Field Investigations 25FT30 Medicine Creek |
1995 |
None |
744 |
Folder 13: Archaeological Survey for the Land Condition Trend Analysis (LCTA) Program Fort Riley, KS |
1999 |
None |
745 |
Folder 2: East Marion Interceptor Sewer Project, 14MN515, Phase III |
1996 |
None |
746 |
Folder 3: Excavation of 25FT22, House 4, with Testing at Several Nearby Features |
1996 |
None |
747 |
Folder 4: Survey of a Proposed Addition to Redbud Estates, Manhattan, KS |
1996 |
None |
748 |
Folder 5: Survey of a Proposed Pipeline Crossing of Arkansas River at the Ward Feed Yard, Pawnee County, KS |
1996 |
None |
749 |
Folder 6: Survey of a Section of the Force Main Pipeline, Maryville, KS |
1996 |
None |
750 |
Folder 7: Survey of Selected Segments of JBN Telephone Company East Exchanges, Pottawatomie and Jackson Counties, KS |
1996 |
None |
751 |
Folder 8: Survey for an Anode Bed Replacement Project, Clark County, KS |
1997 |
None |
752 |
Folder 9: Survey for the Watson Cellular Tower, Atchison County, Missouri |
1997 |
None |
753 |
Folder 10: Survey of a Segment of EDA Water System Improvements, Iola, KS |
1997 |
None |
754 |
Folder 11: Survey for the Kansas Auto Racing Museum, Dickinson County, KS |
1998 |
None |
755 |
Folder 12: Archaeological Evaluation of Abandoned Wells and Cisterns, Swanson, Hugh, Butler, and Harry Strunk Lakes, Nebraska |
1999 |
None |
756 |
Folder 14: Artifact Catalogs for Sites 14GE312, 23PL8, 14GE60, 23SA162W, and 23SA162 |
1999 |
None |
757 |
Folder 26: Survey for the Sewage System Improvements, Osbourne, KS |
2001 |
None |
758 |
Folder 15: Environmental Assessment for the State Veteran's Cemetery, Fort Riley, KS |
1999 |
None |
759 |
Folder 16: Survey for a Communications Tower Project, with an Assessment of the Potential Impact to 14RY36, Riley County, KS |
1999 |
None |
760 |
Folder 17: Survey for the Wastewater Treatment Improvement Project, Hanover, KS |
1999 |
None |
761 |
Folder 18: Survey for the Water System Improvement Project, Lagan, Phillips County, KS |
1999 |
None |
762 |
Folder 19: Survey for Wastewater Treatment Improvements Project, Bennington, KS |
1999 |
None |
763 |
Folder 20: Survey of Proposed Locations for a Nebraska Game and Parks Maintenance Building, Harry Strunk Lake, Frontier County, NE |
1999 |
None |
764 |
Folder 21: Survey of a Proposed Gas Well Drilling Locations, Barton County, KS |
2000 |
None |
765 |
Folder 22: Survey for the Ellsworth to Marquette Fiber Optic Line |
2000 |
None |
766 |
Folder 23: Survey of the Property at 19264 259th St Tonganoxie, KS |
2000 |
None |
767 |
Folder 24: Survey of the Second Route for the Water System Improvement Project, Logan, Phillips County, KS |
2000 |
None |
768 |
Folder 25: Survey for the Construction at the Horticulture Research and Extension Center, Johnson County, KS |
2001 |
None |
769 |
Folder 27: Survey for a Planned Industrial Park, Riley County, KS |
2004 |
None |
770 |
Folder 25: Medicine Creek Quarterly Report |
2002 |
None |
771 |
Folder 53: SBP Pottery |
N/A |
None |
772 |
Folder 6: Medicine Creek Valley map and brochures |
1997 |
None |
773 |
Folder 82: Unidentified Site Aerials |
N/A |
None |
774 |
Folder 83: Unknown Site Excavation |
N/A |
None |
775 |
Folder 84: Unidentified Site Negatives |
N/A |
None |
776 |
Folder 85: Unidentified Site Photo Records |
None |
777 |
Folder 86: Central Plains Ceramic Photographs CDR |
None |
778 |
Folder 1: Topographic Regions Map of Nebraska |
1973 |
None |
779 |
Folder 2: Map of Doug Forsberg House |
1976 |
None |
780 |
Folder 3: Survey of the excess real estate below Lovewell Reservoir, KS |
1984 |
None |
781 |
Folder 4: Interpretation of Weltfish's account of the Pawnee summer hunt map |
1989 |
None |
782 |
Folder 5: Nemaha County, NE project No.M94-190 |
1994 |
None |
783 |
Folder 7: Survey for a dam in the Pony Creek Watershed #78 Brown County, KS |
2002 |
None |
784 |
Folder 80: Photos and Negatives of Unidentified Artifacts |
N/A |
None |
785 |
Folder 8: Proposed lagoon layout- figure 2 |
2008 |
None |
786 |
Folder 9: Wollenberg site (14WH319) |
2011 |
None |
787 |
Folder 10: 5LK675: figure 1/figure 2 |
None |
788 |
Folder 11: Agricultural Engineering Associates- Bourbon Consolidated #2 rural water district |
None |
789 |
Folder 12: Bureau of Reclamation- Harry Strunk Lake (R-0027) |
None |
790 |
Folder 13: Miscellaneous tables and figures |
None |
791 |
Folder 14: Nebraska maps |
None |
792 |
Folder 15: Pawnee culture history maps |
None |
793 |
Folder 16: Platte River Valley site interpretation maps |
None |
794 |
Folder 17: Pony Creek #19- Morrill, Brown County |
None |
795 |
Folder 18: Archaeological Re-Survey in the Fort Gibson Reservoir, OK |
1970 |
None |
796 |
Folder 81: Unidentified Photographs |
N/A |
None |
797 |
Folder 79: Medicine Creek 1998 KSU Field School |
N/A |
None |
798 |
Folder 20: Data Coding Instructions: Master File, Sangamon River Survey |
1974 |
None |
799 |
Folder 65: IIG8E Co. Pipeline |
1989 |
None |
800 |
Folder 54: Steed-Kisker |
N/A |
None |
801 |
Folder 55: Taylor Mound |
N/A |
None |
802 |
Folder 56: Claim to Copyright Forms: "Archaeological Survey and Settlement Pattern Models in Central Illinois" |
1976 |
None |
803 |
Folder 57: Collection Loan Forms for Kansas State Historical Society |
2001 |
None |
804 |
Folder 58: Loan Agreement Forms for Class ANTH 519 - Lithic Technology |
2001 |
None |
805 |
Folder 59: Collection Loan Agreement from Nebraska State Historical Society |
2008 |
None |
806 |
Folder 60: Collection Loan from the Archeology Office of the Kansas State Historical Society |
2010 |
None |
807 |
Folder 61: Collection Loan Agreement |
2012 |
None |
808 |
Folder 62: National Anthropological Archives, Photocopy Order Form |
2012 |
None |
809 |
Folder 63: Collection Loan Forms from the Bureau of Reclamation |
2013 |
None |
810 |
Folder 64: Cody Creek Site (34MS31) |
1982 |
None |
811 |
Folder 66: Journal of the Iowa Archaeological Society (JIAS) Abstracts of Recent Reports |
1995 |
None |
812 |
Folder 78: Half Moon Creek Site (SLK675) |
N/A |
None |
813 |
Folder 67: Medicine Creek D. Roper KSU field school (Brian Wygal, Mike and Monica Hill, and others) 25FT39 |
1998 |
None |
814 |
Folder 68: Graham County, Kansas 14GH308 and Vicinity |
2000 |
None |
815 |
Folder 69: Survey for a bridge across Indian Creek- Shawnee Co., KS |
2002 |
None |
816 |
Folder 70: Photos of whole vessels and Site 25FT39 |
2009 |
None |
817 |
Folder 71: 23NO107, 23HI297, et al. |
None |
818 |
Folder 72: 25DS21 |
None |
819 |
Folder 73: 5LK675 artifact negatives |
None |
820 |
Folder 74: "Archaeological Testing of Four Sites Harry Strunk Lake Frontier County, Nebraska" |
None |
821 |
Folder 75: Colorado artifacts, roll 11 |
None |
822 |
Folder 76: Colorado photos |
None |
823 |
Folder 77: Film= Elcttr125 Site no number, people |
None |
824 |
Folder 19: A Comparative Analysis of Lithics at the Martin-Vincent Site |
1974 |
None |
825 |
Folder 21: Phase 2 Excavations at the Airport Site, 115GV280, Sangamon County, Illinois |
1974 |
None |
826 |
Folder 24: Survey for the Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements Project, Almena, Norton County, KS |
2001 |
None |
827 |
Folder 11: Archaeological Survey for the Land Condition Trend Analysis (LCTA) Program, Fort Riley, KS |
1997 |
None |
828 |
Folder 1: Small Survey Reports - Kansas |
1994 |
None |
829 |
Folder 2: Survey of Selected Segments of a Proposed Waterline Greenwood County RWD # 3, Greenwood and Lyon Counties, KS |
1994 |
None |
830 |
Folder 3: Survey of Two Proposed Lagoon Sites for Redfield Sanitary Sewer System Bourbon County, KS |
1994 |
None |
831 |
Folder 4: Evaluation of Three Prehistoric Sites Floodwater Retarding-Detention Dam Site #18 Rock Creek Watershed District No. 45 Pottawatomie Co, KS |
1995 |
None |
832 |
Folder 5: Investigation of Medicine Creek BOR-Cooperative Agreement |
1995 |
None |
833 |
Folder 6: Survey of a Proposed Gas Line Relocation, Marion County, KS |
1995 |
None |
834 |
Folder 7: Survey of a Proposed Sewage Lagoon Site, Cherokee County, KS |
1995 |
None |
835 |
Folder 8: Survey of Selected Segments of the JBN Telephone Company Agenda Exchange, Washington, KS |
1995 |
None |
836 |
Folder 9: Survey of Two Proposed Railroad Sidings, Saline and Pratt Counties, KS |
1996 |
None |
837 |
Folder 10: USA-CERL Fort Riley LCTA Archaeological Survey |
1996 |
None |
838 |
Folder 12: Survey for Wastewater Collection System Improvements, Minneapolis, Ottawa County, KS |
1997 |
None |
839 |
Folder 49: "At the Edge of the Desert of Multicolored Turtles: Skidi Pawnee History on the Loup River" by Roger C. Echo-Hawk |
1994 |
None |
840 |
Folder 13: Survey for the Watson Cellular Tower, Atchison County, MO |
1997 |
None |
841 |
Folder 14: Survey for Consolidated Rural Water District #6 Johnson Co, KS |
1998 |
None |
842 |
Folder 15: Survey for a Portion of a Proposed Horticulture and Forestry Research Center, Johnson County, KS |
1998 |
None |
843 |
Folder 16: An Archaeological Evaluation of Abandoned Wells and Cisterns Swanson, Hugh Butler, and Harry Strunk Lake, Nebraska |
1999 |
None |
844 |
Folder 17: Survey for the Wastewater System Improvements, Pomona, KS |
1999 |
None |
845 |
Folder 18: Archaeological Investigations on a portion of 14MN515, A Great Bend Aspect Site, Marion KS, edited by Brad Logan |
2000 |
None |
846 |
Folder 19: Survey for the Lincoln Wastewater Project, Lincoln, Ks |
2000 |
None |
847 |
Folder 20: Survey of Proposed Gas Well Drilling Locations, Barton County, KS |
2000 |
None |
848 |
Folder 21: Survey for the Wastewater Improvement Project, Anthony, KS |
2000 |
None |
849 |
Folder 22: Assessment of Damage to Two Archaeological Sites (14DN8 and 14DN457) near Navarre, Dickinson County, KS |
2001 |
None |
850 |
Folder 23: Central Plains Ceramic Period Mortuary Practices |
2001 |
None |
851 |
Folder 50: The Schudel Site, 25GY12, An Early Plains Archaic Site in Greeley County, Nebraska |
None |
852 |
Folder 48: Test Excavations at Twenty-Eight Sites to Determine Eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places |
1993 |
None |
853 |
Folder 22: University of Archaeology |
1977 |
None |
854 |
Folder 34: Survey for the Glendo Airport, Platte County, Wyoming |
1985 |
None |
855 |
Folder 23: The Airport Site, A Multicomponent Site in the Sangamon River Drainage |
1978 |
None |
856 |
Folder 24: Lithics Experimental Research Design |
1978 |
None |
857 |
Folder 25: Plains Site Catchment: Analysis, Review, and Essay |
1979 |
None |
858 |
Folder 26: Class III Cultural Resource Survey of Six Equipment Staging Areas and Two Haul Road Reroutes for AMOC's Sulfur Transportation System, Whitney Canyon Project, Wyoming |
1981 |
None |
859 |
Folder 27: Phase II and Phase III investigations for the Trail Blazer Pipeline in Nebraska, Kansas, and Colorado |
1981 |
None |
860 |
Folder 28: Investigations in the Dry Creek Historic district, Research Design for Investigations at 25LP7 and 25LP8 |
1983-1984 |
None |
861 |
Folder 29: Shoreline Survey at Sherman Reservoir, NE |
1984 |
None |
862 |
Folder 30: Survey for Geranium Canal Borrow area near Ord, NE |
1984 |
None |
863 |
Folder 31: Survey of the Proposed Coal Creek Campground at Seminoe Reservoir, Wyoming |
1984 |
None |
864 |
Folder 32: Shoreline Survey at High Butler Lake, Nebraska |
1985 |
None |
865 |
Folder 33: Survey of Alinements for geophysical testing on Half Moon Creek, Colorado |
1985 |
None |
866 |
Folder 35: Survey of Ten Parcels of Excess Real Property, Frenchman-Cambridge irrigation district, Harlan and Furnas Counties, NE |
1986 |
None |
867 |
Folder 47: Phase 3 Investigations at 13LC17, A Randolph Phase Winter Camp in the White Breast Creek Valley, Lucas County, Iowa |
1992 |
None |
868 |
Folder 36: Survey for Roadwork and Late Alice #2, Scotts Bluff County, Colorado |
1986 |
None |
869 |
Folder 37: Survey of the Trailer Dump Station Construction Site, Lovewell State Park, Lovewell Reservoir, KS |
1986 |
None |
870 |
Folder 38: Survey in the Vicinity of Merrit Dam, Cherry County, Nebraska |
1986 |
None |
871 |
Folder 39: Test Excavations 25GY12 Scotia Canal, Greeley County, Nebraska |
1986 |
None |
872 |
Folder 40: Preliminary Investigations at the Marvin Colson Site, 25FT158, Harry Strunk Lake, Nebraska |
1987 |
None |
873 |
Folder 41: Survey and Monitoring of a Proposed Quarry Location at Glendo Reservoir, Wyoming |
1987 |
None |
874 |
Folder 42: Survey for the Lincoln Lateral Pipeline, Otoe and Lancaster counties, Nebraska |
1989 |
None |
875 |
Folder 43: Archaeological Testing of Four Sites, Harry Strunk Lake, Frontier County, Nebraska |
1990 |
None |
876 |
Folder 44: Investigations of the Kansas Loops ANRS southwest Gathering System |
1990 |
None |
877 |
Folder 45: Harry Strunk Lake Testing |
1991 |
None |
878 |
Folder 46: Intensive Survey of the Maitland Loop on ANR's Southwest Gathering System, Nodaway County, Missouri |
1991 |
None |
879 |
Folder 1: Oversized Maps - Cabinet 3 Drawer 4 |
None |