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Academic Affairs
Series · 1969 - 1972
Part of Faculty Senate records

The Academic Affairs Committee Series contains 8 boxes ranging from 1969 –1972. The Academic Affairs Committee is a sub-committee of Faculty Senate, this series contains meeting minutes, agendas, and assortment of notes pertaining to academics within Kansas State University. These boxes also contain course and curriculum changes worksheets. Course proposal worksheets and expedited and non-expedited course and curriculum worksheets, and academic policies.

Administrative Records
Series · 1976 - 1992
Part of Faculty Senate records

The Administrative series contains 3 boxes ranging from 1967-1992. It consists of correspondence, reports, and handbooks that pertain to faculty. Some reports represented in this series are the Mercer Report and a Distance Education report. This series also includes office files from Jerry Freiman, who was a past Faculty Senate President.

Part of Helen Brockman collection

This series contains 9 folders pertaining to the drafting of an astrology book written by Helen Brockman. The contents of the folders are star charts, papers of work influence for each astrological sign. Lists of the best career paths for a person based on their astrological sign. Guide on how to deal with Ephemeris. Drafts about each of the planets and the elements they hold and their effect. And lastly rough drafts of the first few chapters of the book itself. Undated

Part of Helen Brockman collection

This Series consists of two folders containing paper drafts of Helen Brockman’s Biography, her resume, and change of employment papers.

Part of Helen Brockman collection

This series contains one oversized box, holding the book “My first attempt at Pattern Development.” The book consists of a series of rough drafts of patterns for clothes and diverse ways to develop them. The date range for this series is Summer 1958.

Series · 1937-2000
Part of College of Engineering records

The College of Engineering series contains generalized material from the College of Engineering, there are photographs from the college along with newspapers and magazines pertaining to Engineering. There are papers and reports as well that orginated out of business from the general tasks from the College of Engineering. The date range for this series is 1937-2000

Concrete Canoe race
Series · 1959-1983
Part of College of Engineering records

The Concrete Canoe race series contains information to an annual race of concrete canoes built by students and faculty from Kansas State University and other various institutions as well. The race is sponsored by the department of Civil Engineering and the American Concrete Institute. The date range for this series is 1959-1983.

College of Engineering
Series · 1986-2003
Part of Dean of Student Life - Pat Bosco records

Contains a significant amount of correspondence from 1986-1994 and 2000-2002. The gaps between these years are somewhat covered by supplemental, typically issue focused, files from 1986-2003. Typically, files will also include attachments associated with, and near to, correspondence, adding context. These attachments include graphs, photos, statistics, reports, and other similar materials.

Series · 1886-1977
Part of College of Engineering records

The Biological and Agricultural Engineering series contains photographs that cover Biological and Agricultural Engineering subjects. Along with slides from Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering faculty members Joseph P. Harner and Pat Murphy. They show reduced tillage, corrals, and proper crop storage in bins and problems that could occur with them and lastly documents with historical information about the Biological and Agricultural Engineering program at Kansas State University. The date range for this series is 1866-1977.

Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Series · 1910-2013
Part of College of Engineering records

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering series contains three boxes consisting of material from the department. It includes faculty portraits, class profiles, Rathbone Hall construction photos, graduate and faculty meeting minutes, an Electrical Engineering Scrapbook, and various pictures and slides documenting different activities and student organizations including Engineering Open House and the Engineering Advisory Council.

College of Engineering
Series · 1920-1945
Part of College of Engineering records

The Department of Industrial Engineering series contains faculty files from the department of Industrial Engineering in the College of Engineering. Files include name of employee, salary, title, resume and other various related job experience information.

Executive Committee
Series · 1956 - 2012
Part of Faculty Senate records

The Executive Committee series consists of 3 boxes ranging from 1956-2012.The Executive Committee is a sub-committee within Faculty senate. This series consists of meeting minutes, agendas, and overall general notes pertaining to the committee. Along with minutes and agendas from the graduate council.

Faculty Affairs Committee
Series · 1967 - 2005
Part of Faculty Senate records

The Faculty affairs series consists of 2 boxes ranging from 1967-2005. Faculty affairs is a sub-committee within Faculty Senate. The series contains meeting minutes and agendas from the Faculty Affairs committee. Along with correspondence and notes pertain to everyday workings of faculty.

Series · 1986 - 2002
Part of Faculty Senate records

The Faculty Senate Committee on University Planning committee series consists of 1 box that ranges from 1986-2002. The Faculty Senate Committee on University Planning, also known as FSCOUP, consists of meeting minutes, agendas, and attendance sheets from the meeting. It also includes notes and plans on university and campus betterment.

Series · 1952 - 2016
Part of Faculty Senate records

The Faculty Senate Meeting Records series consists of 12 boxes ranging from 1952-2016.This series contains meeting minutes and agendas from Faculty senate along with generalized notes that pertain to the overall senate.

Part of Helen Brockman collection

This series consists of one box containing information regarding the patent for patterns to adjust the shoulder seam and shoulder slope and the back to establish better dimensions in the selection and modification of garment patterns. This series also includes prototypes of shoulder slope measurement tool designed by Helen Brockman.

Pattern Drafting Systems
Part of Helen Brockman collection

This series contains 2 boxes that contain two different pattern systems. The Modular Pattern system consists of 11 folders that each hold a different handbook helping draft and create several types of clothes from a basic bodice to a skirt and pants. The other drafting system, The New Metric Pattern Drafting system 6 folders that also hold handbooks helping draft and create clothes but also tips on how to hem them properly as well. The date range for this series is 1976-1993

Patterns and Fashion Visuals
Part of Helen Brockman collection

This series consists of one box containing patterns drafts and templates for proper measurements of clothes. It also contains fashion visuals from vision boards, silhouettes, and inspiration for future fashion projects.

Photographic Materials

Comprised of a single file containing a diverse array of photographic materials related to Michael Jacobson. The collection offers visual insights into Jacobson's work as an advocate for public health, nutrition, and food safety. From snapshots of public appearances and speaking engagements to candid moments captured behind the scenes, these photographs provide a rich visual narrative of Jacobson's early career (1975-1989).

Press Mentions

Series contains "press mentions" and media clippings about the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI). Captures the evolution of CSPI's influence and impact through representation in various newspapers, magazines, online publications, and broadcast media outlets. The series provides insights into the reaction of the media to CSPI's efforts in nutrition, food safety, public awareness campaigns, and legal battles. The integrity of CSPI's original filing system has been maintained. There are two boxes of chronological materials that span from 1971 to 1993. One and a half boxes contain materials from 2004. The rest of the series are sorted alphabetically by heading in two ranges. The "old" range spans from 1982 to 1994 and the "new" range spans from 1994 to 2005. Media organizations represented in the series include: The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, NPR (National Public Radio), BBC News, Reuters, Associated Press (AP), NBC News, CBS News, ABC News, Fox News, The Guardian, USA Today, Politico, The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Time Magazine, Huffington Post, Los Angeles Times, and MSNBC.

Series 1: Academic

This series covers Abby Lindsey Marlatt's professional academic career. This includes workshops, class rolls, student academic work, experiments with data and notes, and academic papers.

Series · 1900-2004
Part of College of Veterinary Medicine records

This series contains administrative and related records from the College of Veterinary Medicine from 1855-2004. This series also functions as a catch-all for the material in this collection that didn’t seem to fit well in the other series. The contents of this series are largely handbooks and manuals, proposals and applications, various records, reports, publications, presentation materials, records related to international programs, material pertaining to campus and its buildings, and a films catalogue which describes some of the video materials of this collection (see: Video Materials, CDs, and Tapes).

This series’ handbooks and manuals include the Veterinary Medicine handbook, the Animal Resource Facility Information handbook, faculty handbooks, student handbooks, and the Manual of Poultry Diseases. The proposals and applications include curriculum proposals, grant applications, construction proposals, long term plans, and development plans.

Records in this series include financial records, record and notebooks, records for specific groups, reports, data and statistics, minutes, correspondence, awards and related documents, publications, presentation information, international program material, and campus and building information. The financial records contain material like account books, budget books, budget justification, and fundraiser information. Veterinary Medicine record books and notebooks can be found in this series, as well as lab records, Developmental Council records, Student Chapter of the American Veterinary Medical Association records, Administrative council records, Dean of Academic Administration records, and Instructional Technology Center records. Similarly, this series contains reports like project reports, accreditation reports, Veterinary Medicine Annual Reports and Audit Reports, Veterinary Medicine growth and development reports, reports of research, reports of programs, reports of experiments, Veterinary Medical Licensing Program reports, Clinic Reports, meeting reports, the New York Women’s League for Animals annual report, reports on Academic Success, self-studies of departments, self-evaluation of programs, and environmental assessments of campus.The data and statistics featured in this series relate to studies pertaining to the College of Veterinary Medicine, like historical statistics of the US, student stress data, Veterinary Medicine admissions data, graduate lists and alumni information, a Kansas State University fact book, History of the Kansas State Agricultural College, Veterinary Medicine history, Comparative Data Summaries, and statistics about animals who have been medical patients.

Minutes found in this series include faculty meeting minutes, faculty council minutes, conference minutes, and administrative council minutes. Correspondence in this series largely pertains to treatment, student jobs, and other universities. The material related to awards and similar documents includes lists of award recipients and nominees, committee information (especially for the Distinguished Service in the Field of Veterinary Medicine Award), certificates, oaths, bylaws, plaques, and the constitution of Veterinary Medicine. This series’ publications include newsletters, newspapers, journal prints, pamphlets, brochures, booklets, reprints (especially faculty reprints), bulletins, speeches, and dissertations. The presentation-related material includes programs, transcripts, publications, and other information related to conferences, lectures, and seminars. The international programs mentioned in this series are the Agency for International Development, the International Agricultural Programs, and Ahmadu Bello University, all of which have to do with the KSU College of Veterinary Medicine’s interaction with Nigeria. Lastly, this series contains information pertaining to campus and its buildings, like diagrams, plans, records of changes to buildings, information on construction, grants, and images.

Part of Pat O'Brien papers

Biographical series contains various biographical information, including photographs of Pat O'Brien and Donna Roper and copies of Pat's CV and obituary. Contents also include miscellaneous newspaper articles and correspondence that are not associated with a dedicated project or research area, award nominations, and society/commission materials. Other materials include a collection of conference booklets and abstracts from the American Indian Workshop, Flint Hills Conference, and Plains Anthropological Conference (1969-2002).