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US US kmk 2019-20.001-1-4-27 · File · 1944
Part of Joseph M. Tucker Massey Harvest Brigade Collection

Fern Letnes gave the photograph and news clippings to Judy Horsch, daughter of Joseph M. Tucker.

This includes a mini-biography of Lawrence John Letnes who was in charge of the Harvest Brigade during the summer of 1944. The story states that Letnes "was the aerial liaison man who kept a fleet of 20 self-propelled combines rolling across the state of Kansas northward to the Canadian border to harvest grain that may have remained uncut because of the critical shortage of manpower and machines during WWII."

The photograph is of John Letnes standing in front of his airplane. The side of the airplane reads, "Self-Propelled Combines, L. J. Letness, Representative, Grand Forks, N. D."

US US kmk 2019-20.001-1-2-13 · File · Circa 1945
Part of Joseph M. Tucker Massey Harvest Brigade Collection

This pamphlet explains America's dwindling food stock in 1943 and how "Massey-Harris foresaw the critical situation of the 1944 harvest - a record crop production with too few men and combines to handle the vast acreages." Recognizing the seriousness of the situation the government approved the plan for a Harvest Brigade (a fleet of 500 Self-Propelled Combines) that "pledged to harvest more acres with less fuel, manpower and equipment than ever before in the history of the world."