Correspondence, 1868-75
Correspondence, 1876-87
Ledgers from the College of Engineering consisting of invoices for general repairs and supplies for the College of Engineering.
Box contains incoming correspondence for President George Fairchild from 1888-1891 (G).
Box 2 contains incoming correspondences for President George Fairchild from 1890 (H) -1893 (L).
Box contains incoming correspondence for President George Fairchild from 1892 (M) -1894 (W).
Bonds-Kansas, 1871-1895
Bonds-Oklahoma Territory, 1895-1896
Canadian-Oklahoma Co.
Bonds-Oklahoma Territory, 1895-1896
Bonds-Correspondence, 1870-91
Surety bonds, 1883-1902
Box contains incoming correspondence for President George Fairchild from 1895 (A) -1897 (Z).
Correspondence, 1887-98
Physical Improvements - Buildings, 1878-85
Physical Improvements - Utilities, 1884-89
Ledgers containing invoices for general repairs and supplies for the College of Engineering from 1900-1903
Ledgers containing invoices from the College of Engineering from supplies for machine shop or coal.
Ledgers from the College of Engineering of expenses paid and received from the years 1910-1912
Ledgers from the College of Engineering consisting of invoices that pertain to general repairs, such as things like plumbing or power, done within the scope of the College of Engineering.
Ledgers from the College of Engineering pertaining to expenses put towards things like heat and power, fire protection and other general repairs and supplies needed.
Ledgers from the College of Engineering consisting of invoices pertaining things like additions to the Mechanical Engineering building or invoices pertaining to payroll of student employees.
Ledgers from the College of Engineering consisting of invoices of general repairs and supplies for the College of Engineering as a whole.
Bound notebook of invoices containing estimates for the construction of an Agricultural building.
Ledgers from the College of Engineering filled with invoices from general repairs and supply orders for items for academic use in departments or classes within engineering.
Ledgers from the College of Engineering consisting of invoices for repairs, such Heating and the Agricultural building.
Papers pertaining to the National Youth Administration, also referred to as NYA, for part time jobs and funds for students in the College of Engineering. Applications for NYA and various projects and papers submitted underneath the Administration.
Industrial Engineering faculty files with last names D-J. General information included in files is name of employee, salary, dates of employment, and previous work experience/qualifications as well.
Industrial Engineering faculty files with last names L-R. General information included in files is name of employee, salary, dates of employment, and previous work experience/qualifications as well.
Industrial Engineering faculty files with last names S-Z. General information included in files is name of employee, salary, dates of employment, and previous work experience/qualifications as well.
E.G. Kelly "Plans of Work" Notebooks.
Box includes several annual reports and state supplements of McPherson county from 1943 - 1953. Additionally the box includes 4-H documents regarding castle cozy corner, Andover club documents, and youth surveys. The Box also contains 4-H slides containing images of people, trips, demos/talks, and the process of designing 4H with others.
McPherson County Extension OfficeOversize pictures of the Veterinary Hospital, Dykstra Hall (after 1955), the Anti Hog-Cholera Serum Plant (before 1948), Veterinary College class composite (1918).
"Summary of Unpublished Notes in the Department of Entomology" Roger C. Smith
Team portraits, game photos that include Memorial Stadium
Annual Reports of "Entomology Project" by extension specialists E.G. Kelly and Dell E. Gates.
Photos and Newspaper clippings from the Hospitality days event. Invoices, steering committee meeting minutes, programs, and receipts.
Justin Hall dedication audio reel.
Ms. Jane Barnes scrapbooks of "Highlights in History" from her time as assistant to the Dean, 1954-1960.
Ms. Jane Barnes scrapbooks of "Highlights of History" from her time as assistant to the Dean, 1959-1963.
Game photos, team portraits, player photos, negatives
A significant portion of the box includes Annual reports dated 1955-1961. The box includes state supplements, a county program evaluation guide, a home demonstration unit list, and a slide carousel containing slides from the national 4-H congress. Additionally the box includes a 4-H fair submission on the Andover Club and key events
McPherson 4-H and Related ClubsPhotographs and descriptions of various Agricultural tools for farming and preparing to farm. Some pictures and descriptions include Hydraulics of Irrigation and Drainage, Erosion and Erosion control, and much more pertaining to preparing land to be farmed.
Photographs and descriptions of various Agricultural tools used in the process of farming. Some pictures and descriptions include Electric Motors, Motor Wagon, Electric Wiring. Along with photos about rural electrification there are also educational photos and descriptions about biological and agricultural engineering.
Two large bound notebooks that contain records for Engineering students at Kansas State University with last names through Mc-R. Some of the general information includes hometown, curriculum, date of matriculation, extra curricular activities, and lastly a photograph of each student.
Two large bound notebooks that contain records for Engineering students at Kansas State University with last names through G-L. Some of the general information includes hometown, curriculum, date of matriculation, extra curricular activities, and lastly a photograph of each student.
Administrative council records (1918-1959), administrative council minutes (1960), Dean of Academic Administration records (1951-1964).
Two large bound notebooks that contain records for Engineering students at Kansas State University with last names through A- Carson and Carson- F. Some of the general information includes hometown, curriculum, date of matriculation, extra curricular activities, and lastly a photograph of each student.