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Archival description
Folder 9: University Counseling Services
Folder 9: University Counseling Services
Folder 9: University Chair for Distinguished Teaching Scholars-Deborah D. Canter
Folder 9: University Chair for Distinguished Teaching Scholars-Deborah D. Canter
Folder 9: Unclassified Affirmative Action
Folder 9: Unclassified Affirmative Action
Folder 9: Tuition Waiver Prop.
Folder 9: Tuition Waiver Prop.
Folder 9: TEVAL Assessment
Folder 9: TEVAL Assessment
Folder 9: Summer Institutes-1993
Folder 9: Summer Institutes-1993
Folder 9: Strategic Planning
Folder 9: Strategic Planning
Folder 9: Speeches (1 of 7)
Folder 9: Speeches (1 of 7)
Folder 9: Speech Pathology
Folder 9: Speech Pathology
Folder 9: Salary Policy for Administrative Appointees
Folder 9: Salary Policy for Administrative Appointees
Folder 9: Request for Computer Funding
Folder 9: Request for Computer Funding
Folder 9: Reallocation
Folder 9: Reallocation
Folder 9: Provost and Dean's Council
Folder 9: Provost and Dean's Council
Folder 9: Program Review and Role & Aspirations (1 of 4)
Folder 9: Program Review and Role & Aspirations (1 of 4)
Folder 9: President
Folder 9: President
Folder 9: PLS (Provost
Folder 9: PLS (Provost
Folder 9: Plant Pathology
Folder 9: Plant Pathology
Folder 9: Planning
Folder 9: Planning
Folder 9: Office of the Provost-Coffman
Folder 9: Office of the Provost-Coffman
Folder 9: Office of the Provost (8 of 12)
Folder 9: Office of the Provost (8 of 12)
Folder 9: National Research Council Report
Folder 9: National Research Council Report
Folder 9: Midwest Student Exchange Program
Folder 9: Midwest Student Exchange Program
Folder 9: Mech Engg
Folder 9: Mech Engg
Folder 9: May-95
Folder 9: May-95
Folder 9: Margin of Excellence Financial Plan
Folder 9: Margin of Excellence Financial Plan
Folder 9: Legislative
Folder 9: Legislative
Folder 9: KSURF (1 of 4)
Folder 9: KSURF (1 of 4)
Folder 9: KSURF
Folder 9: KSURF
Folder 9: KSU College of Architecture & Design
Folder 9: KSU College of Architecture & Design
Folder 9: Koch Industries
Folder 9: Koch Industries
Folder 9: Kansas Water Resources Research Institute
Folder 9: Kansas Water Resources Research Institute
Folder 9: Interior Architecture
Folder 9: Interior Architecture
Folder 9: Information Explosion
Folder 9: Information Explosion
Folder 9: Humanities
Folder 9: Humanities
Folder 9: Horticulture & Forestry
Folder 9: Horticulture & Forestry
Folder 9: Honors Program
Folder 9: Honors Program
Folder 9: Folders 9-14 Restricted
Folder 9: Folders 9-14 Restricted
Folder 9: Federal Relations Advisory Committee
Folder 9: Federal Relations Advisory Committee
Folder 9: Faculty Policy Review (2 of 5)
Folder 9: Faculty Policy Review (2 of 5)
Folder 9: Faculty Overload
Folder 9: Faculty Overload
Folder 9: Equine Facility
Folder 9: Equine Facility
Folder 9: Engineering Deanship
Folder 9: Engineering Deanship
Folder 9: Educational Communication Center (2 of 2)
Folder 9: Educational Communication Center (2 of 2)
Folder 9: Education
Folder 9: Education
Folder 9: Deans Council Agenda & Minutes January-March 1990
Folder 9: Deans Council Agenda & Minutes January-March 1990
Folder 9: Deans
Folder 9: Deans
Folder 9: Deans
Folder 9: Deans
Folder 9: Dance
Folder 9: Dance
Folder 9: Coordinator of Advising Services
Folder 9: Coordinator of Advising Services
Folder 9: Consulting-College of Technology
Folder 9: Consulting-College of Technology