Showing 2188 results
Archival description
Folder 1: “The Trouble with Tuberous Begonias in the East," <emph render='italic'>The Begonia</emph>, (Whittier, CA: The American Begonia Society, Inc.), Vol. 33, No. 12
Folder 1: “The Trouble with Tuberous Begonias in the East," <emph render='italic'>The Begonia</emph>, (Whittier, CA: The American Begonia Society, Inc.), Vol. 33, No. 12
Folder 1: 1972
Folder 1: 1972
Folder 1: <emph render='italic'>1976-1977 Membership Directory</emph>. (Mount Vernon, VA: National Council for Therapy and Rehabilitation through Horticulture)
Folder 1: <emph render='italic'>1976-1977 Membership Directory</emph>. (Mount Vernon, VA: National Council for Therapy and Rehabilitation through Horticulture)
Folder 1: <emph render='italic'>4-H Recreation Leader's Guide, Recreation and Handicapped Youth.</emph> (Washington, D. C.: Department of Health, Education and Welfare)
Folder 1: <emph render='italic'>4-H Recreation Leader's Guide, Recreation and Handicapped Youth.</emph> (Washington, D. C.: Department of Health, Education and Welfare)
Folder 1: <emph render='italic'>A National Research Agenda for Urban Forestry in the 1990's.</emph> (Urbana, IL: The International Society of Arboriculture)
Folder 1: <emph render='italic'>A National Research Agenda for Urban Forestry in the 1990's.</emph> (Urbana, IL: The International Society of Arboriculture)
Folder 1: <emph render='italic'>Agroforestry and Sustainable Systems: Symposium Proceedings.</emph> (Fort Collins, CO: Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station)
Folder 1: <emph render='italic'>Agroforestry and Sustainable Systems: Symposium Proceedings.</emph> (Fort Collins, CO: Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station)
Folder 1: <emph render='italic'>Alliance Quarterly.</emph> (Chicago, IL: Garfield Park Conservatory Alliance), No. 15
Folder 1: <emph render='italic'>Alliance Quarterly.</emph> (Chicago, IL: Garfield Park Conservatory Alliance), No. 15
Folder 1: <emph render='italic'>American Forests</emph>. (Washington, D. C.: American Forestry Association), Vol. 100, No. 5 & 6
Folder 1: <emph render='italic'>American Forests</emph>. (Washington, D. C.: American Forestry Association), Vol. 100, No. 5 & 6
Folder 1: <emph render='italic'>Arboretum Bulletin</emph>. (Seattle, WA: University of Washington)
Folder 1: <emph render='italic'>Arboretum Bulletin</emph>. (Seattle, WA: University of Washington)
Folder 1: <emph render='italic'>California Releaf Remarks.</emph> (San Francisco, CA: The Trust for Public Land), Vol. 1, No. 3
Folder 1: <emph render='italic'>California Releaf Remarks.</emph> (San Francisco, CA: The Trust for Public Land), Vol. 1, No. 3
Folder 1: <emph render='italic'>Endangered, Threatened & Sensitive Vascular Plants of Washington</emph>. (Olympia, WA: Washington Natural Heritage Program)
Folder 1: <emph render='italic'>Endangered, Threatened & Sensitive Vascular Plants of Washington</emph>. (Olympia, WA: Washington Natural Heritage Program)
Folder 1: <emph render='italic'>Gardening for Life, Mountain, Plain and Garden</emph><emph render='italic'>. </emph>(Denver, CO: Denver Botanic Gardens), Vol. 53, No. 2
Folder 1: <emph render='italic'>Gardening for Life, Mountain, Plain and Garden</emph><emph render='italic'>. </emph>(Denver, CO: Denver Botanic Gardens), Vol. 53, No. 2
Folder 1: <emph render='italic'>Journal of Arboriculture, a Compendium</emph>. (Savoy, IL: International Society of Arboriculture), Vol 6
Folder 1: <emph render='italic'>Journal of Arboriculture, a Compendium</emph>. (Savoy, IL: International Society of Arboriculture), Vol 6
Folder 1: <emph render='italic'>Minnesota Horticulturist. </emph>(St. Paul, MN: Minnesota State Horticultural Society), Vol. 117, No. 1
Folder 1: <emph render='italic'>Minnesota Horticulturist. </emph>(St. Paul, MN: Minnesota State Horticultural Society), Vol. 117, No. 1
Folder 1: <emph render='italic'>NCTRH.</emph> (Mount Vernon, VA: National Council for Therapy and Rehabilitation through Horticulture)
Folder 1: <emph render='italic'>NCTRH.</emph> (Mount Vernon, VA: National Council for Therapy and Rehabilitation through Horticulture)
Folder 1: <emph render='italic'>P-Patch News</emph>. (Seattle, WA: City of Seattle, Department of Housing & Human Services), Vol. XIV, No. 4 & Vol. 15, No. 2
Folder 1: <emph render='italic'>P-Patch News</emph>. (Seattle, WA: City of Seattle, Department of Housing & Human Services), Vol. XIV, No. 4 & Vol. 15, No. 2
Folder 1: <emph render='italic'>San Francisco Urban Gardening (SLUG</emph>), no publisher information, Vol. 8, No. 3
Folder 1: <emph render='italic'>San Francisco Urban Gardening (SLUG</emph>), no publisher information, Vol. 8, No. 3
Folder 1: <emph render='italic'>The Magic Touch. </emph> (Asheville, NC: Mountain Area Gardeners in Communities)
Folder 1: <emph render='italic'>The Magic Touch. </emph> (Asheville, NC: Mountain Area Gardeners in Communities)
Folder 1: Abbott, Gordon
Folder 1: Abbott, Gordon
Folder 1: Academic Health Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Folder 1: Academic Health Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Folder 1: ACGA, General
Folder 1: ACGA, General
Folder 1: Acknowledgments
Folder 1: Acknowledgments
Folder 1: American Horticulture Society (AHS), General
Folder 1: American Horticulture Society (AHS), General
Folder 1: Ames, Richard G. "Residential Tree Planting: Some Ideas for Community Service," no source
Folder 1: Ames, Richard G. "Residential Tree Planting: Some Ideas for Community Service," no source
Folder 1: Appleton, James Henry. <emph render='italic'>Landscape in the Arts and the Sciences</emph>. An inaugural lecture delivered in the University of Hull, Hull, England
Folder 1: Appleton, James Henry. <emph render='italic'>Landscape in the Arts and the Sciences</emph>. An inaugural lecture delivered in the University of Hull, Hull, England
Folder 1: Architecture Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO
Folder 1: Architecture Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO
Folder 1: Baciacoa, Magdalena, Frances E. Kuo and William C. Sullivan. "Trees, Sense of Safety, and Preference for Outdoor Spaces In Urban Public Housing." (Urban-Champaign, IL: University of Illinois)
Folder 1: Baciacoa, Magdalena, Frances E. Kuo and William C. Sullivan. "Trees, Sense of Safety, and Preference for Outdoor Spaces In Urban Public Housing." (Urban-Champaign, IL: University of Illinois)
Folder 1: Backster, Cleve
Folder 1: Backster, Cleve
Folder 1: Bloedel Reserve, Washington
Folder 1: Bloedel Reserve, Washington
Folder 1: Book. <emph render='italic'>Amsterdam Forest</emph>. (Amsterdam, Netherlands: Press Publicity and Information Bureau City of Amsterdam Parks Division)
Folder 1: Book. <emph render='italic'>Amsterdam Forest</emph>. (Amsterdam, Netherlands: Press Publicity and Information Bureau City of Amsterdam Parks Division)
Folder 1: Cambodia (in Cambodian language)
Folder 1: Cambodia (in Cambodian language)
Folder 1: Carroll, Charles E.
Folder 1: Carroll, Charles E.
Folder 1: Cartoon Drawings used for slides
Folder 1: Cartoon Drawings used for slides
Folder 1: Chapter 3
Folder 1: Chapter 3
Folder 1: Chapter 6
Folder 1: Chapter 6
Folder 1: Cimprich, Bernadine. <emph render='italic'>Attentional Fatigue and Restoration in Individuals with Cancer. </emph>(Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan)
Folder 1: Cimprich, Bernadine. <emph render='italic'>Attentional Fatigue and Restoration in Individuals with Cancer. </emph>(Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan)
Folder 1: Ecological Restoration
Folder 1: Ecological Restoration
Folder 1: Eickhorst, Nancy
Folder 1: Eickhorst, Nancy
Folder 1: Forest, Haiti
Folder 1: Forest, Haiti
Folder 1: Francis, Mark. <emph render='italic'>The Park and Garden in the City: A Comparison of Different Meanings Attached by Users, Non-Users, and Officials to a City Park and Community Garden in Sacramento, California.</emph> (Davis, CA: University of California)
Folder 1: Francis, Mark. <emph render='italic'>The Park and Garden in the City: A Comparison of Different Meanings Attached by Users, Non-Users, and Officials to a City Park and Community Garden in Sacramento, California.</emph> (Davis, CA: University of California)
Folder 1: "Gardening Programs Promote Improved Maintenance and Community Relations in Public Housing Development," <emph render='italic'> Journal of Housing</emph>. (Washington, D. C.: National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials), Vol. 37, No. 11, pp. 614-617
Folder 1: "Gardening Programs Promote Improved Maintenance and Community Relations in Public Housing Development," <emph render='italic'> Journal of Housing</emph>. (Washington, D. C.: National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials), Vol. 37, No. 11, pp. 614-617
Folder 1: General
Folder 1: General
Folder 1: General Information
Folder 1: General Information
Folder 1: General Research
Folder 1: General Research
Folder 1: Georgia, Atlanta, Classroom in the Park
Folder 1: Georgia, Atlanta, Classroom in the Park
Folder 1: Hackman, Robert and Elizabeth Wagner, "1988 Senior Gardening and Nutrition Project," Final Report (Pittsburgh, PA: Health Promotion Associates, Inc.)
Folder 1: Hackman, Robert and Elizabeth Wagner, "1988 Senior Gardening and Nutrition Project," Final Report (Pittsburgh, PA: Health Promotion Associates, Inc.)
Folder 1: Handicapped/Disabled
Folder 1: Handicapped/Disabled
Folder 1: Hill Crest Hospital, Birmingham, AL
Folder 1: Hill Crest Hospital, Birmingham, AL
Folder 1: "Human Responses to Natural and Manipulated Landscapes," The Zimmerman Winter Lectures, The Education Center Auditorium, Chicago Botanic Garden, Chicago, IL
Folder 1: "Human Responses to Natural and Manipulated Landscapes," The Zimmerman Winter Lectures, The Education Center Auditorium, Chicago Botanic Garden, Chicago, IL
Folder 1: Illinois, Chicago
Folder 1: Illinois, Chicago