At the height of its activity 1980 to 1983, the Consumer Education Resource Network (CERN) was an organization funded by the Office of Consumer’s Education, U.S. Department of Education, its purpose being to provide information and resources to consumer educators throughout the nation. Its services included the operation of a referral library, technical assistance, and training to all individuals involved in the education of consumers, on both private and public levels. This collection contains organizations whose information and publications were used by CERN such as the American Council on Consumer Interests (ACCI), the Southern Poverty Law Center, Standard Oil Company, Money Magazine, National Association of Consumer Agency Administrators (NACA), Public Affairs Pamphlets, Blue Cross & Blue Shield Consumer Exchange, Current Consumer, and United States Departments such as the Office of Labor Employment and Training Administration and Office of Consumer Affairs. There are also material from state-specific organizations, such as the Kansas Department of Economic Development, Georgia Office of Consumer Affairs, Michigan Consumer Education Center, and other akin institutions as well as paraphernalia from universities including Kansas State University, Oklahoma State University, University of Minnesota, Indiana University, and Cornell University to name a few. It also contains publications on subjects covered by these organizations and others including advertising, appliances, automobile buying and ownership, bankruptcy, credit, disabilities, drugs, employment, and employment services, energy conservation, food and nutrition, retirement and older Americans, and physicians to name a few. The collection also encompasses materials pertaining to CERN conference calls, as well as publications from international organizations such as the Australian Consumer’s Association, Victorian Commercial Teachers Association, Alberta Consumer and Corporate Affairs, Consumer’s Association of Canada, Bureau Europeen des Unions de Consommateurs, European Economic Community, Hong Kong Consumer Council, Guidance Society of India, Yayasan Lembaga Konsumen (Indonesia), National Consumer Council (UK), Centre for Consumer Education and Research in Scotland, and the International Organization of Consumers Unions. Legal-size materials fall into previous groups and are organized both by organizations including the White House Conference on Aging, the American Association of Retired Persons, Displaced Homemakers Network, Inc., the JC Penny Forum, and by topics such as appliances, sexism and women, insurance, and program development.
Consumer Education Resource Network
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