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Archival description
Faculty Senate records
Collection · 1956 - 2016

The general purpose of the Faculty Senate within Kansas State University is to facilitate faculty participation in the establishment of university policies and in the formulation of procedures for their interpretation. For the policies to remain useful they are delegated to sub-committees established by the Faculty Senate, responsible for a certain set of procedures and policies and filtering it from the Senate to the faculty. The Faculty Senate Records collection contains minutes and agendas from most of these committees. Along with minutes and agendas, this collection contains course and curriculum changes from proposed or already existing courses. Lastly it also contains general office files from Faculty Senate and from prior Faculty Senate President, Jerry Freiman.

US US kmk U2015.01 · Collection · 1871–1901

These thirty-four (34) volumes of letterpress copybooks document presidential and college administration correspondence at Kansas State Agricultural College, now Kansas State University, between 1871 and 1901. Only one volume is incoming correspondence and the remaining volumes are copies of outgoing correspondence. The following is a list of the volumes with the order of each line thus: current volume number and type of correspondence, description and date(s), and old volume number.

Vol. 1 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1879–1884 (and Regents Secretary Elbridge Gale, 1871–1873) (old vol. 1), available at
Vol. 2 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1880–1882 (old vol. 2).
Vol. 3 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1882–1883 (old vol. 3), available at
Vol. 4 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1883–1885 (old vol. 4).
Vol. 5 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild and secretary, 1884–1886 (old vol. 5).
Vol. 6 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1885–1886 (old vol. 6).
Vol. 7 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1886–1888 (old vol. 7, possibly not numbered).
Vol. 8 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1886–1889 (old vol. 8).
Vol. 9 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1888–1889 (old vol. 9).
Vol. 10 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1889–1890 (old vol. 10).
Vol. 11 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1890–1891 (old vol. 11).
Vol. 12 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1891–1892 (old vol. 12).
Vol. 13 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1892 (old vol. 13).
Vol. 14 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1892–1893 (old vol. 14).
Vol. 15 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1894 (old vol. 15).
Vol. 16 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1894–1895 (old vol. 16).
Vol. 17 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1895–1896 (old vol. 17), available at
Vol. 18 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1896–1897, and President Thomas E. Will, 1897–1898 (old vol. 18).
Incoming correspondence, former president George T. Fairchild, 1897–1899 (old vol. 19), available at
Vol. 19 outgoing presidential correspondence, President Thomas E. Will (Will, Vol. I), 1897 (old vol. 20).
Vol. 20 outgoing presidential correspondence, President Thomas E. Will (Will, Vol. II), 1897 (old vol. 21).
Vol. 21 outgoing presidential correspondence, President Thomas E. Will and secretary (Will, Vol. III), 1897–1899 (old vol. 24), available at
Vol. 22 outgoing presidential correspondence, President Thomas E. Will and secretary (Will, Vol. IV), 1898 (old vol. 22).
Vol. 23 outgoing presidential correspondence, President Thomas E. Will and secretary (Will, Vol. V), 1898–1899 (old vol. 23).
Vol. 1 outgoing secretarial correspondence, Secretary (to president) Ira Graham, 1888–1891 (old vol. 25).
Vol. 2 outgoing secretarial correspondence, Secretary (to president) Ira Graham, 1890–1897 (old vol. 26).
Vol. 3 outgoing secretarial correspondence, Secretary (to president) Ira Graham, 1891–1893 (old vol. 27).
Vol. 4 outgoing secretarial correspondence, Secretary (to president) Ira Graham, 1897–1898 (old vol. 28).
Vol. 5 outgoing secretarial correspondence, Secretary to president, 1898–1901 (old vol. 29).
Vol. 6 outgoing secretarial correspondence, Secretary to president, 1899 (old vol. 30).
Vol. 1 outgoing loan commissioner correspondence, KSAC loan commissioner, 1871–1872 (old vol. 31).
Vol. 2 outgoing loan commissioner correspondence, KSAC loan commissioner, 1872–1879 (old vol. 32).
Vol. 3 outgoing loan commissioner correspondence, KSAC loan commissioner, 1882–1891 (old vol. 33).
Outgoing treasurer’s correspondence, KSAC treasurer's office, 1893–1895 (old vol. 34).
Office of the President
US US kmk P2004.12 · Collection · 1878, 1912-2004

This collection documents the history of Farmland Industries, Inc. from Howard A. Cowden's idea to establish Cowden Oil Company in 1928, through the dissolution of the company in 2004.
The Union Equity series is comprised of 14 boxes.  It includes Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, correspondence, export records, financial and audit records, meeting minutes, meeting agendas, speeches, publicity materials, printed material, audiovisual materials, and photographs.
Women's Cooperative Guild series is made up of five (5) boxes and one (1) box is shared with the Farmland Artifacts series. It includes annual reports, correspondence, financial records, member records, meeting minutes, newsletters, photographs, scrapbooks, yearbooks, and artifacts.
Contained in 126 boxes, the Farmland series is the largest in the collection.  It is made up of corporation records, correspondence, financial records, historical records, photographs, negatives, slides, printed material, and scrapbooks.  The corporation records include Corporation By-Laws, annual reports, annual meetings, conferences, minute books, Dreyer Award winners, Ampride Incorporation merger with Farmland, Farmland Food Services, Farmland World Trade Company, and Tier II Emergency and Hazardous Chemical Inventory Reports at various locations.  Historical records follow the history of Farmland from Cowden Oil Company (1928) through name changes and the dissolution of the company (2004).  They also include the history of the changes of the Farmland logo.  There are photographs, negatives, and slides of board members, Dreyer Award winners, and employees and non-employees filed in alphabetical order.  A possible photograph of interest is of Astronaut L. Gordon Cooper, Jr.  Other photographs, negatives, and slides include annual meetings (1944-2001), Coffeyville Petroleum Coke to Ammonia Project, Co-Op displays, Farmland food plants, Farmland Headquarters, Phillipsburg Refinery, Youth Camp, baseball players, football players, hockey players, barbed wire, barges, cattle, farm meetings, feed mills, feeding containers, fertilizer plants, food storage containers, glo-candles, grease plant, heaters, hogs, horses, landscapes, laundry detergent, livestock shows, paint plant, pipelines, print plant, propane plant, refineries, sheep, soy plants, storage tanks, trains, trucks, warehouses, and warehouse fires.  There is also a photo book of Consumers Cooperative Association.  Printed material consists of articles, brochures, catalogs, essays, magazines such as Leadership, training manuals, manuscripts, music, newsletters such as Farmland News and Inside Farmland, news releases, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, reports of fertilizer plants and pork processing plants, speeches and radio addresses by Howard A. Cowden, Homer Young, and others and educational and training materials.  There are five (5) scrapbooks in this series.  Photographs in the scrapbooks include an ammonium phosphate plant in Joplin, Missouri, Coffeyville Refinery, Farmland Headquarters, Lawrence Nitrogen Plant, Phillipsburg Refinery, annual meetings, Co-Op transportation vehicles, feed mills, and warehouses.
Cooperative Refinery Association (CRA) series is made up of one (1) box.  It includes information pertaining to the Coffeyville and Phillipsburg, Kansas refineries, CRA meeting minute books (1939-1981), and CRA of Peru, Inc.
Consumers Cooperative Association (CCA) series is comprised of three (3) boxes and one (1) partial box that is shared with CFCA series, Union Oil Company series, and Agricultural Hall of Fame series.  It includes the organization's Administrative Orders, Articles of Incorporation, correspondence, conferences, farm program and problems, history of the organization, lists of Board of Directors, minutes, policies, list of personnel, speeches by Howard A. Cowden, subsidiary reports, printed material, and information regarding the Howard A. Cowden Scholarship & Memorial Fund. The one (1) partial box consists of the history of the organization including photographs of laying of the cornerstone of the office building located at 3315 North Oak Trafficway, Kansas City, Missouri, the Neighbor Night Program, and audio cassette tapes.  The tapes include the 21st Annual Meeting (1949), Neighbor Night meetings (1951 and 1953), the 24th Annual Meeting (1952), the dedication of the nitrate plant (1952), and short recordings of Howard A. Cowden.
Cooperative Farm Chemical Association (CFCA) series is stored in one (1) box and one (1) partial box shared with the CCA series, Union Oil Company series, and Agricultural Hall of Fame series.  It includes Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws, annual stockholders meetings and minutes, correspondence, newspaper clippings, revolving fund certificates (1959-1985), and photographs and printed material of the dedication of the Lawrence Nitrogen Plant, Lawrence, Kansas (1951-1954).
Far-Mar-Co series is contained in two (2) boxes.  Included are correspondence to the Board of Directors (1976-1985), news releases, newspaper clippings, and the organization meeting of the incorporators of Far-Mar-Co/Farmland Acquisition Corporation (1976-1980).
Union Oil Company series is housed in one (1) box with CCA series, CFCA series, and Agricultural Hall of Fame series.  Included are the Certificate of Incorporation, Articles of Agreement, Affidavit of Dissolution of Cowden Oil Company, correspondence, minutes, magazines and newspaper publicity and advertising, radio talks, and speeches, and three (3) scrapbooks with photographs.
The Agricultural Hall of Fame series is stored in one (1) box with CCA series, CFCA series, and Union Oil Company series.  It contains the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws (1958-1961), newspaper clippings (1980-1990), visitors guides (1960-1981), photographs, printed materials with titles such as "What's the Agricultural Hall of Fame Development Program All About?" and "How Farmers Can Take Part in Building the Agricultural Hall of Fame Through Their Local Cooperatives."
Stored in five (5) boxes and two (2) shared boxes and five (5) oversize items, the Farmland Artifacts series contains awards, a keychain that reads "Farmland, Proud to be Farmer Owned," a coffee cup that reads "Co-Op Quality Paint," a deck of playing cards that reads "Co-Op Feed Mill Dedication, Farmland Industries, Inc.," golf tees, paperweights, wooden gavel, a red and white apron that reads "Use Co-Op Products," and a color plate of Co-Op Red and Co-Op Blue.  The series also includes one (1) ceremonial shovel dated December 1, 1959, a Recognition Board that reads in part "In Recognition Members of the Original Consolidated Board of Directors of FAR-MAR-CO, Inc." with a list of board members dated June 1, 1968-March 1969, and a silver metal sign that reads "Consumers Cooperative Association" with a list of board of directors dated 1956.  It also includes a Bell & Howell Model 1550B 16mm film projector. Note one shared box is with the Women's Cooperative Guild series and the other shared box is with the Farmland Industries series.
Farmland Oversize series are stored in nine (9) boxes and two (2) map cabinet drawers.  Included are advertising posters, newspaper clippings, bound advertising pages, photographs, calendars, two (2) scrapbooks, Ken Burdette Sketches, a drawing of Farmland Foods Plant, banners, blueprints, and watercolor paintings.  The advertising posters include wheat, farm fuel, and John Denver's TV Special, Farmland Mission Statement, and Farmland Service Pledge.  The photographs include aerial photographs, photographs of Howard A. Cowden, barges, harvesting, CCA, National Ag Center, Phillipsburg Refinery, annual meetings (1937-1953), Farmland oil products, and crops.  The two (2) scrapbooks contain Co-Op Store Campaign Advertisements and information on presenting Farmland Industries.  There are three (3) Ken Burdette sketches.  One of Arthur Capper, one of Andrew Volstead and the third of is the mural that was inside the Farmland Headquarters reception area.  There are six (6) banners in this series.  One banner is painted on oilcloth and reads "Kansas Grassroots Says Stop Floods and Drouth The Watershed Way."  Another banner is painted on canvas and reads "Funds Flow Chart, Consumer Cooperative Association, 1947."  The other four (4) banners are vinyl and they promote the Phillipsburg Refinery, Farmland, Co-Op, and AG 21.  Included in the blueprints are those of Farmland Headquarters and complex and warehouse additions in Iowa and Colorado.  There are two (2) watercolor paintings.  One of Heartland Wheat Growers Wheat Starch and Gluten Production facility in Russell, Kansas, and the other of the Portland Head Lighthouse.
The Audio-Visual Materials series is stored in 36 boxes and there are loose items on five (5) shelves.  Included are 16mm films, CDs, cassette tapes, filmstrips, LPs, and VHS tapes.  The 16mm films include films on annual meetings, sales rallies and have titles such as "The is Far-Mar-Co," "Your Cooperative Federation," "Helping You Help Yourself," "You Are Not Alone," "Service From the Ground Up," "Farmland Trails," "Ham to Hot Dogs," and "Better Farming Better Food."  There is also a 16mm film of Howard Cowden speaking at a CFCA cornerstone ceremony in Lawrence, Kansas, and of Jim Henson's "Muppets Meeting Films" (1979).  The CDs contain a PowerPoint presentation of the Farmland Headquarters Visitor Center, photographs, annual meeting information, Bob Honse images, national beef images, annual reports, history of Farmland (1969-2000), and the Dreyer Awards.  Cassette tapes include the Bunny Farm Rabbit Feeding program, annual meetings, shareholders meetings, monthly dairy meetings, and youth leadership conferences.  The filmstrips include Neighborhood Councils, refinery news, and the cooperative centennial (1844-1944).  There are LPs of 78 RPM and 33 1/3 RPM in this series.  They include radio messages and addresses of Howard A. Cowden and Chuck Miller, Co-Op Neighbor Night Program, Battle Hymn of Cooperation Consumers Co-Operative Association Quartet, and annual meetings.  The largest section of audiovisual materials is the VHS tapes.  Tapes include special events, motivational tapes, annual meetings, employee meetings, Fieldmen's conferences, food safety, pesticides, Coffeyville Refinery tour, quarterly meetings, news broadcasts about Farmland, Coffeyville oil spill, training videos, sales rallies, speeches, and presentations of Harry D. Cleberg, Dreyer Awards, Farmland Industries Project Tomorrow, grain grading, shareholders meetings, Foods Media Shows, Heartland Wheat Growers, and restructuring Farmland.  VHS tapes that may be of interest are those of Senators Nancy Kassebaum and Robert "Bob" Dole.  Other VHS tapes include voice demos from individuals such as Sam Beck, Bob Benish, Jr., Carla Cooper, Kimball Cummings, Jack Elliott, T. Max Graham, Barbara Houston, Randy Kemp, Mark Mason, Don Miller, Jim Scott, and many others.
There are nineteen shelves of printed material that are bound volumes.  The bound volumes are <emph render='italic'>The Daily Scoop, Inside Farmland, Farmland Circles, Co-Op News Digest, Leadership, Bulletin, Teammates, The Cooperative Farmer,  Co-Op Reporter, The Cooperative Consumer, Insider, Managers Newsletter, Advantage, The Plant Connection, Farmland Supervisor, and Home-Maker.  Note The Cooperative Consumer name changed to Farmland in September 1966 and Farmland changed to Farmland News in 1971.

Farmland Industries INC
US US kmk 2015-16.003 · Collection · 1861–2017

The College of Health and Human Science Records cover the history of the college spanning from 1863-2011. The collection includes documents, pictures, and other materials from Hospitality Days, departmental restructuring, name changes, various conference presentations and information from research and extension services. In 1912, Home Economics become a division within in the college and eventually in 1985, changed its' name to Human Ecology and later in 2019 the college changed its' name to the College of Health and Human Sciences. There were programs that moved to the College of Arts & Sciences, but the College of Health and Human Sciences retained the Interior Design and Fashion Studies programs in 1965. Likewise, programs were added to the College of Health of Human Sciences, such as Communication Sciences and Disorders and Social Work in 1994. There are correspondence and planning materials from these mergers and changes, along with other program moves. The collection contains notes and programs from conferences such as Lake Placid and the White House Conference on Families. Included in the collection is also personal and business related correspondence from Deans and other faculty members.

College of Human Ecology
US US kmk 2024-09-17/33 · Collection · 1868 - 2017

McPherson collection includes a multitude of documents pertaining the McPherson extension office as well as the 4-H program. Documents range from executive files such as financial records, meeting minutes, membership lists, and construction plans to documents such as photographs, slides, and program guides.

McPherson County Extension Office
US US kmk U2012.51 · Collection · 1936-2019

This collection is made up of documents created by the office of the provost and senior vice president at Kansas State University.  Documents in the collection consist of a wide range of material from the office administrative files, class documents, department and dean files, program reviews, role and aspirations, strategic planning, university events, COCAO, president's staff, Board of Regents, Dean's Council, grievances, university awards, and vice provost papers.  Some records document the interactions with other universities in the state of Kansas and universities nationally.  The bulk of the materials are from the 1980s to 2010 with most of the other documents dating back to the 1970s.

Office of the Provost (1980-)
Franklin A. Coffman papers
US US kmk P2011.10 · Collection · 1884-1978

The Franklin A. Coffman papers contain letters, autobiographical materials, paternal and maternal family genealogies, legal documents, literary works, awards and honors, printed materials, photographs, scrapbooks and photograph albums, and artifacts.
Personal correspondence is mainly amongst family members though there is a letter from J. Edgar Hoover regarding a poem Coffman published.  Business correspondence is sparse.  Coffman received a bound volume of congratulatory letters upon his retirement.  The letters provide the best account of Coffman's work with the United States Department of Agriculture within the collection.  Many describe interactions with Coffman during field work and visits to experiment stations across the country.  There is no official governmental correspondence in the collection documenting Coffman's work.
Coffman handwrote autobiographical accounts of his life during his later years.  These accounts are mainly of his childhood, college days and work in the Philippines.  The accounts covering the years Coffman spent in the Philippines are extensive.  They provide many details and impressions about the native people.  The accounts also cover his travels to other Asian countries while based in the Philippines.
Coffman spent years gathering genealogical information from relatives and researching his ancestors.  He traced his father's Coffman ancestors back to 1737 and his mother's Bayle ancestors back to 1796.  There are notes, different versions of family trees, and extensive narrative written by Coffman describing the lives of his ancestors.
Legal documents are sparse.
Coffman was a prolific poet.  There are clippings of poetry published in the Washington Post.  Some poems were published without his name.  Others have his initials, F.A.C., including two series of poems compiled in notebooks.  There are also unpublished poems.
There are certificates for scholarly and service awards and honors, and the registration certificate for the Marion Oat. There are not certificates for all the awards and honors listed on Coffman's resume.
There are just a few United States Department of Agriculture's bulletins and farmer's Bulletins that Coffman authored or co-authored.  The vast majority of Coffman's published research is not part of the collection.
One of Coffman's hobbies was photography.  There are hundreds of photographs documenting his personal and professional lives.  Subjects are wide-ranging. Coffman signed some of his photographs, mainly what he referred to as the "salon prints."  There are photographs taken by others including professional portraits and candid photographs of Coffman at various ages.  Many photographs are undated and unidentified.
There are seven scrapbooks containing photographs and memorabilia. 1) Photographs and memorabilia document a 10 day automobile trip to eastern cities and New England that Coffman took with his wife and daughter in 1936.  Expenses totaled $110.96.
2)  "The Farm" album contains photographs of family members, neighbors, friends, crops, farmhouse interiors and exteriors, Rocky Ford School, and Rocky Ford dam and mill.  The album is dated 1913 and some photographs are identified.  There are also approximately 56 photographs of Manhattan and Kansas State Agricultural College.  The subjects are the campus, buildings, classmates, lake recreation, train depot, street car, and a railroad bridge.  Some photos are identified and dated 1914.
3) This photo album with narrative is titled "The Many Faces of F.A.C." and is written by "A Couple of Norths and Shanghai Louis Kao."  It was compiled in 1962 and contains photographs of Coffman in various locations.
4) The album has photographs of Coffman's family and ancestors (earliest date 1884), Sunday school class, the First Baptist Church in 1902, Kansas State Agricultural College, and Manhattan.  There is extensive Kansas State Agricultural College memorabilia including a cadet corps certificate, 1908 fall term schedule, invitations, commencement programs, band programs, banquet programs, clippings and a baseball ticket.  The album also has correspondence and drawings.  The album has memorabilia from Coffman's transit back to the United States on the Shino Maru including menus and passenger list. There are photographs of the transit and memorabilia from a Hong Kong visit en route.  There are photographs of Kansas State Agricultural College, Oklahoma A&M and Akron, Colorado. 1916.
5) The Philippines album contains photographs of Coffman's trip across the western United States to board the S.S. Manchuria for transit to the Philippines.  Coffman photographed the Golden Gate Park,  the Panama Pacific International Exhibition grounds, onboard ship recreation, Honolulu, Tokyo, Nagasaki, the Philippines' countryside, Filipinos' daily activities, Philippine experiment stations, cultural activities, villages, Coffman's office and co-workers, YMCA sports,  Viscayia (German naval ship), Hong Kong, Shanghai, Kobe, Yamaa, Yokahoma,  the voyage back to the United States on the Shino Maru (not to be confused with the Shinyo Maru), Honolulu experiment station, Universal Film City, and the San Diego Exposition.  1914-1916.
6) The photographs and memorabilia in this album are compiled in honor of Coffman's brother, Will, who died in 1920.  It contains drawings, report cards, class schedule and photographs of Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, University of Kansas, and Will's travels. Loose commencement programs from Kansas State Agricultural College, 1913-1915, are with the album.
7)  The album contains photographs from Coffman's days in Akron and his travels to Amarillo, Chicago, Washington, D.C., Arlington, New York, Philadelphia and Mount Vernon from 1919-1922.  There is memorabilia from Washington, D.C., New York including a Metropolitan Opera House program and a Hippodrome souvenir book, Coffman's wedding and showers, and a program from the American Society of Agronomy 1922 meeting. Morrill, Kansas, Twin Oaks, Estes Park, county fairs, and Manhattan are also subjects of photographs.  Alta Johnson's School Girl Days: A Memory Book from Washington County High School, 1914, is boxed with the scrapbooks.
The most notable artifacts are four cameras, presumably used by Coffman:  Univex Model A, 1933; No. 1-A Kodak Junior Model A, 1914; No. 2 Folding Autographic Brownie, circa 1915-1916; Kodak Six-16 camera and leather case, circa 1932-1936.

Coffman, Franklin A.
US US kmk 2015-16.004 · Collection · 1994–2024

These records document the Great Plains Interactive Distance Education Alliance—often shortened to Great Plains IDEA—a collaboration of about twenty universities in the Plains region. Based out of Kansas State University, the group provides fully online graduate programs across several universities. Materials range from 1994 to 2015 and include meeting minutes, itineraries, board member information, education initiatives, and annual meeting information.

Additionally, there are web archives from 2001 to 2024. The current site,, has been crawled since September 2024, and the previous site,, was saved by the Wayback Machine 398 times between September 25, 2001, and July 21, 2024. Web archives available at*/ and*/

Great Plains Interactive Distance Education Alliance
Collection · 1855 - 2014

This collection comprises material related to the Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine between 1855-2014. This collection contains administrative records from this college, including handbooks and manuals, proposals and applications, various records, reports, publications, presentation materials, records related to international programs, material pertaining to campus and its buildings, and a film catalogue which describes some of the collection’s video material. It also contains recordings and transcripts of interviews, most of which featured alumni from the College of Veterinary Medicine for the history book “A Century of Excellence: Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine” by Howard H. Erickson and Ronnie G. Elmore. Drafts of this book are also present in this collection. Moreover, this collection contains yearbooks and scrapbooks, including auxiliaries and photo albums, from the college spanning nearly a century. There are also audio and video materials related to the College of Veterinary Medicine on cassette tapes, microcassette tapes, VHS tapes, CDs, and DVDs, and film reels which record college events, interviews, teaching aids, and virtual tours of the college. This collection includes class and faculty composites for the College of Veterinary Medicine spanning the majority of the 20th century, and even features a composite from the St. Joseph Veterinary College. These composites are either photographic negatives or oversize photographs.

Other photographs that can be found in this collection depict people, including faculty, staff, students, and other notable individuals. Photos of buildings, including diagrams and photos of buildings on the Kansas State campus and the Veterinary Medicine campus, as well. There are also photos of animals, which were either pets, farm animals, or lab animals, as well as the labs performed on these animals. Additionally, photographs of college events, miscellaneous photos, and oversize photos also contribute to this collection’s material.

Lastly, this collection features photographic negatives and photographic slides which depict people, like faculty, staff, students, exchange students, and Student Chapter of the American Veterinary Medical Association members. Also pictured are labs, lab equipment, and associated animals, which were often pets, farm animals, or wildlife/exotic animals. Locations within the Manhattan area (especially within the Kansas State University campus and the College of Veterinary Medicine Complex/Campus specifically) are also an important subject to this collection. Negatives of these locations feature buildings, layouts, maps, construction, maintenance, renovations, and damage to buildings. Formal, casual, recreational, donation-based, food-based, and sporting events related to the college can be found in this collection as well. Miscellaneous photo negatives and slides make up the remainder of the undeveloped photographic material in this collection.

College of Veterinary Medicine
Robin Higham records
Collection · Circa 1963 - 2003

This collection contains writings, notes, Department of History information, personal material, photographs, and miscellaneous material accumulated by Robin Higham.
The writings include drafts, historical papers, oversize papers, and manuscripts, specifically Deciphered: The Phaistos Disk and the Southern Minoan Maritime World by Robin Higham, A Guide to the Sources of British Military History by Robin Higham, Handbook on World War I by Robin Higham, 100 Years of Air Power and Aviation by Robin Higham, and Diary of a Disaster by Robin Higham.
Higham’s notes pertain to personal and professional subjects, especially publication and revision.
The Department of History information contains course material, especially syllabi and final exams/prompts, course planning, class schedules, class directories, correspondence, memoranda, minutes, certificates, and Higham operations manuals.
The personal material mostly contains correspondence and notes, but also has some information regarding Higham’s children. There are records regarding Manhattan High School and its PTA.
The photographs largely contain images of pilots, planes, other aircraft, watercraft, soldiers, colleagues, family, and other personal and professional subjects. Additionally, there are maps, and portraits. A small amount of this material is oversize.
The miscellaneous records include memoranda from the American Military Institute, Faculty Senate records, Kennedy Library Information, and awards and certificates.

Robin Higham
US US kmk 2016-17.025 · Collection · 1947-2014

The Ernie and Bonnie Barrett papers include photographs, scrapbooks, artifacts, and other documentation relevant to their lives from 1947 to 2014. Box 1 includes photographic materials related to Bonnie from the 1940s to 1969, Ernie's basketball career from 1947 to 1955, the 1951 Kansas River flood in Manhattan, and family activities from 1951 to 1974. Also included are wedding and other correspondence from 1951 and 1958, documentation of family activities from 1951 to 1997, and “Palm Springs Life” magazine covers with one or both of them depicted from 1994 to 1997. The wedding photographs include a number of Bonnie's relatives: Peggy Sue Frommer, Deanna Frommer, Henry and Juanita Frommer, Alleta Frommer, Gene Frommer, Frank Frommer, Edith and George Frommer, and Mary and Walt Frommer.

Box 2 includes photographic materials, clippings, and other information pertaining to K-State football bowl games (1997 Fiesta Bowl and 2002 Holiday Bowl), Tex Winter’s 2011 induction to the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame, family and friends from 1981 to 2002, and the local chapter of the Blue Key Senior Honorary Society from 2003 and 2014.

Boxes 3 and 4 are family photographs, primarily of Bonnie, Ernie, and their two children (Duane and Brad) from the 1980s to 1995.

Boxes 5, 6, and 7 contain photograph albums related to family experiences and travels (1953 to 2001), K-State football bowl games (1993 to 1997), golf tournaments in the 1990s, and other K-State Athletics events from about 1990 to 2009 (Dev Nelson Press Box dedication, K-State Hall of Fame ceremonies, fundraisers, and the Mr. K-State statue dedication). Many of the albums of K-State events were created by George McCandless, an amateur photographer from the early 1990s to 2013.

Box 8 includes numerous plaques and a helmet signed by K-State football staff dating from about 1951 to about 2014. Also included are some strips of photographic negatives.

Box 9 contains a scrapbook describing a basketball team on which Ernie played while at Sandia Base during his time in the U.S. Air Force. It also includes other photographs, awards, and similar items related to Ernie’s high school, collegiate, and professional basketball career.

One oversize folder includes a matted photograph of Ernie from his collegiate time, a poster memorializing Ernie’s high school team, and a photograph of the 2009–2010 K-State men’s basketball team during a timeout.

Barrett, Ernie Drew
Lee Richardson papers
US US kmk 2015-16.005 · Collection · 1978-1990

This collection primarily includes correspondence, newsletters, mailers, clippings, and paperwork related to the Consumer Federation of America (CFA), National Advertising Review Board (NARB), and Maryland Citizens Consumer Council (MCCC) between 1978 and 1990. Also included are copies of the Maryland Register.

Richardson, Lee, 1940-
Amateur Radio Club records
US US kmk 2024-11-13/74 · Collection · 1949 - 2024

Collection primarily contains amateur radio club QSLs, administrative/program materials, and station logs.

Kansas State University Amateur Radio Club
Collection · 1986-2017

Pat J. Bosco worked as vice president for student life and dean of students at K-State, initially starting his career at the university as director of student activities. Under his former title, Bosco worked on everything related to students, including admissions, career and employment services, housing and dining, student crisis, parent and family programming, and student financial assistance. Due to this, within this collection is an eclectic assortment of various materials that fall under the grand umbrella of his job title. The majority of content is categorized under "correspondence," due to the larger scope of his work, much of this correspondence is interdisciplinary and interdepartmental. Besides the generalized correspondence, the rest of the collection is sorted into All-University Open Houses, Enrollment Management, Student Life Administration, and Workshops. The collection covers from 1986-2003. However, the bulk of correspondence lies between 1986-1989 and 2000-2003. Additionally, the Workshops included also include later years not found in the rest of the collection, ranging up to 2017. K-State Decathlon folder added to box 7.

Pat Bosco
Collection · 1962 - 1992

The Charlotte Churaman research collection is a compilation of research materials collected regarding consumer research, consumer legislative protection, and consumer education. The dates covered by the records collected are approximately 1962–1992.

Churaman, Charlotte V.
Donna C. Roper papers
US US kmk 2016-17.039 · Collection · 1929-2015

The Donna C. Roper papers includes the research documents and publications of Dr. Donna C. Roper, prolific archaeologist who made major research contributions, particularly in the Central Plains region of North America. This collection is separated into six series. The first series, field of compliance project records, containing print and electronic copies of documents such as proposals, project correspondence, site survey forms, field notes, and maps of sites. The second series is research and interpretation records, containing preliminary and final reports, data records such as artifact catalogs and dating, photographs, unfinished or draft manuscripts, published works such as journal articles, and conference papers. Professional service records include graduate committee correspondence, published book reviews, nominations for National Historic Landmarks, recommendation letters, teaching records, etc. the fourth series is for personal records, containing vitae, awards, and other things such as personal correspondence and diplomas. The fifth series contains bound publications, such as bound archaeological journals and published reports. The sixth series are oversized maps that could not fit with the rest of the collection. An estimated 2,000 slides and 500 print negatives are included in the second series with research records. The collection covers a temporal range from 1929 to 2015.

Roper, Donna C.
US US kmk 2015-16.044 · Collection · 1905-1965

The papers were assembled by Colonel Frank Caldwell Hershberger (1888-1965) over a long international career as a veterinary medicine specialist. The bulk of the collection consists of photographs and postcards gathered into three scrapbooks dating from 1908 to circa 1955.  These albums cover various locations in Europe and Africa, as well as Diamond, Wyoming, and the Philippines. Additional loose photographs date from circa 1905 and document his time at the University of Missouri, Camp Marfa (Texas), Fort Monroe (Virginia), Fort Riley (Kansas), Fort Sill (Oklahoma), and Fort Mills (Corregidor, Philippines). Photographs include military officers, military polo teams, training cavalry horses, and the process of transporting horses via troopship. Augmenting the visual materials are articles, diplomatic papers, typescripts, some correspondence and a diary related to Hershberger's work for the Chinese government (1914-1918). One typescript details the history of the Port Veterinarian for the Port of Embarkation, New York, 1921-1945. The collection also includes the Legion of Merit medal, Legionnaire degree, which is given for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services and achievements.

Hershberger, Frank Caldwell
US US kmk U2003.34 · Collection · 1896-1980

The Entomology Department Records were generated and collected by the Entomology Department at Kansas State University and pertain to the files of faculty and extension entomologists of the department, including Roger C. Smith, E.G. Kelly, Dell E. Gates, and F.L. Poston. They document correspondence, research and course files of faculty. Significant topics covered and material includes grasshoppers, corn borers, crops, pesticides, pest management, extension work, and extension specialist correspondence. Notable contributions to insect illustrations featured include works by artist such as Bertha S. Kimball, Ethel Gray, and Robert Stribling. Approximate years covered of the records are 1896-1990.

Department of Entomology
Kenneth S. Davis papers
US US kmk P2003.09 · Collection · 1912-2000

The Kenneth S. Davis Papers (1886; 1912-2000) documents Davis’s career as a prominent historian and writer.  Davis’s Estate holds the copyright to his literary works.  The majority of the collection is related to his writings.                                                                                                 
The Writings/Journals Series (1919; 1935-1967) consist of one box and includes some of Davis’s early writing efforts when he was seven years old.  Davis kept journals for the years 1935, 1937, 1941, 1953 through 1955, 1961, and 1966 through 1967.  In 1958, Davis began keeping a journal with is his wife Florence (Flo) Olenhouse Davis and they continued writing in the same journal through 1959. This series also includes some of Flo’s writing efforts.  While she was never published, Flo was a highly skilled and diverse writer who wrote about topics that interested her such as trains, souvenirs from Chicago, and relatives.

    Contained in 12 boxes the Correspondence Series (1934-1999) includes letters between Davis and his agents and publishers and editors and other correspondence.  The agent's letters are arranged chronologically in one box while the publishers/editors are arranged alphabetically and stored in three boxes.  Other correspondence is arranged alphabetically, consists of eight boxes, and includes letters from historians David McCullough, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., and William Shirer.  Some other correspondence of interest includes letters from Kansas individuals such as Dave Kendall host of the PBS show Sunflower Journeys, Bill Koch, Karl Menninger of the Menninger Foundation, and Richard Seaton of The Manhattan Mercury newspaper.  Davis received letters from K-State individuals such as Betty Bailey, Earle, and Kay Davis, George Kren, Don Mrozek, Homer Socolofsky, Ralph Titus, President Jon Wefald, and Dent Wilcoxon.

The Awards/Certificates Series (1935-2000) is housed in one box and includes the Friends of American Writers Award that Davis won in 1943 for his fiction novel In the Forests of the Night, the 1960 Thormod Monsen Award for The Hero, Charles A. Lindbergh, and the American Dream, and the 1973 Francis Parkman Prize for FDR: The Beckoning of Destiny, 1882-1928.  In 1963 Davis received the Centennial Award for Distinguished Service at K-State, he received an Honorary Doctorate degree from Assumption College in Worcester, Massachusetts in 1968, and in 1975 he became a member of Phi Beta Kappa at K-State. Between 1967 and 2000, Davis was often listed in the Marquis Who’s Who in America.

Housed in one box, the Organizations/Clubs Series (1952-1999) includes Davis’s membership in the Society of American Historians, Bohemians, Inc., Century Club, and Dickens Fellowship and some other documents related to the organizations. Of interest in the Society of American Historians is correspondence from Kenneth T. Jackson announcing in 1973 that Davis won the Francis Parkman Prize and had been elected to membership in the society. Davis presented programs to the Bohemians including “What’s Wrong With The Press,” “The Problem of a Biographer,” and “Puritan Kansas: New England Influence” and gave a speech about remembering Clarence Daigneau.  Adlai E. Stevenson proposed Davis as a member of the Century Club in New York City and William Shirer also played an instrumental role in Davis’s election into the club.  Davis and his wife, Flo, were active in the Dickens Society in Worcester, Massachusetts and this section includes newspaper clippings about the Society’s Christmas dinners.

The Fellowship and Grants Series (1953-1982) is contained in one box that includes documents on Guggenheim Fellowships, National Endowment for the Humanities grants, the Stern Family Fund, and the Woodrow Wilson Scholar. In 1961, Davis applied for a Guggenheim Fellowship, however, it was not granted, and in 1974, he received a $12,000 grant.  In 1980, Davis applied for a National Endowment for the Humanities grant, but he did not the grant.

Contained in four boxes, the Speeches Series (1942-1998), includes Davis’s 1943 acceptance speech for the Friends of Americans Writer Award he received for his novel In The Forests Of The Night.  Other speeches of interest in this series include Davis’s 1947 speech for the Topeka Chapter of the League of Women Voters titled “UNESCO-Its Nature and Function,” his 1971 speech for Assumption College titled, “Thinking About FDR: Some Problems Of A Biographer,”  his 1975 speech at the Kansas State Historical Society Dinner titled, “Portrait of a Changing Kansas,” and his 1994 Lou Douglas Lecture at K-State titled, “Mass Communication and the American Democracy.”  Davis and his wife, Flo, were actively involved in the Dickens Society and speeches of interest to this group include the 1962 “Of Dickens and ‘Bleak House’” and the 1968 “Edwin Drood Concluded, Again,” speeches.

Literary Works (1934-2000) is comprised of 51 boxes containing Davis’s works of published and unpublished articles, manuscripts, book reviews, essays, poems, and short stories.  The series is chronological within each section, except for the published books, which are in alphabetical order. The most notable of the literary works is Davis’s Franklin D. Roosevelt manuscripts, which includes his research for the series of books, working drafts, and manuscript chapters. A sub-category of the FDR manuscripts is the 1997 FDR Symposium at K-State that includes the book from the symposium, correspondence, invitation, programs, and the speech Davis gave at the Symposium. Those who participated in the symposium with Davis were Nancy Kassebaum Baker, James MacGregor Burns, Doris Kearns Goodwin, William E. Leuchténburg, and Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. Other subjects Davis wrote about that are of interest include Kansas history, Clarence Darrow, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Robert H. Goddard, James Lane, Charles A. Lindbergh, Adlai E. Stevenson, Eli Thayer and topics such as the birth control pill, fire departments, Kansas history, social security, stone walls, and UNESCO.

The Subjects Series (1942-1971) is housed in five (5) boxes and consist of information pertaining to Milton Stover Eisenhower (K-State President and his work with UNESCO, Alexander Meiklejohn who was a professor of Davis’s at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Adlai E. Stevenson, who lost by landslides in two races for president against Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1952 and 1962.  The files contain correspondence between Davis and each of the individuals, speeches that Davis wrote for Eisenhower and Stevenson, other correspondence, newspaper clippings, and programs.

Death and Memorial Series (1999) is stored in two boxes and consists of Davis’s death certificate, eulogies, funeral papers, memorial service, obituaries, and sympathy cards.

Davis Family Series (1907-1999) is comprised of nine (9) boxes.  Two (2) boxes are made up of family documents, three (3) boxes contain French souvenir postcards that Charles Davis collected during World War I, and four (4) boxes contain family correspondence.  Correspondence of interest is the letters between Charles and Lydia Davis while Charles was stationed in France during World War I.

The Photographs Series (circa 1912-1999) is stored in two (2) boxes and arranged alphabetically.  The majority of photographs are of family members.

The Media Series (circa 1972-1999) is comprised of three (3) boxes.  Included are 3 ½ inch disks and 5 ¼ inch disks, and the files that were able to be retrieved from these disks. Documents retrieved from the disk include correspondence and manuscripts that are not found anywhere else in the collection. Items of interest are correspondence between Davis and his last editor Robert Loomis of Random House and some drafts of Davis’ first FDR books.

There are three (3) Scrapbooks in the collection: In The Forests Of The Night, 1942, Soldier of Democracy, 1945, and A Prophet In His Own Country, 1957.  Because of their fragile conditions, the scrapbooks were taken apart and photocopied.  Each scrapbook includes book reviews and correspondence.

The Oversize Items (1927-1997) are stored in one box.  The Oversize Items include Davis’s 1927 Junior High School Diploma, his 1930 High School Diploma, and his 1934 Kansas Agricultural College Diploma.  It also includes the 1973 Francis Parkman Prize certificate, the 1994 Lou Douglas Lecture Poster (Davis was the speaker), 1996 Presidential prints of President Bill Clinton and Vice-President Al Gore, and two posters from the 1997 FDR symposium.

The Map Series (1919-1985) is stored with the Oversize Items and includes National Geographic Society magazine maps and a few maps from France dated 1919.

The Artifact and Art Series (1955-1997) is housed in (1) box and includes two caricatures of Davis, one by his first wife, Flo, and one by F. Mason, and a watercolor sketch.  Other items include award plaques, badges, a guest book, and jewelry.

Printed Material is made up of four (4) boxes, one being a flat box for oversize documents, and consists of journals, leaflets, newspapers, pamphlets, and the Davis Family Bible dated 188 that is in the Swedish language.

Davis, Kenneth S.
Daniel M. Braum papers
US US kmk P2005.07 · Collection · 1935-1998

The Daniel M. Braum Papers document the professional career of Braum from 1940-1965.  They also include information about his personal activities and family during that time as well as after his death in 1981 when the information was added to the collection by the family covering the years 1982-1998.   

The bulk of the collection consists of information regarding his involvement with the advancement of farm work simplification, scientific management, and public administration with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, General Services Administration, University of the Philippines, and Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service. The papers contain both personal and business correspondence received from numerous people throughout Braum’s life. Braum is the author of A Thousand Questions on Supervision in the Philippines, and a typescript of the book is preserved in the collection.

The Braum Papers are divided into eight series: 1) Correspondence, 1935-1991; 2) Subjects, 1943-1998; 3) Literary Works; 4) Organizations and Conferences, 1948-1958; 5) Certificates, Awards, Diplomas 1924-1978; 6) Printed Material, 1938-1957; 7) Photographs; and 8) Over Size.

The first series, Correspondence (1935-1991), is divided into two subseries.  The first includes both business and personal correspondence received from numerous people throughout Braum’s life.  The letters are organized alphabetically and include correspondence from Roberta Braum and John H. and Mary Ann (Loughridge) Braum.  The series contains numerous letters with Dr. Lillian Gilbreth that involves their work with farm work simplification, as well as personal matters after Daniel and Roberta Braum became close friends with Gilbreth.  Gilbreth became known as the “mother of modern management” and, with her husband, Frank pioneered industrial management techniques that are still practiced.  Correspondence with Dan Copell, E.C Young, Lowell Hardin, the farm work simplification project director and a number of other individuals also address Braum’s involvement with farm work simplification.  White House correspondence includes a small number of invitations and personal notes sent to Braum by Presidents Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter.  The second subseries contains general correspondence and is organized chronologically from 1935-1975.  The majority of these letters are related to Braum’s professional career and his involvement with farm work simplification, public administration, and scientific management.  The letters also address a number of committees and conferences Braum was involved with throughout his career including the Executive Committee, Agricultural Committee, and the Agricultural Management Conference at Purdue.

Subjects (1943-1998) is divided into 10 subseries: 1) The Braum Family contains newspaper clippings and articles concerning Bill Braum and other Braum family members; 2) Denison, Kansas History includes information about the history of the town; 3) Farm Work Simplification involves reports, literary works, and other information including course outlines and material, charts/graphs, and printed material outlining Braum’s involvement in the development of farm work simplification; 4) Lillian Gilbreth contains biographical information and printed material about Dr. Gilbreth and her work with time and motion study analysis; 5) Lectures consists of a class orientation lecture and a lecture series given in 1949; 6) Open Door Policy (1946) includes the policy and contract used when this program was established; 7) Philippines contains documents and other papers including Braum’s literary works from his time spent teaching in that country; 8) Semantics (1948-1949) includes course material and information on semantics taught at Purdue University; 9) Scientific Management and Christianity consists of 3 papers written by Braum on the subject and also his notes and Christian publications; and 10) Management involves literary works by Braum on management applied to the home, management development, and labor management, also includes Braum’s notes on the topic and charts/graphs.

The third series, Literary Works, contains two important works written by Braum.  The first is entitled “A Peaceful Approach to Work.”  A number of abstracts, critiques, and drafts are included.  Also, a complete typescript of Braum’s book A Thousand Questions on Supervision in the Philippines is retained in this series.

The series Organizations and Conferences consists of seven subseries.  The first is the American Society of Mechanical Engineers that includes information about the Farm Management Committee set up by Braum in 1948.  The second, Bureau of Ships, contains papers on leadership and communication.  The third sub-series is the International Committee of Scientific Management (CIOS) and contains a day book written by Braum while attending one of its conferences in Paris in 1957.  The fourth is the International Management Conference.  It contains papers written by Braum to be presented at the 8th and 9th Conferences.  The fifth subseries contains the Purdue Farm Cardiac Project (1958).  The sixth, The Society for the Advancement of Management, houses information and papers on the advancement of management.  The final subseries includes miscellaneous papers and documents from unidentified organizations and/or conferences.

The Certificates, Awards, and Diplomas series contains eleven certificates, awards, and diplomas Braum received throughout his lifetime.  The series includes certificates of merit from the USDA, ten and twenty-year service awards from the USDA, and a certificate of recognition from Ronald Reagan and the National Republican Party for Braum’s service to the Republican Party.

Printed Material, the sixth series, contains various items that are related to most of the other series or subseries.  These include Farm Work Simplification, the Philippines, International Committee of Scientific Management, the International Management Conference, Scientific Management, and a copy of Braum’s book A Thousand Questions on Supervision in the Philippines.

The Photographs series contains several hundred images including those of the Braum family, Philippines, China, Hong Kong, USDA, International Management Conference, International Committee on Scientific Management, and miscellaneous.  They provide excellent pictorial documentation of family members and the locations where Braum worked.

The final series, Over Size, contains photographs, certificates, awards, diplomas, posters, photo albums, and memorabilia from Braum’s life including an audiotape of Dr. Lillian Gilbreth and a photograph album that includes photographs from Braum’s service in World War I and other personal and family photographs.

Included with the papers were nineteen books from Daniel and Roberta Braum, many of which were signed and presented to them by the authors.  They have been cataloged and added to the library of the University Archives.

Braum, Daniel M.
Louis S. Meyer papers
US US kmk P1988.30 · Collection · 1973-1986

The Louis S. Meyer papers reflect the varied consumer interests and activities Louis S. Meyer participated in from 1969-1986. His involvement in the consumer movement began as a successful businessman. With a degree in political science, he pursued a political life as a state campaign coordinator and became an expert in government and community interrelationships. With this latter expertise, Meyer became the consumer advisor and moderator for conferences held on the deregulation of the telecommunications industry.

The first series of the collection demonstrates Meyer's concern with various consumer and legislative issues, such as medical malpractice reports, health and nutrition pamphlets, transcribed lectures on children's television advertising, pamphlets on the national use of the metric system, and the Universal Product Code for pricing. His interest in rural and utility legislation led to a close contact with Senator Lee Metcalf of Montana who pursued such legislative acts as the Family Farm Development Act, the National Electrical Energy Conservation Act, and the Consumer Representation Plan of 1975-1976. This close contact is seen by the correspondence in the series with the Senator and the numerous Congressional Records found in the collection. In 1975, Meyer became an active member of COCO and later held numerous administrative positions with the organization.

The second series contain organizational files from COCO which includes annual and financial reports, memberships lists, and minutes from the Steering Committee from 1976-1985. In this series, there is extensive conference material the donor collected and filed in notebooks. The conference material has been removed from the notebooks and filed in folders and boxes according to its original order.

The third series contains the bulk of the collection and documents the important role COCO and Meyer played in advising AT&T on consumer/community relations during the deregulation of 1979-1986. This series is divided into five sub-series; 1) conferences on deregulation, 2) Joint Consumer Advisory Panel Meetings, 3) reports and transcribed lectures concerning telecommunications, 4) information from other telecommunications companies, 5) judicial information and government documents. Community impact conferences were held on deregulation throughout the United States in 1982-1983. Meyer monitored the conferences and compiled material from each of these conferences. This material has been kept intact and is largely made up of pamphlets, agendas and reports. COCO and AT&T organized a Joint Consumer Advisory Panel in 1975 which met on a regular basis until 1985. All correspondence, minutes, and agendas have been placed in chronological order and maintained as Meyer had compiled it. The collection contains numerous reports and transcribed lectures on telecommunication legislation and deregulation from 1979-1986. The processor placed these within the third sub-series due to related content. COCO advised other telecommunication companies.

The fourth sub-series documents the advisory meetings between companies including ATTIX, NACAA, and API, Southern New England Telephone, and PCC from 1980-1984. The agendas and minutes of these meetings are within this sub-series. The final sub-series contains various judicial and government documents. The judicial information describes court cases of Western Electric (1982) and the New England Telephone and Telegraph (1983). There are Federal Communication Commission hearings concerning different telecommunication topics such as customer equipment and services, AT&T regulation of domestic and interstate services, and the MTS and WATS structure inquiry. This sub-series also contains legislative acts and bills including the Communications Act of 1978, Telecommunications/ Deregulations Act of 1981 and 1982 with their respective amendments, the Disabled Act of 1982, and various unnamed bills H.R. 13015, H.R. 4102 and 4103, H.R. 5421, and H.R. 6121.

The fourth series is audio-visual material and contains recordings of audio and video cassettes. The audio cassettes are 60- and 90- minute tapes of various speakers at the Food and Education Conference (1974), Erie Consumer Credit (1976), COCO Internship Conference (1976), Utility and Energy Conference (1976), the Legislative and Regulatory Process Workshops (1976), and the Consumer Protection Conference (1977). There are also recorded lectures by Meyer on subjects such as the future of rural America, the food industry, and consumer protection. The video cassettes' are primarily concerned with the telecommunications industry. Some deal with public relations, others are recorded interviews, still, others are speakers at a utility conference. A 30 minute 16mm film, produced by COCO, called "Keeping Up With Technology" is also found in this series.

Meyer, Louis S.
Helen Nelson papers
US US kmk 2015-16.001 · Collection · 1962-1979

This collection contains the professional and personal literary collections of Helen Nelson. The majority of the boxes contain literature regarding law, consumer behavior and advisory, banking, and psychology. Also contained within this collection are annual conference proceedings, materials, and reports as well as reviews of CMA proceedings and committee minutes. The materials in this collection range from 1962-1979.

Nelson, Helen
Florence Mason papers
US US kmk P1988.42 · Collection · 1959-1987

This collection documents Florence Mason's work with the International Organization of Consumers Unions (IOCU), the United Nations, and the development of consumer associations in various countries. It is contained in 4 boxes consisting of 92 file folders. The material is divided into 2 series: 1) IOCU, 2) Subject Files.

The majority of the material is contained in the IOCU series. It contains annual reports, information on consumer associations in foreign countries ( India, Japan, Malaysia, and the United Kingdom, etc.), proceedings from five world congresses, and speeches and papers from various members of the organization, including Anwar Fazal, former IOCU president, and Ruth Simmons-Vermeer, former special agent for Asia and Pacific. The series spans the years 1964-1987 and is housed in 46 file folders.

The Subject Files are arranged alphabetically and contain papers on the following topics: consumer education; how to establish educational programs; tips and suggestions on consumer protection; environmental concerns; personal papers including notes and drafts of letters; printed material; speeches from individuals involved with the consumer movement in the U.S. and abroad, such as Foo Gaik Sim and Rhoda H. Karpatkin; and the United Nations, including UNICEF information on the state of the world's children and information on the Law of the Sea. The series dates from 1959 to 1987 and is contained in 46 file folders.

Printed material has been removed from the collection and filed with other publications in the Consumer Movement Archives. The printed material contains items from IOCU, Consumers Union, government departments, UNICEF, the United Nations, and Consumers' Association.

Mason, Florence
Dorothy K. Willner papers
US US kmk P1993.11 · Collection · 1974-1986

The Dorothy Willner Papers (1974-1986) consists primarily of correspondence, reports, and conference material pertaining to Willner's fostering of a relationship between the International Organization of Consumer Unions (IOCU) and the United Nations. The papers have been arranged to reflect Willner's interaction between these two organizations and the issues their members faced during this transitional period in consumer advocacy.

The collection is organized into five series: 1) IOCU Files; 2) Publications; 3) United Nations Files; 4) Subject Files; 5) Oversized Material.

The IOCU Files Series consists of three boxes of correspondence, reports, and event material relating to the issues Dorothy Willner regularly managed as a representative of the IOCU. While the collector's name appears on few of these documents, the accumulated contents of letters addressed to her and Florence Mason as well as Willner's hand-written notes are the centerpiece of the collection, illustrating the service Willner and IOCU provided period grass roots organizations throughout the world with access to research, media attention, regional coordination with other consumer group, and representation on the international level.

Some files include correspondence between leading consumer advocates Colston Warne and Esther Peterson. Other files include reports on the March 1979 World Health Organization (WHO) conference on the haphazard technical cooperation among developing countries in the field of health and the related 1981 WHO resolution on the quality and content of mass produced infant formula. Other files contain Willner's notes on correspondence with members, meetings with international representatives, and conference talks. The series also contains newspaper clippings and research, which likely served as briefing material for Willner.

The Publications Series spans two boxes and collects pamphlets, newsletters, digests, reports, and booklets. These imprints were produced by a wide of assortment of international groups in several languages and by the United Nations on business practices and consumer issues. Some of the periodicals collected by Willner include Que Choisir?, Utusan Konsumer, Warta Konsumen and Orientacion de Consumidores y Usuarios. The series also contains a small assortment of publications produced by the United States Consumer Affairs Office, the Danish Government Home Economics Council, and the Australian Federation of Consumer Organization, Inc. Other files in this series also contain material related to the growth of international businesses and produced by different United Nations commissions, councils, and agencies, including the Center on Transnational Corporations, the Conference on Trade and Development, and the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

The United Nations Series consists of five boxes of memoranda, correspondence, press releases, critiques, conference material, and drafts of committee reports created by the international organization. While some files relate to the "Decade for Women" events, the majority of this series is centered on the United Nation's response to IOCUs consumer protection lobbying efforts. One section of the series collects the administrative work of several notable 1970s conferences, which covered issues relating to the creation of model laws as guards against restrictive business practice and the application of technology on international businesses and their consumers. Other files demonstrate the increased visibility of consumer issues in the General Assembly and the ECOSOC. Still others feature different drafts of United Nations reports, discussing the formation of both legal protection for consumers and an international business code of conduct for transnational corporations. Finally, this series also features guidelines for non-government organizations (NGOs) within the United Nations, including the IOCU.

The Subject Files Series spans two boxes and consists of newspaper clippings, memos, reports from other consumer organizations and Willner's own background research on a wide assortment of topics relevant to both IOCU members and United Nations administration. Several of the files are relevant to the growth of consumer unions in Asia. Others relate to fair trade issues, the creation of standards for foods and drugs, and the formation of a "Consumer Interpol" to act as a watchdog against abusive international business practices, including the use of Third World nations as "dumping grounds" for allegedly defective or untested medical devices, drugs, pesticides "unpassable by western standards." Another contains material from the IOCU's October 19, 1979, dinner for American Consumer leader and IOCU motivator Colston Warne. Finally, a few files also contain research relating to the changing shape of United States unions and consumer laws in the 1980s, including the Consumer Protection Act and the United Auto Workers.

The Oversized Material Series collects in one box large documents and bound matter. The majority of the series includes material relating to the creation and development of consumer education in the Philippines. Researchers may find of particular interest Dorothy Willner's Asean Consumer Protection seminar discussing the measures under development at the United Nations to curb abusive business practices of transnational corporations.

Willner, Dorothy
Art Danforth papers
US US kmk P1988.36 · Collection · 1961-1986

Items in the collection span 1961–1986 and include informative pamphlets, leaflets, guidebooks, and research relating to consumer interests and consumer behavior. Illustrated pamphlets published by the Bay Area Neighborhood Development address consumer issues such as signing contracts, buying food and appliances, and paying rent. Several pamphlets are in Spanish. Booklets offer advice to co-ops on campaigning, organizing, running, and reporting to owners, and include three authored by Mr. Danforth. One file labeled Center for Consumer Research contains flyers, research materials, newsletters, and correspondence. A publication titled "To Tell the Truth," published by the Cooperative League of the United States, provides an “illustrated outline of some of the consumer information and protection activities of American cooperatives.” Copies of KONSUM, the League’s newsletter, span 1972–1977. A newsletter towards the end of the run noted a lack of adequate funding for the League and stated budget cuts would limit the number of newsletters distributed.  The collection has publications from Frontier Cooperative Herbs and Midland Cooperatives, Inc. as well as a copy of the Golden Jubilee Journal and Kazan Memorial publication from the Amalgamated Housing Corporation (also listed as the Amalgamated Housing Cooperative). The Journal contains historical and biographical information about the co-op from 1951–1977, as well as congratulatory letters from Presidents Carter and Ford. Interestingly, there is a 1979 research paper about growth in consumer cooperatives from 1960–1980 by Ann Hoyt, an instructor in the Department of Family Economics at Kansas State University, in the collection. No tie to K-State is evident.

Danforth, Art
David Dary Papers
US US kmk P2011.13 · Collection · 1856-2013

David Dary donated his extensive collection of personal papers to the Morse Department of Special Collections in 2011.  The papers span the years 1856 to 2013 and are housed in 103 boxes comprising 90 linear feet of shelf space.
Dary was born and raised in Manhattan, his maternal great-grandfather having settled there in 1866.  All of his great-grandparents, grandparents, and parents, as well as other relatives, played active and prominent roles in the history of Manhattan. Dary graduated from Kansas State College in 1956 with a degree in speech, and the University of Kansas in 1970 with a master’s degree in journalism.
The papers reflect the various stages of Dary’s impressive professional career, along with his early activities as a magician followed by years as a short wave radio enthusiast.  His career in broadcast journalism, most notably for CBS and NBC in Washington, D.C. during the 1960s, led to positions in the schools of journalism at the University of Kansas and the University of Oklahoma, where he served as director.  His passion for history combined with his writing ability and style enabled Dary to become a major western historian with countless articles in newspapers and journals and over 20 books for which he has won numerous prestigious awards.
The Dary Papers include the most diverse number of research strengths than any other collection in the department.  Among the topics represented in the papers are Manhattan history, history of print and broadcast journalism, U.S. history and political science, history of Kansas and the West.
At the time of the donation, the K-State Libraries purchased Dary’s library containing approximately 4,000 titles.  Housed in special collections, its strengths mirror those of his papers.
The Family Series consists of three (3) boxes of material relating to David Dary’s family members. The family series is divided into several sub-series according to family members: Carl Engel (David’s great-grandfather on his mother’s side), Charles F. Engel (David’s great uncle), A.W. Long (David’s maternal grandfather and Manhattan City Mayor from 1909-1911), Milton Russell Dary (David’s father), Ruth Engel Long Dary (David’s mother and spouse to Milton Russell Dary), Sue Dary (David’s wife), and Cynthia Dary Rugolo and Carol Dary Pennington (David and Sue Dary’s daughters). Photographs of family members can be found in series 14, photography.
The Education Series is held in one (1) box. It contains material from David Dary’s days at Manhattan High School and Kansas State University (then Kansas State College). Dary graduated from Manhattan High School in 1952. Included in the high school material is documentation of Dary’s interest in being a magician and drummer. David attended Kansas State College from 1952-1956 where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Speech. Papers for this period include items related to K-State and his classes.
The Short Wave Radio series is made up of two (2) boxes of radio-related content belonging to David Dary. His first interest was in short-wave listening and later obtaining his FCC license as a radio amateur after trying to operate a very low-power radio station at his Manhattan home. they contain correspondence from other short-wave listeners and radio amateurs, photographs, QSL cards from short-wave broadcast stations around the world, and verifications to many stations he heard on his equipment. His files document radio activities from around the world and provide an insight into the history of short radio for several decades.
The Broadcast Journalism Career Series concentrates on this period of his career and consists of one (1) box of material. There are documents from Dary’s time at CBS (1960-1963) and NBC (1963-1967) including scripts, reports, staff directories, and other material. Dary covered the assassination of John F. Kennedy (included is the United Press wire report of the shooting in Dallas), the Cuban Missile Crisis, the inauguration of President Lyndon B. Johnson, and other key events. Related documentation can be found in other series including correspondence, Dary files, and photographs.
The Higher Education Career Series is made up of three (3) boxes. They contain information from David’s employment at the University of Kansas and the University of Oklahoma. He was a Professor in the School of Journalism at KU from 1970-1989. At OU, Dary was a Professor of Journalism and Director of H.H. School of Journalism and Mass Communication. He retired as Emeritus Gaylord Chair and Professor. Many of the files in the OU section pertain to the Gaylord family. Also included is documentation of Dary’s two visits to Sudan, 1988 and 1989, when he participated in a U. S. Information Agency program to teach Sudanese journalists about free press in a democracy.
The Correspondence Series is made up of seventeen (17) boxes of correspondence from individuals relating to different areas of interest: broadcast and print journalism, state and national governments, western history, publishing (history of the West in particular), universities of Kansas and Oklahoma, etc. The correspondents and subject matter basically relate to the various stages of Dary’s life and represent a “who’s who” in those fields. A few examples include Ed Bliss, David Boren, David Brinkley, Dan Casement, Don Goldsmith, Robert Hemenway, Richard Rogers, Dean Rusk, Pierre Salinger, Ed Turner, and Harry Truman. The contents are filed alphabetically by the correspondent’s last name.
While the files in the Correspondence Series concentrate on individuals and personalities, the fifteen (15) boxes in the Dary Files Series represent many of the subjects that Dary researched, wrote about, and collected. A large number of the files include those that Dary maintained according to historical topics and include correspondence, notes, newspapers and clippings, periodical articles, ephemera, maps, and photographs. These files are organized alphabetically.
The Business Records Series consists of two (2) boxes. The first box contains appraisals that Dary completed for numerous businesses and collectors and they remain closed to researchers at Dary’s request. The second box contains information from Dary’s book business dealing with out-of-print publications, 1969-1989. The material includes the catalogs he distributed that listed the items that he had for sale. Included are items relating to book fairs and collections. Dary also purchased and acquired many out-of-print and historically valuable items that are found in his papers and library.
The Speeches Series is made up of six (6) boxes with its contents arranged in chronological order by the date the speech was presented. The dates range from 1970-2013; the undated speeches are filed at the end. The titles (if provided) and location of the speeches are also listed. The over 160 speeches preserved in the files cover a wide variety of topics, the history of the West and Kansas in particular. They offer researchers the results of his research and experience associated with numerous subjects; the audiences ranged from members of professional organizations to civic clubs.
The Publication Files Series is housed in twenty-six (26) boxes divided into fifteen sub-series. The first twelve document a number of Dary’s books, including The Buffalo Book, Cowboy Culture, Entrepreneurs of the Old West, Frontier Medicine, Lawrence: An Informal History, Oklahoma Stories, Oregon Trail, Red Blood, and Black Ink, Seeking Pleasures in the Old West, The Santa Fe Trail, Stories of Old-Time Oklahoma, and True Tales of the Prairies and the Plains. They document his research and approach to writing and publishing major works on western history and the history of the state of Oklahoma. The final three boxes are divided into miscellaneous, illustrations, and literary works and research. They include files on illustrations for several of Dary’s books and research files.
The Certificates and Awards Series is contained in one (1) box. They represent certificates and awards presented to Dary, some of which are among the highest honors an author can receive. They include a Wrangler Award from the National Cowboy Hall of Fame and Western Heritage Center, and a Spur Award from the Western Writers of America. Alfred A. Knopf publishing company nominated Cowboy Culture for a Pulitzer Prize. Also included are three certificates related to the field of medicine that Gilbert Dary received, 1895-1902.
The Ephemera Series consists of two (2) boxes of items in various formats. It includes items that Dary collected over the years that fall into the categories of autographs, broadsides, correspondence, financial, printed material, and wire service. Some items of prominence include autographs of Kansas Governor, documents dating from Kansas Territory days, and the wire service account of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth. In addition, there is a collection of William Robert Smith letters that Dary purchased because of its historical interest. Smith (1863-1924) was a lawyer, judge, and U.S. congressman from Texas. He served as judge of the 32nd Judicial District of Texas, 1897-1903. He was elected to the U.S. Congress as a Democrat and served 1903-1917 after which President Woodrow Wilson appointed him the U.S. district judge for the Western District of Texas. The letters span the years 1890-1924.
The Printed Material Series, housed in two (2) boxes, is divided into seven subseries: 1) Early Journalism Career, 2) Career in Education-University of Kansas, 3) Career in Education-University of Oklahoma, 4) Writing Related Material, 5) Personal, and 6) Subject. They include a variety of formats and contain material associated with Dary’s early journalism career, years at Kansas University and the University of Oklahoma, a variety of items related to writing, personal activities, and subjects. Researchers are encouraged to look at the container list in order to gain a better perspective of the holdings in this series.
The Photograph Series is held in six (6) boxes divided into subseries according to family members. The first subseries on the Carl Engel family includes Manhattan photos of Norman Engel’s store, family homes, and other miscellaneous family views. In the Charles F. Engel section, there are photos of the Engel hardware store and log cabin. The third subseries covers A.W. Long’s family. It includes photos of family homes, the Long Oil Company, and family photos. The Milton Russell Dary photos include family, Poyntz Avenue, and the family home. David Dary’s subseries includes photos from both his career and personal life. His career photos include portraits of news reporters he worked with or knew; Dary’s own portrait, and photos from conferences/meetings/seminars. Photos from his personal life include those of his family and his home. The stereoviews (1880-1906) provide early views of Manhattan and the surrounding area including the family home and garden scenes. The subject series contains photos acquired by Dary and include notables such as Dwight Eisenhower and Harry Truman making “whistle stops” in Manhattan, Kansas [expand the number of examples].
The Audiovisual Series is contained in one (1) box and includes CDs, DVDs, Tapes, and slides.
The Oversize Series is housed in fifteen (15) boxes and several large folders filed in the oversize flat drawer cabinet; the locations are noted in the container list. This series contains material divided into nine subseries: 1) photographs; 2) scrapbooks; 3) maps; 4) posters; 5) artwork; 6) newspapers; 7) magazines; 8) certificates/diplomas/awards; 9) and other. The oversize material is housed in either large folders or oversize boxes. The photographs contain images of family as well as a few miscellaneous photos, such as the Popcorn Man. There are twenty-three scrapbooks in the oversize series. Four of the scrapbooks belong to Ruth Engel Long Dary (Dary’s mother) and cover the time she was attending Kansas State Agricultural College (circa 1926). Two belong to M. Russell Dary. And another two relate to M. Russell Dary and his marriage to Ruth Engel Long Dary, a guest list and anniversary memory book. Two are personal scrapbooks of Charles Engel and A.W. Long, respectively. Thirteen of the scrapbooks relate to David Dary, spanning from his birth to college to the publication of his articles. The maps section includes maps primarily over cattle trails and the frontier and there is also a large collection of Kanzana maps. The artwork and posters are housed in one box and one folder. They include artwork collected by David, covering mostly western topics, and posters from events, such as an NCAA final four game and movie posters. The oversize newspapers are separated into originals and facsimiles from sources such as the New York Times, the Kansas Republic News, etc. The magazines are all originals and include Life magazine, Kansas City Star Sunday magazine, Chicago Tribune, Collier’s magazine, and Midway. In the Certificates/Diplomas/Awards subseries there are items belonging to Gilbert Dary, Russell M. Dary, A.W. Long, and David Dary. The other category is a random assortment of items, such as a calendar, press passes, and table displays.

Dary, David (1934-   )
US US kmk U2011.30 · Collection · 1908-2008

This collection is comprised of material from the Dow Chemical Multicultural Resource Center at Kansas State University Libraries.  Material within this collection covers multicurtural issues, personalities, and events at Kansas State University as well as the surrounding area.  The bulk of the material in the collection is from the 1960s to the 1990s.  There are photographs taken by Lawerence Wright, Jr., as well as posters from events sponsored by the Dow Chemical Multicultural Resource Center.

US US kmk P2014.03 · Collection · 1912-2005

This collection includes biographical information, literary works, correspondence, subjects in alphabetical order, photographs, negatives, slides, media, artifacts, and oversize items.  Biographical information includes topics such as classes Morse took in college, classes he taught, awards won, and his professional work.  Literary Works consists of articles, essays, pamphlets, and books written by Richard L. D. Morse.  Correspondence Series are listed alphabetical and  includes names such as Sam Brownback, Jimmy Carter, Robert Dole, Nancy Kassenbaum, John F. Kennedy, Walter Mondale, and Jim Slattery.  Subject Series is listed in alphabetical order and includes topics such as Aging, American Council of Consumer Interest, Consumer Affairs, Consumer Protection, Consumers Union, Interest Rates, Ralph Nader, Truth in Lending and Truth in Savings.  The Media Series includes topics such as Consumers Union, Financial Counseling, Homemaking Services, Senate Hearings and Truth in Lending.

Morse, Richard L. D.
US US kmk U2011.08 · Collection · 1866-2007

Photographic materials in this collection include images of campus buildings, visitors to campus, students, athletic events, and faculty and staff.  There also are images of Manhattan and community locations.  Dates range from the 1866 to 2007.

Photographic Services
US US kmk P1983.04 · Collection · 1936-1981

This collection is composed of correspondence (1934-1981), unpublished literary works (1962-1966), private press publications (1957-1966), and private press samples (1952-1970). The collection as a whole contains information from 1936-1981.

The correspondence includes material to, from, or regarding Lewis D. Allen (The Allen Press), Amy Bonner (poetry), John Ciardi, Robert Conover (Kansas Magazine), Jack Conroy (The Anvil), Don v R. Denner, Paul Hayden Duensing, Ralph Green, Langston Hughes, Bill Jackson (The Four Ducks Press), the Kansas State University Library, Ester McCoy, and Courtland Mathews.

The unpublished literary works contain material related to Phillip Metzger (The Crabgrass Press), Henry Morris, Louise A. Moss (Excalibur Press), Marvin H. Neel (The Backwoods Press), Joseph Stanley Pennell, Bern Porter, Rex Warner, Lamar Wegand (The Private Press of the Indiana Kid), and John Ciardi, as well as some unidentified publications.

This collection's private press publications include material related to the Crabtree Press and the Zauberg Press.

Lastly, the private press samples are composed of material related to the Adagio Press, Anvil Press, Auerhahn, the Allen Press, the Backwoods Press, the Crabtree Press, John DePol, Paul Hayden Duensing, Henry Ebans, Eden Hill Press, Endgrain Press, Excalibur Press, the Four Ducks Press, the Grabhorn Press, Grosvenor Chater & Co., Ben and Melanie Grauer, the Grolier Club, the Gravesend Press, Joint Chappels, Lanson Monotype Co. , Joseph Low, the Pastime Printer, the Porpise Bookshop, the Privateer Press, Charles S. Ryland, Walter's 1987 Press, Steve L. Watts, and the Zauberberg Press.

Drenner, Donald von Ruysdael
Vida A. Harris papers
US US kmk 2017-18.015 · Collection · 1915-1970

The collection documents the family, travels, education, and art practice of Kansas State Agricultural College graduate and teacher Vida Agnes Harris (March 29, 1893-May 25, 1985) from 1915-1970. Correspondence includes a letter Harris wrote while working as a domestic science instructor at the American Missionary Society's Tillotson College in Austin, Texas (1915) and letters received from Margaret Justin, Dean of Home Economics (1923-1954). Three diaries record Harris' international trips: Europe (1930); Mexico (1940) and India (1951). Sketches, block prints, paintings, and handmade greeting cards represent her art and design techniques. One folder contains photocopied, handwritten, and typed recipes, a number of them credited to known associates.
Scant photographs and a notebook (1916-1918) pertain to her father, Samuel Murrell Harris (1858-1944), who operated the Hillside Dairy in Manhattan, Kansas. The photographs were taken during the early 1940s, and used by Ruth Linquist in her 1946 publication, Using and Sharing Our Hours (Chapel Hill, N.C.). Samuel M. Harris is shown at the site of his old barn, located at 700 Harris Avenue. Kansas State's Memorial Stadium, Anderson and Seaton Halls, and power plant may be seen in the distance.

Harris, Vida A.
US US kmk P2007.08 · Collection · 1874-2009

The Correspondence Series is comprised of two boxes that extend over an 81-year period, starting in 1913 and ending in 2004 and arranged in alphabetical order. Majority of correspondence relate to the purchase of milling equipment such as elevators, dryers, flour packers, and sifters; the purchase of the Lemon Mill in Bedford, Indiana and the Ginger Feed and Elevator Company, Jeffersonville, Indiana; the sale of the company’s products such as corn meal, dog food, flour, livestock feed, and Glu-X; and the sale of the Seymour Mill. Correspondence between Phil Robertson and G. Terry Sharer, discusses historical milling machinery the Robertson Corporation donated to the Smithsonian in 1979. In 1980, Phil Robertson attended a reception hosted by the Smithsonian on the acceptance of the historical machinery. Equipment donated to the Smithsonian Institute.
The Financial Records are house in six boxes. Five boxes, 1928-2004, are filed in alphabetical order. They include annual meetings with statements of profit and loss, account ledgers, accountant's compilation report, auditors compilation report, balance sheets, cash flow statements, capital investments, estate transfers, financial statements, income tax basis, income tax returns, purchase orders from companies such as Advance Fabricators, Bearings Incorporation, Creason Corrugating, and Insects Limited, and sales and production figures. One box consists of the 1959 Ewing Mill appraisal, a Peoples bankbook, cash books, check stubs, financial ledgers, a payroll ledger from 1916 to 1917, production ledgers, sales slips, and a 1916 shipment register.
Minutes are stored in four boxes. (1960-1997, 2007-2009) are stored in two boxes and give insight on the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals of the Robertson Corporation. Each set of minutes contain travel plans, the price of crops on the market and a general overview of the company. There are two boxes of formal minutes in minute books (1960-2009).
The Subject Series (1874, 1881-2004) is the largest of all of the series. It is housed in nine boxes and contains insurance policies, newspaper clippings and class notes from when Joe E. Robertson attended Kansas State University in the 1940s. Listed alphabetically, the series covers the purchase and sale of mill property and equipment, contracts, events, feed and grain, flour standards, general milling information, history of the companies and employees, inventories, newspaper clippings, patent information, research, and one of the later important pieces of the corporation’s history: how the company eventually turned to Glu-X as a main product. Aerial view of the Ewing Mill in Brownstown, IN.
The Photographs Series (1900-2000) consists of four boxes of photographs and one box of glass negatives. It includes aerial views of the corporation, views of the mills, the after effects of a large snowfall, exhibits, and fires. Some of the photographs date back to 1900. This series is a picture book of change and innovation with photos ranging from horse and buggy to early automobiles, then on to large loading trucks. An interesting set of photos shows construction of the Ewing Blending Plant. With the photos in order, one can see each step of the construction from beginning to end. Not all photographs are business-related as there are family photos of each family member inside and outside the office. Notable family photos include a photo of Phil Robertson at the Smithsonian and photos of the Robertson's as boys and men.
Oversize Materials are stored in three boxes and includes newspaper clippings, Robertson Corporation abstract, loan application, mortgage, feed lists, equipment blue prints and printed material. Ewing, Indiana. Printed Material is the second largest series in the collection and is comprised of eight boxes. The largest section in this series is Articles that includes items from Milling and Baking, The Northwestern Miller, and Random Lengths. Brochures and pamphlets dot the landscape of printed material and include research findings from respected institutions or from attended research symposiums. Many of the magazine articles deal with World War II or the Russian grain embargo. There is also a collection of books pertaining to the history of milling and includes a copy of <emph render='italic'>The Robertson Corporation 1880-2000 </emph>written by R. R. Phil Robertson. Family member Richard S. "Dick" Robertson wrote <emph render='italic'>Recollections of My Life in Brownstown, Indiana</emph>, included in the collection. These recollections are snap shots of Dick's life in Brownstown. The Artifacts Series is stored in one box and includes flour slicks, commemorative coins, packaging bags for Glu-X and Triple-R dog food, and promotional items.
The Artifacts are stored within the department's Artifact Collection. Box 40 in this inventory lists the artifacts.

Roberston Corporation
Julius T. Willard papers
Collection · 1847–1947

The Julius T. Willard papers include records related to his tenure at Kansas State University, personal records, the Students' Army Training Corps, financial documents, statistics related to the university, literary works, and various reports and printed materials. The correspondence series, 1894–1926, includes letters from the chief of the United States Department of Agriculture, the Riley County Treasurer, Kansas Attorney General Aretas Allen Gotard, professors at other universities, and many others. Correspondence also includes letters from the Agricultural Experiment Stations throughout Kansas, the United States, and Cuba, as well as correspondence related to reports of the Agricultural Experiment Stations. Subjects in the correspondence series relate to Willard’s travels abroad, personal purchases, character references, normal schools, articles by Willard submitted to Farm Life, subscriptions to various publications, chemistry coursework, etc. Correspondence relates both to Willard’s work at Kansas State College (KSC) as well as personal matters.

The subject file series includes both K-State and personal files. The K-State subject files are extensive, including academic calendars, applications for employment, correspondence about the selection of the official K-State college color, and information about various campus departments. The subject files also include information about various campus organizations, as well as biographical information about various faculty members, including Nellie Kedzie Jones and Mary Van Zile. Personal subject files contain financial documents pertaining to the Tacoma Company and the Portland Cement Company, as well as various organizations with which Willard was a member.

Materials in the estate series include correspondence related to the Willard farm and estate, expenditures, and receipts. The literary works series contains history of KSC in newspapers and in letters, drafts of works, and autobiographical reminiscences. The history of KSC in newspapers includes copies of articles printed in newspapers connected to K-State. The history of KSC in letters contains letters and newspaper correspondence pertaining to acts by the Board of Regents from 1897 to 1899. Additionally, there is a chapter omitted from Willard’s 1940 book, History of Kansas State College of Agriculture and Applied Science, titled “Discussion of the Controversy of the Seventies" [1870s]. The literary works series includes drafts of his 1940 book and Willard’s autobiographical reminiscences.

The military file series includes business files related to the Students' Army Training Corps and the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, as well as materials connected to training camp at Fort Sheridan. The bulk of the materials dates from 1918 and 1919. The financial documents series of Willard’s papers contains receipts, vouchers, and other materials related to K-State expenses including laboratory charges. The statistics series contains materials related to grade distribution, attendance, and enrollment. The report series includes reports for American Universities and Colleges, the Department of the Interior Bureau of Education, the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, as well as other reports such as the cost of attending K-State.

The final series includes a variety of printed materials including invitations, programs, a speech class syllabus, articles, and quotations. Also included are card files with lecture notes, names and positions of numerous faculty and students, and notes on various pieces of history related to K-State.

Willard, J. T. (Julius Terrass)
US US kmk U2013.42 · Collection · 2010–2013

The Sesquicentennial Steering Committee records contain materials related to Kansas State University's celebration of its 150th anniversary. There are records from the planning stage of the celebration such as meeting minutes and marketing plans. Also, this collection has information over the Kickoff Weekend, Wildcat March (auction totals and details), Grand Finale, the Gala 150 (guest list and invitations), and the time capsule. There are two books Wildcat March and Generations of Success. Other items in the collection are two-anniversary coins, two-anniversary pins, promotional posters, and three large sesquicentennial banners for each campus (Manhattan, Salina, and Olathe).

Sesquicentennial Steering Committe
Louis H. Douglas papers
US US kmk U2003.29 · Collection · 1957–1999

The Louis H. Douglas papers document the career of Douglas and the lecture series that was named after him at Kansas State University. Included are photographs of Douglas and speakers at the lecture series, as well as additional documentation regarding his time as a political science professor at Kansas State University from 1949–1977 and the Lou Douglas Lecture Series that began in 1980.

Douglas, Louis H.
Jack Hartman papers
US US kmk U2006.04 · Collection · 1948-1989

The Jack Hartman Papers document Hartman's college coaching career from 1955-1986. They also include course material, correspondence regarding his retirement as head coach for Kansas State University and his nomination to the Hall of Fame in 1986, photographs, and artifacts. During Hartman's professional career he was head basketball coach at three schools including: Coffeyville (Kansas) Junior College (1955-1962), Southern Illinois University (1962-1970), and Kansas State University (1970-1986).
Oklahoma A & M, the first series, is comprised of material from courses in education and physical education that Hartman took while enrolled at the college.
The second series, Coffeyville Junior College (1955-1962), is divided into seven sub-series according to basketball season: 1) 1955-1956 contains a copy of the college magazine and awards; 2) 1956-1957 includes the college magazine from that year; 3) 1957-1958 consists of telegrams, tournament information, and newspaper clippings; 4) 1959-1960 contains newspaper clippings outlining highlights; 5) 1960-1961 includes tournament information; 6) 1961-1962 consists of tournament information and newspaper clippings, and 7) Miscellaneous includes scouting notes and a cutout of the Coffeyville Junior College mascot.
Southern Illinois University (1962-1970), the third series, is organized into eight sub-series: 1) 1962-1963 consists of newspaper clippings; 2) 1963-1964 contains newspaper clippings; 3) 1964-1965 includes telegrams, game statistics, programs, tournament information, and newspaper clippings; 4) 1967 National Invitational Tournament (NIT) consists of programs and newspaper clippings featuring the tournament highlights (Walt Frazier, who went on to star for the New York Knicks, was a member of the team); 5) 1967-1968 contains game statistics, programs, and newspaper clippings; 6) 1968-1969 includes game programs; 7) 1969-1970 consists of game statistics, programs, the Countrywide Sports magazine, and newspaper clippings; and 8) 1970 Transition from SIU to KSU includes newspaper clippings outlining Hartman's resignation from SIU and appointment as the new head basketball coach at Kansas State University.
The fourth series is Kansas State University (1970-1986). This series is separated into thirteen sub-series: 1) Clippings, undated, contains a number of newspaper clippings from unknown basketball seasons at Kansas State University; 2) 1970-1971 consists of telegrams, game statistics, programs, tournament information, and clippings; 3) KSU, 1971, Clippings includes newspaper clippings concerning Oklahoma University's basketball team; 4) 1971-1972 contains telegrams, game statistics, and newspaper clippings; 5) 1972-1973 consists of programs and newspaper clippings; 6) 1973-1974 contains game statistics, programs, and media guides, and newspaper clippings; 7) 1974-1975 includes programs and newspaper clippings; 8) 1975-1976 contains programs and newspaper clippings; 9) 1976-1977 consists of a photograph; 10) 1977-1978 includes newspaper clippings; 11) 1979-1980 contains college magazine and newspaper clippings; 12) 1984-1985 consists of newspaper clippings; and 13) 1985-1986 includes programs and newspaper clippings.
The series Correspondence (1986) is organized into two sub-series. The first sub-series is entitled Retirement and contains a number of letters regarding Hartman's retirement as the head coach for the men's basketball team at Kansas State University. It includes letters from Governor John Carlin (Kansas) and coaches Lou Henson, Tom Penders, "Wimp" Sanderson, and others. The second sub-series relates to Hartman's nomination to the Naismith Memorial Hall of Fame in Springfield, Massachusetts, in 1986 and contains letters of support from Henry Iba, DeLoss Dodds, Dean Smith, and others.
The Photographs series is divided into three sub-series: 1) Coffeyville Junior College consists of photographs from Hartman's time as head coach at Coffeyville; 2) Southern Illinois University includes Southern Illinois University's basketball team photographs, individual player photographs, a number of photographs of Hartman during his tenure as head coach, and a photograph from the National Invitation Tournament in 1967; and 3) Kansas State University contains a photograph of Hartman during his years as head coach at Kansas State University.
Artifacts comprise the last series and include a "Coach of the Year Award" trophy from the National Association of Basketball Coaches for the 1980-1981 season, and two plaques awarded to Hartman. The first plaque was given to him by the Kansas Basketball Coaches Association (KBCA) in honor of his induction into the KBCA Hall of Fame in 1989. The second plaque was presented by Kansas State University honoring Hartman as the winningest coach in Kansas State University basketball history, 1970-1986.

Hartman, Jack
US US kmk P1987.10 · Collection · 1832-1984

The Smith, Bottomly, and Lill Family Papers, 1827-1984, document four generations of a family. The collection focuses primarily on George Smith between 1827-72, to a lesser extent on his children and grandchildren (the Bottomlys'), and then increases in volume with the next generation (the Lills'), especially between 1934-45.
In the first series, journals and diaries, there are four items. Included in one of the journals is an interesting account of George Smith's trip from Iowa to Nebraska by wagon in 1865.
Correspondence (1828-1984), the second series in the collection, is housed in three document boxes and comprises the largest series in the collection. Items within the series are organized chronologically. The bulk of the items are the incoming and outgoing correspondence from 1934-45 between Percy and Helen Lill and their seven children, most of whom were either attending Kansas State College, preparing for military duty, or actively fighting overseas in World War II. Correspondence among family and friends, while the Lill brothers were attending K-State, describes student life. Also included in the collection are some letters by their mother, Helen Bottomly Lill, when she attended K-State from 1900-05. Perhaps the most significant items in the collection, however, are the early Smith family correspondence from 1828-41 because of its description of life in Vermont and the settlement of the Midwest particularly Iowa.
Contained in the third series, literary works, are speeches and essays housed in five folders. Although some of the works are undated, most were, apparently, penned by George Smith.
In the next series, education, there are a variety of items including diplomas, school programs, teachers' certificates, and grade cards. These items are diverse and cover the period from 1927-1953 and are contained in two folders.
The fifth series, medicine, contains a single item, a 1921 handwritten cold remedy.
The sixth series, Booth Association, is housed in one folder. This organization was formed on November 15, 1854, in New York by descendants of the Booth family of England, who claim to be the lawful heirs of the Booth family estates. Included in the materials are the association's constitution and by-laws, a membership fee receipt, certificate, and newsletter made out to George Smith, and a broadside removed to a larger flat box because of its size.
In the seventh series, financial documents, there are many items dating from 1837-1953; ledgers, receipts, bank statements, tax information, and related pieces. These materials are organized chronologically with the ledgers filed separately at the end of the series.
Genealogy, the eighth series, is separated by surname. There are some original handwritten items placed at the beginning of the series but most of the materials are photocopied, typed, or handwritten reproductions of original documents. These materials, contained in eleven folders, provide biographical information about the families.
The ninth series, printed materials, consists of Christmas and greeting cards, advertising cards, certificates, and miscellaneous items. These are housed in five folders.
The last series, photographs, are separated by family surname, specifically, or more generally, as family and friends. All negatives and tintypes are identified. Unidentified photographs are filed at the end of the series. Photographs of locations in Kansas, particularly of the campus at K-State, have been removed and placed in the University Archives photograph collection.

Smith, Bottomly & Lill Families
US US kmk U2011.31 · Collection · 1955-2007

This accession includes milling-related activities of the Department of Grain Science and Industry mainly from 1977 to 1989.  Other articles, clippings, photographs, and programs cover topics like catfish research, faculty member John Shellenberger, other departmental faculty, and fraternity and university events between 1955 and 2007.  Items of note include programs from Charles Deyoe for a Gamma Sigma Delta (Kansas Eta Chapter) banquet, an Alpha Gamma Rho (Alpha Zeta Kansas Chapter) banquet, and KSU events and commencements.

Department of Grain Science and Industry
Gordon Parks papers
US US kmk P1985.02 · Collection · 1964-1971

This collection is composed of literary productions and photographs from between 1964-1971. The included literary production records are made up of correspondence (1964), notes, editor's notes, early drafts, fourth draft for A Choice of Weapons by Gordon Parks, as well as the original manuscript for Whispers of Intimate Things by Gordon Parks (1971). The included photographs are largely focused around the filming of the Learning Tree. This box includes images of Gordon Parks, crew and cast, filming sites, and others. There is also a box of photo slides as well.

Parks, Gordon
US US kmk P1988.32 · Collection · 1910-1988

The nature of the collection made it difficult to separate the family papers from the business records in many instances, although there is more of the latter in the material. In addition to personal correspondence, there are items concerning Francis Lewis’s activities in Cooperative Extension and 4-H. Also, there are family expense books, receipts, canceled checks, bank statements, and other statistical financial information, plus photographs, awards, and ribbons. A major portion of the collection deals exclusively with the registered bull records. This material begins with the start of the herd to the dispersal auction in 1987. Also part of the records is ranch-related correspondences from the time John M. Lewis owned the herd to the final days of Walter’s control of the farm. Most of these letters consist of requests for bull prices and information, bull shows, bull sale confirmations, and association with the American Polled Hereford organization. The Correspondence Series consists of nine boxes of personal letters from Robert and Martha Lewis to their parents. The letters begin when each child were students at Kansas State University, and continue through their academic pursuits. Also in this series is ranch-related correspondence to John and Walter as foremen of the herd. These letters are arranged alphabetically by the name of the person or company and in chronological order within each. Boxes eight and nine contain letters related to various subjects such as international, awards, hotels, publications, university, legal, and cattle organizations. The second series concerns Francis Lewis. It begins with her time as a student at Kansas State Agricultural College and continues with her involvement in 4-H and a meats instructor/judge. Printed items in her collection concern meat cooking, judging, showing, and education. These items include brochures, pamphlets, books, and charts. There are various items dealing with meat judging contests including scorecards, statistical information, team placement information, and some unidentifiable material. Also contained are family expense booklets and receipts. The third series comprises Walter and Francis’s judging for the Herford and Polled Hereford Association in arenas and shows in various countries which drew contestants from around the world. The fourth series is the Financial Series. Because of the nature of the records, this series includes both family business and ranch business. There are credit card records, canceled checks, bank statements, farm receipts, and Cooperative receipts. The fifth series is Cattle Records/Documentation. Within this group is a wide range of cattle records dealing with registration, births, deaths, sales, purchases, history, and transfer of the majority of the Lewis herd. There are various records, some complete and some incomplete, from the Polled Hereford Association Application Records to the Guide Lines Program records. This series also contains printed material associated with Walter Lewis, “Farm Management Records,” miscellaneous farm records, and weekly planners and calender books pertaining to both Walter and Francis. Photographs make up the sixth series that includes family members, awards, shows, and cattle. The photos are organized by subject, although a portion of the collection is unidentified. The seventh series is Artifacts, primarily those of Walter Lewis. They include pins from shows in the United States along with some foreign countries. Also included are buttons representing Walter’s activities. Other items include an assortment of name tags and ribbons from both Walter and Francis. Whenever possible, a few of these items; such as the pins and buttons, have been photocopied for easier identification and retrieval.

Lewis Family
Steel Ring Honor Society

This collection contains four boxes all consisting of different materials for the Open house, the Steel Ring Society puts on every spring. Along with materials for the Engineering open house there are photos from meetings of the Steel Ring Society and artifacts that were used in prior initiation of the society.

Steel Ring Honor Society
US US kmk U2011.33 · Collection · 1963-2008

The Photographic Services photographs include photo cards and digital copies (CDs) of Landon Lectures, campus buildings, sports, staff, and college activities. All photographs were taken by Photographic Services of Kansas State University, between 1963 and 2008. Notable lecturers include George Bush, Sr., Jimmy Carter, Gerald R. Ford, John McCain, Sandra Day O'Connor, and Ronald Reagan. Also emphasized are photographs of football, student ambassadors, Nichols Hall, the Student Union, and the colleges of Agriculture, Architecture, and Engineering.

Photographic Services
US US kmk 2015-16.021 · Collection · 1911

The Class of 1911 used the Royal Purple March as a fundraiser for their senior arch at Kansas State Agricultural College. George August Westphalinger, a retired chief musician for the United States Army who led the K-State College Band in 1909-1910 and 1910-1911, wrote the piece in 1911. More details are available in issues of The Kansas Industrialist on May 13 and June 17, 1911.

US US kmk U2014.29 · Collection · 1974–2013

The Women's Center records document the development and history of the Women's Center, known originally as the Women's Resource Center and today as CARE (Center for Advocacy, Response, and Education). The materials are divided into administrative records, Campaigns for Nonviolence (CNV), Proactive Educators for the Elimination of Sexual violence (PEERS), Wildcats Against Rape (WAR), photographs, artifacts, and posters.

The administrative records includes the history of the Women's Center, class resources, conferences (including one conference titled "Coming Out Day Conference" for the LGBT community), correspondence, handouts, office policies and procedures, newsletters, presentations, reports, workshops for women, the young women's project, four booklets empowering women to become leaders, and one CD with a note that reads "Future Music Possibilities." Class resources are Modules 1–6 in printed form and Modules 1–7 on a Zip disk, which were used in the "Students in Oral Communication I & IA: Speaking of Issues Relating to Women...and Men" class. The young women's project includes information on body image, eating disorders, dating, clothes, grades, and peer pressure.  A special project of the Women's Center was the Empty Bowls Project to raise funds and awareness in the fight to end hunger.

CNV materials include documentation of rallies and campaigns, history, speakers' information, campaigns and seminars, publicity, brochures, newspaper articles, one Beta video recording (Campaign for Nonviolence, July 2004), eleven CDs of photographs and information pertaining to the seasons for nonviolence, one audiocassette (CNV Rally 2001 that aired on radio station 580AM), and records pertaining to a program called "SafeZone."

PEERS records describe educational offerings about sexual violence, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and sexual harassment for women and men. Other materials include the book "Replacing Skeleton Key Thinking With Common Sense and Awareness" by Peggy Gene and Jennifer Schmidt, published by the The Stephanie Schmidt Foundation.

WAR records include documentation of activities such as pub crawls, run against rape, season for nonviolence city park dog walk, take back the day, and the date safe project. Other records include photographic prints, digital photographs, and advertising.

The Kansas Bureau of Investigation Forensic Laboratory Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kit is the only artifact in this collection.

Forty posters document the Center's efforts to educate students and community members and encourage them to participate in reducing the problem of sexual violence on campus, in the community, and in the African Congo. Examples include "Can I Buy You a Drink?," "The Art of Rape," "Force is Never Friendly," "Take Back the Night," "Preventing Violence Against Women on Campus," "Contemplate Act, Walk the Paths of Peace, Moonlight Walk on the Konza Prairie," "Walk the Paths of Peace, A Season for Nonviolence, Wildcats Against Rape presents reading from Purple Cried," "Purple Cried, K-State Students' Stories of Assault," and "Campaign for Nonviolence, 64 Ways to Practice Nonviolence."

Women's Center
Joel Climenhaga papers
US US kmk U2001.02 · Collection · 1912-2001

The Joel Climenhaga Papers (1912-2001) consist primarily of his literary works and correspondence to and from family and friends.
The Biographical Series consist of two boxes which include Climenhaga's baby book, family genealogy, obituary, and memorial service program, and 1987 Kansas State University retirement tributes.
The Correspondence Series is made up of fourteen boxes and arranged alphabetically. Climenhaga was a prolific and voluminous writer. He corresponded with Mina Cooper, Carlos Cortez, Charles Jones, George Moberg, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, and Kenneth Patchen to name a few. Within the Charles Jones correspondence there are letters by LBJ (Lyndon B. Johnson) and from people who opposed him agreeing with the NCAAP- these letters were signed by "a white Christian" or "a white, white, American." There are twenty-four folders of correspondence between Climenhaga and Fred Shaw. The two men planned to turn their correspondence into a book titled The Mephisto Addenda. Before this could manifest, Fred Shaw passed away. The Climenhaga's were good friends with Kenneth and Miriam Patchen and there is extensive correspondence between the two families. The sub-series "Correspondence to Poetry Magazines" is listed alphabetically by magazine title and consists of one box.
The sub-series "Correspondence Log" is arranged chronologically and is stored in eighteen boxes. It is similar to a journal as Climenhaga made personal entries on specific dates and if those dates corresponded with writing or receiving a letter, the letter was included. Names of those who Climenhaga corresponded includes Marlon Brando, Milton Bernard, John and Emma Climenhaga, Mina Cooper, Norman Fedder, Henry Miller, Kenneth Patchen, George Savage, Fred Shaw, Wesley Van Tassel, Myrna Wolfe, and Kenneth Woodroofe. These letters were pulled from the alphabetical listing by Climenhaga. It is not known why Climenhaga separated these letters.
Literary Works is comprised of twenty-two boxes that contain Climenhaga's plays and poems, as well as fiction stories and essays. During his lifetime Climenhaga had at least seven columns in various newspapers and newsletters. Three of his columns One Man's Frontier, One Man's Journey, and Dear Good People often had the same material while the introduction was sometimes different or a sentence or two rearranged. One Man's Journey was also broadcasted on the KKSC Radio station at Kansas State University during the 1980s. Climenhaga was a notorious recycler of paper. He often used recycled paper which can be confusing to researchers. If researchers pay close attention, however, they just might find that "recycled" paper useful after all, as it could be a part of another story, poem, etc., whether written by Climenhaga or one of his many friends or colleagues. Climenhaga wrote his first poem at age six. By 1989, he had written approximately 2,500 poems of which 1,200 had been published in various magazines and journals. Volumes of his published poems include: The Age of Pollution; Belief in Chaos; Hawk and Chameleon; The Month of the Shadow on My Heart; Ninety-Nine Messages from Separate Places; None of this Really Matters a Great Deal Now; One Hundred and One Songs are Promised for Tomorrow; Preliminary Walk into the Sweat of Dying; Report on the Progress of the Bearded One's Homework; Spontaneity is a Deceiving God; and The Thirteenth Winter.
Subject Series is contained in seventeen boxes and is organized alphabetically. It includes names such as Charles Jackson Jones, Jr. who was married to artist Molly Ramolla, Kenneth Patchen, and Larry Smith. It also includes programs from plays produced, written, and directed by Climenhaga. Other programs include plays produced at the Purple Masque Theatre, Kansas State University; by the Pine Cone Players, Grand Lake, CO; and at UCLA.
The Photograph and Slides Series consists of one box and includes photos of the 1976 Pine Cone Players, Grand Lake, Colorado, production of Mark Twain. Photos taken at the Purple Masque Theatre, Kansas State University include the 1981 production of Kenneth Patchen's Don't Look Now, the 1989 production of Dust-Storm Wedding, and Climenhaga's own play the Marriage Wheel. The Slides consist of Kenneth Patchen's art poetry.
Comprised of seven boxes, the Media Series includes cassette tapes, reel to reel tapes, VHS videotapes, and computer disks. The computer disks contain some of Climenhaga's manuscripts that were incorporated in the Literary Works Series. The cassette tapes include interviews with Ben Nyberg and Jonathan Holden, 1985 letters from Charles Jones, and Climenhaga's 1980s One Man's Journey recorded at KKSU radio, Kansas State University. The reel to reel tapes includes several different readings from Patchen's Don't Look Now. The VHS tapes include the "50th Anniversary of the 1939 Pottstown High School Graduates" of interviews with Earl "Yogi" Storm, Dr. Joel Esner, and Raymond Elliott conducted by Bill Achatz. Climenhaga was unable to attend this anniversary gathering where he and others were inducted into the Alumni Honor Roll. Climenhaga created a video to be played at the anniversary program and it is included in this series. The tape Miriam Is Not Amused, a film by Kim Roberts, 1996, is a profile of the life of Miriam Patchen with interesting information about her husband Kenneth Patchen. The most interesting tapes in this series, however, are the interviews with Joel Climenhaga. The one that stands out the most is the one created by the Manhattan, Kansas Art Councils, 1992, where John Biggs interviews Climenhaga.
There are some very interesting interviews with Joel Climenhaga, especially the one filmed by the Manhattan, Kansas Arts Council titled Joel: Creative Profile. Another VHS tape of interest is Miriam Is Not Amused, a film by Kim Roberts, 1996. This is a profile of the life of Miriam Patchen with interesting information about her husband, Kenneth Patchen.
Scrapbooks are contained in one box. The most notable is the Marriage Wheel by Joel Climenhaga with his notes written on the sides of each page. Another item of interest is the 1983-1988 Travel Journal. Climenhaga kept notes of his summer travels, how many miles he traveled, where he traveled to, and when and where he stopped to eat.
The Oversize Series is made up of one box that includes art, art poetry, poetry, and program posters. Notable sketches in this series are the drawing of Joel Climenhaga by Lawrence Ferlinghetti and the greeting to the Climenhagas from Carlos and Marianna Cortez in 1972. Kenneth Patchen's art poetry shows up in Lee Artz's "Passion for Peace," Peace Works, Mid-Peninsula Peace Center, Palo Alto, California and in Steven Ratiner's "The Picture Poems of Kenneth Patchen," California Living, 1983. There are four Kenneth Patchen poems included: "The Way Men Live Is a Life," 1944, "A Poem For Christmas," 1961, "What I'd Like To Know Is, 1967" and "A Mercy Filled and Defiant Xmas To All Still Worthy To Be Called Man," 1970. Program posters from the Kansas State University Purple Masque Theatre that are interesting include Mark Edward's Larger Than Life, 1978, Cindy Helfertstay's From Heaven to Hell, 1978, and Chloris Killian's 1981, The Dust-Storm Wedding. Other items of interest include Climenhaga's 1987 retirement certificate from Kansas State University and a letter from the then Provost, Owen J. Koeppe.
Stored in twenty boxes, the Printed Material includes Climenhaga's poetry magazines, published by him under his publishing company, Transient Press, and other research journals and books.

Climenhaga, Joel
Alice C. Nichols papers
US US kmk P1987.08 · Collection · 1914-1961

The Alice C. Nichols papers (1922-1962) contain correspondence, notebooks, tax records, book typescripts, drafts of articles, newspaper clippings and printed material. These items document the time in which Ms. Nichols established herself as a writer from the age of nine until her death in 1969, with special emphasis on the year 1954 when her most notable publication, Bleeding Kansas, was published.
The papers are housed in five boxes constituting two linear feet. The papers are divided into five series: 1) correspondence, 2) notebooks and notes, 3) financial records, 4) literary productions and 5) printed material. Each series is arranged chronologically.
The correspondence series includes the years 1942-1961. it contains both personal and business letters. The personal correspondence is generally congratulatory during the time Ms. Nichols wrote and published Bleeding Kansas.The business correspondence deals with magazine editors of Country Gentlemen, Men's Wear, American Home, Collier's, Ladies' Home Journal and Farm Journal with whom Ms. Nichols collaborated when she worked for the United States Department of Agriculture as food guide editor. The majority of the business correspondence is with Oxford university Press, publishers of Bleeding Kansas. Some notable correspondents include Milton Eisenhower when he was President of Pennsylvania State college and Dwight D. Eisenhower. Correspondents from Kansas include Robert Conover of the English Department of Kansas State College and the staff of the Kansas State Historical Society.
The next series, notebooks and notes, include notes for two literary works ("A Group of Joe Nelson" and "The Self Possessed"), geology notes, class notes, and notes taken from a meeting in Liberal, Kansas. Financial records, series three, are from 1947 to 1956. The contain U.S. and New York State income tax returns, profit shares from Western Printing and Lithographing, inc., a royalty account at Oxford university Press and the results of a trip to the Saratoga Racetrack.
The literary productions series is divided into five sub-series: 1) books, 2) photostats, 3) articles, 4) article summaries and 5) drafts. Two complete typescripts and one carbon copy are included in the books sub-series. The two books, both written by Ms. Nichols, are entitled D.A. Fay and One Destiny. Within the photostats are maps, newspapers and illustrations proposed to be included in Bleeding Kansas. The 27 articles are primarily children's short stories. They were written when Ms. Nichols was employed by Artist and Writers Guild, Inc.
The summaries of articles by Ms. Nichols include seven articles written about such topics as the Reformation, free will, letter writing, medieval church, and modern science. They were apparently completed just before Ms. Nichols' death in 1969. The drafts are hand and typewritten stories, predominately unfinished, with one finished work: "Heracitus on Essays in Optimism".
The series of printed material has five sub-series. The are 1) magazines and articles, 2) newspapers (Nichols Journal), 3) newspapers (originals), 4) newspapers (photocopies) and 5) miscellaneous. Magazines and articles are printed articles from the Century Magazine, each on a different topic, which Ms. Nichols used in her ten-year research process for Bleeding Kansas. The second sub-series contains one issue of The Nichols Journal, Ms. Nichols first publications. She published the small newspaper in Liberal, Kansas when she was nine years old.
The third and fourth sub-series (newspapers, originals and photocopies) cover the years 1947-1961. The highlight the publication Bleeding Kansas and include reviews, autograph sessions with Ms. Nichols and summaries of her book. Also included in the newspapers sub-series are articles about the history of Liberal and Ms. Nichols' parents. Cities represented among the newspapers are Chicago, San Francisco, Detroit and Atlanta.
The miscellaneous sub-series of publications houses such items as a bookjacket of Bleeding Kansas, a program from the Mid-America Regional Writers Conference held at Kansas State College and a briefing from the United States Court of Appeals, U.S. against James W. Elwell and Co., Inc. and Charleston Stevedoring Company,

Nichols, Alice C
Richard L. D. Morse papers
US US kmk P1987.11 · Collection · 1912-2005

The Richard L.D. Morse Papers provide a broad spectrum of material, which reflect the donor's academic career, topical interests, and professional avocation of consumer service. While some of the papers briefly note his tour of service with the United States Navy in the Second World War and his family life, most of the documents in this collection pertain to Morse's academic endeavors as an educator and consumer advocate. Certain sections of the collection relate to his time as a student and a young professor at Iowa State University and Florida State University, including Morse's own doctoral dissertation and academic correspondence. Other sections collect Morse's records as chair of K-State's Department of Family Economics, mentored student projects and his assistance with the university's Agricultural Experiment Station and the development of several grant projects as well as his own course syllabi, notes, and other related educational material.
Another substantial section of this collection highlights Morse's personal interests on behalf of local and statewide consumers. In places, readers will find correspondence, articles, reports, and newspaper clippings related to the protection of working class and poor Kansans from fraud, credit reporting irregularities, differing interest calculations by area banks, family fiscal planning theories, and advocacy for the aging. For example, several files relate to his work on the behalf of the Kansas Citizens Council on Aging, challenging age-discrimination and advocating for new measures to ensure the proper financing, dignity, medical care, and a level of personal utility for the regions elderly population. Other files relate to his petitioning for the implementation of long overlooked federal food programs to alleviate hunger in Kansas. Still others demonstrate his commitment to many Kansas State University Libraries' educational initiatives, including Treasurer for the Friends of K-State Libraries and co-chairmanship of the Essential Edge Fundraising campaign.

Morse, Richard L. D.
Phi Kappa Phi records
Collection · 1915-1999

This collection contains material ranging from 1915 to 1999 from the Kansas State University chapter of Phi Kappa Phi and was aquired in two different accessions. Included are chapter minutes, membership records, financial reports, banquet programs, various correspondence, awards, original charter, and published materials.
<emph render='bold'>The first accession, U1990.03, includes the following:</emph> Secretary records of membership (1916-1988) organized alphabetically and then chronologically, initiation records (1979-1987), handbooks and minutes (1930s-1980s)
<emph render='bold'>The second accession, U2014.51, includes the following:</emph> Schriver, Edward. <emph render='italic'>In Pursuit of Excellence: The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, 1987-1971</emph>. Orono, Maine: Phi Kappa Phi. 1971. Ritual instructions (1933 and 1948), charter applications, by-laws (1940s), check reciepts (1942-1954), nationals paperwork and materials (1948, 1951, 1956), annual reports (1915-1935, 1944-1958), service hours (1951-1952), correspondence (1915-1935), chapter minutes (1915-1935, 1949-1959), honor roll (1934-), assembly programs (1923-1963), "Phi Kappa Phi Journal" 1.1 1915, and faculty lists (1954-1955).

Phi Kappa Phi, Kansas State University chapter
Pat Patton collection
Collection · 1880–2008

This collection is composed of materials that were gathered and donated by department staff member Pat Patton and includes artifacts, photographs, articles, books, scrapbooks, and other memorabilia related to the history of Kansas State University between the late 1880s and 2008. The materials described in the container list include 1) research topics of Ms. Patton, such as Minnie Howell Champe (first African American woman to graduate from K-State) and the local chapter of Phi Beta Sigma, and 2) items she collected, including athletics materials and documentation of student life and culture.

Patton, Patricia A.
Chet Peters papers
US US kmk U2014.23 · Collection · 1957–1994

This collection is composed of four series, which include photographs and records that document Chet Peters’s employment at Kansas State University (K-State), contributions to professional organizations, personal life, and athletic and recreational pursuits.
K-State Series: These materials document his employment as the Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs at K-State and include correspondence, workshop transcripts and speeches, retirement papers, and photographs from 1957–1985. Materials relating to his involvement as an advisor to Blue Key and Student Government are also included. There are personal clippings from the K-State Collegian on various topics during his time at K-State, as well as information and photographs showing the construction of the Chester E. Peters Recreation Complex in 1980. These materials can be found in Box 1.
Professional Series: This series includes materials relating to Peters’s involvement with the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) between 1972 and 1975. These include notes and programs from annual business meetings, correspondence, regional awards/certificates, and speeches. Materials from his time on the NASPA Coordinating Committee and a speech that was given during his time as the NASPA President in 1972 are included, as well as various NASPA newsletters (The Forum) from the 1980s and 1990s. These materials can be found in Box 2.
Personal Series: The series includes various materials from Peters’s personal life including items from high school, college, and later endeavors such as his sculpting business and church activities. High school yearbooks and college diplomas are included, along with military information and other memorabilia such as patches, certificates, and digital images of plaques. Hundreds of photos of his wooden sculptures displayed in galleries, art shows, and in his home are included, along with sketches and inspirations for his sculptures. There are also a few materials from his work with religious organizations and church camps. Other miscellaneous materials include personal income records, correspondence, cards, awards, newspaper clippings, a box of notecards with inspirational quotes, and a K-State pennant. The dipolmas are in Box 1, photos in Box 5, quote notecards in Box 6, other materials in Boxes 2 and 3, and digital images available upon request.
Recreational Series: This series includes materials involving Peters’s recreational pursuits, specifically running at various races and events between 1975 and 1993. These include photographs, clippings, race maps, bibs, programs, certificates, digital images or medals and ribbons, and records from events with various organizations including the World Veterans Games/Championships, USA and World Masters Track Championships, and the Senior Olympics. These races took place in cities across the United States, as well as in other countries such as Canada, Germany, Finland, Italy, and Australia. This series also includes various materials from Peters’ involvement with the Kansas State Cornhusking Association and includes clippings, cornhusking contest details, and results from 1988 to 1994. These materials are found in Box 4, a few photographs are in Box 5, and digital images available upon request.

Peters, Chester E.