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Nellie Kedzie Jones series
US US kmk U1989.16 · Collection · 1860–1955

The Nellie Kedzie Jones series is part of the College of Human Ecology historical files at Kansas State University. Nellie Sawyer Kedzie Jones was an 1876 alumna who returned to lead domestic science instruction from 1882 until 1897. This series reflects papers related to her and her relatives and friends.
The first subseries pertains to Nellie Sawyer Kedzie Jones with dates between 1889 and 1955. Contents include developments in human ecology and are reflected in publications, printed materials, published works, manuscripts, typescripts, awards, and correspondence. Materials are organized chronologically within each group.
The second subseries is devoted to Howard Murray Jones, Nellie's husband from 1901 until his death in 1953. He was a minister, including time as a professor and administrator at Berea College. Contents include minimal correspondence along with writings, sermons, and printed materials. His sermons are arranged chronologically divided between typed and handwritten. Because he often used sermons twice, there are two dates on the manuscripts. The bulk of the materials pertains to religion and Christianity.
The third through ninth subseries contain information about friends and relatives of Howard and Nellie. Included are documents associated with the Fairchild family (Frank, David, and George Fairchild), Abby and Charles Marlatt, Gertrude and Theodore Jessup, Robert Clark Kedzie (Nellie's first husband who died in 1882), Addison Jones, his father, Ada Alice Tuttle, and Helen M. Jones. Types of material include news articles, correspondence, memoranda, printed materials, scrapbooks, and biographical information.
The tenth subseries includes five items relevant to Nellie: an autograph book, a scrapbook, a personal Bible, an award ribbon, and a leather pouch or wallet (unknown origin or ownership).
The final subseries includes photographs of Nellie and those associated with her. They are divided by group photos, photos of her, and photos of others who include Robert Clark Kedzie, Howard Murray Jones, the Fairchilds, and others.

College of Human Ecology
Bob Newsome papers
US US kmk 2016-17.045 · Collection · 1961–1965

These materials include the 1965 dissertation of Robert Weldon "Bob" Newsome, extension faculty at Kansas State University from 1955 to 1994, titled "A Descriptive Study of the Origin, Development and Recent Major Trends of the Kansas Co-operative Agricultural Extension Service." Also included is his research for the dissertation and includes topics such as law and government, university budgeting, in-service training, adult education, and organization of extension services. Materials range from 1961 to 1965.

Newsome, Bob
US US kmk U2007.03 · Collection · 1913–1969

These materials include correspondence and reports of the the Department of Zoology, as well as sheet music of and tributes to faculty member James E. Ackert, namely Ackert correspondence, 1913–1918; reports from faculty about extending a Ph.D. program in zoology, 1958; faculty proposals regarding a 20-year plan for zoology, circa 1934; faculty comments about uniting zoology and entomology, circa 1945; "Aggie Loyalty" sheet music with words by Florence T. Ackert and music by James E. Ackert, circa 1915; and tributes to Ackert in Transactions of the American Microscopical Society, 1969.

Division of Biology
Vida A. Harris papers
US US kmk 2017-18.015 · Collection · 1915-1970

The collection documents the family, travels, education, and art practice of Kansas State Agricultural College graduate and teacher Vida Agnes Harris (March 29, 1893-May 25, 1985) from 1915-1970. Correspondence includes a letter Harris wrote while working as a domestic science instructor at the American Missionary Society's Tillotson College in Austin, Texas (1915) and letters received from Margaret Justin, Dean of Home Economics (1923-1954). Three diaries record Harris' international trips: Europe (1930); Mexico (1940) and India (1951). Sketches, block prints, paintings, and handmade greeting cards represent her art and design techniques. One folder contains photocopied, handwritten, and typed recipes, a number of them credited to known associates.
Scant photographs and a notebook (1916-1918) pertain to her father, Samuel Murrell Harris (1858-1944), who operated the Hillside Dairy in Manhattan, Kansas. The photographs were taken during the early 1940s, and used by Ruth Linquist in her 1946 publication, Using and Sharing Our Hours (Chapel Hill, N.C.). Samuel M. Harris is shown at the site of his old barn, located at 700 Harris Avenue. Kansas State's Memorial Stadium, Anderson and Seaton Halls, and power plant may be seen in the distance.

Harris, Vida A.
Robert Bontrager papers
US US kmk U2011.38 · Collection · 1964-1978

This collection includes serial publications from African-American publishers throughout the nation between 1964 and 1978.  Robert Bontrager used these materials to teach his "Black Press in America" course from 1970 to 1989.  There is representation from national publications like Ebony Jr! and The Journal of Negro Education, as well as smaller publications like Sepia (Fort Worth, Texas) and The Facts (Seattle, Washington).

Bontrager, Robert
Tessie Agan papers
Collection · 1875-1984

This collection includes biographical information, correspondence, research materials, photographic materials, and other documentation of Tessie Agan and her professional studies, especially related to farm home design, space utilization, urban renewal, and aging. It contains pamphlets on the proper design of a farm home with other printed materials devoted to kitchens, living rooms, dining areas, cupboards, storage walls, and proper lighting. The collection also contains studies on the amount of time and labor spent on laundry and cleaning the bathroom, as well as the benefits of "garbage grinders" in a kitchen. Other areas of the collection are devoted to public housing needs for elderly and diverse populations, space requirements for preschool children, and research on children from a social service perspective.

Agan, Tessie
Chet Peters papers
US US kmk U2014.23 · Collection · 1957–1994

This collection is composed of four series, which include photographs and records that document Chet Peters’s employment at Kansas State University (K-State), contributions to professional organizations, personal life, and athletic and recreational pursuits.
K-State Series: These materials document his employment as the Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs at K-State and include correspondence, workshop transcripts and speeches, retirement papers, and photographs from 1957–1985. Materials relating to his involvement as an advisor to Blue Key and Student Government are also included. There are personal clippings from the K-State Collegian on various topics during his time at K-State, as well as information and photographs showing the construction of the Chester E. Peters Recreation Complex in 1980. These materials can be found in Box 1.
Professional Series: This series includes materials relating to Peters’s involvement with the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) between 1972 and 1975. These include notes and programs from annual business meetings, correspondence, regional awards/certificates, and speeches. Materials from his time on the NASPA Coordinating Committee and a speech that was given during his time as the NASPA President in 1972 are included, as well as various NASPA newsletters (The Forum) from the 1980s and 1990s. These materials can be found in Box 2.
Personal Series: The series includes various materials from Peters’s personal life including items from high school, college, and later endeavors such as his sculpting business and church activities. High school yearbooks and college diplomas are included, along with military information and other memorabilia such as patches, certificates, and digital images of plaques. Hundreds of photos of his wooden sculptures displayed in galleries, art shows, and in his home are included, along with sketches and inspirations for his sculptures. There are also a few materials from his work with religious organizations and church camps. Other miscellaneous materials include personal income records, correspondence, cards, awards, newspaper clippings, a box of notecards with inspirational quotes, and a K-State pennant. The dipolmas are in Box 1, photos in Box 5, quote notecards in Box 6, other materials in Boxes 2 and 3, and digital images available upon request.
Recreational Series: This series includes materials involving Peters’s recreational pursuits, specifically running at various races and events between 1975 and 1993. These include photographs, clippings, race maps, bibs, programs, certificates, digital images or medals and ribbons, and records from events with various organizations including the World Veterans Games/Championships, USA and World Masters Track Championships, and the Senior Olympics. These races took place in cities across the United States, as well as in other countries such as Canada, Germany, Finland, Italy, and Australia. This series also includes various materials from Peters’ involvement with the Kansas State Cornhusking Association and includes clippings, cornhusking contest details, and results from 1988 to 1994. These materials are found in Box 4, a few photographs are in Box 5, and digital images available upon request.

Peters, Chester E.
Dick McDonald papers
US US kmk 2015-16.018 · Collection · 1977–1996

This collection details the construction and 1981 collapse of the walkways in the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Kansas City through the records of Richard (Dick) McDonald, an investigator of the accident. Included are preliminary designs and calculations, as well as finalized designs and plans for the hotel walkways. A large portion of the collection gives insight into the investigation by the National Bureau of Standards, including photographs, slides, and notes. Another feature of this collection is McDonald's teaching materials at Kansas State University in the subjects of architecture, applied mechanics, and design from 1969 to 1990. This collection includes detailed descriptions of his classes through his portfolios, as well as one folder of three sketches.

McDonald, Charles Richard (Dick)
Pat O'Brien papers
Collection · 1965–2005

Materials held in this collection pertain to professor emerita of archeology and anthropology Patricia "Pat" J. O’Brien and her nearly 31-year career at Kansas State University. The collection includes proposals for expanded curricula within the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work, reviews of this department from the Kansas Board of Regents, and documentation of events relative to the 500th anniversary of Columbus reaching the New World. Other contents include photographs from 2005 razing of the Kansas Artificial Breeding Service buildings that were on the original site of Bluemont Central College (K-State predecessor and the first site of K-State), documentation related to the Bluemont Central College monument, recorded and scripted correspondence between Pat and her friends, her latest curriculum vitae (2004), and limited correspondence with other renowned archeologists and anthropologists. Also included are oral histories with Abby Lindsey Marlatt in September 2005.

O’Brien, Patricia J.
Don L. Good papers
Collection · 1924–2008

This collection documents the academic career of Don L. Good, noted livestock judge and head of the Department of Animal Sciences and Industry at Kansas State University (1966–1987). A wide range of materials are include from lantern slides to publications to journals documenting trips abroad, and date from 1923 to 2008. The collection has been divided into series based on material types.
The Artifact series includes certificates, awards, banners, business cards, and plaques.
The Audio-Visual series consists primarily of photographs and negatives documenting department activities (1924-1988), as well as photo albums and scrapbooks. Some of the activities highlighted are livestock shows and judging teams, Weber Hall, the U. S. Beef Symposium, and the 1950 International Team. Glass negatives and lantern slides have been relocated to allow for better preservation of fragile materials.
The Block and Bridle series (1940-2006) documents the student organization's activities and events such as their annual banquet and involvement in Little American Royal. Block and Bridle yearbooks from other universities are also included.
The Conference series (1959-2003) records Dr. Good's involvement in various professional activities such as contests, shows, sales, expos, state and county fairs, conventions, and forums. Some of the events included are Beef Cattle Efficiency Forum, 1984; Angus Forum: Century of Angus in the U.S.A., 1973; Hereford Association meeting, 1959; Beef Empire Live & Carcass Show, 1973; International Cattlemen's Expo, 1969, and Nebraska State Fair, 1980 and 1982.
The correspondence series (1954-1991) consists of fourteen items including individual correspondence and letters concerning tenure, academic credentials, the 17th Stockman's Dinner, and departmental print orders.
The International Meat and Livestock Program (IMLP) (1989-2001) consists of papers contributed by various countries, from Africa to Ukraine. Animal health, veterinary practices, beef production, meat processing, feed processing, herd management, genetics, and molecular biology are some of the topics covered.
The International Trips series covers travel to Nigeria, 1968-1969, Turkey, 1971, and England & Scotland, 1971.
The Judging series (1932-2003) focuses primarily on the livestock (1948-2003) and dairy (1969-1987) judging teams. Other topics include the Intercollegiate Meat Judging Contest, the wool team, American Royal, Kansas State Fair, and judging in general.
The Livestock and Meat Industry Council (LMIC) (1967-2001) contains organizational information including Articles of Incorporation, Board meetings, correspondence, minutes, agendas, memos, and financial records.
Printed material (1885-2006) contains university and departmental publications, as well as books and articles that reflect Dr. Good's professional interests. Included with this series are departmental policies and memos, faculty meeting minutes, and expansion plans. The two titles with the largest number of issues are the College of Agriculture Teaching Newsletter and Monday Morning Updates.
The Public Speaking series (1950-1998) contains speeches and public talks given at a variety of events from the Americal Royal to the Z-Bar Ranch, taking place across Kansas and various locations around the country.
The Saddle and Sirloin series (1970-2004) contains recommendations and biographies.
The Yearly Planners series (1968-1987) contains planners and/or calendars.
The Restricted series contains one box of Patton Farm records, undated.

Good, Don L.
Diana Farmer papers
US US kmk 2016-17.035 · Collection · 2005–2009

Materials include information, planning, and training related to Kansas State University's Afghanistan World Bank Grants projects that K-State Libraries' faculty member Diana Farmer participated in from 2008 to 2009. Elements included selecting and providing textbooks to Kabul University and Balkh University, travel and training components for the Kansas Agribusiness Development Team, counterinsurgency training, and other materials between 2005 and 2009.

Farmer, Diana
US US kmk U2014.14 · Collection · 1956–2013

This collection includes research and personal materials of Stephen L. and Enid Stover from 1956 to 2013. The bulk of the papers is from Stephen's time as a geography professor at Kansas State University, with his slides, diaries, and manuscripts dealing with global geography, Kansas agriculture, and the scholarship and instruction of his academic department. Major topical areas include Kansas, New Zealand, Australia, Stover genealogical materials, and extensive information on geographic subjects from around the world. Additional materials are from Enid, Stephen's wife, and include personal documents, works of poetry, and teaching materials. Included are Enid's diaries from 1981 to 2004 (some missing years), some identification cards, drafts of her poetry, and drafts of Sue Stover's 2012 biography of Enid and of a 2014 publication of Enid's poetry.

Stover, Stephen L.
Schulz Family papers
Collection · 2009-2014

These papers include correspondence, photographs, publications, audio/visual items, events ephemera, and a poster.  The papers span from early 2009 to early 2011 and document the Schulz family’s activities after moving to Manhattan, Kansas.   These activities included Kirk Schulz’s presidency at Kansas State University, K-State sporting events, partnerships with Fort Riley, and Noel Schulz’s work with women’s issues.  The correspondence in this collection is predominately cards sent to the family for the inauguration of Kirk Schulz, and others wishing the family well.  The publications consist mainly of newspapers and other materials documenting the Schulz inauguration, as well as other major events at Kansas State University that included athletic competitions and the hiring of major Kansas State personnel.  The remainder of the material in the collection pertains to the presidency of Kirk Schulz.

Schulz family
US US kmk 2016-17.025 · Collection · 1947-2014

The Ernie and Bonnie Barrett papers include photographs, scrapbooks, artifacts, and other documentation relevant to their lives from 1947 to 2014. Box 1 includes photographic materials related to Bonnie from the 1940s to 1969, Ernie's basketball career from 1947 to 1955, the 1951 Kansas River flood in Manhattan, and family activities from 1951 to 1974. Also included are wedding and other correspondence from 1951 and 1958, documentation of family activities from 1951 to 1997, and “Palm Springs Life” magazine covers with one or both of them depicted from 1994 to 1997. The wedding photographs include a number of Bonnie's relatives: Peggy Sue Frommer, Deanna Frommer, Henry and Juanita Frommer, Alleta Frommer, Gene Frommer, Frank Frommer, Edith and George Frommer, and Mary and Walt Frommer.

Box 2 includes photographic materials, clippings, and other information pertaining to K-State football bowl games (1997 Fiesta Bowl and 2002 Holiday Bowl), Tex Winter’s 2011 induction to the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame, family and friends from 1981 to 2002, and the local chapter of the Blue Key Senior Honorary Society from 2003 and 2014.

Boxes 3 and 4 are family photographs, primarily of Bonnie, Ernie, and their two children (Duane and Brad) from the 1980s to 1995.

Boxes 5, 6, and 7 contain photograph albums related to family experiences and travels (1953 to 2001), K-State football bowl games (1993 to 1997), golf tournaments in the 1990s, and other K-State Athletics events from about 1990 to 2009 (Dev Nelson Press Box dedication, K-State Hall of Fame ceremonies, fundraisers, and the Mr. K-State statue dedication). Many of the albums of K-State events were created by George McCandless, an amateur photographer from the early 1990s to 2013.

Box 8 includes numerous plaques and a helmet signed by K-State football staff dating from about 1951 to about 2014. Also included are some strips of photographic negatives.

Box 9 contains a scrapbook describing a basketball team on which Ernie played while at Sandia Base during his time in the U.S. Air Force. It also includes other photographs, awards, and similar items related to Ernie’s high school, collegiate, and professional basketball career.

One oversize folder includes a matted photograph of Ernie from his collegiate time, a poster memorializing Ernie’s high school team, and a photograph of the 2009–2010 K-State men’s basketball team during a timeout.

Barrett, Ernie Drew
John C. Reese papers
US US kmk 2015-16.060 · Collection · 1971–2015

The John C. Reese papers include a 2013 curriculum vitae, a 2006 grant application, and reprinted publications from 1971 to 2015 of Kansas State University entomology professor John C. Reese. An expert in plant host resistance, Reese's papers document his career and associated research.

Reese, John C.
Donna C. Roper papers
US US kmk 2016-17.039 · Collection · 1929-2015

The Donna C. Roper papers includes the research documents and publications of Dr. Donna C. Roper, prolific archaeologist who made major research contributions, particularly in the Central Plains region of North America. This collection is separated into six series. The first series, field of compliance project records, containing print and electronic copies of documents such as proposals, project correspondence, site survey forms, field notes, and maps of sites. The second series is research and interpretation records, containing preliminary and final reports, data records such as artifact catalogs and dating, photographs, unfinished or draft manuscripts, published works such as journal articles, and conference papers. Professional service records include graduate committee correspondence, published book reviews, nominations for National Historic Landmarks, recommendation letters, teaching records, etc. the fourth series is for personal records, containing vitae, awards, and other things such as personal correspondence and diplomas. The fifth series contains bound publications, such as bound archaeological journals and published reports. The sixth series are oversized maps that could not fit with the rest of the collection. An estimated 2,000 slides and 500 print negatives are included in the second series with research records. The collection covers a temporal range from 1929 to 2015.

Roper, Donna C.
Curtis Kastner papers
US US kmk 2015-16.055 · Collection

The collection maintains the papers of Curtis Kastner, Ph.D. regarding his educational and professional career at Kansas State University. The bulk of the collection is included in the Instructional Material and Research/Professional Development series’ which hold research proposals, class syllabi, presentations, and conference materials. The carcass disposal research is contained in the Research and Professional Development series, however, the information is particularly important to the development of the Food Science Institute and the later Biosecurity Research Institute. Both of which Kastner played a large role in developing. Other records include faculty meeting agenda, faculty correspondence, and developmental material related to the Food Science and Biosecurity Research Institutes at Kansas State.

Kastner, Curtis L.
Barry Flinchbaugh papers
US US kmk U2014.10 · Collection

This collection documents the academic career of Dr. Barry Flinchbaugh, professor emeritus of agricultural economics, noted speaker, and former assistant to Kansas State University president.
This collection has been arranged in the following series: correspondence, reports, professional activities, speeches, press releases, schedules, course materials, people to people, subject files, personal files, publications, and audiovisual materials. With correspondence compromising the majority of the material. A bulk of the communication is from his time as special assistant to President Duane Acker. With the second-largest amount concerning his work on farm bills, legislation, and lobbying. The remainder of the correspondence handles professional matters, arranging overseas trips, scheduling talks, and general correspondence with personal & professional contacts.
The collection also contains speeches, with and without visual aids, given by Flinchbaugh on a variety of subjects involving agricultural economics. The collection also includes materials such as Kansas agricultural extension history, professional accomplishments, extracurricular involvement including Alpha Kappa Lambda Social Fraternity & Kansas Agricultural and Rural leadership organization, course prep, and outlines, and numerous VHS and cassette tapes in which he is a featured speaker.
It also includes a number of diverse materials including schedules, artifacts (a boomerang and a protest sign), awards, book drafts, and photographs from his numerous international trips through the People to People group.

Barry L. Flinchbaugh