Binnie wrote on pages 1-223 and left several pages blank. There is an index of birds on pages 282-298.
This is a list of birds from N. S. Goss History of the Birds of Kansas published by George W. Crane & Company, 1891.
This ledger includes a Promissory note discharge for $20 at 10% paid December 1914 and other entries from 1908 to 1913.
The cassette tapes are titled: George B., G. Baringer, Bonnie's Comments 1934-1940, Bonnie's Comments 1940, and Bonnie's Comment's 1957. The tapes from George Baringer contain family history including migration to Oregon 1872, from Iowa to Redland, California, and from there to Oregon. Janet stated, “I think these were recorded by Bonnie when her Uncle George came to visit, but I’m not sure.” The tapes from Bonnie have been partially transcribed and were made in Burlington, Kansas, where she lived with her second husband, Homer Hatch, who can also be heard on these tapes. There are comments on politics throughout. The tapes begin with 1927.
Cruise Palmer is listed on pages 72 and 235.