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Archival description
Jane Butel papers
US US kmk P2013.08 · Collection · 1956-2014

The collection was created by Jane Franz Butel during her college education and her career.
Series 1 is divided into two sub-series: Articles about Jane Butel and Articles by Jane Butel. Articles about Jane Butel include numerous newspaper and magazine articles ranging from 1976-2014, covering interviews with Jane Butel as well as reviews of her cookbooks and featured recipes. Included are articles from the <emph render='italic'>LA Times, New York Times,</emph> and the <emph render='italic'>San Francisco Chronicle,</emph> as well as travel magazines, ladies magazines, and cooking magazines. The March 1996 issue of Bon Appetit names Butel's cooking school as one of the top four in the world.  Articles by Jane Butel include clippings from newspapers and magazines written by Jane Butel between 1976-2008, covering topics such as chili and the history of Mexican cuisine. Included are recipes and stories appearing in <emph render='italic'>Cooking Light, Food and Wine, Los Angeles Times,</emph> <emph render='italic'>First for Women,</emph> and several publications from New Mexico.
Series 2 includes undated documents relating to publishing, press releases, research, and publicity tours for three of Butel’s cookbooks, <emph render='italic'>Chili Madness, Tex Mex,</emph> and <emph render='italic'>Hotter than Hell,</emph> as well as her unpublished manuscript<emph render='italic'>, The Efficient Kitchen.</emph>
Series 3 includes documents relating to cooking schools, many of which Butel hosted for private corporations as team building events.  Microsoft, Southwest Airlines, Hewlett Packard, Firestone and the Carlyle group are among her clients.
Series 4 contains documents on Butel’s consulting for corporations. Companies include Grand Union, Del Taco, Sargento and many others. Most include background information on revenue for these companies.
Series 5 has limited documentation about JBA, Jane Butel Associates.
Series 6 has product information and promotions for her business, Pecos Valley Spice Co. Yearly reports, status updates and demographic reports for the company are among the documents.
Series 7 contains letters sent to Jane Butel from 1965-2009, including fan mail ("nice letters") and thank you cards from school attendants. Also included is correspondence to and from magazines, newspapers, publicity companies and television stations.
Series 8 documents the early years of Butel’s career. Her work for the Public Service Co. of New Mexico, resumes, and extensive consumer papers from GE and Con Edison are included as well as papers relating to her work as Vice President of Consumer Affair and Marketing at American Express.
Series 9 contains copies of Con Edison speeches about cooking. Woman of Achievement award, KSU Entrepreneurship award, as well as New Mexico Woman award are included along with an invitation to the 1969 Presidential Inauguration.
Series 10 has Butel's coursework for her journalism and reporting classes as a student at Kansas State University.
Series 11 chronicles meetings and conferences Butel attended as a guest or honored award winner.
Series 12 contains extensive documentation about Butel’s publicity tours, advertisements, book promotions for things such as her books, as well as cooking schools and JBA. Included are contact lists, press releases and schedules.
Series 13 includes papers relating to organizing, planning, distributing, producing, and financing Jane Butel’s cooking show, as well as television show scripts and outlines.
Series 14 contains correspondence and contracts with Jane Butel’s Southwest Kitchen television show sponsors. They include the American Dairy Association, A.G. Russell Knives and Vitamax.
Series 15 contains correspondences with potential sponsors for Jane Butel’s cooking show. They include Con Agra Foods, Inc., Eastman Kodak, Gallo of Sonoma, General Electric, Land of Lakes, Mrs. Dash, and Southwest Airlines.
Series 16 has approximately 2,400 photographs taken of and by Butel, mainly of her cooking school and participants. There are also publicity photos, personal photos, and food photos. Only a few photographs are dated. Most of the people in the photographs are unidentified.
Series 17 has over 100 tapes of Butel's cooking shows, television appearances and feature stories. Of note are appearances on Regis and Kathy Lee, Emeril and Friends, and the Today Show. Filming for Butel's cooking shows, including Jane Butel's Southwest Kitchen, took place in 1998-2000. The series ran for seven years nationally on PBS as well as a channel out of Denver and one out of Dallas. The cooking shows are recorded on Betacam SP tapes.

Butel, Jane
US US kmk 2017-18.040 · Collection · 1849-1980

This collection consists of correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs, prints, postage stamps, journal and typescript articles pertaining to poultry breeder Leonora C. Hering (1898-1983). A member of the World’s Poultry Science Association and a former co-director of the American Partridge Plymouth Rock Club, Hering raised Houdans in Los Altos, California. Beginning as early as 1950, she sought to create a comprehensive poultry publication collection for Kansas State College by consulting with librarian William Behr and Department of Poultry Husbandry chairperson Loyal F. Payne.  Her monograph collection – consisting of nearly 1000 titles – was cataloged for the Libraries as the “Leonora Hering Memorial Poultry Collection.”
Sporadic copies of journals interleaved with correspondence, newspaper clippings, and ephemeral materials form the basis of this archival collection. They document Hering’s research, the international community of breeders, book dealers, and agriculture librarians with whom she corresponded. They cover issues related to poultry, including, but not limited to, farming and production, diseases, specific breeds and breeding associations, recipes, legal restrictions, marketing, rationing, incubation technologies, vocalizations, and children’s folk stories and postage stamps featuring poultry.
Publications are international in scope, with representative examples in multiple languages (1849-1973). All of the children’s stories are in Russian. Correspondence from England, France, Germany, Holland, Japan, New Zealand, and Russia is included (1952-1980), and some of those letters contain photographic images and postcards. A secondary interest in poultry philately is represented in correspondence with and acquisitions from stamp dealers. Poultry advertisements, the earliest of which originates from postbellum Ohio, also feature prominently.

Note:  A photostat of Basics of Industrial Poultry Production by D. I. Gerasimov (in Russian), along with correspondence
The Nora Hering Collection of taxidermy specimens and poultry art reside in Call Hall, which was home to the Department of Dairy Science and the Department of Poultry Science at the time of her gift.
Hering, Leonora C.
Library Suggestion Box
US US kmk U2011.13 · Collection

The suggestion box was made by Chester Peters.  He made it to resemble a book, with "Library Improvement" as the title, "A. Wild Cat" as the author, and "Chdokas Press" as the publisher.

Peters, Chester E.
Nellie Kedzie Jones series
US US kmk U1989.16 · Collection · 1860–1955

The Nellie Kedzie Jones series is part of the College of Human Ecology historical files at Kansas State University. Nellie Sawyer Kedzie Jones was an 1876 alumna who returned to lead domestic science instruction from 1882 until 1897. This series reflects papers related to her and her relatives and friends.
The first subseries pertains to Nellie Sawyer Kedzie Jones with dates between 1889 and 1955. Contents include developments in human ecology and are reflected in publications, printed materials, published works, manuscripts, typescripts, awards, and correspondence. Materials are organized chronologically within each group.
The second subseries is devoted to Howard Murray Jones, Nellie's husband from 1901 until his death in 1953. He was a minister, including time as a professor and administrator at Berea College. Contents include minimal correspondence along with writings, sermons, and printed materials. His sermons are arranged chronologically divided between typed and handwritten. Because he often used sermons twice, there are two dates on the manuscripts. The bulk of the materials pertains to religion and Christianity.
The third through ninth subseries contain information about friends and relatives of Howard and Nellie. Included are documents associated with the Fairchild family (Frank, David, and George Fairchild), Abby and Charles Marlatt, Gertrude and Theodore Jessup, Robert Clark Kedzie (Nellie's first husband who died in 1882), Addison Jones, his father, Ada Alice Tuttle, and Helen M. Jones. Types of material include news articles, correspondence, memoranda, printed materials, scrapbooks, and biographical information.
The tenth subseries includes five items relevant to Nellie: an autograph book, a scrapbook, a personal Bible, an award ribbon, and a leather pouch or wallet (unknown origin or ownership).
The final subseries includes photographs of Nellie and those associated with her. They are divided by group photos, photos of her, and photos of others who include Robert Clark Kedzie, Howard Murray Jones, the Fairchilds, and others.

College of Human Ecology
US US kmk U2012.19 · Collection · 1990-2010

These records from the Vice President for Research, Ron Trewyn, document his interactions from 1990 to 2010 with the Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation, the Mid-America Commercialization Corporation, and Kansas Incorporated. These entities worked with the university's research foundation to bring the university's intellectual property to the marketplace.
The Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation (KTEC) records are hosued in Boxes 1 and 2, date from 1991 to 2010, and include board meeting agendas and minutes, inter-department correspondence, international correspondence, and financial, technical, and staff reports.
The Mid-American Commercialization Corporation (MACC) records are housed in Boxes 3 and 4, date from 1992 to 2003, and include board meeting agendas and minutes, planning documentation, and training information.
The Kansas Incorporated records are housed in Box 5, date from 1990 to 1997, and include board meeting agendas and minutes, planning documentation, and reports.

Vice President for Research
US US kmk 2015-16.006 · Collection · 1959-1990

All materials within this collection relates to activities of the Consumer Relations Board of the KSU Student Governing Association.  This collection is made up of five (5) boxes.  The series are subjects, photographs and one artifact.  Subjects include topics such as advertising, business rolodex, consumerism, direct sales, food and drug administration, grievance committee, housing, insurance, landlord and tenant information, surveys, telephone log and warranties.  Photographs include photos of rental houses. The artifact is a 1977 button from the Nickel Campaign.

KSU Student Governing Association
David Schafer papers
Collection · 1892–2013

This collection features records from David Schafer who was a faculty member of the Department of Animal Sciences and Industry as well as the Faculty Senate at Kansas State University.  Many of the materials from the Department of Animal Sciences and Industry contain records from seminars, short courses, and instructional materials about proper food safety, processing, and meat handling.  Some of the seminars include Midwest Meat Processing, Angus Beef Round Up, and Kansas-Nebraska Processed Meats short course.  Almost all of these contain agendas and outlines for papers presented.  Other records included are articles, recipes, and course notes.  Many of the seminars contain information about food safety and meat handling, as well as tests, pamphlets, and coursework containing information and notes.  This information generally covers processing, packaging, and preparation of meat.  Courses contain diagrams of cuts and articles.  Food safety contains proper handling of meat, storage, and hand washing techniques.  The Angus Beef Round Up does contain photographs of a cow being butchered that some people might find objectionable.
Other materials in this collection are publications that cover a range of topics focused on meat, such as economic, production, health issues, and ethics.  Publications in the collection include newsletters, articles, magazines, newspaper clippings, magazine clippings, and several draft versions of articles.  The publications contain items from the Animal Science and Industry Facts newsletter that was published by the cooperative extension service of Kansas State University; this newsletter contains news and information about livestock.  Also included are articles about various kinds of food-borne illnesses, food preservation, and food poisoning.  Magazines include Animal Science and Industry trade publications, catalogs, and publications about food products and equipment.
David Schafer served on the Faculty Senate, including one year as the Faculty Senate President. Materials from his leadership role are featured alongside his professional documentation in the Department of Animal Sciences and Industry.  His Faculty Senate materials include records from the Council of Chief Academic Officers (COCAO), Board of Regents (BOR), and Faculty Senate committee records.
There are cooperative extension video tapes and film along with continuing education about food and animal safety.  Finally, there is a recording of a Primetime Live broadcast that includes notes about how meat inspection is portrayed in the segment.

Schafer, David E.
Gerry L. Posler papers
US US kmk U2012.39 · Collection · 1904-2008

The bulk of this collection documents the academic career of Gerry L. Posler from 1965 to 2008 with materials that include his resume, awards, research and presentation notes, course materials, correspondence, and printed materials. Additionally, there are articles he authored and photographs of graduate students and department experiments, as well as research manuscripts from the early twentieth century. The collection also includes materials related to the creation of a departmental history edited by Gerry Posler and Gary Paulson in celebration of the department of Agronomy’s centennial in 2006. Posler collected, assembled, edited, and author several of the chapters in the publication titled “A Centennial History of the Department Agronomy, Kansas State University”. Additionally there are about 721 files (761MB), of digital files provided by Posler. The digital files include course materials, publication drafts, presentations, retirement biographical information, resumes, and photographs. These files have been kept in their original order.

Posler, G. L.
George Wheatley Papers
US US kmk P2012.02 · Collection · 1909-1923

These papers include the wartime correspondence and related documents of George Dudley Wheatley, a first lieutenant in the United States Army who was involved in several decisive actions of the Allied Expeditionary Forces (AEF) during the First World War.  The collection consists of 122 pieces and spans the years 1909; 1916-1919; 1923.
The documents presented in this collection offer a historically important window into the daily life of soldiers involved in America’s first major involvement in international military affairs beginning with a document from a friend stationed in the Dominican Republic in 1916 to a then stateside George Wheatley.  It describes the occupation and sentiments towards Americans, combat encountered by Army and Marine Corps units, along with personal commentary on college football and the reelection of Woodrow Wilson.
The majority of the collection involves letters mailed from George Wheatley to his parents. They begin with his time at the officer’s candidate training school at Plattsburg, New York, in 1917.  Among the items mentioned is the effects and treatment of a camp epidemic of German measles.  They are followed by letters referring to the accommodations and experiences aboard his transport ship to Europe in 1918 (the SS Mongolia), and travels through England and France, including tourism, military railway transportation, and the conduct of the French military, and his activities at an Allied Expeditionary Forces school in Chatillon-sur-Seine.  The remainder of the letters is an account of his experiences on the battle front in 1918.
The strength of the collection is the letters written to his father in 1919 from Springfield, Vermont, after he returned to the United States and was discharged from the U. S. Army.  Wheatley provides vivid descriptions of his involvement in combat on the front lines, including letters that describe his being wounded on two occasions while in combat, his association with Colonel William “Wild Bill” Donovan, and military engagements from the beginning of 1918 until the end of the war. A few of his letters provide eye witness accounts of Donovan’s leadership, participation in combat, and being wounded. Donovan later became head of the Office of Strategic Services and played an important role in forming the Central Intelligence Agency.  Among the pages of a small notebook is a chronological list Wheatley maintained of his whereabouts from the time he entered the military in January 1918, through his movements in Europe, and until his discharge on April 1, 1919.
The following are among the locations noted by Wheatley in his papers during the war: Chatillon, Rambervillers, Moyermont, Chattel sur Moselle, Coulars, Ecury-sur-Coole, La Borry, Jonchery, Suippes Valley, Vardeney, Epieds, Montport, Barritz, Bordeaux,  Paris, Blois, St. Organy, La Marche, Chateau Thierry, St. Mihiel, Verdin, Mountfaucon, Landres et St. Georges, St. Georges, Exermont, Les Petes Armoises, Le Vivier, Artaise, Chaumont, Sedan, Buzaucy, Thenorgnes, Argonne. Muese-Argonne.

Wheatley, George
Dodge Family papers
US US kmk 2016-17.021 · Collection · 1860-2015

This collection includes genealogical materials, personal papers, and financial records relating to the Dodge family, especially William Pickett Dodge (1877-1966) and Robert "Bob" Hugh Dodge (1906-1997).  Genealogical materials include a large binder, with accompanying USB flash drive, tracing the lineage of Orlando & Olive Dodge; Dodge and Cooper family documents; and photograph collections of Dodge family residences, the 2005 Richard Dodge wedding, and the 2009 Dodge family reunion.  Personal papers include academic certificates, awards from professional associations, a postcard collection, and personal clippings.  Financial records include real estate deeds and sale papers, farm ledgers, and assorted bills of sale.

Dodge Family
Dick McDonald papers
US US kmk 2015-16.018 · Collection · 1977–1996

This collection details the construction and 1981 collapse of the walkways in the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Kansas City through the records of Richard (Dick) McDonald, an investigator of the accident. Included are preliminary designs and calculations, as well as finalized designs and plans for the hotel walkways. A large portion of the collection gives insight into the investigation by the National Bureau of Standards, including photographs, slides, and notes. Another feature of this collection is McDonald's teaching materials at Kansas State University in the subjects of architecture, applied mechanics, and design from 1969 to 1990. This collection includes detailed descriptions of his classes through his portfolios, as well as one folder of three sketches.

McDonald, Charles Richard (Dick)
US US kmk U2007.03 · Collection · 1913–1969

These materials include correspondence and reports of the the Department of Zoology, as well as sheet music of and tributes to faculty member James E. Ackert, namely Ackert correspondence, 1913–1918; reports from faculty about extending a Ph.D. program in zoology, 1958; faculty proposals regarding a 20-year plan for zoology, circa 1934; faculty comments about uniting zoology and entomology, circa 1945; "Aggie Loyalty" sheet music with words by Florence T. Ackert and music by James E. Ackert, circa 1915; and tributes to Ackert in Transactions of the American Microscopical Society, 1969.

Division of Biology
Curtis Kastner papers
US US kmk 2015-16.055 · Collection

The collection maintains the papers of Curtis Kastner, Ph.D. regarding his educational and professional career at Kansas State University. The bulk of the collection is included in the Instructional Material and Research/Professional Development series’ which hold research proposals, class syllabi, presentations, and conference materials. The carcass disposal research is contained in the Research and Professional Development series, however, the information is particularly important to the development of the Food Science Institute and the later Biosecurity Research Institute. Both of which Kastner played a large role in developing. Other records include faculty meeting agenda, faculty correspondence, and developmental material related to the Food Science and Biosecurity Research Institutes at Kansas State.

Kastner, Curtis L.
US US kmk 2017-18.017 · Collection · 1970–2016

The collection contains materials related to the Commission on the Status of Women (COSW) at Kansas State University from 1974 to 1989. The commission was appointed in 1972 by President James McCain and was charged with studying the status of women at K-State, searching out opportunities for women to achieve complete equality with men, creating an understanding of the needs of women within the academic community, and developing recommendations for change. This collection contains reports, correspondence, and committee notes primarily from the time the donor, Linda Morse, was an active member of the Commission. Also included are interview materials from a 2016 interview between a student and Morse, such as the student’s questions, handwritten notes, and a draft of the paper resulting from the interview.

Charles A. Lewis papers
US US kmk P2005.08 · Collection · 1952-2003

This collection documents Lewis’s career as an internationally known pioneer, researcher, and scholar in horticulture therapy, and author of the landmark book Green Nature, Human Nature: The Meaning of Plants in Our Lives. The collection contains correspondence, speeches, research material, files associated with his employment, community and institutional projects, research, writing, lectures, and service with numerous national organizations and councils, unpublished and published manuscripts and reports, photographs and slides, and publications (his and those of other leaders in the field).

Lewis, Charles A.
Bob Newsome papers
US US kmk 2016-17.045 · Collection · 1961–1965

These materials include the 1965 dissertation of Robert Weldon "Bob" Newsome, extension faculty at Kansas State University from 1955 to 1994, titled "A Descriptive Study of the Origin, Development and Recent Major Trends of the Kansas Co-operative Agricultural Extension Service." Also included is his research for the dissertation and includes topics such as law and government, university budgeting, in-service training, adult education, and organization of extension services. Materials range from 1961 to 1965.

Newsome, Bob
US US kmk P2012.04 · Collection · 1966-2016

The Board on Human Sciences, Inc. (BoHS) is the premier advocacy group representing higher education disciplines that focus on the health, well-being, and quality of living for individuals, families, and communities. The Board on Human Sciences, Inc. (BoHS) is affiliated with the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (A¨P¨L¨U).  Founded in 1966, the BoHS is an association of higher education administrators who are responsible for research, teaching, and extension outreach programs in Human Sciences disciplines at state and land-grant universities. Human Sciences use integrative approaches to study relationships among humans and their environments to achieve a healthy and sustainable world. The Board on Human Sciences, Inc. mission is to strengthen the intellectual integrity, stature, and centrality of the Human Sciences in member institutions, in the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities, and in government and industry. Archives of the Board on Human Sciences, Inc. include records from 1966 to 2016. The archives include annual directories of institutional membership and administrators representing each member unit. The archives include conference proceedings, Board of Directors meetings, financial records, organizational documents, and Rules of Operation. Federal relations advocacy initiatives are included in archives documents. The Board on Human Sciences began presenting national awards in 2008, and the archives include recipients for each year from 2008 through 2015.

Board on Human Sciences, Inc.
News Services subject files
US US kmk U2011.25 · Collection · 1925–2010

The subject files cover numerous aspects of the university, mainly between 1960 and 2010.  A few items exist from 1925 to 1960.  The series of buildings include many helpful photographs, and many other files include photographs and negatives.

Kansas State University
John C. Reese papers
US US kmk 2015-16.060 · Collection · 1971–2015

The John C. Reese papers include a 2013 curriculum vitae, a 2006 grant application, and reprinted publications from 1971 to 2015 of Kansas State University entomology professor John C. Reese. An expert in plant host resistance, Reese's papers document his career and associated research.

Reese, John C.
US US kmk P1988.45 · Collection · 1963-1983

The materials within this collection relate mostly with Consumer Financial Archives and Office of Financial Accounts. Within those two categories, the materials include: historical documents, meeting minutes, assembly information, and information on the board of directors, correspondence, committee information and financial records. This information ranges from 1963 to 1983.

US US kmk 2019-20.004 · Collection · 1962-1999

This collection includes organizational records: state and national, publications, conference programs & pamphlets, and photographs from Kansas Young Farmer & Young Farm Wives (Women) from 1962-1999. The majority of the records are from 1973-1995. Please note that in 1987/1988 the organization changed its name to Kansas Young Farmers & Young Farm Women. Within the records, the larger joint organization is often referred to as KYFW. The larger organization is often broken into its parts for meetings and organizing events, those are Kansas Young Farmers (KYF) and Kansas Young Farm Wives/Women (KYW).
KYFW was an organization created by the Kansas State Board of Vocational Agriculture to promote vocational agricultural education past high school and was administered through Kansas State University. The organization was formed in 1960, with its first articles of incorporation being filed on 5/24/1962 The organize and its members are closely tied to their younger counterpart, Future Farmers of America (FFA) often sharing the same administrators and being involved in FFA events either via sponsorship or as program presenters. KYFW placed heavy emphasis on continuing education within the agriculture field. Encouraging its members to actively share and develop new techniques and technology. They also valued strong leadership skills, asking their members to not only be actively involved in the organization, at the leadership level but also within their community.
Series 1: Conferences/Conventions (1968-1977, undated)
a. National Young Farmer Institute: 1968-1990, 1944, 1997
b. Kansas
    Registration: undated
    Booth Information
    State Fair: 1975
    Kansas Young Farmers & Wives State Convention: 1964, 1966-1969, 1970-1979, 1980-1989, 1990-1995
    State Tour: 1964-1992
    Young Farmers & Wives Day: 1977-1979, 1980-1988, 1990, 1992
    Young Farmer Leadership Conference/Day: 1977-1979, 1985, 1991
    Kansas Vocational Agriculture Teachers State Conference: 1967-1970
    AIC Institute for Young Farmers
Series 2: Awards (1968-1999, undated)
a. Applications: 1972, 1993
b. Kansas Young Farmer Awards: undated, 1968-1972, 1988, 1992, 1999
c. Advisor Award
d. Community Service Award
e. Young Farmer Spokesman Contest: undated, 1976-1982
Series 3: Vocational Education (1975-1990, undated)
a. Adult Teaching Methods
b. Farmer Management Workshop: 1975-1977
c. Guidelines for Developing Adult Vocational Education
d. Occupational Experience Supervision
e. Research Studies: 1973, 1975
f. Discussion Methods
g. Education Correspondence
h. National Survey of Adult Education in Agriculture: 1990
i. Directory of Resources: 1978
Series 4: Organizational Records (1960-1998, undated)
a. Organizational
    Articles of Incorporation
    Annual Report: 1973-1977, 1979-1981, 1983
    Annual Reporting Forms
    Tax Exempt Correspondence
    Reimbursement Policies
    IRS 990’s: 1973-1992
    Visitation Schedules
    Photographs: undated
b. Handbooks
    Leadership Manuals
    Ceremony for Installing Officers
    Development Committee
c. Membership Roosters/List
    Young Farmers & Young Farm Wives (Women); 1975, 1977-1991
    Young Farm Wives (Women): undated
d. Directories
    Young Farmers & Young Farm Wives (Women): 1971-1972, 1976, 1981-1989, 1990-1992, 1994-1998
    Vocational Agriculture Resources: 1983
e. Yearly Records
    National Young Farmer Minutes: 1990
    Young Farmer & Ranchers: 1973-1974, 1976
    Young Farmers & Young Farm Wives (Women): Undated;1970-1995
    Young Farmer: Undated;1963-1995
    Young Farm Wives (Women): Undated; 1964-1965,1970-1992;1994-1995
    District Meeting: 1971-1976
f. County Records
<emph render='bold'>Series 5: Published Materials </emph><emph render='bold'><emph render='italic'>(1970-1994, undated)</emph></emph>
a. News and Views (newsletter): 1970-1995 (incomplete)
    Materials: 1964-1695,1967-1971, 1975, 1977
    Photographs: 1964, 1968, 1970-1974, 1977-1978, undated
    Newsletters: 1964-1965, 1967-1969, 1971-1995
b. Star Young Farm Families: 1976
c. Young Farmer Spokesman Report: 1977-1978
d. Landmarks: 1981
e. Hesston Today: 1979-1890
f. The National Young Farmer
    Newspaper:1978-1983, 1985-1988, 1990-1993
    Young Farmer Update: 1990-1991
    Young Farmer News: 1994
g. Hillsboro Star-Journal: 1977
h. The Citizen Patriot: 1978
i. Nation Young Farmer Annual Report: 1989, 1991
j. Pamphlets
k. A study of scope and content of farm mechanics courses and organization for teaching same in the vocational agricultural high schools of Kansas / by Lester B. Pollum.
l. The organization of and a plan for teaching through the laying flock class project / by Lawrence Fenhor Hall.
m. A study of the methods of teaching sciences underlying agriculture and their application to the teaching of vocational agriculture/ by Henry W. Schmitz
n. Misc. Newspaper Articles
<emph render='bold'>Series 6: Artifact</emph>
<emph render='bold'>Series 7: Materials from other States</emph>

Kansas Young Farmer and Young Farm Wives (Women)
US US kmk 2019-20.001 · Collection · 1939-1949, 2000, 2005, 2013, undated

Collection includes documents, photographs, magazines, personal records, and other materials related to the life of Joseph Maxwell Tucker and his work in formulating and organizing the Massey-Harris Harvest Brigade in 1944 and 1945 which used Massey-Harris self-propelled combines to harvest wheat and other crops in a wartime environment of both scarce labor and rationing of raw materials. The combines were used to harvest crops in the Great Plains states, Pacific Northwest states, Arizona, and California.

The Subject Series is made up of five folders and includes an organization chart for VP & GSM Sales Department, Joseph Tucker's 1941 job application with the War Food Administration, a 1943 memorandum on the organization of the Massey-Harris Emergency Harvest Brigade, the 1943 proposal of the Massey-Harris Harvest Brigade, and two War Production Board certificates.

The Printed Material Series consists of fourteen folders and includes a calendar, four journal articles, a speech Joseph Tucker gave in 1946, and seven publications.

The Don & Kay Kluck Series is comprised of seven folders. This series pertains to The Kluck Brothers: Custom Harvesters (Emil Kluck, Ray Kluck, and Roy Kluck), the combines they purchased, and a few photographs.

The Photograph Series contains four folders. There are photographs of Lawrence John Letnes, Joseph Tucker, and a photograph of the medal, Order of the British Empire give to Joseph Tucker by King George VI in 1946.

The Oversize Printed Materials Subseries consists of three journal articles, three publications, and two advertising posters.

The Oversize Photographs Subseries has two photographs: 1) Proclamation by King George VI, 1946 September 9, that nominates and appoints Joseph Maxwell Tucker “to an Honorary Officer of the Civil Division of Our said and Most Excellent Order of the British Empire" and 2) a newspaper advertisement poking fun at Joseph Tucker titled “Retribution Overdue."

Tucker, Joseph M.
John W. Minor papers
US US kmk 2016-17.043 · Collection · 1971-2001

The John W. Minor papers are a part of the Arthur Capper Cooperative Research Collection, a resource for the study of agricultural cooperatives.  This collection includes training programs, presentations, publications, annual reports, and artifacts related to John W. Minor’s career in cooperative agriculture, in particular his work with the regional cooperatives FAR-MAR-CO and Farmland Industries.  Training programs and presentations include a variety of courses spanning accounting, business planning, grain storage, and professional development, many with handwritten notes and additions.  Publications include assorted booklets and circulars relating to cooperative farming.  Annual reports from Farmland Industries and FAR-MAR-CO (as well as its PROMARK system) range discontinuously from 1975 to 2001.  Artifacts include paperweights and other commemorative items.

Minor, John W.
Harriet Parkerson Papers
US US kmk P2007.01 · Collection · 1874-2007

The Harriet Parkerson papers contain writings for the Domestic Science Club (some were not presented), financial records in the forms of receipts and cancelled checks and a copy of the published version of her sister's, Julie Etta Parkerson Reynolds 1874 journal.  The papers are housed in two boxes.
Literary Works makes up the bulk of the collection and contains papers Harriet wrote to present to the Domestic Science Club and one paper written by Ellen Goodnow.  For the most part, these presentations are random topics that the women appear to have picked themselves.  They bridge a wide array of subject matter and are all not focused on the matters of what people would tend to think of as Domestic Science.  While Harriet wrote about topics such as baking, soaps and soap making, and wardrobe maintenance, she also wrote about historical figures like Anne Louise Germaine Necker, Leo Tolstoy, and Michael Faraday.  One of the more interesting items from this series is the story of Soonboonagen Ammal, a female martyr from India.
The Financial Series contain receipts and canceled checks.  The receipts are organized chronologically and are mostly from the years between 1909 and 1912.  Many of the receipts are for magazine subscriptions and the rental of a post office box.  Other receipts are for necessities and items such as landscaping, flowers, and oats.  The canceled checks are from three different banks and sorted alphabetically by the bank.  The checks are from the financial institutions First National Bank, Manhattan State Bank, and Union National Bank.  The checks are mostly made out to individuals including her nephew Louis and herself (checks labeled "myself"); a few are also written out to institutions or businesses like Kansas State Agricultural College, Montgomery Wards, and Kimball Printing Co.
Printed Material is made up of Harriet's sister's, Julie Etta Parkerson Reynolds 1874 Journal, an agricultural magazine, the 1936-1937 Domestic Science Club booklet, and a few newspaper clippings.
The Department of Special Collections has Harriet Parkerson's journal on microfilm and the original is located at the Kansas State Historical Society in Topeka, Kansas.  Additional information about Harriet can be found in the History Index located in Special Collections.

Parkerson, Harriet
Edward Hodgson collection
US US kmk U2013.09 · Collection · 1903–1906

Materials include photographs of Edward Hodgson's (B.S., Agronomy, 1903) college friends at Kansas State Agricultural College: Thomas Warner Buell (1903), Walter Otis Gray (1904), Martin Roy Schuler (1906), Orrin Pomeroy Drake (1903), and Clark Stewart Cole (1904), as well as portraits of faculty and staff that include Julius Terrass Willard, Albert Dickens, Benjamin Franklin Eyer, Alice Ruff, Herbert F. Roberts, Albert M. Ten Eyck.
Other photos include formal family photos, an aerial photo of Manhattan during the 1903 flood, and several undated portraits of unidentified people.

Hodgson, Edward Howard
Lorena Meyers papers
US US kmk 2015-16-007 · Collection · 1965-1990

This collection maintains the papers regarding Lorena Meyers as related solely to the Federal Drug Administration. It includes interviews with Meyers as well as numerous speeches she gave throughout her career. Additionally, this collection includes a booklet containing the legislative history of the FDA and an orientation handbook for the FDA. Of important note is an interview completed by Meyers with Ronald T. Ottes in 1990 regarding Meyers' career through her retirement in 1984. This interview is bound with a speech Meyers gave as well as documentation from her job at the FDA.

Meyers, Lorena
Virginia H. Knauer
US US kmk 2015-16.008 · Collection · 1969-1989

The materials within this collection include brochures, leaflets, guidebooks and handbooks, as well as a summary of consumer interest activities from 1981-1989.

Knauer, Virginia H.
US US kmk 2015-16.024 · Collection · 1949–1960

Materials include meeting minutes, 1949–1951; annual reports, 1950–1954, 1957, 1959–1960; newsletters (Bull Tales), 1953–1955, 1957–1958.

Kansas Artificial Breeding Service Unit
Duane Acker papers
US US kmk U2011.12 · Collection · 1975-2009

These materials were citations and supporting material that Duane Acker used while writing a book about his time as the president of Kansas State University, titled Two at a Time.  Most of the materials are photocopies of correspondence, speeches, reports, notes, and clippings.

Acker, Duane
Collection · 1997-2014

These calendars are produced by the university or by vendors with historical materials from the university.  Subjects include campus images, athletics, and historical figures in university history.

Lynn Murphy papers
US US kmk P2006.01 · Collection · 1965-1986
Murphy, Lynn
Walter T. Dartland papers
Collection · 1970-2011

This collection is comprised of files from Mr. Dartland's career in various capacities as a consumer advocate.  The bulk of the materials cover the mid-1970s to mid-1990s. The vast majority pertain to Florida though there are examples of consumer advocacy from other states. Folder titles indicate the subjects included in the collection.  Folders contain a wide variety of publications: business correspondence, brochures, pamphlets, speeches, flyers, newspaper clippings, reprints of trade articles, magazine clippings, ordinances, news releases, trade publications, agendas, reports, surveys, public hearing notices, legal documents, legislative documents, advertisements, business cards, conference proceedings, conference programs, printed email messages, registration forms and several other forms of ephemera and publications.  Most items pertain to activities and issues that Mr. Dartland was directly involved in though some items seem to be just areas of interest. In addition to the publications, there are 34 VHS tapes, 3 DVDs, 1 flash drive, and 134 cassette tapes.

Dartland, Walt
Postcard collection

This artificial collection includes postcards of subjects that include Kansas State University, Fort Riley, Manhattan, and Kansas.  Some cards are addressed and others are blank.

Collection · 1934-2000

The North American Alfalfa Improvement Conference is a community of public- and private-sector scientists and educators that promotes the exchange of information among researchers involved in alfalfa improvement and utilization in North America and around the world.

North American Alfalfa Improvement Conference
US US kmk U2013.26 · Collection · 1987-2011

Since the late 1980s Kansas State University administration has encouraged a more diversified educational background for students.  Programs that have done this include Common University Degree Requirements (C.U.D.R.), University General Education (U.G.E.), and K-State 8.  This collection includes materials related to general education at K-State and include assessment records, course changes and descriptions, assessment surveys, advising records, funding proposals, and committee records.

Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning
US US kmk U2013.30 · Collection · 2005–2012

The Arthropod Genomics Center and Ecological Genomics Project was a part of the Targeted Excellence program through the Provost's Office beginning in 2005. More than 50 faculty members and about 100 totaly people worked with seasonal insects and ticks. They looked at genetics in ecological systems and changes due to environmental factors. This center is one of the pioneers in the area of both Anthropod and Ecological Genomics.
These records include information on an International Symposium and workshops, annual reports, budgets, activities, curriculum, infrastructure, newsletters, and records of visiting scientists.

Division of Biology
Baum Oziana
Collection · 1965-2000

This collection maintains the paper materials associated with Baum Oziana. A large selection of cateloged materials relate to this collection, but are not held within the collection.

US US kmk 2019-20.006 · Collection · 1877 - 2010

Five boxes containing the papers of Bonnie Baringer Coryell Hatch, an educator, and homemaker in Kansas and Oklahoma between the early 1920s and 2010. Papers include letters, photographs, diaries, daybooks, ephemera, oral history cassette tapes, and other items. Letters and related materials reflect life in Depression-era Kansas and Oklahoma, and touch on education, politics, farming practices and home-making activities undertaken by Bonnie, her husband, Allen, her three sons, her sister, Donis, and her parents, Sylvester and Minnie Baringer. Among the correspondence files is a large collection of Bonnie’s letters to her parents and smaller groups of letters between Bonnie and Allen, Bonnie and her second husband, Homer Hatch, and Sylvester and Minnie. Included in Sylvester’s correspondence, some dating to the late 1890s, are letters related to his activities as a Kansas Master Farmer and Kansas legislator from Coffey County from 1943-1951. Also in the collection is a printed copy and PDF file of "Letters from the Heartland," a compilation of Bonnie’s letters to her parents transcribed and edited by Janet L. Coryell.

Hatch, Bonnie Baringer Coryell
Roderic Simpson papers
US US kmk 2016-17.040 · Collection · 1937-1984

The Roderic Simpson papers are a part of the Arthur Capper Cooperative Research Collection, a resource for the study of agricultural cooperatives.  This collection includes papers, publications, photographs, film strips, 35 mm slides, and books related to Roderic Simpson's long career in agriculture, first as a fieldman with the Consumers Cooperative Association, followed by 15 years as a local cooperative fieldman for the Dodge City Exchange Cooperative, and finally as a territory fieldman for FAR-MAR-CO in Hutchinson, KS.  Papers and publications include a variety of training programs and presentations, speeches and papers presented at professional farm cooperative associations, government circulars, industry printed materials, and periodical clippings.  Photographs include tour groups and one photograph of the All Farm Supper, 1949.  The film strips and 35 mm sides include educational materials and commemorative footage.  Books include bound circulars and newsletters, as well as histories of farmer cooperatives.  Additional items include film and slide projectors.

Simpson, Roderic
Collection · 1923–2012

This collection documents the history of the Sigma Xi honorary society at Kansas State University and includes the following records: check register (1963–1983); secretary records that contain member lists, committee records, meeting minutes, correspondence, and election data (1923-1924 to 1964-1965, 1967-1968 to 1980-1981, and 1986-1987); membership lists (paper: 1936-1937 to 1984-1985, 1996-1997 to 1997-1998, and 2004-2005; digital: 1992-1993 to 1996-1997, 2000-2001, and 2004-2005); annual reports (1998, 2005); chapter information; historical data; and some correspondence with the national organization. Additional digital content includes award recipients, membership lists, committee minutes, executive minutes, banquet programs, and calendars (1992-1993 to 1996-1997, 2000-2001, and 2004-2005).

Kansas State University. Sigma Xi
Motor Voter records
US US kmk P1993.08 · Collection · 1979-1991

The majority of this collection is a compilation of Motor Voters’ correspondence to and from state and federal agencies, individual consumers, auto industry magnates, and other consumer and safety groups. Also included is an audiovisual series which contains news and press conferences as well as general TV coverage of Motor Voters’ accomplishments and goals.

George Brunn papers
US US kmk P2000.02 · Collection · 1962-1969, 1999

The George Brunn papers consist of: an eight-volume run of a newsletter, The California Consumer: Official Organ of the Association of California Consumers from 1962–1969; a two-volume run from 1963–1965 of the Association of California Consumers publication, Legislative News Letter (edited by Brunn); and a reprint of an article Brunn authored about wage garnishment that was published in a 1965 edition of the California Law Review. A copy of a statement Brunn made during a California judicial hearing in 1969 is included in the papers. Of interest is a handwritten note accompanying the statement sent to Richard L. D. Morse that says, “Dick—A battle in the consumer credit wars. We won that round. George.” The year is illegible. Two poems Brunn penned add levity to the collection.

Brunn, George
Elizabeth Goldsmith papers
US US kmk 2017-18.014 · Collection · 1990-1991

This collection consists of five postcards and twenty-two letters, some including additional documentation, sent in response to Elizabeth B. Goldsmith, Ph.D., author inquiry in the New York Times Book Review section on August 19, 1990 seeking books on the history of home economics. All correspondence is dated 1990-1991.

Goldsmith, Elizabeth B.
John M. Lilley papers
US US kmk P2001.03 · Collection · 1914-1980

John M. Lilley (1939-) served as Assistant Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Kansas State University from 1976 to 1980. During that period, he compiled research for a book on American composer Gail Thompson Kubik. He also developed files pertaining to K-State's New Student Transition Program and Ad Hoc Committee on Enrollment and Orientation.
Most records pertain to Lilley's Kubik research and include audio materials and recording information, sheet music, and photocopies of articles and scrapbooks. Administrative records associated with Lilley's role as Assistant Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences document enrollment programming during the late 1970s.

Phillip F. Schlee papers
US US kmk P2006.06 · Collection · 1748-1954

The Correspondence Series consists of 16 boxes.  Twelve boxes are organized in chronological order while two boxes are arranged in alphabetical order and two boxes are transcribed copies of the original letters and are organized in chronological order.
The Subject Series is contained in one box and the contents are arranged in alphabetical orders.  This series include information such as the Abijah and Lucy Adams Cady Family, custom forms, land deeds, merchandise lists, and information on the town of Tyingham, Massachusetts.
The Printed Materials are housed in five boxes.  Four of the boxes contain almanacs dating from 1779 to 1869.  Some of the almanacs included are the 1847 Brother Jonathan’s Almanac, The Cultivator’s Almanac and Cabinet of Agricultural Knowledge of 1840,  the 1851-1855 and 1863-1864 Middlebrook’s New England Almanacs, The Old Farmer’s Almanac of 1852 and 1869, and the 1787 copy of the Weatherwise’s Town and Country Almanack.
Other items in the Printed Materials include N. P. Willis’ book, Sacred Poems dated 1851, newspaper clippings reference to Market Prices of 1836-1869, and the Farmer and Mechanic Newspaper and the Niles’ Weekly Register.
The Oversize Series consists of letters by Catherine Pinneo dated 1838 to 1839, a 1954 Agriculture Census Questionnaire, the Farm Field Stockman journals, and three newspapers: Current Events, The Scientific American, and The Youth’s Company.

Schlee, Phillip F.
Currin V. Shields papers
US US kmk P1988.26 · Collection · 1960-1984

The four boxes of Currin V. Shields papers are associated with his activities in the consumer movement from 1966-1984. They also reflect Marjorie Shields' involvement in consumer affairs, especially the Arizona Dairy Products Litigation that extended to 1986. Papers describing Shields' career as an educator and his political activities (he was the Democratic candidate for governor of Arizona in 1970) are not included in the collection.
The Shields papers are organized into four separate series thereby preserving, for the most part, the order in which they were maintained by Shields and received by the Consumer Movement Archives at KSU.
A few minor adjustments in the arrangement were made to facilitate labeling and access. For example, in the Arizona Consumers Council series, the financial documents and typed reports were separated into individual sub-series. In addition, groups of printed material were brought together in the fourth series. Currin Shields was a national figure in the consumer movement. He was president of the Arizona Consumers Council from 1969 to 1980 and the organizer of the Conference of Consumer Organizations in 1973. He directed the National Consumer Affairs Internship Program, National Consumer Symposium, and Consumer Affairs Seminar. His papers document his association with these organizations and the consumer issues both he and the groups addressed.
The first series, Arizona Consumers Council (1966-1984), is housed in two document boxes and comprises the largest series in the collection. It is divided into four subseries; correspondence, general files, financial documents, and reports. The items are in chronological order within each subseries. The correspondence and general files constitute all but three of the folders in this series. Dr. Shields maintained the ACC correspondence and general files in separate notebooks, although their contents are similar. The major difference between the two is the correspondence series contains Shields' individual letters and documents regarding the ACC and his activities, while the general files include correspondence, minutes, surveys, membership data, annual and board meeting documents, and miscellaneous material related to the affairs of the organization.
The general files can be described as the central office files for the ACC while Shields was president from 1969-1980. Both sub-series contain papers dealing with the major consumer issues the ACC was confronting including the following: consumer protection program for Arizona, consumer fraud, unit pricing regulations, energy and environment, public utility rates, milk and bread prices, food price-fixing, labeling, and dating of perishable foods, national meat boycotts, food sale tax, aging, group health plans, Arizona Consumers cooperative store, an anti-trust suit against bakeries, a price-fixing suit against Tuscon Cement Co., and bicycle safety.
The ACC correspondence contains letters between Shields and the following consumer leaders: Erma Angevine, Carol Tucker, Lee Richardson, Ester Peterson, and Edwin Palumbo; Arizona senators and representatives (Douglas S. Holsclaw, Helen Grace Carlson, David B. Stone, Manuel Pena, and Anna J. Cullinan); consumer groups in other states, state and local government officials, national organizations such as the Consumer Federation of American, and federal agencies including the U.S. Office of Consumer Affairs, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission Federal Energy Administration, and Federal Trade Commission. The remaining ACC subseries contain financial documents for 1977-1978 and seven typed reports on consumer issues, 1972-1976.
The second series of the Shields papers, Arizona Dairy Products Litigation, contains four files of legal documents and correspondence regarding a class action suit against four major dairies for violation of antitrust laws (1974-1976; 1986-1987). The class action was a partial result of the bread and milk price surveys conducted by the Arizona Consumers Council in the 1970s. Currin and Marjorie Shields were plaintiffs in the case. The litigation continued after Dr. Shields' death and the files indicate Mrs. Shields's involvement, including settlements in favor of the plaintiffs.
Material associated with the Conference of Consumer Organizations (COCO) is contained in series three. It is stored in 21 folders and covers the years 1973-1975. The series was kept in its original order of three related sub-series; correspondence, general, and steering committee. The entire series reflects the formation and early years of COCO and Shields' direct involvement with establishing the organization and service as chairman. Related organizations represented in the COCO series include the National Symposium on Consumer Movement, numerous state consumer organizations, Consumer Federation of America, Consumers Union, Arizona Consumers Council, and National Consumers Congress. Individual correspondents include Colston E. Warne, Roy Kiesling, Patricia Van Betten, Lynn B. Jordan, William Fasse, Eileen Hoats, Janet Ann Hutchinson, Robert McEwen, William Pate, Helen E. Nelson, Ellen Zawel, Arline Mathews, Louis Meyer, and Henry E.K. Lee. COCO documents consist of by-laws, minutes, reports, membership data, financial statements, and correspondence.
The fourth series of the Shields' papers contains printed material divided into four sub-series as follows: Conference of Consumer Organizations, National Consumer Affairs Internship Program, National Symposium on Consumer Movement/National Consumer Symposium, and Consumer Affairs Seminar. The COCO sub-series contains two folders of its monthly newsletter, Intercom, for the years 1974-78.
The National Consumer Affairs Internship Program was initiated by Shields in 1975. Originally a joint project between COCO and the American Council on Consumer Interests. It was chartered as a separate non-profit educational corporation in the State of Arizona in 1978. The six folders (1975-1983) contain brochures, articles of incorporation, internship descriptions, application procedures, membership lists, and newsletters.
Printed items describing the National Symposium on the Consumer Movement (1973-1975)/ National Consumer Symposium (1976-1979) make up the third sub-series. This annual conference was directed by Shields as part of the Community Services Center, Division of Continuing Education, University of Arizona. The material consists of descriptions of the symposium, programs, and lists of speakers and registrants. The Consumer Affairs Seminar (4th sub-series) was also conducted by the Community Services Center at the University of Arizona. Each of the five seminars from 1976 to 1980 is described in a folder of printed material.

Shields, Currin V.
Roy Kiesling papers
US US kmk P1988.46 · Collection · 1970-1995

The Roy A. Kiesling papers (1970-1990) consist primarily of correspondence, reports, conference material, and publications related to Kiesling's 1970s and 1980s participation as a lawyer and engineer in the California and national Consumer movements. The papers have been arranged to reflect his administrative involvement in several non-profit organizations, state-level government committees, for-profit businesses, and his personal interest in various ongoing consumer-related issues.
The Consumer Organizations Series (1970-1990) consists of five boxes of memoranda, reports, speeches, correspondence, press releases, clippings, by-laws, receipts, and chronological files, which span Roy Kiesling's administrative involvement in several consumer movement organizations. Arranged in chronological order by organization, this series stands as one of the two greatest strengths of the Kiesling papers. Two of the boxes offer researchers a detailed view of the formative years of the Consumer Alliance, which was co-founded by Kiesling with Donald Kennedy and Paul Ehrlich in the aftermath of the ten-day 1970 "Summer Alumni College on the Environment" symposium at Stanford University. Similarly, many files cover Kiesling's activities as a board member and president of the Consumer Federation of California and the Consumer Cooperative Society of Palo Alto, including board minutes, resolutions, and reports of the organization's actions.
Researchers will also find the documentation relating to the Consumer Cooperative's files of particular interest in complementing the activities of other regional organizations. For example, where the Consumer Alliance was interested in broad issues, the Consumer Cooperative placed a greater focus on local issues, such as their affiliation with five California-based supermarkets in collaboration with the Berkeley Cooperative. This partnership outlined in the files accrued an annual collective gross of nineteen million dollars a year. Other files in this series include correspondence and reports relating to Paul Ehrlich's theories on population growth, the history of the California consumer movement, and the problems caused by the 1973 government protection of agricultural business and the teamsters over the United Farm Workers and the California shopper. Finally, still other materials center on the creation and maintenance of local cooperatives throughout California's urban landscape to the benefit of individual neighborhoods neglected by national store chains.
The Conferences Series (1970-1995) consists of three boxes of meeting minutes, programs, rosters, clippings, notes, testimonies, and audio tapes arranged in chronological order. Collected by Kiesling during the 1970s as a conference attendee, many of the early files in this series cover important events in the history of the Consumer Movement. These include the 1970 Summer Alumni College on the Environment, the 1971 Food Labeling Conference, the 1971 Consumer Union/American Council on Consumer Interests (whose records are retained by K-State Special Collections), the "Milwaukee Massacre" of 1973, and several Tucson symposia. Other files include "Tape-to-Tape" recordings of conference speeches and lectures given by Consumer Movement leader Colston Warne. Researchers will also find the documents relating to the creation of the national conference creating the Conference of Consumer Organizations (COCO), which was founded by Currin Shields, Louis Meyer, and Fr. Robert McEwen and aided by Roy Kiesling, to be of particular interest. The papers of Shields and Meyer are also housed in the Consumer Movement Archives at Kansas State University. These files include several issues of the organization's newsletter, Intercom, as well as documentation relating to Food Grading, Earth Day, consumer medicine, boycotts, and their relationship with the Consumer Federation of America.
The Government Consultancies Series (1976-1985) collects two boxes of documents arranged in alphabetical order and relating to Roy Kiesling's involvement as an advisor to the California Bureau of Automotive Repair. Spanning his eight years on the board of review in the California Department of Consumer Affairs, these documents include meeting minutes, chronological files, agendas, appointments, and reports, which largely focus on public grievances and service industry concerns with state and local regulations. One particularly noteworthy set of documentation involves the creation of a set of standards to deter the potentially fraudulent conduct and floating prices of individuals in California considered "Transmission Specialists." Other files contain complete runs of the government printed newsletter, Automobiliana (later renamed Car Clips), which Kiesling used for reference. The series also includes annual reports for the years 1975-1981. Researchers will also find of interest a set of correspondence between Kiesling and economist Milton Freidman on the role of government and regulation in consumer protection and their potential long-term effects on the American economy.
The Research Series (1970-1982) consists of nine boxes of documents arranged in alphabetical order, which served as reference material for Roy Kiesling. These files include reports, briefing books, correspondence, legal documents, industry advertising samples, and newspaper clippings, concerning the ongoing activities of Consumer Alliance, Kiesling's personal interest in energy awareness, tort law, and toys. The files also contain correspondence and clippings featuring the author's relationship with members of the Federal Trade Commission, Colston Warne, and Richard L.D. Morse. Other sections of this series also include accumulated research on such topics as Food branding, labeling ingredients and measuring, the viability of Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) plans, "Intermittent Ignition Devices," utility rate normalization plans in California, and drafts of consumer protection agency legislation brought before the United States Congress. Kiesling considered the Intermittent Ignition Devices issue before the California Department of Energy, a subject covering the state government's regulation of pilot lights in water heaters an ideal example of well-intentioned consumer "regulation gone wrong." Finally, researchers will also find special interest in Kiesling's collection of memos, reports, and manuals relating to his time on the Consumer Advisory Council and Consumer Advisory Panel for Pacific Bell. The files cover issues relating to the deregulation of the telecommunications industry in the 1980s, subsequent court proceedings, customer guides, and the availability of telephone access for the physically challenged.
The Publications Series (1970-1988) consists of three boxes of periodicals, reports, and studies arranged in alphabetical order by title. Several of the files collect guides and directories for an assortment of businesses, including California cooperatives, consumer associations, and complaint guides. Other files contain consumer-related information pamphlets and bound public testimonies before congress as well as journal issues, newsletters, and a complete 1974-1978 run of The Workbook. Other folders collect a number of photographs, depicting period leaders in the Consumer Movement. The last box in the series contains sample outlines, topical chapters, and different manuscript versions of Kiesling’s unpublished memoir. The majority of the documentation relates to the lessons he learned as a consumer advocate and his time in the Consumer Movement, including sections on Ester Peterson, automobile safety, the 1970s fight for the Federal Consumer Protection Agency Bill, Ralph Nader, the Tucson Consumer Symposium, Peter McCloskey, the production and marketing of Pringles, and Paul Ehrlich’s Zero Population Growth organization. A Consumer Alliance embossing seal has been transferred to the artifacts collection in the University Archives.
As a lawyer in the 1970s and 1980s, Kiesling was instrumental in the growth of several California-based outlets of the growing Consumer Movement. A co-founder of the Consumer Alliance with Paul Ehrlich and Richard Harriman, Kiesling helped craft a declaration of consumer rights, which included stipulations for the inclusion of name and complete mailing address of product manufacturers, the name of the product, model number, warnings usage, and the list of ingredients with accurate percentages stated on the product label. During this time, he also took part in the national meetings of the Consumer Federation of America and, in the aftermath of the "Milwaukee Massacre," helped shape the Conference of Consumer Organizations. Later, he represented the Consumers United of Palo Alto, the Consumers Cooperative Society of Palo Alto, and became president of the Consumer Federation of California. Unlike many consumer advocates, Kiesling also served as an advisor to government and business, including the Bureau of Automotive Repair in the Department of Consumer Affairs and Pacific Bell/AT&T.

Kiesling, Roy