The general purpose of the Faculty Senate within Kansas State University is to facilitate faculty participation in the establishment of university policies and in the formulation of procedures for their interpretation. For the policies to remain useful they are delegated to sub-committees established by the Faculty Senate, responsible for a certain set of procedures and policies and filtering it from the Senate to the faculty. The Faculty Senate Records collection contains minutes and agendas from most of these committees. Along with minutes and agendas, this collection contains course and curriculum changes from proposed or already existing courses. Lastly it also contains general office files from Faculty Senate and from prior Faculty Senate President, Jerry Freiman.
These thirty-four (34) volumes of letterpress copybooks document presidential and college administration correspondence at Kansas State Agricultural College, now Kansas State University, between 1871 and 1901. Only one volume is incoming correspondence and the remaining volumes are copies of outgoing correspondence. The following is a list of the volumes with the order of each line thus: current volume number and type of correspondence, description and date(s), and old volume number.
Vol. 1 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1879–1884 (and Regents Secretary Elbridge Gale, 1871–1873) (old vol. 1), available at
Vol. 2 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1880–1882 (old vol. 2).
Vol. 3 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1882–1883 (old vol. 3), available at
Vol. 4 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1883–1885 (old vol. 4).
Vol. 5 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild and secretary, 1884–1886 (old vol. 5).
Vol. 6 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1885–1886 (old vol. 6).
Vol. 7 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1886–1888 (old vol. 7, possibly not numbered).
Vol. 8 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1886–1889 (old vol. 8).
Vol. 9 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1888–1889 (old vol. 9).
Vol. 10 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1889–1890 (old vol. 10).
Vol. 11 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1890–1891 (old vol. 11).
Vol. 12 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1891–1892 (old vol. 12).
Vol. 13 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1892 (old vol. 13).
Vol. 14 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1892–1893 (old vol. 14).
Vol. 15 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1894 (old vol. 15).
Vol. 16 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1894–1895 (old vol. 16).
Vol. 17 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1895–1896 (old vol. 17), available at
Vol. 18 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1896–1897, and President Thomas E. Will, 1897–1898 (old vol. 18).
Incoming correspondence, former president George T. Fairchild, 1897–1899 (old vol. 19), available at
Vol. 19 outgoing presidential correspondence, President Thomas E. Will (Will, Vol. I), 1897 (old vol. 20).
Vol. 20 outgoing presidential correspondence, President Thomas E. Will (Will, Vol. II), 1897 (old vol. 21).
Vol. 21 outgoing presidential correspondence, President Thomas E. Will and secretary (Will, Vol. III), 1897–1899 (old vol. 24), available at
Vol. 22 outgoing presidential correspondence, President Thomas E. Will and secretary (Will, Vol. IV), 1898 (old vol. 22).
Vol. 23 outgoing presidential correspondence, President Thomas E. Will and secretary (Will, Vol. V), 1898–1899 (old vol. 23).
Vol. 1 outgoing secretarial correspondence, Secretary (to president) Ira Graham, 1888–1891 (old vol. 25).
Vol. 2 outgoing secretarial correspondence, Secretary (to president) Ira Graham, 1890–1897 (old vol. 26).
Vol. 3 outgoing secretarial correspondence, Secretary (to president) Ira Graham, 1891–1893 (old vol. 27).
Vol. 4 outgoing secretarial correspondence, Secretary (to president) Ira Graham, 1897–1898 (old vol. 28).
Vol. 5 outgoing secretarial correspondence, Secretary to president, 1898–1901 (old vol. 29).
Vol. 6 outgoing secretarial correspondence, Secretary to president, 1899 (old vol. 30).
Vol. 1 outgoing loan commissioner correspondence, KSAC loan commissioner, 1871–1872 (old vol. 31).
Vol. 2 outgoing loan commissioner correspondence, KSAC loan commissioner, 1872–1879 (old vol. 32).
Vol. 3 outgoing loan commissioner correspondence, KSAC loan commissioner, 1882–1891 (old vol. 33).
Outgoing treasurer’s correspondence, KSAC treasurer's office, 1893–1895 (old vol. 34).
Office of the President
This collection documents the history of Farmland Industries, Inc. from Howard A. Cowden's idea to establish Cowden Oil Company in 1928, through the dissolution of the company in 2004.
The Union Equity series is comprised of 14 boxes. It includes Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, correspondence, export records, financial and audit records, meeting minutes, meeting agendas, speeches, publicity materials, printed material, audiovisual materials, and photographs.
Women's Cooperative Guild series is made up of five (5) boxes and one (1) box is shared with the Farmland Artifacts series. It includes annual reports, correspondence, financial records, member records, meeting minutes, newsletters, photographs, scrapbooks, yearbooks, and artifacts.
Contained in 126 boxes, the Farmland series is the largest in the collection. It is made up of corporation records, correspondence, financial records, historical records, photographs, negatives, slides, printed material, and scrapbooks. The corporation records include Corporation By-Laws, annual reports, annual meetings, conferences, minute books, Dreyer Award winners, Ampride Incorporation merger with Farmland, Farmland Food Services, Farmland World Trade Company, and Tier II Emergency and Hazardous Chemical Inventory Reports at various locations. Historical records follow the history of Farmland from Cowden Oil Company (1928) through name changes and the dissolution of the company (2004). They also include the history of the changes of the Farmland logo. There are photographs, negatives, and slides of board members, Dreyer Award winners, and employees and non-employees filed in alphabetical order. A possible photograph of interest is of Astronaut L. Gordon Cooper, Jr. Other photographs, negatives, and slides include annual meetings (1944-2001), Coffeyville Petroleum Coke to Ammonia Project, Co-Op displays, Farmland food plants, Farmland Headquarters, Phillipsburg Refinery, Youth Camp, baseball players, football players, hockey players, barbed wire, barges, cattle, farm meetings, feed mills, feeding containers, fertilizer plants, food storage containers, glo-candles, grease plant, heaters, hogs, horses, landscapes, laundry detergent, livestock shows, paint plant, pipelines, print plant, propane plant, refineries, sheep, soy plants, storage tanks, trains, trucks, warehouses, and warehouse fires. There is also a photo book of Consumers Cooperative Association. Printed material consists of articles, brochures, catalogs, essays, magazines such as Leadership, training manuals, manuscripts, music, newsletters such as Farmland News and Inside Farmland, news releases, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, reports of fertilizer plants and pork processing plants, speeches and radio addresses by Howard A. Cowden, Homer Young, and others and educational and training materials. There are five (5) scrapbooks in this series. Photographs in the scrapbooks include an ammonium phosphate plant in Joplin, Missouri, Coffeyville Refinery, Farmland Headquarters, Lawrence Nitrogen Plant, Phillipsburg Refinery, annual meetings, Co-Op transportation vehicles, feed mills, and warehouses.
Cooperative Refinery Association (CRA) series is made up of one (1) box. It includes information pertaining to the Coffeyville and Phillipsburg, Kansas refineries, CRA meeting minute books (1939-1981), and CRA of Peru, Inc.
Consumers Cooperative Association (CCA) series is comprised of three (3) boxes and one (1) partial box that is shared with CFCA series, Union Oil Company series, and Agricultural Hall of Fame series. It includes the organization's Administrative Orders, Articles of Incorporation, correspondence, conferences, farm program and problems, history of the organization, lists of Board of Directors, minutes, policies, list of personnel, speeches by Howard A. Cowden, subsidiary reports, printed material, and information regarding the Howard A. Cowden Scholarship & Memorial Fund. The one (1) partial box consists of the history of the organization including photographs of laying of the cornerstone of the office building located at 3315 North Oak Trafficway, Kansas City, Missouri, the Neighbor Night Program, and audio cassette tapes. The tapes include the 21st Annual Meeting (1949), Neighbor Night meetings (1951 and 1953), the 24th Annual Meeting (1952), the dedication of the nitrate plant (1952), and short recordings of Howard A. Cowden.
Cooperative Farm Chemical Association (CFCA) series is stored in one (1) box and one (1) partial box shared with the CCA series, Union Oil Company series, and Agricultural Hall of Fame series. It includes Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws, annual stockholders meetings and minutes, correspondence, newspaper clippings, revolving fund certificates (1959-1985), and photographs and printed material of the dedication of the Lawrence Nitrogen Plant, Lawrence, Kansas (1951-1954).
Far-Mar-Co series is contained in two (2) boxes. Included are correspondence to the Board of Directors (1976-1985), news releases, newspaper clippings, and the organization meeting of the incorporators of Far-Mar-Co/Farmland Acquisition Corporation (1976-1980).
Union Oil Company series is housed in one (1) box with CCA series, CFCA series, and Agricultural Hall of Fame series. Included are the Certificate of Incorporation, Articles of Agreement, Affidavit of Dissolution of Cowden Oil Company, correspondence, minutes, magazines and newspaper publicity and advertising, radio talks, and speeches, and three (3) scrapbooks with photographs.
The Agricultural Hall of Fame series is stored in one (1) box with CCA series, CFCA series, and Union Oil Company series. It contains the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws (1958-1961), newspaper clippings (1980-1990), visitors guides (1960-1981), photographs, printed materials with titles such as "What's the Agricultural Hall of Fame Development Program All About?" and "How Farmers Can Take Part in Building the Agricultural Hall of Fame Through Their Local Cooperatives."
Stored in five (5) boxes and two (2) shared boxes and five (5) oversize items, the Farmland Artifacts series contains awards, a keychain that reads "Farmland, Proud to be Farmer Owned," a coffee cup that reads "Co-Op Quality Paint," a deck of playing cards that reads "Co-Op Feed Mill Dedication, Farmland Industries, Inc.," golf tees, paperweights, wooden gavel, a red and white apron that reads "Use Co-Op Products," and a color plate of Co-Op Red and Co-Op Blue. The series also includes one (1) ceremonial shovel dated December 1, 1959, a Recognition Board that reads in part "In Recognition Members of the Original Consolidated Board of Directors of FAR-MAR-CO, Inc." with a list of board members dated June 1, 1968-March 1969, and a silver metal sign that reads "Consumers Cooperative Association" with a list of board of directors dated 1956. It also includes a Bell & Howell Model 1550B 16mm film projector. Note one shared box is with the Women's Cooperative Guild series and the other shared box is with the Farmland Industries series.
Farmland Oversize series are stored in nine (9) boxes and two (2) map cabinet drawers. Included are advertising posters, newspaper clippings, bound advertising pages, photographs, calendars, two (2) scrapbooks, Ken Burdette Sketches, a drawing of Farmland Foods Plant, banners, blueprints, and watercolor paintings. The advertising posters include wheat, farm fuel, and John Denver's TV Special, Farmland Mission Statement, and Farmland Service Pledge. The photographs include aerial photographs, photographs of Howard A. Cowden, barges, harvesting, CCA, National Ag Center, Phillipsburg Refinery, annual meetings (1937-1953), Farmland oil products, and crops. The two (2) scrapbooks contain Co-Op Store Campaign Advertisements and information on presenting Farmland Industries. There are three (3) Ken Burdette sketches. One of Arthur Capper, one of Andrew Volstead and the third of is the mural that was inside the Farmland Headquarters reception area. There are six (6) banners in this series. One banner is painted on oilcloth and reads "Kansas Grassroots Says Stop Floods and Drouth The Watershed Way." Another banner is painted on canvas and reads "Funds Flow Chart, Consumer Cooperative Association, 1947." The other four (4) banners are vinyl and they promote the Phillipsburg Refinery, Farmland, Co-Op, and AG 21. Included in the blueprints are those of Farmland Headquarters and complex and warehouse additions in Iowa and Colorado. There are two (2) watercolor paintings. One of Heartland Wheat Growers Wheat Starch and Gluten Production facility in Russell, Kansas, and the other of the Portland Head Lighthouse.
The Audio-Visual Materials series is stored in 36 boxes and there are loose items on five (5) shelves. Included are 16mm films, CDs, cassette tapes, filmstrips, LPs, and VHS tapes. The 16mm films include films on annual meetings, sales rallies and have titles such as "The is Far-Mar-Co," "Your Cooperative Federation," "Helping You Help Yourself," "You Are Not Alone," "Service From the Ground Up," "Farmland Trails," "Ham to Hot Dogs," and "Better Farming Better Food." There is also a 16mm film of Howard Cowden speaking at a CFCA cornerstone ceremony in Lawrence, Kansas, and of Jim Henson's "Muppets Meeting Films" (1979). The CDs contain a PowerPoint presentation of the Farmland Headquarters Visitor Center, photographs, annual meeting information, Bob Honse images, national beef images, annual reports, history of Farmland (1969-2000), and the Dreyer Awards. Cassette tapes include the Bunny Farm Rabbit Feeding program, annual meetings, shareholders meetings, monthly dairy meetings, and youth leadership conferences. The filmstrips include Neighborhood Councils, refinery news, and the cooperative centennial (1844-1944). There are LPs of 78 RPM and 33 1/3 RPM in this series. They include radio messages and addresses of Howard A. Cowden and Chuck Miller, Co-Op Neighbor Night Program, Battle Hymn of Cooperation Consumers Co-Operative Association Quartet, and annual meetings. The largest section of audiovisual materials is the VHS tapes. Tapes include special events, motivational tapes, annual meetings, employee meetings, Fieldmen's conferences, food safety, pesticides, Coffeyville Refinery tour, quarterly meetings, news broadcasts about Farmland, Coffeyville oil spill, training videos, sales rallies, speeches, and presentations of Harry D. Cleberg, Dreyer Awards, Farmland Industries Project Tomorrow, grain grading, shareholders meetings, Foods Media Shows, Heartland Wheat Growers, and restructuring Farmland. VHS tapes that may be of interest are those of Senators Nancy Kassebaum and Robert "Bob" Dole. Other VHS tapes include voice demos from individuals such as Sam Beck, Bob Benish, Jr., Carla Cooper, Kimball Cummings, Jack Elliott, T. Max Graham, Barbara Houston, Randy Kemp, Mark Mason, Don Miller, Jim Scott, and many others.
There are nineteen shelves of printed material that are bound volumes. The bound volumes are <emph render='italic'>The Daily Scoop, Inside Farmland, Farmland Circles, Co-Op News Digest, Leadership, Bulletin, Teammates, The Cooperative Farmer, Co-Op Reporter, The Cooperative Consumer, Insider, Managers Newsletter, Advantage, The Plant Connection, Farmland Supervisor, and Home-Maker. Note The Cooperative Consumer name changed to Farmland in September 1966 and Farmland changed to Farmland News in 1971.
Box Includes correspondence and Board of Regents Reviews on departments such as Agronomy, Art, Biochemistry, Biology, Computer Science, English, Journalism/Mass Communications, Music, Speech, physiology, Physical Education (Dance & Leisure Studies), and Sociology (Anthropology & Social Work.)
Office of the ProvostThe College of Health and Human Science Records cover the history of the college spanning from 1863-2011. The collection includes documents, pictures, and other materials from Hospitality Days, departmental restructuring, name changes, various conference presentations and information from research and extension services. In 1912, Home Economics become a division within in the college and eventually in 1985, changed its' name to Human Ecology and later in 2019 the college changed its' name to the College of Health and Human Sciences. There were programs that moved to the College of Arts & Sciences, but the College of Health and Human Sciences retained the Interior Design and Fashion Studies programs in 1965. Likewise, programs were added to the College of Health of Human Sciences, such as Communication Sciences and Disorders and Social Work in 1994. There are correspondence and planning materials from these mergers and changes, along with other program moves. The collection contains notes and programs from conferences such as Lake Placid and the White House Conference on Families. Included in the collection is also personal and business related correspondence from Deans and other faculty members.
College of Human EcologyMcPherson collection includes a multitude of documents pertaining the McPherson extension office as well as the 4-H program. Documents range from executive files such as financial records, meeting minutes, membership lists, and construction plans to documents such as photographs, slides, and program guides.
McPherson County Extension OfficeThis collection is made up of documents created by the office of the provost and senior vice president at Kansas State University. Documents in the collection consist of a wide range of material from the office administrative files, class documents, department and dean files, program reviews, role and aspirations, strategic planning, university events, COCAO, president's staff, Board of Regents, Dean's Council, grievances, university awards, and vice provost papers. Some records document the interactions with other universities in the state of Kansas and universities nationally. The bulk of the materials are from the 1980s to 2010 with most of the other documents dating back to the 1970s.
Office of the Provost (1980-)Box includes self-evaluations of programs for the Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine.
Office of the ProvostFiles and correspondences belonging to Provost April Mason
Box includes information on the Cabinet Diversity Task Force and the Developing Scholars Program. Additionally, the box primarily contains documents on the Kansas State University Research foundation (KSURF) and the Kansas State Diagnostic & Analytical Services (DAS).
Office of the ProvostIncludes photographs of Consumers Cooperative Association groups, Farmers Union Jobbing Association groups, grain elevators, Farmland Buildings in Texas and Oklahoma, and a painting signed by 'REIF.'
Box contains files pertaining to various university task forces including IT, faculty, enrollment, and tuition. Additionally box includes several university distinguished lecturers proposals (FY 2010 - 2011) and information on the Universal K-state Board of Directors.
Office of the ProvostBox includes various 4-H judging guides on subjects such as photography and dog agility. The box also includes information on the stamp collecting project as well as knitting leaflets.
McPherson County Extension OfficeBox includes 6 Slide Boxes A-F
McPherson 4-H and Related Clubs6 slide boxes A-F
Contains various photos from 4-H trips (exchange trips and ski trips) and leader connection, and 4-H summer camp.
McPherson 4-H and Related ClubsBox contains several photos regarding 4H events and activities, including trips, livestock judging, and celebrations. Additionally, the box includes 4-H charter applications and seal awards.
McPherson 4-H and Related ClubsThe box contains a bank erosion inventory from 1978 alongside 2 scrapbooks one from the Century Bells EHU and the other from the Lindsborg EHU.
McPherson County Extension OfficeBox includes files regarding the intercultural development advancement initiative, the Carnegie Foundation Community Engagement Mid-Point task force, K-State athletics (financial statements, ESPN agreements, & policies), the Budget Advisory Committee, K-CAT ( K-state comprehensive assessment tools), Global food Systems, First Scholars JBL, and GIS Commons.
Box includes documents pertaining to Kansas State University Programs and Plans such as Diagnostic and Analytical Services, Research Infrastructure, K-State 8, Space Migration (relocation), State Exemptions, K-State First, Campus Master Plans, Capital university of B. & E. Program, Commercialization Leadership Council, and the Priority Setting Initiative. Overall box includes files that summarize the university's reports and goals.
Office of the ProvostThe Franklin A. Coffman papers contain letters, autobiographical materials, paternal and maternal family genealogies, legal documents, literary works, awards and honors, printed materials, photographs, scrapbooks and photograph albums, and artifacts.
Personal correspondence is mainly amongst family members though there is a letter from J. Edgar Hoover regarding a poem Coffman published. Business correspondence is sparse. Coffman received a bound volume of congratulatory letters upon his retirement. The letters provide the best account of Coffman's work with the United States Department of Agriculture within the collection. Many describe interactions with Coffman during field work and visits to experiment stations across the country. There is no official governmental correspondence in the collection documenting Coffman's work.
Coffman handwrote autobiographical accounts of his life during his later years. These accounts are mainly of his childhood, college days and work in the Philippines. The accounts covering the years Coffman spent in the Philippines are extensive. They provide many details and impressions about the native people. The accounts also cover his travels to other Asian countries while based in the Philippines.
Coffman spent years gathering genealogical information from relatives and researching his ancestors. He traced his father's Coffman ancestors back to 1737 and his mother's Bayle ancestors back to 1796. There are notes, different versions of family trees, and extensive narrative written by Coffman describing the lives of his ancestors.
Legal documents are sparse.
Coffman was a prolific poet. There are clippings of poetry published in the Washington Post. Some poems were published without his name. Others have his initials, F.A.C., including two series of poems compiled in notebooks. There are also unpublished poems.
There are certificates for scholarly and service awards and honors, and the registration certificate for the Marion Oat. There are not certificates for all the awards and honors listed on Coffman's resume.
There are just a few United States Department of Agriculture's bulletins and farmer's Bulletins that Coffman authored or co-authored. The vast majority of Coffman's published research is not part of the collection.
One of Coffman's hobbies was photography. There are hundreds of photographs documenting his personal and professional lives. Subjects are wide-ranging. Coffman signed some of his photographs, mainly what he referred to as the "salon prints." There are photographs taken by others including professional portraits and candid photographs of Coffman at various ages. Many photographs are undated and unidentified.
There are seven scrapbooks containing photographs and memorabilia. 1) Photographs and memorabilia document a 10 day automobile trip to eastern cities and New England that Coffman took with his wife and daughter in 1936. Expenses totaled $110.96.
2) "The Farm" album contains photographs of family members, neighbors, friends, crops, farmhouse interiors and exteriors, Rocky Ford School, and Rocky Ford dam and mill. The album is dated 1913 and some photographs are identified. There are also approximately 56 photographs of Manhattan and Kansas State Agricultural College. The subjects are the campus, buildings, classmates, lake recreation, train depot, street car, and a railroad bridge. Some photos are identified and dated 1914.
3) This photo album with narrative is titled "The Many Faces of F.A.C." and is written by "A Couple of Norths and Shanghai Louis Kao." It was compiled in 1962 and contains photographs of Coffman in various locations.
4) The album has photographs of Coffman's family and ancestors (earliest date 1884), Sunday school class, the First Baptist Church in 1902, Kansas State Agricultural College, and Manhattan. There is extensive Kansas State Agricultural College memorabilia including a cadet corps certificate, 1908 fall term schedule, invitations, commencement programs, band programs, banquet programs, clippings and a baseball ticket. The album also has correspondence and drawings. The album has memorabilia from Coffman's transit back to the United States on the Shino Maru including menus and passenger list. There are photographs of the transit and memorabilia from a Hong Kong visit en route. There are photographs of Kansas State Agricultural College, Oklahoma A&M and Akron, Colorado. 1916.
5) The Philippines album contains photographs of Coffman's trip across the western United States to board the S.S. Manchuria for transit to the Philippines. Coffman photographed the Golden Gate Park, the Panama Pacific International Exhibition grounds, onboard ship recreation, Honolulu, Tokyo, Nagasaki, the Philippines' countryside, Filipinos' daily activities, Philippine experiment stations, cultural activities, villages, Coffman's office and co-workers, YMCA sports, Viscayia (German naval ship), Hong Kong, Shanghai, Kobe, Yamaa, Yokahoma, the voyage back to the United States on the Shino Maru (not to be confused with the Shinyo Maru), Honolulu experiment station, Universal Film City, and the San Diego Exposition. 1914-1916.
6) The photographs and memorabilia in this album are compiled in honor of Coffman's brother, Will, who died in 1920. It contains drawings, report cards, class schedule and photographs of Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, University of Kansas, and Will's travels. Loose commencement programs from Kansas State Agricultural College, 1913-1915, are with the album.
7) The album contains photographs from Coffman's days in Akron and his travels to Amarillo, Chicago, Washington, D.C., Arlington, New York, Philadelphia and Mount Vernon from 1919-1922. There is memorabilia from Washington, D.C., New York including a Metropolitan Opera House program and a Hippodrome souvenir book, Coffman's wedding and showers, and a program from the American Society of Agronomy 1922 meeting. Morrill, Kansas, Twin Oaks, Estes Park, county fairs, and Manhattan are also subjects of photographs. Alta Johnson's School Girl Days: A Memory Book from Washington County High School, 1914, is boxed with the scrapbooks.
The most notable artifacts are four cameras, presumably used by Coffman: Univex Model A, 1933; No. 1-A Kodak Junior Model A, 1914; No. 2 Folding Autographic Brownie, circa 1915-1916; Kodak Six-16 camera and leather case, circa 1932-1936.
Contained in this collection is numerous examples of Stith's drawings, seen in his architectural portfolio and personal sketchbooks. A draft of Stith's Master's thesis is also contained, as are a few papers written by Stith regarding practices in Architecture. The collection also contains a box of slides with images taken by Stith during his travels around the Yucatan peninsula and other areas in Central America regarding his personal studies.
Dick J. StithThese records document the Great Plains Interactive Distance Education Alliance—often shortened to Great Plains IDEA—a collaboration of about twenty universities in the Plains region. Based out of Kansas State University, the group provides fully online graduate programs across several universities. Materials range from 1994 to 2015 and include meeting minutes, itineraries, board member information, education initiatives, and annual meeting information.
Additionally, there are web archives from 2001 to 2024. The current site,, has been crawled since September 2024, and the previous site,, was saved by the Wayback Machine 398 times between September 25, 2001, and July 21, 2024. Web archives available at*/ and*/
Great Plains Interactive Distance Education AllianceBox includes information on the technology assistance center, the Stonehouse childcare center, the Kansas small business development center, the value added center, and the center for science education as well as information on sustainable agriculture. Additionally, the box includes information on summer school programs for high school students and a significant portion of the box also includes provost staff agendas ranging from 1989 - 1993.
Office of the ProvostBox includes multiple program reviews regarding the office of the provost's roles and aspirations. Reviews are separated via department and include summaries and datasheets.
Box content includes information on the university's M.A/Ph.D. program (security studies) with Ft. Riley and Ft. Lauderdale. Documents include congressional request for funding, award reports, and external reviews. Additionally, a significant portion of the box includes information regarding the National Endowment for the Humanities, School Board Meeting DVDs, and alumni photobooks.
Office of the ProvostBox contents include correspondence and reports in relation to the Ft. Leavenworth and K-state joint security studies masters and Ph.D. program, records include information on funding and curriculum. A significant portion of the box also includes provost staff records such as meeting minutes and agendas. Lastly, the box includes a copy of the "2012 Higher Education Directory" thirtieth edition, published by Higher Education Publications, Inc.
This collection comprises material related to the Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine between 1855-2014. This collection contains administrative records from this college, including handbooks and manuals, proposals and applications, various records, reports, publications, presentation materials, records related to international programs, material pertaining to campus and its buildings, and a film catalogue which describes some of the collection’s video material. It also contains recordings and transcripts of interviews, most of which featured alumni from the College of Veterinary Medicine for the history book “A Century of Excellence: Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine” by Howard H. Erickson and Ronnie G. Elmore. Drafts of this book are also present in this collection. Moreover, this collection contains yearbooks and scrapbooks, including auxiliaries and photo albums, from the college spanning nearly a century. There are also audio and video materials related to the College of Veterinary Medicine on cassette tapes, microcassette tapes, VHS tapes, CDs, and DVDs, and film reels which record college events, interviews, teaching aids, and virtual tours of the college. This collection includes class and faculty composites for the College of Veterinary Medicine spanning the majority of the 20th century, and even features a composite from the St. Joseph Veterinary College. These composites are either photographic negatives or oversize photographs.
Other photographs that can be found in this collection depict people, including faculty, staff, students, and other notable individuals. Photos of buildings, including diagrams and photos of buildings on the Kansas State campus and the Veterinary Medicine campus, as well. There are also photos of animals, which were either pets, farm animals, or lab animals, as well as the labs performed on these animals. Additionally, photographs of college events, miscellaneous photos, and oversize photos also contribute to this collection’s material.
Lastly, this collection features photographic negatives and photographic slides which depict people, like faculty, staff, students, exchange students, and Student Chapter of the American Veterinary Medical Association members. Also pictured are labs, lab equipment, and associated animals, which were often pets, farm animals, or wildlife/exotic animals. Locations within the Manhattan area (especially within the Kansas State University campus and the College of Veterinary Medicine Complex/Campus specifically) are also an important subject to this collection. Negatives of these locations feature buildings, layouts, maps, construction, maintenance, renovations, and damage to buildings. Formal, casual, recreational, donation-based, food-based, and sporting events related to the college can be found in this collection as well. Miscellaneous photo negatives and slides make up the remainder of the undeveloped photographic material in this collection.
College of Veterinary MedicineThis collection contains writings, notes, Department of History information, personal material, photographs, and miscellaneous material accumulated by Robin Higham.
The writings include drafts, historical papers, oversize papers, and manuscripts, specifically Deciphered: The Phaistos Disk and the Southern Minoan Maritime World by Robin Higham, A Guide to the Sources of British Military History by Robin Higham, Handbook on World War I by Robin Higham, 100 Years of Air Power and Aviation by Robin Higham, and Diary of a Disaster by Robin Higham.
Higham’s notes pertain to personal and professional subjects, especially publication and revision.
The Department of History information contains course material, especially syllabi and final exams/prompts, course planning, class schedules, class directories, correspondence, memoranda, minutes, certificates, and Higham operations manuals.
The personal material mostly contains correspondence and notes, but also has some information regarding Higham’s children. There are records regarding Manhattan High School and its PTA.
The photographs largely contain images of pilots, planes, other aircraft, watercraft, soldiers, colleagues, family, and other personal and professional subjects. Additionally, there are maps, and portraits. A small amount of this material is oversize.
The miscellaneous records include memoranda from the American Military Institute, Faculty Senate records, Kennedy Library Information, and awards and certificates.
Box includes information on university retention, disaster recovery, tornado files, the Staley school of leadership, multi-cultural curriculum, and the K-State Salina merger. The box also includes information on the Kansas Technology Enterprise Corp, SW Kansas access, and the SSIA Committee.
Box includes several resources and guides on different topics, including cultural arts, family living, housing, food safety, and family economics. The box also includes information on 4-H livewires, information includes record books, meeting minutes, secretary notes, certificates of recognition, seal promotions, reports of accomplishments, correspondences and images from the livewires program. Additionally, information regarding the Lindsborg EHU program is present, information includes program booklets, account books and a photobook. Furthermore, box includes a photo of the 4-H king and queen in the year 1998.
Content within the box includes meeting minutes & agendas from the council of chief academic officers, and advisory reports. Additionally the box includes information on the Inter-University Ph.D. program in Computer Science, as well as letters from several individuals primarily John Chalmers, and R.F Kruh.
Office of the ProvostBox includes meeting minutes and documents pertaining to the Dean's council, information on promotion & tenure, and information & agenda's from provost 's staff meetings. Records include (but are not limited to) progress reports, payroll information, staffing reports, and financial reviews.
Office of the ProvostBox contains records regarding committee, council, faculty affairs, grievance board files on topics such as public relations, discrimination, faculty affairs, resource allocation, and human subjects in research.
Office of the ProvostBox primarily contains correspondences between President Wefald and Provost Coffman in regards to various university responsibilities, such as but not limited to, international workshops, academic panels, and termination.
Office of the ProvostThe Ernie and Bonnie Barrett papers include photographs, scrapbooks, artifacts, and other documentation relevant to their lives from 1947 to 2014. Box 1 includes photographic materials related to Bonnie from the 1940s to 1969, Ernie's basketball career from 1947 to 1955, the 1951 Kansas River flood in Manhattan, and family activities from 1951 to 1974. Also included are wedding and other correspondence from 1951 and 1958, documentation of family activities from 1951 to 1997, and “Palm Springs Life” magazine covers with one or both of them depicted from 1994 to 1997. The wedding photographs include a number of Bonnie's relatives: Peggy Sue Frommer, Deanna Frommer, Henry and Juanita Frommer, Alleta Frommer, Gene Frommer, Frank Frommer, Edith and George Frommer, and Mary and Walt Frommer.
Box 2 includes photographic materials, clippings, and other information pertaining to K-State football bowl games (1997 Fiesta Bowl and 2002 Holiday Bowl), Tex Winter’s 2011 induction to the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame, family and friends from 1981 to 2002, and the local chapter of the Blue Key Senior Honorary Society from 2003 and 2014.
Boxes 3 and 4 are family photographs, primarily of Bonnie, Ernie, and their two children (Duane and Brad) from the 1980s to 1995.
Boxes 5, 6, and 7 contain photograph albums related to family experiences and travels (1953 to 2001), K-State football bowl games (1993 to 1997), golf tournaments in the 1990s, and other K-State Athletics events from about 1990 to 2009 (Dev Nelson Press Box dedication, K-State Hall of Fame ceremonies, fundraisers, and the Mr. K-State statue dedication). Many of the albums of K-State events were created by George McCandless, an amateur photographer from the early 1990s to 2013.
Box 8 includes numerous plaques and a helmet signed by K-State football staff dating from about 1951 to about 2014. Also included are some strips of photographic negatives.
Box 9 contains a scrapbook describing a basketball team on which Ernie played while at Sandia Base during his time in the U.S. Air Force. It also includes other photographs, awards, and similar items related to Ernie’s high school, collegiate, and professional basketball career.
One oversize folder includes a matted photograph of Ernie from his collegiate time, a poster memorializing Ernie’s high school team, and a photograph of the 2009–2010 K-State men’s basketball team during a timeout.
Barrett, Ernie DrewThis collection primarily includes correspondence, newsletters, mailers, clippings, and paperwork related to the Consumer Federation of America (CFA), National Advertising Review Board (NARB), and Maryland Citizens Consumer Council (MCCC) between 1978 and 1990. Also included are copies of the Maryland Register.
Richardson, Lee, 1940-National Advertising Review Board (NARB) case reviews, meeting agendas, newspapers, and conflict of interest cases.
Documents pertaining to the organizational structure and projects of the Maryland Citizens Consumer Council (MCCC) such as meeting minutes, bylaws, newsletters, etc. Additionally, it notes other organizations involved with MCCC that include the Louisiana Consumers League, Coalition for Safe Food, and the Department of Health and Human Services. There also is correspondence from various community members; documentation of Richardson's personal interest in Maryland's State Board of Morticians; and brochures, magazines, and newspapers.
Box includes documents pertaining to different committees and councils such as the academic affairs committee, administrative council, university coup committee, committee on classified affairs, capital space advisory committee, citizen's forums, and a commission on the status of women. The box primarly contains information regarding university finances such and includes documents on the university committee on financial exigency, coup subcommittees on financial exigency, and Budget planning conferences.
Office of the ProvostBox contains documents pertaining to computing and network services such as implementation analysis, proposal summaries and correspondence. Additionally the box includes correspondence and reports from the Kansas regents educational communications center.
Office of the ProvostBox primarily contains records on the council of academic deans however it also contains records from the council of colleges of Arts and Sciences. Council records include minutes & Agendas, newsletters, and speeches.
Office of the ProvostBox contains material on university accreditation, materials contain confirmation letters, accreditation charts, and strategic plans. Additionally, the box contains regent reviews (primarily college of agriculture regent reviews volumes 2-4)
Office of the ProvostBox contains several reviews from across the university. Reviews focus on the cooperative extension service, college of education, physical sciences, college of human ecology, and the library program. The box also includes accreditation reports and self-studies on departments such as education and nuclear engineering technology
Office of the ProvostBox includes university committee lists, including the consultative committee, discrimination review committees, undergraduate grievance committee, and the council of academic Dean's sub committee on financial exigency, and several councils on public relations, council traffic and parking and information on faculty affairs (faculty senate), Faculty senate COUP, general faculty grievance board, human subjects in research, and resource allocation.
Office of the Provost