This 1939 Organization Chart is for the Sales Department of VP & GSM. Joseph M. Tucker was in charge of the Organization Budgets Operations and Control.
This is the original job application that Joseph M. Tucker filled out when he applied for a position with the War Food Administration on November 27, 1941.
Joseph M. Tucker wrote this memorandum to outline his "ideas as to how the emergency harvest brigade should be organized."
This proposal was presented to the War Food Administration in August 1943 and approved on September 15, 1943. Massey Harris asked to be "permitted to build an additional 500 Self-propelled Combines to assist in the harvesting of 14,000,000 additional acres of wheat in 1944."
War Production Board Certificate of Service and War Production Board Industry Advisory Committee certificate.
This article is a history of the Massey-Harris Harvest Brigade.
This article is about Joseph M. Tucker announcement of his resignation from the Massey-Harris Company, Inc., Racine, Wisconsin and how he was accepting a major executive position with a leading prefabricated housing company.
This is a speech that Joseph M. Tucker where he was introducing the "Famine Fighters" Program after World War II.
This pamphlet explains America's dwindling food stock in 1943 and how "Massey-Harris foresaw the critical situation of the 1944 harvest - a record crop production with too few men and combines to handle the vast acreages." Recognizing the seriousness of the situation the government approved the plan for a Harvest Brigade (a fleet of 500 Self-Propelled Combines) that "pledged to harvest more acres with less fuel, manpower and equipment than ever before in the history of the world."
This is an advertising booklet for the Massey-Harris Self-Propelled Combines. This booklet explains how the combines work and how they will save manpower, grain, fuel, and provide farmers with more crop.
This booklet is advertising for the Massey-Harris tractors. It explains the design, features, and attachments of the tractors. It also includes advertising for the Model 21A Self-Propelled Combine.
This booklet is a postwar planning guide for farmers. It includes a guide to farm tax management, a checklist of machine and equipment repairs and/or what can be sold and/or what is needed, and a 5-year farm inventory sheet.
This is a photocopy of a directory that lists service and supply depots for the Massey-Harris Self-Propelled Harvest Brigade.
This Owner's Manual for the No. 21 & 21 A Self-Propelled Combines explains how each part of the combines work and how to store the combines.
This manual lists all the parts needed to repair the Massey-Harris No. 21 & No. 21A Reaper-Thresher.
The photograph that accompanies the month of June, Custom Cutters-Colby, was taken by Look magazine photographers when they did a story on farming in western Kansas in 1946. Photograph courtesy of Jim Deibert Harvesting.
Tucker, Joseph M.