File report

Archival description hierarchy

# Reference code Title Dates Access restrictions Retrieval information
1 Folder 1: Harry S. Truman Reservoir Budget/Budget Proposal 1975-1980 None
2 Folder 35: "The Spatial Distribution of Kay County (Florence A) Chert during the Plains Village Period in North-Central Oklahoma" Unknown Author None
3 Folder 25: "On the Use of Site Catchment Analysis: Some Problems and Solutions" None
4 Folder 26: Papers printed from electronic files None
5 Folder 27: "Partitioning the Variation in Central Plains Traditions Pottery Vessel Form" Donna Roper None
6 Folder 28: Pedro Vial at the Pawnee Village, 1793" by Donna C. Roper None
7 Folder 29: "A Prehistory of the North American Plains" Donna Roper None
8 Folder 30: Proposal for "The Indian Burial Pit at Salina: The Archaeology and History of a Kansas Landmark" Donna Roper None
9 Folder 31: "Re-evaluating the Organization of Upper Republican Phase Sites in the Medicine Creek Valley" Donna Roper None
10 Folder 32: "Results of Some New Analyses on Materials from the Upper Components at the Claussen Site, 14WB322" Donna Roper None
11 Folder 33: The Search for Coronado's Quivira None
12 Folder 34: "The Spatial Component of the Western Clovis Chronology" Donna Roper and Brian Wygal None
13 Folder 36: "Western Ozarks Prehistory and the Problem of 'Late Archaic/Woodland Sites'" by Donna C. Roper None
14 Folder 23: The Indian Burial Pit at Salina None
15 Folder 37: Unidentified Research Paper N/A None
16 Folder 38: "An Arrow-head Found with Bones of Bison Occidentalis (Lucas) in Western Kansas" by S.W. Williston 1902 None
17 Folder 39: "The Distribution of Middle Woodland Sites within the Environment of the Lower Sangamon River, Illinois" Donna Roper 1974 None
18 Folder 40: "Reporting the Results of Factor Analysis: Some Suggested Guidelines" by Donna C. Roper 1975 None
19 Folder 41: American Antiquity Vol. 41 1976 None
20 Folder 42: "An Introduction to the Truman Reservoir Project" Missouri Archaeological Society Newsletter- Donna Roper 1976 None
21 Folder 43: "A Trend-Surface Analysis of Central Plains Radiocarbon Dates" Donna Roper 1976 None
22 Folder 44: Plains Anthropologist, Journal of the Plains Conference 1976-2012 None
23 Folder 45: Published Manuscripts of Donna Roper 1976-2002 None
24 Folder 46: The Wisconsin Archaeologist 1977, 1991 None
25 Folder 47: "Breakage Patterns of Central Illinois Woodland Projectile Points" by Donna C. Roper 1978 None
26 Folder 24: Introduction and Executive Summary of Lecompton, Douglas County, Kansas water tower project None
27 Folder 22: House Count for Pawnee and Lower Loup Sites None
28 Folder 49: "Some Observations on Spatial Differentials of the Hopewell Radiocarbon Chronology" by Sharon L. Brock and Donna C. Roper 1979 None
29 Folder 8: "Past Lifeways on the Plains: Continuous Occupation, Continuous Variability and Change" by Donna Roper 2013 None
30 Folder 23: The Whiteford Site 2007 None
31 Folder 24: Central Plains Anthropology Vol 4 articles 2008 None
32 Folder 25: Middle Ceramic Period Pottery from Coal-Oil Canyon 2008 None
33 Folder 26: Shell-Tempered Pottery on the Central Plains by Donna C. Roper 2008 None
34 Folder 1: Central Plains Housing 2010 None
35 Folder 2: "The Vail Fluted Point Site, Oxford County, Northwestern Maine Highland's" Unknown Author 2010 None
36 Folder 3: "The Chronological Position of 14RC410, a Little River Focus Site in Rice County, Kansas, and its Implications" Donna Roper 2011 None
37 Folder 4: Food and Pottery 2011 None
38 Folder 5: "Interpreting AMS Radiocarbon Age Determinations from Selected Central Plains Tradition Sites" by Donna Roper and Mary Adair 2011 None
39 Folder 6: "New AMS Radiocarbon Dating Results for Central Plains Tradition Sites in Kansas and Nebraska" by Donna C. Roper 2012 None
40 Folder 7: Central Plains Manuscript Drafts 2013 None
41 Folder 9: "Extending the Evaluation of Gendered Publishing Trends in American Archaeology: The View from the Plains" by Donna C. Roper 2014 None
42 Folder 21: Historic Method in Central Plains Archaeology None
43 Folder 10: 1986 Ceramics Descriptions None
44 Folder 11: "An Evaluation of Central Plains Tradition- Pawnee Ancestry" John Ludwickson, Terry Steinacher, John Bozell, and Gayle Carlson None
45 Folder 12: "The Central Plains Tradition" by Donna C Roper None
46 Folder 13: Central Plains Tradition Ceramics Analysis None
47 Folder 14: "Chapter 2: The Wichita Indians, Quivira, and the Great Bend Aspect" Unknown author None
48 Folder 15: Chapter 5- "Pottery" None
49 Folder 16: Computers in Archaeology None
50 Folder 17: Ethnobotanical Remains Csv20, Mnv94 None
51 Folder 18: "Frameworks for Interpreting Pawnee Hunting, 1541-1876" by Donna C. Roper- Chapter 1 None
52 Folder 19: "Hematite in the Harry S. Truman Reservoir Area" by Deborah House None
53 Folder 20: Harry S. Truman Reservoir Research Design None
54 Folder 48: "The Method and Theory of Site Catchment Analysis: A Review" by Donna C. Roper 1978 None
55 Folder 50: "The Method and Theory of Site Catchment Analysis: A Review" by Donna C. Roper 1979 None
56 Folder 21: Mummy Cave, Wyoming 48PA201 2007 None
57 Folder 25: "Spatial Variability in Central Plains Tradition Lodges" by Donna C. Roper- pg. 27 2002 None
58 Folder 15: Review of "Evidence of Awari: the Spring Planting Ceremony to Evening Star and Her Sacred Children" by Susan A. Holland 1997 None
59 Folder 16: Review of "Antelope Creek Phase Resource Procurement Strategies in the Texas Panhandle" by Paul Matchen 1998 None
60 Folder 17: Review of "A Source Study of Obsidian from the Infinity (14MY305), Kansas" by Marlin F. Hawley 1998 None
61 Folder 18: Review of "Geochemical Analysis of Eight Red Ochres from Western North America" by Jon M. Erlandson et al 1998 None
62 Folder 19: Elizabeth Prince Earthlodge Manuscripts 1999 None
63 Folder 20: "The Identification of Clovis Sites from Blade Technology: A Cautionary Note" by Donna C. Roper 1999 None
64 Folder 21: "Source Area Analysis of Obsidian from Early Ceramic Period Context near Manhattan" by Donna C. Roper pg. 8 2000 None
65 Folder 22: "A Pawnee Hunting Camp in the Solomon River Valley" by Donna C. Roper- pg. 19 2001 None
66 Folder 23: "The Marion Great Bend Aspect Sites: Floodplain Settlement on the Plains" by Donna C. Roper 2001 None
67 Folder 24: Penokee Stone Man 2002 None
68 Folder 26: "Implications of the Ceramic Assemblage in the Whiteford Site (14SA1, the Indian Burial Pit) by Donna C. Roper 2003 None
69 Folder 13: "Spatial Dynamics and Historical Process in the Central Plains Tradition" by Donna C. Roper- Drafts 1995 None
70 Folder 27: Review of "Letter's from Pawnee Country, 1834-39" edited by Richard Jenson 2003 None
71 Folder 28: <emph render='italic'>Yellowstone Science</emph>: "Archaeology of Osprey Beach a Voluntary Perspective the Red Sowash Saloon Theodore Roosevelt IV's YNP Keynote" Vol. 11, No. 4 2003 None
72 Folder 29: "Phase III Investigations of Two Sites on the Proposed Veterans' Cemetery, Fort Riley" by Donna C. Roper 2004 None
73 Folder 30: Illustrations Published in Plains Earthlodges from Donna Roper 2005 None
74 Folder 31: "Ceramic Period Components at the Claussen Site, 14WB322" by Donna C. Roper- pg 18 2006 None
75 Folder 32: "Parasitism in Kansas in the 1800's- A Glimpse to the Past through the Analysis of the Grave Sediments from Meadowlark (Stillman) Cemetery" 2006 None
76 Folder 33: Coal-Oil Canyon Pottery Analysis 2007 None
77 Folder 34: "The Kohr Site (14SA414) House 1 Pottery Assemblage Revisited" by Donna C. Roper- pg. 8 2007 None
78 Folder 35: <emph render='italic'>Southeastern Archaeology</emph>, "Shell-Tempered Pottery on the Central Plains" by Donna C. Roper 2011 None
79 Folder 36: "Archaic Adaptations in the Central Osage River Basin: A Preliminary Assessment" by Janet E. Joyer and Donna C. Roper None
80 Folder 37: "Historical Perspective and the Development of Social Identity: An Evaluation of Pawnee Ancestry" by Donna C. Roper None
81 Folder 14: "Variability in the Use of Ochre during the Paleoindian Period" by Donna C. Roper 1996 None
82 Folder 12: "The Material Culture of 25DS21, A Lower Loup Hunting Camp in the Platte River Valley" by Donna C. Roper- Draft and Comments 1994 None
83 Folder 51: "A Paleo-Indian Point from Henry County, Missouri" by Donna C. Roper 1980 None
84 Folder 63: "A Role of Graphic Analysis of Quantitative Data: A Brief Commentary on Behren's Review of the Visual Display of Quantitive Information" by Donna C. Roper 1988 None
85 Folder 52: Review of "Data Bank Applications in Archaeology" by Sylvia W. Gaines 1981 None
86 Folder 53: "A Petroglyph in Stockton Lake" by Donna C. Roper 1982 None
87 Folder 54: "Notes on Lithic Raw Materials from a Dismal River Site in Western Nebraska" by Donna C. Roper 1983 None
88 Folder 55: "On the Use of Diversity Indices in Archaeological Assemblage Analysis" by Donna C. Roper 1983 None
89 Folder 56: Review of <emph render='underline'>Settlement Predictions in Sparta</emph> by Robert H. Lafferty III et al 1983 None
90 Folder 57: A Preliminary Evaluation of Lithic Technology at Lake Red Rock by Donna C. Roper 1984 None
91 Folder 58: "Resource Structure, Mobility Patterns, and Woodland Site Distributions in the Prairies: Some Observations with Implications for the Central Plains" by Donna C. Roper 1984 None
92 Folder 59: "42MD749: A Fremont Salt Extraction Station?" by Donna C. Roper and Lucy Hacket Brambery 1985 None
93 Folder 60: "A Reconstruction of the Mortuary Component at the Airport Site, Illinois" by Donna C. Roper- Preliminary draft None
94 Folder 61: A High Altitude Middle Archaic Site in Lake County, Colorado by Donna C. Roper 1986 None
95 Folder 62: Current Research in the Pleistocene 1987-2002 None
96 Folder 64: "Grinding Stones in Plains Paleoindian Sites: The Case for Pigment Processing" by Donna C. Roper 1988 None
97 Folder 11: "Report on Mortuary Context, Grave Good Association, and Cultural Affiliation of Human Remains at the Smithsonian Institution Claimed by the Pawnee Tribe" Roper 1993 None
98 Folder 65: "Malachite and Turquoise Artifacts from Upper Republican Sites in Nebraska" by Donna C. Roper 1988 None
99 Folder 1: American Anthropology, "The Role of Graphic Analysis of Quantitative Data: A Brief Comment on Behren's Review of <emph render='underline'>The Visual Display of Quantitative Information</emph>" by Donna C. Roper 1989 None
100 Folder 2: "Red Ochre Use on the Plains during the Paleoindian Period" by Donna C. Roper, <emph render='italic'>Mammoth Trumpet</emph>, Vol. 5, No. 3 1989 None
101 Folder 3: Southwestern Lore Vol. 56, No.4 1990 None
102 Folder 4: "A Comparison of Contexts of Red Ochre use in Paleoindian and Upper Paleolithic Sites" by Donna C. Roper 1991 None
103 Folder 5: "John Dunbar's Journal of the 1834-5 Chawi Winter Hunt and its Implications for Pawnee Archaeology" by Donna C. Roper 1991 None
104 Folder 6: North American Archaeologist 1991, 1994 None
105 Folder 7: "Protohistoric Pawnee Hunting in the Nebraska Sand Hills" for Plains Anthropologist 1991 None
106 Folder 8: Central Plains House/Households Research 1992 None
107 Folder 9: "A Reconsideration of the Mortuary Component at the Airport Site, Illinois" by Donna C. Roper 1992 None
108 Folder 10: "A Note on the Quail and the Pawnee" by Donna C. Roper 1993 None
109 Folder 22: Plain Village Archaeology Manuscript 2007 None
110 Folder 20: Frederick H. Sterns and the Portrayal of Variation in Central Plains Pottery by Donna C. Roper 2007 None
111 Folder 39: "Observations on Raw Material Selection in Sheridan County" by Ann M. Johnson and Donna C. Roper None
112 Folder 38: Schudel Site 25GY12 Report 1986 None
113 Folder 28: Survey for an Upgrades Project to Martin Johnson Airport, Chanute, Neosho County, KS 2014 None
114 Folder 29: Archaeological Research in a Cultural Resource Program in the Norden Reservoir N/A None
115 Folder 30: The Great Bend Variant and Its Phases: A Revision of Great Bend Aspect Systematics by Marlin F. Hawley N/A None
116 Folder 31: Lithic Analysis of 25FT30 by Alex Martin N/A None
117 Folder 32: Plain Pots: A Study of Late Woodland Pottery in Central Alabama by Jason Mann and Richard Krause N/A None
118 Folder 33: Source Analysis of Central Plains Tradition Pottery Using Neuron Activation Analysis: Feasibility and First Results N/A None
119 Folder 34: Archaic Adaptations in the Central Osage River Basin: A Preliminary Assessment by Janet E. Joyer and Donna C. Roper 1977 None
120 Folder 35: Harry S. Truman Archaeological Project Lithic Laboratory Procedures Manual compiled by P. Briney et al. 1979 None
121 Folder 36: Building a Microcomputer Program Library: One Archaeologist's Memoir by Donna C. Roper 1983 None
122 Folder 37: Ozarks Erosion 1983 None
123 Folder 39: Test Excavations at 25GY12, Scotia Canal, Greeley County, Nebraska by Donna Roper and Timothy Weston 1986 None
124 Folder 26: Survey for a Proposed Sewer Improvement Project, Atwood, KS 2013 None
125 Folder 40: The Culture History of Ochre on the Plains by Donna Roper 1987 None
126 Folder 41: Investigations at 25FT169 - Chapter 5 1987 None
127 Folder 1: Publishing Plains Archaeology: An Analysis of Participation Trends, 1971-1985 1987 None
128 Folder 2: Investigations at 25FT167 - Chapter 4 1989 None
129 Folder 3: Archaeological Testing of Four Sites Harry Strunk Lake Frontier County, Nebraska 1990 None
130 Folder 4: Artifact Assemblage Composition and the Hunting Camp Interpretation of High Plains Upper Republican Sites 1 of 2 1990 None
131 Folder 5: Artifact Assemblage Composition and the Hunting Camp Interpretation of High Plains Upper Republican Sites 2 of 2 1990 None
132 Folder 6: John Dunbar's Journal of the 1834-1835 Chawi Winter Hunt and its Implications for Pawnee Archaeology 1990 None
133 Folder 7: The Lower North Loup River Valley, NE 1990 None
134 Folder 8: Case Studies in Archaeology 1991 None
135 Folder 9: John Dunbar's Journal of the 1834-1835 Chawi Winter Hunt and Its Implications for Pawnee Archaeology 1991 None
136 Folder 27: Survey for an Upgrades Project to the Augusta Municipal Airport, Augusta, Butler County, KS 2013 None
137 Folder 25: 14RP1 2013 None
138 Folder 11: Archaeological Investigations at the Marvin Colson Site, 25FT158 Frontier County, NE - unedited draft pages 129-255 1992 None
139 Folder 11: Studying Social Organization in the Western Central Plains Tradition using Ceramics by Donna Roper 2007 None
140 Folder 28: Survey on the Billips #1 Oil Subordination, Graham Co., KS 2004 None
141 Folder 1: Survey on the Peltzer and Orth Subdivision, Andale, Ks 2004 None
142 Folder 2: Survey for the Gilmore Creek Wetland Project in the Council Grove Wildlife Area, Morris County, KS 2005 None
143 Folder 3: Survey for the Golf Course Development Utility Improvements Project, Newton, KS 2005 None
144 Folder 4: Survey for the Proposed Wastewater Lagoon Improvements Project, Westmoreland, KS 2005 None
145 Folder 5: Survey for the Upper Little Arkansas River Watershed Floodwater Retarding Dam #26, Rice County, KS 2005 None
146 Folder 6: Rethinking the Analysis of Western Central Plains Tradition Ceramics by Donna Roper 2005 None
147 Folder 7: Survey for the Drinking Water Project, RWD #2, Elk County, KS 2006 None
148 Folder 8: Survey for the Meadowlark Hills Construction Project Manhattan, Riley County, KS 2006 None
149 Folder 9: Survey for the No.1 New Rural Water District, Phillipsburg, KS 2006 None
150 Folder 10: Survey for the Rural Water District #1 Waterlines Replacement Project, Greenwood County, KS 2006 None
151 Folder 12: Survey and Phase III Investigations for the Wastewater Treatment Facilities Improvements Project, Alma, KS 2007 None
152 Folder 24: Survey for a Wastewater System Improvements Project, City of Rush Center, Rush County, KS 2012 None
153 Folder 13: Surveys on a Proposed Cell Tower Location near Victoria and Ellis County, KS 2007 None
154 Folder 14: Survey on Two Proposed Cell Tower Locations, Graham County and Finney County, KS 2007 None
155 Folder 15: Survey for a Water Supply Additions Project, Rooks County RWD #3, KS 2007 None
156 Folder 16: Survey for a Waterline Improvements Project, Shawnee County, KS 2007 None
157 Folder 17: Survey for a Water Treatment Plant, Lecompton, KS 2007 None
158 Folder 18: Survey for the Sewer Improvements Project Blue Township, Pottawatomie County, KS 2009 None
159 Folder 19: Survey for the Water Well Improvements Project Rooks Co., RWD #3, KS 2009 None
160 Folder 20: Ceramic Geography and the Social Formations of the Smoky Hill Phase, East-Central Kansas: Results of Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis of Grit and Sand Tempered Pottery by Robert Speakman 2010 None
161 Folder 21: Survey for the Water Development Project, RWD #6, Doniphan Co., KS 2010 None
162 Folder 22: Survey for the Watersystem Improvements Project, Anthony, Harper County, KS 2010 None
163 Folder 23: Survey for the Grade Stabilization Detention Dam Project, Douglas County, KS 2012 None
164 Folder 10: Archaeological Investigations at the Marvin Colson Site, 25FT158 Frontier County, NE - unedited draft pages 1-128 1992 None
165 Folder 12: Archaeological Investigations at the Marvin Colson Site, 25FT158 Frontier County, NE - edited draft pages 1-128 1992 None
166 Folder 19: The Origins and Expansion of the Central Plains Tradition by Donna C. Roper 2006 None
167 Folder 6: The Randolph Phase in Southern Iowa by Donna Roper 2001 None
168 Folder 18: "Lessons, from an Earthlodge: An Observational Study of Deterioration in a Replica North American Plains Earthlodge" Donna Roper 1999 None
169 Folder 19: "Lower Loup Phase Pottery in Great Bend Aspect Sites" by Donna Roper 1999 None
170 Folder 20: Archaeological Investigations on a Portion of 14MN515, A Great Bend Aspect Village- Marion, KS pages 1-143 2000 None
171 Folder 21: Archaeological Investigations on a Portion of 14MN515, A Great Bend Aspect Village Site- Marion, KS pages 144-267 2000 None
172 Folder 22: Archaeological Investigations on a Portion of 14MN515, A Great Bend Aspect Village Site- Marion, Ks Draft 2000 None
173 Folder 1: Cambria 2000 None
174 Folder 2: "....Its Turtles All The Way Down": Pre-Federal Upper Republican Site Archaeology at Medicine Creek by Donna Roper 2000 None
175 Folder 3: KAA's Reynolds Fund Supports Radiocarbon Dating of the Great Bend Occupation at Marion by Donna Roper 2000 None
176 Folder 4: Macy Site 14RY38 2000 None
177 Folder 5: House Floor Wear and Accurate House Floor Excavation: A Nebraska Case Study by Donna Roper 2001 None
178 Folder 7: From Loess Plains to High Plains: The Westward Migration of Upper Republican Pots in Nebraska, Colorado, and Wyoming by Anne M Cobry and Donna C. Roper 2002 None
179 Folder 16: 25LP8 Obsidian Source Analysis 1999 None
180 Folder 8: The Pawnee in Kansas: Ethnohistory and Archaeology by Donna C. Roper 2002 None
181 Folder 9: Pedro Vial at the Pawnee Village, 1793 2002 None
182 Folder 10: The Pawnee in Kansas: Ethnohistory and Archaeology by Donna C. Roper 2002 None
183 Folder 11: The Whiteford Family of Saline: Mid-Twentieth Century Avocational Archaeologists 2002 None
184 Folder 12: A New Analysis of Salina's Indian Burial Pit 2004 None
185 Folder 13: Central Plains Tradition 2005 None
186 Folder 14: The Origins and Expansion of the Central Plains Tradition by Donna C. Roper 2005 None
187 Folder 15: 100° W Longitude: Exploring Cultural dynamics at the Western Edge of the Central Plains Tradition by Donna C. Roper 2006 None
188 Folder 16: Source Analysis of Central Plains Tradition Pottery Using Neutron Activation Analysis: Feasibility and First Results by Donna C. Roper 2006 None
189 Folder 17: The Effect of the Direct Historical Approach on the Development of Theory in Plains Archaeology: A Comment on Mitchell's Analysis of the MBP Legacy by Donna C. Roper 2006 None
190 Folder 18: The House with 49 Abraders: Implications for Interactions on the Central Plains by Donna C. Roper 2006 None
191 Folder 17: Earthlodge manuscripts, notes, and data 1999 None
192 Folder 15: "The Schudel Site Complex: Early Archaic Occupation in the North Loup River Valley" by Donna Roper 1998 None
193 Folder 13: Archaeological Investigations at the Marvin Colson Site, 25FT158 Frontier County, NE - edited draft pages 129-255 1992 None
194 Folder 1: Survey of Selected Segments of a Proposed Waterline- Greenwood and Lyon Counties, KS 1994 None
195 Folder 14: Archaeological Investigations at the Marvin Colson Site, 25FT158 Frontier County, NE 1992 None
196 Folder 15: On the Explanation of Variability in Central Plains Tradition Faunal Assemblage by Donna Roper 1992 None
197 Folder 16: Phase III Investigations at 13LC17, A Randolph Phase Winter Camp in the White Breast Creek Valley, Lucas County, Iowa, Introduction and Correspondence 1992 None
198 Folder 17: Phase III Investigations at 13LC17, A Randolph Phase Winter Camp in the White Breast Creek Valley, Lucas County, Iowa, Chapters 1-6 1992 None
199 Folder 18: Protohistoric Pawnee Hunting - Documentary Data 1992 None
200 Folder 19: Archaeology Data Base System (ARCH.DB): Documentation and Procedures by Melody Pope and Thomas Killion 1993 None
201 Folder 20: Central Plains Tradition Mortuary Practices: A Review by Donna Roper 1993 None
202 Folder 21: A Cultural History of the Pawnee by Donna Roper 1993 None
203 Folder 22: The Material Culture of 25DS21, A Lower Loup Hunting Camp in the Platte River Valley by Donna Roper 1993 None
204 Folder 23: Pawnee Ancestry A Position Statement by Donna Roper 1993 None
205 Folder 24: Reassessment of Some Radiocarbon Dates from the Central Plains by Donald Blakeslee 1994 None
206 Folder 2: The Schudel Site, 25GY12, an Early Plains Archaic Site in Greeley County, Nebraska- Draft Report 1994 None
207 Folder 14: The Paleoindian Occupation of the Plains, Clovis and Pre-Clovis sites 1998 None
208 Folder 3: "The Schudel Site (25GY12): An Early Plains Archaic Site in Greeley County, Nebraska" by Donna C. Roper 1994 None
209 Folder 4: "A Field Test of the Probability Model for Cultural Resources at Fort Riley, Kansas" Floyd B. Largent Jr. and Philip R. White 1995 None
210 Folder 5: Quivira 1995 None
211 Folder 6: Survey of the East Marion Interceptor Sewer Project- Marion, KS 1995 None
212 Folder 7: Draft of "Northern Plains Woodland" section for <emph render='underline'>Plains Anthropologist</emph> 1996 None
213 Folder 8: East Marion Interceptor Sewer Project- 14MN515 Phase 3 Report Draft- Marion, KS 1996 None
214 Folder 9: "Prehistoric Ceramic Technology and Physical Properties of Soils: An Analysis of Three Potential Pottery Clays from Logan and Wallace Counties, Kansas" by Margaret Beck 1996 None
215 Folder 10: Reanalysis of the Ceramic Assemblages of Three Houses at Minneapolis (14OT5) 1996 None
216 Folder 11: Archaeological Survey for the Land Conditions Trend Analysis (LCTA) Program, Fort Riley, KS 1997 None
217 Folder 12: "Coronado's Harahey Was Not the Pawnee" Donna Roper 1998 None
218 Folder 13: "On Coalescent and Lower Loup Hunting Camp Sites in Nebraska" Donna Roper 1998 None
219 Folder 38: "On the Explanation of Variability in Central Plains Tradition Faunal Assemblages" by Donna C. Roper None
220 Folder 40: "Spatial Dynamics and Historic Process in the Central Plains Tradition" by Donna C. Roper- Drafts None
221 Folder 26: Phase III Archaeological Investigations of the Two Sites on the Proposed State Veterans Cemetery, Fort Riley, Riley County, KS 2004 None
222 Folder 70: Review of Collin Calloway's "One Vast Winter Count: The American War Before Lewis Clark" 2002 None
223 Folder 60: Review of "The Leon River Medicine Wheel: An Assessment and Analyses" by J. Michael Quigg et al 1996 None
224 Folder 61: Review of "North American Indian Anthropology: Essays on Society and Culture" by Raymond Demallie and Alfonso Ortiz 1996 None
225 Folder 62: Review of "Archaeology and Paleocology of the Central Great Plains" by Jack L. Hoffman 1998 None
226 Folder 63: Request to review Fort Riley Commemorative Plaque 1999 None
227 Folder 64: Research project review criteria 1999 None
228 Folder 65: Review of "La Harpe's Post" by George Odell 2000 None
229 Folder 66: Review for the Journal of the West 2001 None
230 Folder 67: Review of "Iowa's Archaeological Past" 2001 None
231 Folder 68: Plains Anthropologist Review of "An Inventory and Analyses of Ceramics from Sites on the Fort Carson Military Base" 2002 None
232 Folder 69: Review of "Barbarian Hammer: Bison Hunting, Farming, and Social Change on the Late Prehistoric Southern Plains" by Susan C. Vehik 2002 None
233 Folder 71: Review of "Islands in the Plains: Ecological, Social, and Ritual Use of Landscapes" edited by Marcel Komfeld and AlanJ. Osborn 2002 None
234 Folder 58: "The Spreen Cache: A Case Study of a Prehistoric Curated Collection of Broken Tools from 41N108, Runnels County, Texas" 1995 None
235 Folder 72: Review of "Phase III Archaeological Evaluation of Site 14D0333, Douglas County, KS" 2002 None
236 Folder 73: Review of "Gateway to the Past: The Prehistoric Cultures of St. Louis, Missouri" by Joel Harl 2007 None
237 Folder 74: Review of "Archaeological Investigations at Arkansas City, Kansas" 2009 None
238 Folder 75: "The Formation of Late Prehistoric Household Assemblages in the Central Great Plains" by Brad Logan 2010 None
239 Folder 76: National Historic Landmark Nomination for Davis Oriole Earthlodge Site 2010 None
240 Folder 77: Manuscript Review 2011 None
241 Folder 78: Manuscript Review Comments None
242 Folder 79: National Register of Historic Places Inventory- Nomination Form, Frontier County, NE None
243 Folder 80: Prehistoric Cultural Continuity in the Missouri Ozarks the Truman Reservoir Project None
244 Folder 81: Review of "Captured Heritage: The Scramble for Northwest Coast Artifacts" by David Cole None
245 Folder 82: Review Comments on "Phase IV Archaeological Investigations at 14RY38: A Late Archaic/Early Ceramic Campsite Near Manhattan, Riley County, Kansas by Christopher Benison" None
246 Folder 59: Review of "Archaeological Pottery of Colorado: Ceramic Clues to Prehistoric and Protohistoric Lives of the State's Native Peoples" by Susan Chandler, Robert Brunswig and Bruce Bradley 1996 None
247 Folder 57: Review of "Some Things are Not Forgotten: A Pawnee Native" by Martha Royce Blaine 1995 None
248 Folder 84: Review of "Deerskins and Hunting territories" by Richard Michael Gramly None
249 Folder 43: Review of "Objects of Change: The Archaeology and History of Arikara Contact with Europeans" by J. Daniel Rogers 1991 None
250 Folder 32: Comments on "Site Distribution, Environmental Adaptation, and Environmental Change along the Northern Edge of the Prairie Peninsula" by James W. Springer 1982 None
251 Folder 33: Review of <emph render='underline'>Archaeology in Kansas</emph> by Patricia J. O'Brien 1985 None
252 Folder 34: Review of "Faunal Exploitation and Resource Selection: Early Late Woodland Subsistence in the Lower Illinois River Valley" by Bonnie Whatley Styles 1986 None
253 Folder 35: Review of "The Effects of CRM: A Socialhistorical Perspective of the Department of Anthropology, University of Nebraska of Lincoln" 1987 None
254 Folder 36: Review of "Missouri National Recreational River: Native American Cultural Resources" by John Ludwickson, Donald Blakeslee, John O'Shea 1987 None
255 Folder 37: Review of "Variation in the St. Helena Phase of Northeastern Nebraska" by James R. Wettstaed 1987 None
256 Folder 38: Review of "Geographic Information Systems in Plains Archaeology: The Potential of a New Technology" by Kenneth L. Kvamme 1989 None
257 Folder 39: Review of "The Hopewell Site: A Contemporary Analysis Based on the Work of Charles C. Willoughby" by N'omi Greber and Katherine 1990 None
258 Folder 40: Review of "The Big Buffalo Hunt of 1684: An Episode from the History of the South Plains" Nancy P. Hickerson 1991 None
259 Folder 41: Review of "Computer Cartography and the Validity of Surface Site Sampling" by Hassle and Day 1991 None
260 Folder 42: Review of "Early Holocene Domestic Dog Burials from the North American Midwest" by Dr. D. Marey and Dr. M. Wiant 1991 None
261 Folder 44: Commentary on "Guidelines for Geomorphological Investigations in Support of Archaeological Investigations in Iowa" by E. Arthur Bettis III 1992 None
262 Folder 56: Review of "Evidence for Archaic Lithic Craft Specialization on the Western Gulf Coastal Plain: a Flintknapper's Kit from Morhiss (41VT1) by Helen Dockall and John Dockall 1995 None
263 Folder 45: Review of "The Buffalo People: Prehistoric Archaeology on the Canadian Plains" by Liz Bryan 1992 None
264 Folder 46: Review of "Catchment Analysis and Linear Reduction Systems in Lithic Studies" by Harry J. Shafer 1992 None
265 Folder 47: Kansas Antiquities Commission 1993 None
266 Folder 48: Review of "Archaeological and Ethnohistory of the Omaha Indians: The Big Village Site" by John O'Shea and John Ludwickson 1993 None
267 Folder 49: Harry S. Truman Reservoir Sites 1994 None
268 Folder 50: Review of "60 Years of Southwestern Archaeology" by Richard R. Woodburg 1994 None
269 Folder 51: Review of "Archaeology on the Great Plains" by W. Raymond Wood 1994 None
270 Folder 52: Review of "The Gowen Sites: Cultural Responses to Climatic Warming on the Northern Plains" by Ernest G. Walker 1994 None
271 Folder 53: Review of "Long-Term Subsistence Change in Prehistoric North America" by Dale Cross, Rebecca Hawkins, Barry L. Isaac 1994 None
272 Folder 54: Review of "The Smithsonian and The American Indian: Making a Moral Anthropology in Victorian America" by Curtis M. Hinsley 1994 None
273 Folder 55: Review of "Towards an Understanding of Sedentary Cultures in the Central Plains" by Alfred E. Johnson, Brad Logan, Lauren W. Ritterbush 1994 None
274 Folder 83: Review of "Cultural Resources Survey of Smithville Late, Missouri Volume 1: Archaeology" None
275 Folder 85: Review of "Geographical Distribution of Aboriginal soapstone from certain quarries..." by Holland, Pennell and Allen None
276 Folder 30: Review of "Methodological Considerations of Surface Site Assemblage Variability" by William B. Turner 1981 None
277 Folder 8: Commonwealth Business Invoices 1987 None
278 Folder 115: Sigma Xi Kansas State University Chapter Membership 1993 None
279 Folder 116: Term Appointment for KSU Spring Semester 2001 2001 None
280 Folder 117: Chapter 1: The Nature of Anthropology None
281 Folder 1: Vita of Donna C. Roper 1982 None
282 Folder 2: Vita of Donna C. Roper 1985-1986 None
283 Folder 3: Curriculum Vita of Donna C. Roper 1986 None
284 Folder 4: Vita and letter of intent draft 1986 None
285 Folder 5: Vita and References for archaeology assistant professor 1991 None
286 Folder 6: NAPA William Duncan Strong Memorial Award 2015 None
287 Folder 7: Nomination of Dr. Donna C. Roper for the 2015 Distinguished Service Award of the Plains Anthropological Society 2015 None
288 Folder 9: Business Partnership Agreement 1988 None
289 Folder 113: University of Alabama Press: Royalty Statement 2007-2008 None
290 Folder 10: Jackson, Michigan 1988-1992 None
291 Folder 11: Commonwealth Cultural Resources Annual Report 1992 None
292 Folder 12: CCRG Call for Applicants for Full-Time Archaeologist None
293 Folder 13: Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination Questions and Answers for Donna Roper 1973 None
294 Folder 14: Personal correspondence 1976, 1998 None
295 Folder 15: Donna's Dog "Bonnie" 2012 None
296 Folder 16: The Pathfinder, 2012 None
297 Folder 17: Oneonta High School 1964 None
298 Folder 18: Hartwick College 1968 None
299 Folder 19: Indiana University Master of Arts Diploma 1970 None
300 Folder 20: University of Missouri Doctor of Philosophy Diploma 1975 None
301 Folder 114: Term Appointment at Kansas State University 2008 None
302 Folder 112: Kansas Humanities Council, speakers agreement 2002 None
303 Folder 86: Review of "The Identification of activity loci in plough zones: an example from New York State" by Sterud, E.L., F.P., McManamon, and M. Rose None
304 Folder 98: Holly C. Abu Daqeh (Adams) request for letter of recommendation 1999 None
305 Folder 87: Review of "Models, metaphor, and Analogy in Archaeology" by Patricia Erying Brown None
306 Folder 88: Review of "Predicting Aboriginal Site Locations in the Rio Grande National Forest" by Anthony L. Klesert None
307 Folder 89: Review of Project Proposal None
308 Folder 90: A review of "A Regional Systematic Collection from Southern Illinois" by George J. Gumerman None
309 Folder 91: "Terminal Pleistocene and Early Holocene Archaeology of the Interior Low Plateau Province of Eastern North America" Janice McLean 1999 None
310 Folder 92: "Upper Republican Lithic Assemblage Variability at Medicine Creek Reservoir Nebraska" by Jennifer Noelle Macy Thesis 2002 None
311 Folder 93: "Comments on Roche Lindsey Thesis Draft" by Donna C. Roper 2005 None
312 Folder 94: "Faunal Analysis of Large Mammals from the Kansas Monument Site: a Kitkahki Pawnee Village in Republic County, Kansas" Master Thesis by Mark Volmut 2011 None
313 Folder 95: Letters of Recommendation and Termination 1980 None
314 Folder 96: Recommendation Letter for Dr. Bradley T. Lepper 1989 None
315 Folder 97: Letters of Recommendations 1995 None
316 Folder 99: Rebecca A. Osborn request for letter of recommendation 1999 None
317 Folder 111: Certificates of Appreciation 2001-2011 None
318 Folder 100: Letter of Recommendation: Jennifer Macy 2000 None
319 Folder 101: "Woodland Period Variability in the Midwestern Prairies"- Application for Visiting Scholar position in Eastern U.S. Archaeology 1984 None
320 Folder 102: Nebraska Association of Professional Archaeologists 1986-2013 None
321 Folder 103: Nebraska State Historical Society Meeting 1986 None
322 Folder 104: Personal Correspondence 1988 None
323 Folder 105: Nomination for the Plains Anthropological Society Board of Directors 1989 None
324 Folder 106: Distinguished Graduate Faculty Award for Patricia J. O'Brien 1990 None
325 Folder 107: Nomination for Sigma Xi Outstanding Scientist for Patricia J. O'Brien 1990 None
326 Folder 108: Farewell Poem for CCRG 1991 None
327 Folder 109: Archaeological Association of South Central Kansas 1998 None
328 Folder 110: Kansas Humanities Council Speakers Bureau 2000-2001 None
329 Folder 31: Review of "Plowzone Archaeology: Contributions to Theory and Technique" edited by Michael J. O'brien and Dennis E. Lewarch 1981 None
330 Folder 29: Review of "Catchment Analysis: Essays in Prehistoric Resource Space" by Frank J. Findlaw and Jonathon E. Ericson 1981 None
331 Folder 41: "The Woodland Period in the Ozarks- the Concepts, its History, and its Place in Prehistory" by Donna C. Roper None
332 Folder 24: Plains Conference 1996 None
333 Folder 14: Society for American Archaeology 1991 None
334 Folder 15: Plains Conference 1992 None
335 Folder 16: Society for American Anthropology 1992 None
336 Folder 17: Flint Hills Conference 1993 None
337 Folder 18: Flint Hills Conference 1994 1994 None
338 Folder 19: Plains Conference 1994 None
339 Folder 20: Flint Hills Conference 1995 None
340 Folder 21: Modeling Social Relationships through Ceramic Analysis: A Case Study from the Central Plains by Margaret Beck, 1995 Plains Conference 1995 None
341 Folder 22: Some Erroneous Notions about Calescent Bison Hunting Camp Sites in Nebraska 1995 None
342 Folder 23: Flint Hills Archaeological Conference 1996 None
343 Folder 25: Medicine Creek Conference 1997 None
344 Folder 12: Plains Conference 1991 None
345 Folder 26: Plains Conference 1997 None
346 Folder 27: Flint Hills Archaeological Conference 1999 None
347 Folder 28: Plains Anthropological Conference "Upper Republican Farmstead Organization in the Medicine Creek Valley, Nebraska" by Donna Roper 1999 None
348 Folder 29: Santa Fe Trail Symposium 1999 None
349 Folder 30: Flint Hills Conference 2000 None
350 Folder 31: Kansas Archaeology Week "An Archaeologist Looks at Coronado's 1541 visit to Central Kansas" 2000 None
351 Folder 32: Flint Hills Archaeological Conference 2002 None
352 Folder 33: KATP 2002 None
353 Folder 34: KHC Speakers Bureau 2002 None
354 Folder 35: Plains Conference 2002 None
355 Folder 36: Society for American Archaeology 2002 None
356 Folder 13: Quantitative and Graphical Spatial Analysis of a Hearth-based Depositional Model for the Koster Site, Greene County, IL 1991 None
357 Folder 11: Flint Hills Conference 1991 None
358 Folder 38: Flint Hills Archaeological Conference 2004 None
359 Folder 53: Society for American Archaeology 1985 None
360 Folder 42: Plains Conference: "The Truman Reservoir Survey: Approach and Preliminary Results" Donna C. Roper 1975 None
361 Folder 43: Society for American Anthropology 1978 None
362 Folder 44: Western Ozarks Research Consortium (Harry S. Truman Dam) 1978 None
363 Folder 45: Plains Conference 1979 None
364 Folder 46: Flint Hills Conference 1980 None
365 Folder 47: Plains Conference 1982 None
366 Folder 48: Society for American Archaeology 1982 None
367 Folder 49: Plains Conference 1984 None
368 Folder 50: Flint Hills Conference 1985 None
369 Folder 51: Plains Conference 1985 None
370 Folder 52: Presentation on the Use of Ethnographic Record, Case Study: 25LP8 1985 None
371 Folder 54: "And Krober Said... and It Was So: Perceptions of the Role of the Horse in Plains Indian Culture"- Plains Conference 1986 None
372 Folder 10: Ethnological Conceptions of the Role of the Horse and Development of Central Plains Archaeology by Donna C. Roper 1991 None
373 Folder 55: Plains Conference 1986 None
374 Folder 56: Society for American Archaeology 1986 None
375 Folder 1: Influence of the Horse in Plains Hunting 1987 None
376 Folder 2: Plains Conference 1987 1987 None
377 Folder 3: Flint Hills Conference 1988 None
378 Folder 4: Plains Conference 1988 1988 None
379 Folder 5: Plains Conference Field Trip 1988 None
380 Folder 6: Flint Hills Conference 1989 1989 None
381 Folder 7: Society for American Archaeology 1989 None
382 Folder 8: Flint Hills Conference 1990 None
383 Folder 9: Plains Conference 1990 None
384 Folder 37: Plains Conference 2003 None
385 Folder 39: Plains Conference 2004 2004 None
386 Folder 28: Review of "Testing the Hypothesis of Paleo-Indian-Archaic Point Devolution" by Kenneth C. Reid 1980 None
387 Folder 15: Review of "Scarification and Cultural Resources" by Joseph G. Gallagher 1978 None
388 Folder 5: Thank You Cards N/A None
389 Folder 6: Master Reference List N/A None
390 Folder 7: References for Strunk Testing and 4 Sites Testing N/A None
391 Folder 8: Book review for Archaeology for Dummies 2009 None
392 Folder 9: Across Atlantic Ice: The Origins of America's Clovis Culture by Dennis J. Stanford and Bruce A. Bradley, reviewed by Donna C. Roper 2012 None
393 Folder 10: Review of the Cannon Reservoir Archaeological Project reports 1976 None
394 Folder 11: Review of "Nearest Neighbor" by Gregory and Shimada 1977 None
395 Folder 12: Review of "Optimal Location in Settlement Space" by J. Wood 1997 None
396 Folder 13: Little Blue Lakes Project research design 1978 None
397 Folder 14: Review of "The Functional Analysis of Scrapers: Problems, New Techniques, and Cautions" by Anne-Marie Cantwell 1978 None
398 Folder 16: Review comments on Five Predictive Models Report 1979 None
399 Folder 3: Plains Anthropological Freshwater Mussel Conference N/A None
400 Folder 17: Review of the Ammerman and Kintigh paper by Michael B. Schiffer 1979 None
401 Folder 18: Review of "A Cultural Resource Survey of the Phase III Portion of the Spring Branch-Bundshu Sewer Project in Jackson County, Missouri" by the Iroquois Research Institute 1979 None
402 Folder 19: Review of "A Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Liberty, Missouri Airport" 1979 None
403 Folder 20: Review of "Predictive Cultural Resources in the St. Francis River Basin: A Research Design" by Iroquois Research Institute 1979 None
404 Folder 21: Review of "The Relationship of Surface to Subsurface Material at the Murphy Site, Saline County, Illinois" by Mark Lynch None
405 Folder 22: Review of "Research Design for Pre-Historic Archaeological Reconnaissance in the Harry S. Truman Reservoir" by the Iroquois Research Institute 1979 None
406 Folder 23: Review of "The Significance of Dart Point Stem Breakage" by L.W. Patterson 1979 None
407 Folder 24: Review of "A Survey Level Report of Ditch 24 Channel Enlargement Project, Stoddard County, Missouri" By Iroquois Research Institute 1979 None
408 Folder 25: Review of "A Trace Element Analysis of Several Middle Woodland Silver Artifacts and Native Silver Ores" (1976) by Christopher Maurer, Dennis O'Boyle, and Thomas Riley 1979 None
409 Folder 26: Review of "Mississippian Settlement Patterns" by Bruce D. Smith 1980 None
410 Folder 27: Review of "The Research Design for Archaeological Reconnaissance and Survey for Prehistoric Resources within the Ten Year Floodpod, Harry S. Truman Dam and Reservoir, Missouri" by Richard L. Taylor 1980 None
411 Folder 4: Trend-Surface Analysis Comments and Correspondence with Plains Anthropology N/A None
412 Folder 2: Odessa Yates 34BV100 N/A None
413 Folder 40: Plains Conference 2006 None
414 Folder 52: Flint Hills Discovery Center 2012 None
415 Folder 41: Society for American Anthropology 2007 None
416 Folder 42: Plains Conference Shell Tempered Pottery 2007 None
417 Folder 43: Flint Hills Conference 2007 None
418 Folder 44: Plains Conference 2008 None
419 Folder 45: Plains Conference 2009 None
420 Folder 46: Central Plains Workshop 2010 None
421 Folder 47: Society for American Archaeology Conference 2010 None
422 Folder 48: Plains Conference "Examining Pottery's Role in Central Plains Tradition Floodways" Current Investigations of Upper Republican Sites in the Red Willow Creek Valley, Nebraska 2011 None
423 Folder 49: Medicine Creek Conference 1997 None
424 Folder 50: Stillman Cemetery Dedication and Re-interment, Manhattan, KS 2007 None
425 Folder 51: Central Community College - Columbus Nebraska Workshop 2011 None
426 Folder 53: Newspaper Articles featuring Donna Roper N/A None
427 Folder 1: Misc. Correspondence N/A None
428 Folder 54: Publications naming Donna Roper N/A None
429 Folder 55: Cancellation and Appointment of Contracting Officer's Technical Representative for Contract No. 3-CS-70-00620 for Cultural Resource Services for the Lower Missouri Region 1988 None
430 Folder 56: Correspondence 1990-2002 None
431 Folder 57: General Correspondence 1992-1994 None
432 Folder 58: Pawnee Culture-History 1993 None
433 Folder 59: 25FT22 House Excavation 1995 None
434 Folder 60: 1987 Artifact Catalog of 25FT22 and 25FT30 1997 None
435 Folder 61: NAGPRA 2000-2002 None
436 Folder 62: Pikes Peak Vessel Correspondence 2002 None
437 Folder 63: Correspondence N/A None
438 Folder 64: Correspondence for Plains Anthropology Book NA None
439 Folder 27: Survey for the Koch and Company, Inc. Addition Project Seneca, Nemaha County, Kansas 2004 None
440 Folder 25: Evaluation of Site 14NT201 for the Water Supply Improvements Project, Almena, Norton County, KS 2004 None
441 Folder 2: Correspondence 1979-2012 None
442 Folder 38: University of Washington- Quaternary Isotope Lab- Kansas City area Early Woodland dates 1993 None
443 Folder 28: Colson Body Sherds 1985-1986 None
444 Folder 29: Cultural Resource Survey in Harlan County, Furnas County, and Scottsbluff County, NE 1985 None
445 Folder 30: Northern Loup- C-14 Dating 1985 None
446 Folder 31: Salina Burial Pit 1985 None
447 Folder 32: Hematite Use in Plains and Prairies 1987 None
448 Folder 33: Kansas City District, Corps of Engineers Cultural Resources Reports 1991 None
449 Folder 34: Pawnee Culture- History Data Base 1993 None
450 Folder 35: University of Washington- Quaternary Isotope Lab 1993 None
451 Folder 36: University of Washington- Quaternary Isotope Lab- Bluff Creek, Wilmore, and Pratt phase dates 1993 None
452 Folder 37: University of Washington- Quaternary Isotope Lab- Clovis 1993 None
453 Folder 39: University of Washington- Quaternary Isotope Lab- Manhattan area "Schultz focus" dates (Woodland) 1993 None
454 Folder 26: Hiawatha and Ottawa National Forests Location Data 1981 None
455 Folder 40: University of Washington- Quaternary Isotope Lab Mill Creek Dates 1993 None
456 Folder 41: University of Washington- Quaternary Isotope Lab- Monte Verde MV-II cultural dates 1993 None
457 Folder 42: University of Washington- Quaternary Isotope Lab- Oneota dates 1993 None
458 Folder 43: University of Washington- Quaternary Isotope Lab- Steed-Kister phase dates 1993 None
459 Folder 44: University of Washington- Quaternary Isotope Lab Variant Dates 1993 None
460 Folder 45: Site numbers and dates 1996 None
461 Folder 46: Central Plains Tradition Settlement Pattern Study 1997 None
462 Folder 47: Montana Radiocarbon Dates Calibration Project 1997 None
463 Folder 48: Dancing Leaf Earth Lodge 1998 None
464 Folder 49: Great Bend settlement data 1998 None
465 Folder 50: Kansas Woodland obsidian 2000 None
466 Folder 27: Hiawatha National Forest- Location Analysis- Logging 1983-1984 None
467 Folder 25: American Antiquity Publication Trends 1971-1985 None
468 Folder 52: 14LA1 Pottorff site 2003 None
469 Folder 11: Pecos National Historic Park and other places 2011 None
470 Folder 58: Miscellaneous Kansas Field Journals 2001-2014 2001-2014 None
471 Folder 1: Sherwood Wastewater Plant, Shawnee County, KS Maps 2001 None
472 Folder 2: 14FY407 Map 2002 None
473 Folder 3: Albert Bell Site- 14SD305- Field Journal 2002 None
474 Folder 4: Personal Journal of Midwest Sites 2003-2010 None
475 Folder 5: Redbub Estates Storage Area Phase II/III 2003 None
476 Folder 6: Site 14RP326 2003 None
477 Folder 7: Phase III investigations for the proposed Veteran's Cemetery Fort Riley, KS 2005 None
478 Folder 8: Water project- Scott City, KS 2009 None
479 Folder 9: Tauy Creek Map 2010 None
480 Folder 10: Marshall County- Horseshoe Creek Watershed Maps 2011 None
481 Folder 12: Blosser Municipal Airport (Concordia, KS) Maps 2013 None
482 Folder 24: Marion Archaeological District National Register of Historic Places 1965 None
483 Folder 13: Trileaf cells towers- GOSAOO3229 2014 None
484 Folder 14: Atchison Airport None
485 Folder 15: Ceramics Analysis, Lab Notes, Multiple Sites None
486 Folder 16: Colson Site specimen list None
487 Folder 17: Excavation Grid at 33CT476 None
488 Folder 18: Greenwood County, KS Rural Water District #3 None
489 Folder 19: Miscellaneous site maps None
490 Folder 20: Rural Water District #2, Elk County, KS None
491 Folder 21: Site Maps from Harry Strunk Lake, NE None
492 Folder 22: Vessel Sketches None
493 Folder 23: 14LC301 1961 None
494 Folder 51: Smoky Hill Museum Program Evaluation: the Indian Burial Pit 2001 None
495 Folder 53: 14SA403 2003 None
496 Folder 56: Pomona, KS Survey Map 1999 None
497 Folder 37: Wichita in Kansas Kaw Lecture for 4/6/99 1999 None
498 Folder 27: Unassociated Data N/A None
499 Folder 28: Unknown Site - Table 7 and Table 12 N/A None
500 Folder 29: Quivira/ Coronado Research 1929 None
501 Folder 30: Population Trends in the Central Plains Tradition Notes 1976 None
502 Folder 31: 25FT158/Colson Site 1978 None
503 Folder 32: Bison Billings Trap 1982 None
504 Folder 33: Survey of 6 Parcels of Land Near Pueblo Reservoir, Colorado 1987 None
505 Folder 34: "Response to Criticisms of my 1995 Paper" Notes 1995 None
506 Folder 35: Central Plains Arrow Study 1997 None
507 Folder 36: Bell Collection Analysis 1999 None
508 Folder 38: Earthlodges 2005 None
509 Folder 25: Multiple Site Data through Midwest N/A None
510 Folder 39: Central Plains Tradition 2007 None
511 Folder 40: Cone Firing Research 2009 None
512 Folder 41: Becoming Quivirans N/A None
513 Folder 42: Central Plains Tradition Research N/A None
514 Folder 43: Coalescent Pottery Synonymy N/A None
515 Folder 44: Cross-Cultural Codes (Ethnology) N/A None
516 Folder 45: Culture Change Bibliography N/A None
517 Folder 46: Depictions of the Pawnee N/A None
518 Folder 47: Head Smashed In Site N/A None
519 Folder 48: Medicine Creek N/A None
520 Folder 49: Middle Ceramic Period - Central Plains Tradition - Ceramics and Community Organization Project N/A None
521 Folder 26: Petrography Study N/A None
522 Folder 24: Multiple Sites Artifact Data N/A None
523 Folder 54: 14SA415 2003 None
524 Folder 10: Radiocarbon Dating the Upper Republican Occupation of the Medicine Creek Valley, Nebraska: A New Analysis by Donna C. Roper 2015 None
525 Folder 55: Albert Bell site (14SD305) 2003 None
526 Folder 56: Archaeological Neutron Activation Analysis from Missouri University Research Reactor 2003-2006 None
527 Folder 1: Central Kansas Radiocarbon Dates 2003 None
528 Folder 2: KUMA Schultz Collection 2005 None
529 Folder 3: 14RC410 Chronology-Radiocarbon dates 2007 None
530 Folder 4: Central Plains Tradition Ceramic Study 2007 None
531 Folder 5: Central Plains Tradition Chronology 2007 None
532 Folder 6: Radiocarbon Dates, Lists, and Calibrations 2012 None
533 Folder 7: Residue Dating Study 2013 None
534 Folder 8: Central Plains Petrography Data 2014 None
535 Folder 9: Contributors Authorization to Publish for Radiocarbon 2014 None
536 Folder 11: 25DS21 Site- artifact catalogs and radiocarbon dates None
537 Folder 23: Meth. and Interp. in Paleo Dist. Studies N/A None
538 Folder 12: 25GY12- artifact inventories None
539 Folder 13: Colson Site body sherds None
540 Folder 14: Blue Earth Site Artifact Catalog N/A None
541 Folder 15: Bow and Arrow N/A None
542 Folder 16: Bell Collection Lithics N/A None
543 Folder 17: Central Plains Tradition - Whole Pottery Vessels N/A None
544 Folder 18: Central Plains Spatial Dynamics N/A None
545 Folder 19: Earth Lodge Data N/A None
546 Folder 20: Frontier Pipeline - Site and Survey Data N/A None
547 Folder 21: K.A.A. Digs and Flings N/A None
548 Folder 22: Magnetometer Survey Results on Site MSS N/A None
549 Folder 57: Quivira 1999 None
550 Folder 55: Iola Water Line Project Map 1999 None
551 Folder 51: Quivira Annotated Notes N/A None
552 Folder 41: State of Kansas Time and Leave Document 1997 None
553 Folder 31: Kansas Archaeological Field School Proposal and Budget 1995 None
554 Folder 32: Proposal for Archaeological Services for Fort Riley, KS 1995 None
555 Folder 33: Proposal for Survey of Marais des Cygnes Basin Water Supply District, KS 1995 None
556 Folder 34: 14SH341 Request for Proposal 1996 None
557 Folder 35: Employee IDs and Account Info. 1996 None
558 Folder 36: Proposal for a Survey of Waterline between Sharon Springs and Wallace 1996 None
559 Folder 37: National Endowment for the Humanities Application 1997 None
560 Folder 38: "Proposal for Continued Fieldwork and Analysis on Upper Republican Sites Harry Strunk Lake, Frontier County, Nebraska" Donna Roper Sponsored Projects Transmittal Sheet 1997 None
561 Folder 39: Proposal for Survey of Pottawatomie County RWD #4 1997 None
562 Folder 40: Proposal to Conduct a Survey for Sanitary Sewer System improvements- Alma, Wabaunsee Co., KS 1997 None
563 Folder 42: Archaeological Investigations at Medicine Creek Financial Report 1998 None
564 Folder 29: Signed Contract from the U.S. Army for John Tomasic 1992 None
565 Folder 43: Proposal for FY2001 Investigations at Medicine Creek, Harry Strunk Lake, Frontier County, NE 1998 None
566 Folder 44: Proposed for: 1999 Investigations in the Medicine Creek Valley 1999 None
567 Folder 45: Proposal to Conduct an Archaeological Survey for the Sewer Rehabilitation Project Cherryvale, Montgomery County, KS 1999 None
568 Folder 46: Archaeologist Investigations at Medicine Creek Reservoir, NE Modification No.011 to Cooperative Agreement 2000 None
569 Folder 47: Bureau of Reclamation Modification of Assistance Agreement 2000 None
570 Folder 48: Nebraska State Historical Society Research Grant to Reevaluate Upper Republican Phase/Sites 2000 None
571 Folder 49: Proposal for 2000 Investigations in the Medicine Creek Valley 2000 None
572 Folder 50: Proposal for Archaeological Investigations at Medicine Creek Reservoir, NE 2000 None
573 Folder 51: Field School Budget 2001 None
574 Folder 52: "Proposed Modification No.013 to Cooperative Agreement No.5-FC-60-06030 for Archaeological Investigations at Medicine Creek Reservoir, NE" 2001 None
575 Folder 53: Phase III investigation of 14WB301 for Fiber Optic Line Construction- Wabaunsee County, KS Contract 2002 None
576 Folder 30: 14SA402 Survey Correspondence 1995 None
577 Folder 28: Archaeological Investigations at the Marvin Colson Site, 25FT158 Frontier, NE- Task Order and Invoices 1992 None
578 Folder 55: KDOT Proposal 2004 None
579 Folder 14: National Register Evaluation of Sites Located Along the Proposed Right-of-Way for the Fuilerton and Elba Canals in Greeley and Howard Counties, Nebraska 1988 None
580 Folder 3: Proposal for a Cultural Resource Survey of the Mirdian Canal Laterals 1982 None
581 Folder 4: Proposal for a Class III Cultural Resource Survey of the Geranium Canal and Lateral System- Valley County, Nebraska 1983 None
582 Folder 5: Proposal for Cultural Resource Mitigation Operations at Sites 25LP7 and 25LP8- North Loup County, Nebraska 1983 None
583 Folder 6: Proposal for Survey of the Geranium Canal and Lateral System, Valley County, Nebraska 1983 None
584 Folder 7: Contract Proposal and Budget for Investigations into Fort Gibson Lake, OK 1985 None
585 Folder 8: Cultural Resources Services for the Lower Missouri Region- Task Orders No. 85-001 and 85-002 1985 None
586 Folder 9: Request for Proposal for the Lower Missouri Region 1985 None
587 Folder 10: 1986 Phase 2 Excavations at Marvin Colson Site Work Order 1987 None
588 Folder 11: Contract for Cultural Resources Services for the Lower Missouri Region 1988 None
589 Folder 12: Gilbert/Commonwealth: Weekly Project Accounting Report 1988 None
590 Folder 13: Invoices 1988-1991 Bor Work 1988-1991 None
591 Folder 15: Northern Border Interconnect Pipeline Proposal, Iowa 1988 None
592 Folder 27: National Park Service Rocky Mountain Submittal Pack 1991 None
593 Folder 16: Proposal for a Data Recovery Plan for Five Archaeological Sites at Lake Red Rock, IA 1988 None
594 Folder 17: Proposal for a Data Recovery Plan for Fice Archaeological Sites at Lake Red Rock, IA 1988 None
595 Folder 18: Colson Site Job References Report 1989 None
596 Folder 19: Proposal for Cultural Resource Reconnaissance Survey for the Iowa Army Ammunition Plant- Burlington, Iowa 1989 None
597 Folder 20: Job Reference Report 1990 None
598 Folder 21: Nebraska Pipe Yard 1990 None
599 Folder 22: Northern Border Interconnect Pipeline, Iowa 1990 None
600 Folder 23: Proposal for Archaeological Work at Pinyon Canyon 1990 None
601 Folder 24: Proposal for Phase I Cultural Resources Survey Warren and Polk Counties, IA 1990 None
602 Folder 25: "Request by the Native American Rights Fund for Possession of Central Plains Tradition Skeletal Remains and Associated Burial Goods in the Collections of the Nebraska State Historical State" 1990 None
603 Folder 26: Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract from National Park Service, Rocky Mountain Region 1991 None
604 Folder 54: South Central Kansas Regional Medical Center Cultural Resources 2003 None
605 Folder 1: Proposal to Conduct a Cultural Resources Survey for the Future Leavenworth U.S. Army Reserve Center 2004 None
606 Folder 54: Arkansas City, KS Leeve Project 1999 None
607 Folder 41: NBIP 1989 None
608 Folder 31: 14RC410 Site Survey 1975 None
609 Folder 32: Multiple Site Survey Forms 1976 None
610 Folder 33: HST Survey Summer 1978 1978 None
611 Folder 34: Williams II Site Testing Wister Lake, OK 1983 None
612 Folder 35: Survey of Shoreline at Merrit Reservoir, Cherry Co, NE 1985 None
613 Folder 36: Pueblo Reservoir Cultural Resources Location Map and Survey Forms 1986 None
614 Folder 37: Site 25FT158 Vandalism 1986 None
615 Folder 38: 25FT171 Site Survey Form and Excavation Form 1987 None
616 Folder 39: Personal Journal of Sites through Nebraska and Kansas 1988 None
617 Folder 40: 25FT39 Site Survey 1989 None
618 Folder 42: Northern Border Interconnect Pipeline Report, Iowa 1989 None
619 Folder 29: Sheridan Co., Montana-Sites and Environmental Study 1970 None
620 Folder 43: Survey of the Fullerton Canal, Section 1, Elba Canal, and associated laterals, Howard and Greeley counties, NE 1989 None
621 Folder 44: Summer Field Notes 1992 None
622 Folder 45: Marais des Cygnes Basin Public Wholesale Water Supply District 1993 None
623 Folder 46: Field Journal 1994 None
624 Folder 47: Rock Creek Watershed Survey 1994 None
625 Folder 48: Dickinson County Levees Maps and Correspondence 1995 None
626 Folder 49: Gas Services Marion County Pipeline 1995 None
627 Folder 50: East Marion Interceptor Sewer Project Correspondence 1996 None
628 Folder 51: Anderson County RWD #2 1997 None
629 Folder 52: Plains Talk 1997 None
630 Folder 53: Woodland Site Map Dates 1998 None
631 Folder 30: Newspaper Articles 1972 None
632 Folder 28: Nebraska State Historical Society Site Survey Form 1965 None
633 Folder 2: Study Proposal for: An Archaeological Overview and Assessment of Homestead National Monument of America, Nebraska 2004 None
634 Folder 14: NSF Residue/ AMS Proposal 2011 None
635 Folder 3: Technical Proposal for an Archaeological Evaluation for Federal Land within the Shawnee National Forest in Southern, IL 2004 None
636 Folder 4: Leavenworth Co. Pipelines 2005 None
637 Folder 5: NSF Proposal: Defining Smoky Hill Phase Communities 2006 None
638 Folder 6: Proposal for a Study of the Smokey Hill Phase- Roper and Adair 2006 None
639 Folder 7: Proposal to Evaluate the Boys Town Archaeological Site 14RC413, Rice County, KS 2006 None
640 Folder 8: Proposal for National Science Foundation "Collaborative Research: Ceramic Geography and the Social Formations of the Smoky Hill Phase, East-Central, Kansas" 2007 None
641 Folder 9: Little River Archaeology Project Correspondence 2008 None
642 Folder 10: National Historic Landmark Nomination: Davis Oriole Earth Lodge Site 2009 None
643 Folder 11: Vessel Form and Function Proposal 2009 None
644 Folder 12: Collaborative Research: Ceramic Geography and the Social Formations of the Smoky Hill Phase, Sponsored by NSF 2010 None
645 Folder 13: Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Application 2010 None
646 Folder 15: Post-Ph.D. Research Grant and Osmunden Initiative Application 2011 None
647 Folder 27: Smithsonian Institution River Basin Survey Medicine Creek General Survey Form 1946 None
648 Folder 16: Historic Preservation Fund Grant "Radiocarbon Dating Upper Republican Sites in Western Kansas" 2011 None
649 Folder 17: Request for Proposal, Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements, Rush Center, Kansas 2011 None
650 Folder 18: 2013 KATP/ KSH Proposal Outline 2013 None
651 Folder 19: City of Plainville Contract 2014 None
652 Folder 20: Grant Reports 2014 None
653 Folder 21: Budget and budget justification for radiocarbon dates N/A None
654 Folder 22: NSF Proposal: Central Plains Tradition N/A None
655 Folder 23: "Radiocarbon Dating Upper Republican Sites in Western Kansas", Grant Proposal N/A None
656 Folder 24: Nebraska State Historical Society Archeological Survey: Frontier County 1938 None
657 Folder 25: Medicine Creek Reservoir Site Survey Forms 1946 None
658 Folder 26: Smithsonian Institution River Basin Surveys: Medicine Creek 1946 None
659 Folder 50: The Pawnee (Lower Loup) Emergence N/A None
660 Folder 52: Research and Interpretation Handwritten Notes N/A None
661 Folder 24: Survey on a Proposed KCY Reno Cellular Tower Impact Area, Linwood, KS 2003 None
662 Folder 24: Colorado Mountains Prehistoric Context by Mark R. Guthrie et al. 1984 None
663 Folder 14: Chronology and Culture Process in the Central Plains Tradition: A Trend- Surface Analysis of the Radiocarbon Dates by Donna Roper 1973 None
664 Folder 15: Survey of Harry S. Truman Dam and Reservoir Project: Lower Pomme de Terre River Arm Missouri 1976 None
665 Folder 16: The Downstream Stockton Study: The Cultural Resources Survey Cedar County, Missouri 1977 None
666 Folder 17: A Resource Handbook: 1977 Archaeological Field School 1977 None
667 Folder 18: The Method and Theory of Site Catchment Analysis: A Review by Donna Roper 1978 None
668 Folder 19: Archeological Reconnaissance: Kansas and Smoky Hill Rivers Bank Stabilization Study, Kansas by Craig Sturdevant 1980 None
669 Folder 20: Stockton Lake Petroglyph 1981 None
670 Folder 21: Investigations in the Dry Creek Historic District, Loup County, Nebraska, Contract 1 of 3 1983 None
671 Folder 22: Investigations in the Dry Creek Historic District, Loup County, Nebraska, Contract 2 of 3 1983 None
672 Folder 23: Investigations in the Dry Creek Historic District, Loup County, Nebraska, Contract 3 of 3 1983 None
673 Folder 25: Archaeological Testing of Four Sites Harry Strunk Lake Frontier County, Nebraska 1990 None
674 Folder 12: A Preliminary Note on the Dean-Dole Site, 14PH12, an Aksarben Manifestation on Prairie Dog Creek, Kansas by Frederick D. McEvoy 1962 None
675 Folder 26: Census Report on Human Remains Ancestral to the Pawnee Tribe at the Smithsonian Institution by Roger Echo-Hawk 1990 None
676 Folder 27: Archaeological Testing of Four Sites Harry Strunk Lake Frontier County, Nebraska by Donna Roper 1991 None
677 Folder 28: Phase II Investigations of 23NO107, Nodaway County, Missouri 1991 None
678 Folder 29: Pawnee Repatriation Reports 1992 None
679 Folder 30: Phase III Investigations a 13LC17, A Randolph Phase Winter Camp in the White Breast Creek Valley, Lucas County, Iowa 1992 None
680 Folder 31: Procedures for State, Tribal, and Local Government Historic Preservation Programs by Donald Barry 1992 None
681 Folder 32: Survey for Bridge Replacement Project No. M94-190, Nemaha County, KS 1994 None
682 Folder 33: Survey of Dam Site 7-11 Long-Scott Creeks Watershed District No. 93, Coffey County, Kansas 1994 None
683 Folder 34: Survey of Floodwater Retarding-Detention Dam Site # 18 Rock Creek Watershed No. 45, Pottawatomie County, KS 1994 None
684 Folder 35: Survey of a Segment of Proposed Waterline Rural Water District #9, Extension #2, Woodson County, KS 1994 None
685 Folder 36: Survey of a Segment of a Proposed Waterline, Bourbon County, KS 1994 None
686 Folder 13: The Robinson- Solesbee Site, HS-9, A Fulton Aspect Occupation, Robert S. Kerr Reservoir, Eastern OK 1969 None
687 Folder 11: Appraisal of the Archeological Resources: Weber Reservoir/ Wilson Reservoir 1952 None
688 Folder 38: A Survey of the 100 Line Creek Crossing at Mile Post 329.9 Riley County, KS 1995 None
689 Folder 39: Surveys for Cell Towers at Belpre, Palco, and Waldo, KS 2009 None
690 Folder 28: Survey for the Water Supply Improvements Project, Seneca, KS 2006 None
691 Folder 29: Phase I Site File Searches for Two Possible Wind Farm Sites in Pratt and Barber Counties, KS 2007 None
692 Folder 30: Preliminary Report of the Archaeological Survey on the Manufacturing Plant Location at Salina 2008 None
693 Folder 31: Survey for the Dodge City Cell Tower, Ford County, KS 2008 None
694 Folder 32: Survey for the Proposed Army Reserve Center, Dodge City, KS 2008 None
695 Folder 33: Survey of a Proposed Cell Tower Location, Russell Springs, Logan County, KS 2008 None
696 Folder 34: Survey of a Proposed Water Tower Location Lecompton, Douglas County, KS 2008 None
697 Folder 35: Survey of Proposed Waterlines, Atwood, KS 2008 None
698 Folder 36: Survey of Revised Proposed Cell Tower Location, Hugoton, Stevens Counties, KS 2008 None
699 Folder 37: Phase I Site File Search for the Petersburg, Nebraska site for Third Panel Windpower 2009 None
700 Folder 38: Phase II Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Cell Tower Location near Plains, Meade County, KS 2009 None
701 Folder 40: Survey for Cell Towers in Sheridan County, Meade County and Edwards County, KS 2009 None
702 Folder 9: A Site Catchment Analysis of a Single Upper Republican House, Medicine Creek, Nebraska N/A None
703 Folder 41: Survey for the Water Distribution System Improvement Project Lyon County RWD #1, KS 2009 None
704 Folder 42: Survey at Rexford, Utica, Beeler, Kalvesta, Ensign, and Fargo Springs, Western KS Cell Towers 2010 None
705 Folder 43: Survey for a Wastewater System Improvements Project Hill City, Graham County, KS 2011 None
706 Folder 1: Survey for the Midwest Energy Substation, Rice County, KS 2011 None
707 Folder 2: Survey for the Water System Improvements Project Wilson County, KS 2011 None
708 Folder 3: Survey for a Flood Control Dam, Site 19, Horseshoe Creek Watershed District #110, Marshall County, KS 2012 None
709 Folder 4: Survey for a Grade Stabilization Detention Dam Project, Tavy Creek Watershed 82, Douglas County, KS 2012 None
710 Folder 5: Survey for Water System Improvements Project, Strong City, Chase County, KS 2012 None
711 Folder 6: More on Nebraska Bison Hunt Camp Sites: Response to Roper 1998 by John Ludwickson N/A None
712 Folder 7: Plains Catchment Analysis N/A None
713 Folder 8: Provenance Analysis of Shell-Tempered Pottery on the Central Plains Using Petrographic Analysis and Oxidation Analysis by Donna Roper, Richard Josephs, and Margaret Beck N/A None
714 Folder 37: Archaeological Investigations for the Cross Creek Flood Control Project, Rossville, KS 1995 None
715 Folder 39: Survey of the Proposed Green Valley Business Park Property Pottawatomie County, KS 1995 None
716 Folder 26: Survey for the Riverside Elementary School, Emporia, Lyon County, KS 2002 None
717 Folder 11: Survey for the Wastewater Treatment Expansion Project and Phase III Testing of 14NH104, Seneca, KS 2002 None
718 Folder 1: Survey of the Second Route for the Water System Improvement Project City of Logan 2001 None
719 Folder 2: Survey for the Collector System Improvements Project, Mound City, KS 2001 None
720 Folder 3: Survey for the Elderly Occupancy Apartments, Paola, Miami County, KS 2001 None
721 Folder 4: Survey for a Bridge Replacement over a Tributary to the Wakarusa River, Shawnee County, KS 2002 None
722 Folder 5: Survey for a Gas Transmission System Improvements Project, Admire, KS 2002 None
723 Folder 6: Survey for a Wastewater System Improvements Project Glen Elder, Mitchell County, KS 2002 None
724 Folder 7: Survey for a Water System Improvement, Anderson County, KS 2002 None
725 Folder 8: Survey for the Riverside Elementary School, Emporia, Lyon County, KS 2002 None
726 Folder 9: Survey for the Water System Improvement Project Little River, Rice County, KS 2002 None
727 Folder 10: Survey for the Wastewater Treatment Expansion Project, Seneca, Nemaha County, KS 2002 None
728 Folder 12: Survey for the Wastewater Treatment Lagoon System Project, Meade, KS 2002 None
729 Folder 28: Survey for the Telephone System Replacement Project Council Grove Morris County, KS 2001 None
730 Folder 13: Survey for the Wells, Chlorination Building and Waterline Project, Saline County, KS 2002 None
731 Folder 14: Survey of Site 21 in the Rock Creek Watershed District #45, Pottawatomie County, KS 2002 None
732 Folder 15: Survey on a Cellular Tower Impact Area, Andover, KS 2002 None
733 Folder 16: Survey on a Portion of the Proposed Northeast Kansas Regional Airport, Brown County, KS 2002 None
734 Folder 17: Survey for a New Channel Creation Project on Lynn Creek, Shawnee County, KS 2003 None
735 Folder 18: Survey for an Air-Controlled Storage Project, Manhattan, KS 2003 None
736 Folder 19: Survey for the Expansion Project at Amelia Earhart Memorial Airport, Atchison, KS 2003 None
737 Folder 20: Survey for the Sandcreek Ecosystem Restoration Project Newton, Harvey County, KS 2003 None
738 Folder 21: Survey for the Sewer System Expansion, McFarland, Wabaunsee County, KS 2003 None
739 Folder 22: Survey for the Stanton County Municipal Airport Expansion Project, Johnson, KS 2003 None
740 Folder 23: Survey of a Proposed Private Recreation Lake, Leavenworth County, KS 2003 None
741 Folder 29: Survey of the Industrial Park, Marysville, Marshall County, KS 2001 None
742 Folder 27: Survey for the Sherwood Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Project, Shawnee County, KS 2001 None
743 Folder 1: Summary of the 1995 Field Investigations 25FT30 Medicine Creek 1995 None
744 Folder 13: Archaeological Survey for the Land Condition Trend Analysis (LCTA) Program Fort Riley, KS 1999 None
745 Folder 2: East Marion Interceptor Sewer Project, 14MN515, Phase III 1996 None
746 Folder 3: Excavation of 25FT22, House 4, with Testing at Several Nearby Features 1996 None
747 Folder 4: Survey of a Proposed Addition to Redbud Estates, Manhattan, KS 1996 None
748 Folder 5: Survey of a Proposed Pipeline Crossing of Arkansas River at the Ward Feed Yard, Pawnee County, KS 1996 None
749 Folder 6: Survey of a Section of the Force Main Pipeline, Maryville, KS 1996 None
750 Folder 7: Survey of Selected Segments of JBN Telephone Company East Exchanges, Pottawatomie and Jackson Counties, KS 1996 None
751 Folder 8: Survey for an Anode Bed Replacement Project, Clark County, KS 1997 None
752 Folder 9: Survey for the Watson Cellular Tower, Atchison County, Missouri 1997 None
753 Folder 10: Survey of a Segment of EDA Water System Improvements, Iola, KS 1997 None
754 Folder 11: Survey for the Kansas Auto Racing Museum, Dickinson County, KS 1998 None
755 Folder 12: Archaeological Evaluation of Abandoned Wells and Cisterns, Swanson, Hugh, Butler, and Harry Strunk Lakes, Nebraska 1999 None
756 Folder 14: Artifact Catalogs for Sites 14GE312, 23PL8, 14GE60, 23SA162W, and 23SA162 1999 None
757 Folder 26: Survey for the Sewage System Improvements, Osbourne, KS 2001 None
758 Folder 15: Environmental Assessment for the State Veteran's Cemetery, Fort Riley, KS 1999 None
759 Folder 16: Survey for a Communications Tower Project, with an Assessment of the Potential Impact to 14RY36, Riley County, KS 1999 None
760 Folder 17: Survey for the Wastewater Treatment Improvement Project, Hanover, KS 1999 None
761 Folder 18: Survey for the Water System Improvement Project, Lagan, Phillips County, KS 1999 None
762 Folder 19: Survey for Wastewater Treatment Improvements Project, Bennington, KS 1999 None
763 Folder 20: Survey of Proposed Locations for a Nebraska Game and Parks Maintenance Building, Harry Strunk Lake, Frontier County, NE 1999 None
764 Folder 21: Survey of a Proposed Gas Well Drilling Locations, Barton County, KS 2000 None
765 Folder 22: Survey for the Ellsworth to Marquette Fiber Optic Line 2000 None
766 Folder 23: Survey of the Property at 19264 259th St Tonganoxie, KS 2000 None
767 Folder 24: Survey of the Second Route for the Water System Improvement Project, Logan, Phillips County, KS 2000 None
768 Folder 25: Survey for the Construction at the Horticulture Research and Extension Center, Johnson County, KS 2001 None
769 Folder 27: Survey for a Planned Industrial Park, Riley County, KS 2004 None
770 Folder 25: Medicine Creek Quarterly Report 2002 None
771 Folder 53: SBP Pottery N/A None
772 Folder 6: Medicine Creek Valley map and brochures 1997 None
773 Folder 82: Unidentified Site Aerials N/A None
774 Folder 83: Unknown Site Excavation N/A None
775 Folder 84: Unidentified Site Negatives N/A None
776 Folder 85: Unidentified Site Photo Records None
777 Folder 86: Central Plains Ceramic Photographs CDR None
778 Folder 1: Topographic Regions Map of Nebraska 1973 None
779 Folder 2: Map of Doug Forsberg House 1976 None
780 Folder 3: Survey of the excess real estate below Lovewell Reservoir, KS 1984 None
781 Folder 4: Interpretation of Weltfish's account of the Pawnee summer hunt map 1989 None
782 Folder 5: Nemaha County, NE project No.M94-190 1994 None
783 Folder 7: Survey for a dam in the Pony Creek Watershed #78 Brown County, KS 2002 None
784 Folder 80: Photos and Negatives of Unidentified Artifacts N/A None
785 Folder 8: Proposed lagoon layout- figure 2 2008 None
786 Folder 9: Wollenberg site (14WH319) 2011 None
787 Folder 10: 5LK675: figure 1/figure 2 None
788 Folder 11: Agricultural Engineering Associates- Bourbon Consolidated #2 rural water district None
789 Folder 12: Bureau of Reclamation- Harry Strunk Lake (R-0027) None
790 Folder 13: Miscellaneous tables and figures None
791 Folder 14: Nebraska maps None
792 Folder 15: Pawnee culture history maps None
793 Folder 16: Platte River Valley site interpretation maps None
794 Folder 17: Pony Creek #19- Morrill, Brown County None
795 Folder 18: Archaeological Re-Survey in the Fort Gibson Reservoir, OK 1970 None
796 Folder 81: Unidentified Photographs N/A None
797 Folder 79: Medicine Creek 1998 KSU Field School N/A None
798 Folder 20: Data Coding Instructions: Master File, Sangamon River Survey 1974 None
799 Folder 65: IIG8E Co. Pipeline 1989 None
800 Folder 54: Steed-Kisker N/A None
801 Folder 55: Taylor Mound N/A None
802 Folder 56: Claim to Copyright Forms: "Archaeological Survey and Settlement Pattern Models in Central Illinois" 1976 None
803 Folder 57: Collection Loan Forms for Kansas State Historical Society 2001 None
804 Folder 58: Loan Agreement Forms for Class ANTH 519 - Lithic Technology 2001 None
805 Folder 59: Collection Loan Agreement from Nebraska State Historical Society 2008 None
806 Folder 60: Collection Loan from the Archeology Office of the Kansas State Historical Society 2010 None
807 Folder 61: Collection Loan Agreement 2012 None
808 Folder 62: National Anthropological Archives, Photocopy Order Form 2012 None
809 Folder 63: Collection Loan Forms from the Bureau of Reclamation 2013 None
810 Folder 64: Cody Creek Site (34MS31) 1982 None
811 Folder 66: Journal of the Iowa Archaeological Society (JIAS) Abstracts of Recent Reports 1995 None
812 Folder 78: Half Moon Creek Site (SLK675) N/A None
813 Folder 67: Medicine Creek D. Roper KSU field school (Brian Wygal, Mike and Monica Hill, and others) 25FT39 1998 None
814 Folder 68: Graham County, Kansas 14GH308 and Vicinity 2000 None
815 Folder 69: Survey for a bridge across Indian Creek- Shawnee Co., KS 2002 None
816 Folder 70: Photos of whole vessels and Site 25FT39 2009 None
817 Folder 71: 23NO107, 23HI297, et al. None
818 Folder 72: 25DS21 None
819 Folder 73: 5LK675 artifact negatives None
820 Folder 74: "Archaeological Testing of Four Sites Harry Strunk Lake Frontier County, Nebraska" None
821 Folder 75: Colorado artifacts, roll 11 None
822 Folder 76: Colorado photos None
823 Folder 77: Film= Elcttr125 Site no number, people None
824 Folder 19: A Comparative Analysis of Lithics at the Martin-Vincent Site 1974 None
825 Folder 21: Phase 2 Excavations at the Airport Site, 115GV280, Sangamon County, Illinois 1974 None
826 Folder 24: Survey for the Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements Project, Almena, Norton County, KS 2001 None
827 Folder 11: Archaeological Survey for the Land Condition Trend Analysis (LCTA) Program, Fort Riley, KS 1997 None
828 Folder 1: Small Survey Reports - Kansas 1994 None
829 Folder 2: Survey of Selected Segments of a Proposed Waterline Greenwood County RWD # 3, Greenwood and Lyon Counties, KS 1994 None
830 Folder 3: Survey of Two Proposed Lagoon Sites for Redfield Sanitary Sewer System Bourbon County, KS 1994 None
831 Folder 4: Evaluation of Three Prehistoric Sites Floodwater Retarding-Detention Dam Site #18 Rock Creek Watershed District No. 45 Pottawatomie Co, KS 1995 None
832 Folder 5: Investigation of Medicine Creek BOR-Cooperative Agreement 1995 None
833 Folder 6: Survey of a Proposed Gas Line Relocation, Marion County, KS 1995 None
834 Folder 7: Survey of a Proposed Sewage Lagoon Site, Cherokee County, KS 1995 None
835 Folder 8: Survey of Selected Segments of the JBN Telephone Company Agenda Exchange, Washington, KS 1995 None
836 Folder 9: Survey of Two Proposed Railroad Sidings, Saline and Pratt Counties, KS 1996 None
837 Folder 10: USA-CERL Fort Riley LCTA Archaeological Survey 1996 None
838 Folder 12: Survey for Wastewater Collection System Improvements, Minneapolis, Ottawa County, KS 1997 None
839 Folder 49: "At the Edge of the Desert of Multicolored Turtles: Skidi Pawnee History on the Loup River" by Roger C. Echo-Hawk 1994 None
840 Folder 13: Survey for the Watson Cellular Tower, Atchison County, MO 1997 None
841 Folder 14: Survey for Consolidated Rural Water District #6 Johnson Co, KS 1998 None
842 Folder 15: Survey for a Portion of a Proposed Horticulture and Forestry Research Center, Johnson County, KS 1998 None
843 Folder 16: An Archaeological Evaluation of Abandoned Wells and Cisterns Swanson, Hugh Butler, and Harry Strunk Lake, Nebraska 1999 None
844 Folder 17: Survey for the Wastewater System Improvements, Pomona, KS 1999 None
845 Folder 18: Archaeological Investigations on a portion of 14MN515, A Great Bend Aspect Site, Marion KS, edited by Brad Logan 2000 None
846 Folder 19: Survey for the Lincoln Wastewater Project, Lincoln, Ks 2000 None
847 Folder 20: Survey of Proposed Gas Well Drilling Locations, Barton County, KS 2000 None
848 Folder 21: Survey for the Wastewater Improvement Project, Anthony, KS 2000 None
849 Folder 22: Assessment of Damage to Two Archaeological Sites (14DN8 and 14DN457) near Navarre, Dickinson County, KS 2001 None
850 Folder 23: Central Plains Ceramic Period Mortuary Practices 2001 None
851 Folder 50: The Schudel Site, 25GY12, An Early Plains Archaic Site in Greeley County, Nebraska None
852 Folder 48: Test Excavations at Twenty-Eight Sites to Determine Eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places 1993 None
853 Folder 22: University of Archaeology 1977 None
854 Folder 34: Survey for the Glendo Airport, Platte County, Wyoming 1985 None
855 Folder 23: The Airport Site, A Multicomponent Site in the Sangamon River Drainage 1978 None
856 Folder 24: Lithics Experimental Research Design 1978 None
857 Folder 25: Plains Site Catchment: Analysis, Review, and Essay 1979 None
858 Folder 26: Class III Cultural Resource Survey of Six Equipment Staging Areas and Two Haul Road Reroutes for AMOC's Sulfur Transportation System, Whitney Canyon Project, Wyoming 1981 None
859 Folder 27: Phase II and Phase III investigations for the Trail Blazer Pipeline in Nebraska, Kansas, and Colorado 1981 None
860 Folder 28: Investigations in the Dry Creek Historic district, Research Design for Investigations at 25LP7 and 25LP8 1983-1984 None
861 Folder 29: Shoreline Survey at Sherman Reservoir, NE 1984 None
862 Folder 30: Survey for Geranium Canal Borrow area near Ord, NE 1984 None
863 Folder 31: Survey of the Proposed Coal Creek Campground at Seminoe Reservoir, Wyoming 1984 None
864 Folder 32: Shoreline Survey at High Butler Lake, Nebraska 1985 None
865 Folder 33: Survey of Alinements for geophysical testing on Half Moon Creek, Colorado 1985 None
866 Folder 35: Survey of Ten Parcels of Excess Real Property, Frenchman-Cambridge irrigation district, Harlan and Furnas Counties, NE 1986 None
867 Folder 47: Phase 3 Investigations at 13LC17, A Randolph Phase Winter Camp in the White Breast Creek Valley, Lucas County, Iowa 1992 None
868 Folder 36: Survey for Roadwork and Late Alice #2, Scotts Bluff County, Colorado 1986 None
869 Folder 37: Survey of the Trailer Dump Station Construction Site, Lovewell State Park, Lovewell Reservoir, KS 1986 None
870 Folder 38: Survey in the Vicinity of Merrit Dam, Cherry County, Nebraska 1986 None
871 Folder 39: Test Excavations 25GY12 Scotia Canal, Greeley County, Nebraska 1986 None
872 Folder 40: Preliminary Investigations at the Marvin Colson Site, 25FT158, Harry Strunk Lake, Nebraska 1987 None
873 Folder 41: Survey and Monitoring of a Proposed Quarry Location at Glendo Reservoir, Wyoming 1987 None
874 Folder 42: Survey for the Lincoln Lateral Pipeline, Otoe and Lancaster counties, Nebraska 1989 None
875 Folder 43: Archaeological Testing of Four Sites, Harry Strunk Lake, Frontier County, Nebraska 1990 None
876 Folder 44: Investigations of the Kansas Loops ANRS southwest Gathering System 1990 None
877 Folder 45: Harry Strunk Lake Testing 1991 None
878 Folder 46: Intensive Survey of the Maitland Loop on ANR's Southwest Gathering System, Nodaway County, Missouri 1991 None
879 Folder 1: Oversized Maps - Cabinet 3 Drawer 4 None