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Robertson Corporation records
Robertson Corporation records
Item 3: Lawlein, S. J. and Newton C. Evans. <emph render='italic'>Milling Chemistry Questions and Answers</emph>. (Chicago, IL: National Miller)
Item 3: Lawlein, S. J. and Newton C. Evans. <emph render='italic'>Milling Chemistry Questions and Answers</emph>. (Chicago, IL: National Miller)
Item 1: Pomeranz, Y. <emph render='italic'>Industrial Uses of Cereals.</emph> (St. Paul, MN: American Association of Cereal Chemists)
Item 1: Pomeranz, Y. <emph render='italic'>Industrial Uses of Cereals.</emph> (St. Paul, MN: American Association of Cereal Chemists)
Item 3: Sherfey, Florence E. <emph render='italic'>Wind in His Sails.</emph> (Spokane, WA: Lawton Printing, Inc.)
Item 3: Sherfey, Florence E. <emph render='italic'>Wind in His Sails.</emph> (Spokane, WA: Lawton Printing, Inc.)
Item 1: Bags
Item 1: Bags
Item 4: Coins, Commemorative, 9 each
Item 4: Coins, Commemorative, 9 each
Item 5: Flour Slicks
Item 5: Flour Slicks
Item 8: Tags, Shipping
Item 8: Tags, Shipping
Item 4: <emph render='italic'>Feedstuffs: Feed Additive Compendium Issue</emph>. (Minneapolis, MN: Miller Publishing Company)
Item 4: <emph render='italic'>Feedstuffs: Feed Additive Compendium Issue</emph>. (Minneapolis, MN: Miller Publishing Company)
Item 2: Haines, Tom. <emph render='italic'>Flouring Mills of Montana Territory</emph>. (Friends of the University of Montana Library)
Item 2: Haines, Tom. <emph render='italic'>Flouring Mills of Montana Territory</emph>. (Friends of the University of Montana Library)
Folder 4: Miller, Edgar S. <emph render='italic'>Studies in Practical Milling</emph>. (Minneapolis, MN: Miller Publishing Company)
Folder 4: Miller, Edgar S. <emph render='italic'>Studies in Practical Milling</emph>. (Minneapolis, MN: Miller Publishing Company)
Item 2: Sherfey, Florence E. <emph render='italic'>Eastern Washington's Vanished Gristmills and the Men Who Ran Them</emph>. (Fairfield, WA: Ye Galleon Press)
Item 2: Sherfey, Florence E. <emph render='italic'>Eastern Washington's Vanished Gristmills and the Men Who Ran Them</emph>. (Fairfield, WA: Ye Galleon Press)
Box 40
Box 40
Item 3: Calenders
Item 3: Calenders
Item 7: Pen, Ink, Robertson Corporation
Item 7: Pen, Ink, Robertson Corporation
Item 1: Frame, Robert Murray, III. <emph render='italic'>The Progressive Millers: A Cultural and Intellectual Portrait of the Flour Milling Industry, 1870-1930, Focusing on Minneapolis, Minnesota.</emph> (Ann Harbor, MI: University of Microfilms International)
Item 1: Frame, Robert Murray, III. <emph render='italic'>The Progressive Millers: A Cultural and Intellectual Portrait of the Flour Milling Industry, 1870-1930, Focusing on Minneapolis, Minnesota.</emph> (Ann Harbor, MI: University of Microfilms International)
Item 5: <emph render='italic'>Plans of Grain Elevators, Edition No. 4. </emph>(Chicago, IL: Grain Dealers Journal)
Item 5: <emph render='italic'>Plans of Grain Elevators, Edition No. 4. </emph>(Chicago, IL: Grain Dealers Journal)
Item 4: Steen, Herman. <emph render='italic'>Flour Milling in America</emph>. (Minneapolis, MN: T. S. Denison & Company, Inc.)
Item 4: Steen, Herman. <emph render='italic'>Flour Milling in America</emph>. (Minneapolis, MN: T. S. Denison & Company, Inc.)
Item 2: Business Cards
Item 2: Business Cards
Item 6: Key Chain, Great Southern Plywood
Item 6: Key Chain, Great Southern Plywood
Item 3: <emph render='italic'>The Consolidated Grain Milling Catalogs, Edition No 5</emph>. (Chicago, IL: National Millers Publications, Inc.)
Item 3: <emph render='italic'>The Consolidated Grain Milling Catalogs, Edition No 5</emph>. (Chicago, IL: National Millers Publications, Inc.)
Folder 14: Smithsonian Reception. (Cereal Foods World)
Folder 14: Smithsonian Reception. (Cereal Foods World)
Folder 19: <emph render='italic'>Tetcosilk</emph>. (New York, NY: Rolber, Ernst and Traber, Inc.)
Folder 19: <emph render='italic'>Tetcosilk</emph>. (New York, NY: Rolber, Ernst and Traber, Inc.)
Folder 21: <emph render='italic'>Thomson Commodity Report</emph>. (New York, NY: Thomas & McKinnon Auchincloss Kohlmeyer, Inc.)
Folder 21: <emph render='italic'>Thomson Commodity Report</emph>. (New York, NY: Thomas & McKinnon Auchincloss Kohlmeyer, Inc.)
Folder 31: <emph render='italic'>Western Corn Shellers and Cleaners.</emph> (Decatur, IL: Union Iron Works)
Folder 31: <emph render='italic'>Western Corn Shellers and Cleaners.</emph> (Decatur, IL: Union Iron Works)
Folder 33: What About Glue Extender Flour? (Brownstown, IN: Ewing Mill Company)
Folder 33: What About Glue Extender Flour? (Brownstown, IN: Ewing Mill Company)
Folder 36: The Whirlaway is Practical and Durable. (Jefferson City, MO: J. E. Hagan Mill Machinery)
Folder 36: The Whirlaway is Practical and Durable. (Jefferson City, MO: J. E. Hagan Mill Machinery)
Folder 37: <emph render='italic'>You Too, Can Shell Corn More Profitably With the New Corn Master Sheller</emph>. (Ashland, OH: Sanders Grain Machinery)
Folder 37: <emph render='italic'>You Too, Can Shell Corn More Profitably With the New Corn Master Sheller</emph>. (Ashland, OH: Sanders Grain Machinery)
Folder 16: <emph render='italic'>Sprout-Waldron Rotary Crusher Feeder.</emph> (Muncy, PA: Sprout-Waldron)
Folder 16: <emph render='italic'>Sprout-Waldron Rotary Crusher Feeder.</emph> (Muncy, PA: Sprout-Waldron)
Folder 17: <emph render='italic'>Srpout-Waldron Custon Grind Hammer Mill</emph>. (Muncy, PA: Sprout-Waldron)
Folder 17: <emph render='italic'>Srpout-Waldron Custon Grind Hammer Mill</emph>. (Muncy, PA: Sprout-Waldron)
Folder 23: <emph render='italic'>Time Magazine</emph>. (Chicago, IL: Time Inc.)
Folder 23: <emph render='italic'>Time Magazine</emph>. (Chicago, IL: Time Inc.)
Folder 34: <emph render='italic'>Wheat Abstracts.</emph> (Lincoln, NE: Nebraska College of Agriculture)
Folder 34: <emph render='italic'>Wheat Abstracts.</emph> (Lincoln, NE: Nebraska College of Agriculture)
Folder 35: <emph render='italic'>Wheat Situation.</emph> (Washington, D.C.: U. D. Department of Agriculture)
Folder 35: <emph render='italic'>Wheat Situation.</emph> (Washington, D.C.: U. D. Department of Agriculture)
Item 2: <emph render='italic'>Consolidated Grain Milling Catalogs and Engineering Bluebook...Edition No. 10. </emph>(Prospect Heights, IL: Consolidated Catalogs, Inc.)
Item 2: <emph render='italic'>Consolidated Grain Milling Catalogs and Engineering Bluebook...Edition No. 10. </emph>(Prospect Heights, IL: Consolidated Catalogs, Inc.)
Folder 13: Smithsonian Donation. (Kansas City, MO: Milling and Baking News)
Folder 13: Smithsonian Donation. (Kansas City, MO: Milling and Baking News)
Folder 15: "Spreading Glue by Spraying<emph render='italic'>."</emph> (<emph render='italic'>Veneers and Plywood</emph>)
Folder 15: "Spreading Glue by Spraying<emph render='italic'>."</emph> (<emph render='italic'>Veneers and Plywood</emph>)
Folder 18: <emph render='italic'>The Sprout-Waldron Sack Cleaner</emph>. (Muncy, PA: Sprout-Waldron and Company, Inc.)
Folder 18: <emph render='italic'>The Sprout-Waldron Sack Cleaner</emph>. (Muncy, PA: Sprout-Waldron and Company, Inc.)
Folder 24: <emph render='italic'>Time Magazine</emph>. (Los Angeles, CA: Time Inc.)
Folder 24: <emph render='italic'>Time Magazine</emph>. (Los Angeles, CA: Time Inc.)
Folder 25: <emph render='italic'>Triple-R Dog Food</emph>. (Brownstown, IN: Ewing Mill Company)
Folder 25: <emph render='italic'>Triple-R Dog Food</emph>. (Brownstown, IN: Ewing Mill Company)
Folder 30: "We've Moved." (Wichita, KS: Kice Industries)
Folder 30: "We've Moved." (Wichita, KS: Kice Industries)
Item 1: <emph render='italic'>Consolidated Catalogs, Edition No. 7</emph> (Chicago, IL: National Millers Publication, Inc.)
Item 1: <emph render='italic'>Consolidated Catalogs, Edition No. 7</emph> (Chicago, IL: National Millers Publication, Inc.)
Folder 20: <emph render='italic'>The Only School in the World.</emph> (Manhattan, KS: Kansas State University)
Folder 20: <emph render='italic'>The Only School in the World.</emph> (Manhattan, KS: Kansas State University)
Folder 22: Timber Processing Vol. 13, No. 8. (Montgomer, AL: Hatton-Brown Publishers)
Folder 22: Timber Processing Vol. 13, No. 8. (Montgomer, AL: Hatton-Brown Publishers)
Folder 26: "The Triple-R Family." (Sea Isle City, NJ: Petfood Industry)
Folder 26: "The Triple-R Family." (Sea Isle City, NJ: Petfood Industry)
Folder 27: Twins. (Robertson Corporation)
Folder 27: Twins. (Robertson Corporation)
Folder 28: <emph render='italic'>Uniform Order Bill of Lading</emph>. (Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company)
Folder 28: <emph render='italic'>Uniform Order Bill of Lading</emph>. (Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company)
Folder 29: "United States Department of Agriculture: Agriculture Marketing Service." (Federal Register)
Folder 29: "United States Department of Agriculture: Agriculture Marketing Service." (Federal Register)
Folder 32: <emph render='italic'>Western Corn Shellers and Cleaners Catalog 40</emph>. (Decatur, IL: Union Iron Works)
Folder 32: <emph render='italic'>Western Corn Shellers and Cleaners Catalog 40</emph>. (Decatur, IL: Union Iron Works)
Folder 35: Robertson, Joe E. "Cereal Glue Extenders." Reprinted from <emph render='italic'>Veneers and Plywood.</emph>
Folder 35: Robertson, Joe E. "Cereal Glue Extenders." Reprinted from <emph render='italic'>Veneers and Plywood.</emph>
Folder 41: Robertson, Phil R. "Part Four: Expansion & WWII 1929-1945" (Brownstown, IN: Robertson Corporation)
Folder 41: Robertson, Phil R. "Part Four: Expansion & WWII 1929-1945" (Brownstown, IN: Robertson Corporation)