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Archival description
Box 1
Box 1
Folder 3: 1974
Folder 3: 1974
Folder 5: 1978
Folder 5: 1978
Folder 6: 1979
Folder 6: 1979
Folder 9: 1982
Folder 9: 1982
Folder 10: 1983
Folder 10: 1983
Folder 11: 1984
Folder 11: 1984
Folder 13: 1986
Folder 13: 1986
Folder 15: 1988
Folder 15: 1988
Folder 16: 1989
Folder 16: 1989
Folder 17: 1989
Folder 17: 1989
Folder 18: 1990
Folder 18: 1990
Folder 25: 1999
Folder 25: 1999
Folder 26: 2000
Folder 26: 2000
Folder 28: 2002
Folder 28: 2002
Folder 30: Undated
Folder 30: Undated
Folder 31: Appreciation Award, Award from Lions Club
Folder 31: Appreciation Award, Award from Lions Club
Folder 38: Arthur Hoyt Scott Garden and Horticulture Award
Folder 38: Arthur Hoyt Scott Garden and Horticulture Award
Folder 40: Arthur Hoyt Scott Garden and Horticulture Award
Folder 40: Arthur Hoyt Scott Garden and Horticulture Award
Folder 7: "Environmental Issues," New York High School, New York City, NY
Folder 7: "Environmental Issues," New York High School, New York City, NY
Folder 10: "Human Beautification through Gardening," Lake Erie College, Painesville, OH
Folder 10: "Human Beautification through Gardening," Lake Erie College, Painesville, OH
Folder 12: “People-Plants,” University of Illinois, Chicago, IL
Folder 12: “People-Plants,” University of Illinois, Chicago, IL
Folder 16: "Human Response to Plants: A Man-Enviroment Relationship," University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI
Folder 16: "Human Response to Plants: A Man-Enviroment Relationship," University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI
Folder 19: [Plants from A Human Perspective], Norte Dame, IN
Folder 19: [Plants from A Human Perspective], Norte Dame, IN
Folder 20: “Human Response to Plants,” Horticulture 360 Class, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Folder 20: “Human Response to Plants,” Horticulture 360 Class, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Folder 21: "Human Response to Plants," Purdue Floriculture, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Folder 21: "Human Response to Plants," Purdue Floriculture, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Folder 22: "People/Plant Interaction," Wheaton Public Library, [unknown location]
Folder 22: "People/Plant Interaction," Wheaton Public Library, [unknown location]
Folder 27: [People and Plants and How They Affect Each Other], Garden Club of America, Denver, CO
Folder 27: [People and Plants and How They Affect Each Other], Garden Club of America, Denver, CO
Folder 30: [People-Plant Interaction], Lunching & Learning, [unknown location]
Folder 30: [People-Plant Interaction], Lunching & Learning, [unknown location]
Folder 39: "People/Plants," Fall Festival, [The Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL]
Folder 39: "People/Plants," Fall Festival, [The Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL]
Folder 1: "Sunday Afternoon Lecture," [unknown location]
Folder 1: "Sunday Afternoon Lecture," [unknown location]
Folder 2: "People-Plant Interaction: A New Horticultural Perspective, The Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL
Folder 2: "People-Plant Interaction: A New Horticultural Perspective, The Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL
Folder 20: "People-Plant Interaction: Blessings and Curses," American Horticultural Society 40th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL
Folder 20: "People-Plant Interaction: Blessings and Curses," American Horticultural Society 40th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL
Folder 23: "Human Responses to Vegetation," 18th Annual Arborists Seminar, Chicago, IL
Folder 23: "Human Responses to Vegetation," 18th Annual Arborists Seminar, Chicago, IL
Folder 24: "Human Responses to Vegetation," 18th Annual Arborists Seminar, Chicago, IL
Folder 24: "Human Responses to Vegetation," 18th Annual Arborists Seminar, Chicago, IL
Folder 26: "A Horticulturist Looks at Management," Longwood Lecture, Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square, PA
Folder 26: "A Horticulturist Looks at Management," Longwood Lecture, Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square, PA
Folder 28: "People and Plants: Blessing and Curse," Green Valley Award Dinner, Dayton, OH
Folder 28: "People and Plants: Blessing and Curse," Green Valley Award Dinner, Dayton, OH
Folder 29: "Horticultural Therapy - What Is It?" Wegerzyn Garden Center, Dayton, OH
Folder 29: "Horticultural Therapy - What Is It?" Wegerzyn Garden Center, Dayton, OH
Folder 31: "People-Plant Interaction: Blessings and Curses," The Fifth Perry Johnson Memorial Lecture, Center for Urban Horticulture, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Folder 31: "People-Plant Interaction: Blessings and Curses," The Fifth Perry Johnson Memorial Lecture, Center for Urban Horticulture, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Folder 1: "Human Responses to Natural and Manipulated Landscapes," The Zimmerman Winter Lectures, The Education Center Auditorium, Chicago Botanic Garden, Chicago, IL
Folder 1: "Human Responses to Natural and Manipulated Landscapes," The Zimmerman Winter Lectures, The Education Center Auditorium, Chicago Botanic Garden, Chicago, IL
Folder 7: "Gardens and Gardening: A Human Perspective," Meanings of the Garden Conference, University of California, Davis, CA
Folder 7: "Gardens and Gardening: A Human Perspective," Meanings of the Garden Conference, University of California, Davis, CA
Folder 11: "Mastergardener Lecture," Mastergardener Dinner, Lake County, IN
Folder 11: "Mastergardener Lecture," Mastergardener Dinner, Lake County, IN
Folder 15: "International Botanic Gardens and Arboreta: Their Value to Park and Recreation Management," The 15th International Federation of Park and Recreation Administration (IFPRA) Congress, Greensboro, NC
Folder 15: "International Botanic Gardens and Arboreta: Their Value to Park and Recreation Management," The 15th International Federation of Park and Recreation Administration (IFPRA) Congress, Greensboro, NC
Folder 20: "Personal Benefits of Gardening," Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Brooklyn, NY
Folder 20: "Personal Benefits of Gardening," Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Brooklyn, NY
Folder 22: "Landscapes in the Mind," Fourth National Urban Forestry Conference, The Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL
Folder 22: "Landscapes in the Mind," Fourth National Urban Forestry Conference, The Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL
Folder 1: "Plants From a Human Context," American Horticultural Therapy Association, Albuquerque, NM
Folder 1: "Plants From a Human Context," American Horticultural Therapy Association, Albuquerque, NM
Folder 5: "The Experience of Nature at the Arboretum," The Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL
Folder 5: "The Experience of Nature at the Arboretum," The Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL
Folder 7: "How Do You Know the Arboretum-Resource or Experience?" The Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL
Folder 7: "How Do You Know the Arboretum-Resource or Experience?" The Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL
Folder 12: "People Plant Relationships," Albuquerque Community Gardening Meeting, Albuquerque, NM
Folder 12: "People Plant Relationships," Albuquerque Community Gardening Meeting, Albuquerque, NM
Folder 19: "AHTA Past, Present and Future: Where Have We Been, Where Are We Now and Where Are We Headed?"  American Horticultural Therapy Association, Grand Rapids, MI
Folder 19: "AHTA Past, Present and Future: Where Have We Been, Where Are We Now and Where Are We Headed?"  American Horticultural Therapy Association, Grand Rapids, MI