Handbooks from the New Metric Pattern Drafting System
The first attempt of a book by Helen Brockman, consisting of pattern drafts and templates, fashion inspiration, etc.
Two folders from the Executive Committee of Faculty Senate. Containing meeting minutes and agendas from the committee meeting.
Minutes and Agendas from the Faculty Affairs committee 1989-2005
One folder pertaining to the Faculty Affairs committee and their meetings. Contents are minutes and agendas along with general notes from each meeting of Faculty Affairs committee.
One folder pertaining to the Faculty Senate on University planning. The contents of the folder are minutes and agendas from committee meeting. Along with notes for University planning and campus betterment.
Team portraits, game photos that include Memorial Stadium
Pattern templates and fashion mood boards
Course and Curriculum changes from different colleges pertaining to proposed and already existing courses 1966-1995
Course and Curriculum changes from different colleges pertaining to proposed and already existing courses 2010-2013
Course and curriculum changes from different colleges pertaining to proposed and already existing courses 1997-2002
Meeting minutes and agendas from the graduate council 1989-2006
Annual Data/Reports, Library Computer system (ALIS), American Library Association (ALA), Association of Big Eight Universities (ABEU), Newspaper Clippings, and resources.
Audio/Visual, Art, Archives, Architecture, Automation, Bibliographical Center for Research (BCR), Budgets, Board of Regents, and Council of Deans and Directors of Libraries (CODDLE).
Kable, Kansas, Kansas Library Association (KLA), Lumin, Library, Record systems, Mid-America State Universities Association (MASUA), Nichols, and North Carolina University.
Otis, Organ State University, Online Computer Library Center (OCLC), Pigno, Pay plan, Provost, Publications, Re-Engineering, Remodel, Security and Scholars.
Articles, book reviews, and publications
Articles and publications on family planning and fertility education in zimbabwe, Jamaica, and Pakistan
Publication reviews on aging and fertility, 1978-1994
Contains course material for the agricultural program. Such as quizzes, exams, papers on agricultural policy and course work schedules. (1972- 1989)
Also has evaluation materials, such as thank you letters/cards, report to the president and congress, farm/ag. handouts/papers/news articles, and booklets. (2000-2003)
Contains photos of Barry Flinchbaugh, employee benefits and job descriptions, agreements, briefings, correspondence people-to-people, names and addresses, leader's guide, certificates, emails, and passport.
Contains course work for Purdue University (macro and microeconomics), and Penn. State (microeconomics). As well as economics course work (statistics and resource economics).
Contains Agricultural school tests over agricultural policy from 2017-2020. Farm acts, bills, and policy from 1986-2004,. Scholarship/honors programs, meetings, and dinners. Economy records from 1999-2004. Political economy of agriculture at given time from 1991-1992. Policy from 1993-2003.
Contains notebooks filed with the notes of Barry L. Flinchbaugh, class materials of different classes taught, NASCO seed mount. style no. 5-6, and Pennsylvania 4-H club members record book.
Contains scheduling planners for Barry Flinchbaugh.
Also has evaluation materials, such as thank you letters/cards, report to the president and congress, farm/ag. handouts/papers/news articles, and booklets. (2000-2003)
Contains Research files, files on M.S. Penn State, Ph.D.- Purdue Univ. files, academic files, and files on the preliminary exams.
Contains notebooks filed with the notes of Barry L. Flinchbaugh, class materials of different classes taught, NASCO seed mount. style no. 5-6, and Pennsylvania 4-H club members record book.
Contains photos of Barry Flinchbaugh, employee benefits and job descriptions, agreements, briefings, correspondence people-to-people, names and addresses, leader's guide, certificates, emails, and passport.
Contains evaluation materials. Materials include agricultural policy exams, extension news and features, agriculture school policy papers, news articles, and emails/letters on Kansas farmer taxes, policies, and financial burdens.
Contains KSAC tapes (1968-78), cassettes (Landon lecture, Charels Collingwood Borlaus, Bob Bergland) (1977), The Alfred M. Landon Lecture Series on Public Issues, negatives, Public Affairs Anderson photos (1978), KSU legislative requests (1978), Flinchbaugh certificates, Fall Ag. Policy evaluations (2010-2013), and stamp.
Contains KSAC tapes (1968-78), cassettes (Landon lecture, Charels Collingwood Borlaus, Bob Bergland) (1977), The Alfred M. Landon Lecture Series on Public Issues, negatives, Public Affairs Anderson photos (1978), KSU legislative requests (1978), Flinchbaugh certificates, Fall Ag. Policy evaluations (2010-2013), and stamp.