Photographs, correspondence, articles, news clippings, personal papers and other documents describing the life and career of Thomas Cruise Palmer (KSC, 1938), who from 1952 to 1977 served in various editorial positions with the Kansas City Star and Times, including ten years as executive editor. An advocate and supporter of K-State and its journalism program, Palmer was instrumental in acquiring the endowment establishing the A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications. News articles, photographs and military records describe Palmer’s service in the Navy in the Pacific during World War II, including his experience onboard the first Navy ship to enter Shanghai after the end of the war. Materials also include articles written by Palmer during his time at the Star, items related to his activities as a student and, later, a supporter of K-State, personal and family history-related documents and photographs with Robert Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Ginger Rogers and other notables.
Palmer, Thomas Cruise
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