The Manuscript Cookbook collection includes 125 cookbooks with culinary recipes and home remedies dating from the early 16th century to the late 20th century. The cookbooks originate from various countries, such as Austria (1), Denmark (1), England (25), France (1), Germany (7), Ireland (3), Mexico (5), Palestine (1), Slovakia (1), Switzerland (2), and the United States (42). The books vary in size and shape and are almost exclusively handwritten. Although most are written in English, other languages include German (10), French (2), Danish (1), and Hebrew (1).
Richard L. D. and Marjorie J. Morse Department of Archives and Special CollectionsThe Correspondence Series consists of 16 boxes. Twelve boxes are organized in chronological order while two boxes are arranged in alphabetical order and two boxes are transcribed copies of the original letters and are organized in chronological order.
The Subject Series is contained in one box and the contents are arranged in alphabetical orders. This series include information such as the Abijah and Lucy Adams Cady Family, custom forms, land deeds, merchandise lists, and information on the town of Tyingham, Massachusetts.
The Printed Materials are housed in five boxes. Four of the boxes contain almanacs dating from 1779 to 1869. Some of the almanacs included are the 1847 Brother Jonathan’s Almanac, The Cultivator’s Almanac and Cabinet of Agricultural Knowledge of 1840, the 1851-1855 and 1863-1864 Middlebrook’s New England Almanacs, The Old Farmer’s Almanac of 1852 and 1869, and the 1787 copy of the Weatherwise’s Town and Country Almanack.
Other items in the Printed Materials include N. P. Willis’ book, Sacred Poems dated 1851, newspaper clippings reference to Market Prices of 1836-1869, and the Farmer and Mechanic Newspaper and the Niles’ Weekly Register.
The Oversize Series consists of letters by Catherine Pinneo dated 1838 to 1839, a 1954 Agriculture Census Questionnaire, the Farm Field Stockman journals, and three newspapers: Current Events, The Scientific American, and The Youth’s Company.
The Correspondence Series (1834, 1845-1966) consists of twelve boxes and four sub-series.
The first sub-series are correspondence between family members and friends between the years 1834, and 1845 and 1966. It consists of nine boxes and twenty additional file folders in box 10.
The second sub-series is Education and made up of one file folder. Correspondence in this sub-series contains “pressure notes” to Olive and Mary Page when they attended Mt. Holyoke-Female Seminary wanting the twins to change their religious beliefs.
The third sub-series is Medical and is comprised of 33 file folders that contains correspondence that deal with Dr. William H. Page’s medical practice.
The fourth sub-series, Military, contains two file folders of World War I letters to Olive Page between 1918 and 1919.
The Art Series (1851-1852) consists of one cartoon that was created by Daniel Page when he was sent home from the Phillips Exeter Academy “because he did not know enough to enter the academy.”
The Cookery Series (ca. 1910-1920, undated) includes Mary Page Hastings undated manuscript cookbook. This cookbook includes recipes for cream pies, feed for 40 hens and washing fluid. Also in this series is a score card when Olive Page Rogers judged butter contests between 1910 and 1920.
The Education Series (1844-1929, undated) consists of school transcripts for Daniel Page from Phillips Exeter Academy, Florence Page from Newark Art School of Fine & Industrial Arts and Kingman Page from Bowdoin College. Essays by Mary Page, Nina Page, and William Page are included.
The Family Series (1817, 1943-195[2], undated) consists of eighteen file folders. These folders include genealogical information, garden records, church membership, wedding gifts, funerals, marriages and school medical examination.
The Financial Series (1821-1948) is housed in fourteen file folders contains ledger books with minutes and legal information, receipts for payments to teachers, individual accounts, and financial documents pertaining to organizations and society pins. A flat box includes an account book for pigs/hogs, horses, cattle, hens, sheep, wall paper for the Portland Street House, feed supplies, clothing, utilities, labor expenses, etc.
The Legal Series (1789-1947, undated) is comprised of real estate documents, deeds, a law suit that Alice Page filed against Daniel Page and Benjamin Page in the 1840s, and wills and estates.
The Literary Series (1823-1923, undated) consists of essays by William H. Page, Poetry by Beatrice Page, Mary Page Hastings and Minnie Hastings and Valentines to William Page and Huldah Page.
The Medical Series (1840s-1885) is made up of documents from William H. Page’s medical practice. Items included are record books of patients, records of military recruits examined by Page at Boston during the Civil War, prescriptions, cures, and documents Page’s eye injury.
The Military Series (1861-1863) contains a discharge record book of Civil War soldiers from Massachusetts and New Hampshire. This book provides the rank, company, regiment, state, residence, date of discharge, volume number and page number.
Printed Material (1839-1927) includes advertisement, announcements, annual reports, booklets about agriculture, medical, mining, silver ware and travel; a New Testament Bible belonging to Daniel Page; broadsides; calling card; invitations, and newspaper clippings.
Diaries Series (1854-1988) consists of 26 diaries. The most prominent diaries in the collection were written by Nina E. Page, daughter of Dr. William H. Page, from 1911 to 1942.
Memo Notebooks Series (1874-1881; 1909; 1973; undated) is comprised of two Page family address books (1909 and 1973), an undated events book, and an autograph book.
Correspondence Series, Alphabetical, 1972-2004 and undated consists of correspondence to Carolyn Page and Roy Zarucchi and their business The Nightshade Press.
Correspondence Series, Chronological, 1834-1946 and undated is made up of handwritten correspondence between Page Family members. These letters were not included in the original collection as Carolyn Page was using them for research. This series also includes correspondence, 1847-1878 and undated, that are typewritten because they had been transcribed onto a CD.
Subject, 1851-2002 and undated, is comprised of information relating to some of the Page family members and information pertaining to The Nightshade Press such as press releases, poetry book reviews, and some authors who wrote for the journal.
The Financial Series, 1850-1947, is made up of Account and Note Books and financial information kept by Victor E. Page and Olive Page Rogers. These accounts include prices of food, clothing and other household items purchased as well as crops and livestock bought and sold.
Legal Documents II, 1822-1912, consists of real estate records and deed, marriage records, wills, and estate records. The most interesting items in this series are the wills and estate documents of Benjamin and Huldah Page.
Literary Works II consists of an incomplete manuscript by Carolyn Page titled <emph render='italic'>Homesteading in Desperate Times.</emph> It was to be a book about the twins, Mary and Olive Page. Mary married and moved to Missouri, while Olive taught school in Boston. Often Mary wrote home asking Olive to send her old clothes so that she could sew clothes for her children.
Printed Material II, 1839-2000, includes articles, books published by The Nightshade Press, book reviews, hymn lyrics, The Nightshade Press journals from 1989 to 2000.
The Photograph Series consist of three (3) photographs: Daniel and Maggie Page, Dannie, Lilli and Nettie, and an unidentified person.
The Media Series consists of one Compact Disk (CD, undated). This CD contains Page Family correspondence that has been transcribed. Researchers should try to match the transcribed letter to the original handwritten if all possible for accuracy.
The Art Series II, 1930 and undated, consists of artwork by Carolyn Page, Anne Croom, Wilma Fulkerson, Ray Gengenbach, Florence Page Woodes, and Roy Zarucchi.
The Oversize Series, 1865-1889, 1986 and undated, is made up of three Physician Record books belonging to Dr. William H. Page and to Nina A. Page and some art work by Anne Croom, Ray Gengenback, Joe McLendon and Carolyn Page.
The Artifacts Series, 1889-1890, 1915 and undated includes a birthday card, calling card case, a medical prescription pad, two wallets – one black and one brown, and a wooden letter box. There are also empty envelopes in this series that did not have correspondence attached.
The Smith, Bottomly, and Lill Family Papers, 1827-1984, document four generations of a family. The collection focuses primarily on George Smith between 1827-72, to a lesser extent on his children and grandchildren (the Bottomlys'), and then increases in volume with the next generation (the Lills'), especially between 1934-45.
In the first series, journals and diaries, there are four items. Included in one of the journals is an interesting account of George Smith's trip from Iowa to Nebraska by wagon in 1865.
Correspondence (1828-1984), the second series in the collection, is housed in three document boxes and comprises the largest series in the collection. Items within the series are organized chronologically. The bulk of the items are the incoming and outgoing correspondence from 1934-45 between Percy and Helen Lill and their seven children, most of whom were either attending Kansas State College, preparing for military duty, or actively fighting overseas in World War II. Correspondence among family and friends, while the Lill brothers were attending K-State, describes student life. Also included in the collection are some letters by their mother, Helen Bottomly Lill, when she attended K-State from 1900-05. Perhaps the most significant items in the collection, however, are the early Smith family correspondence from 1828-41 because of its description of life in Vermont and the settlement of the Midwest particularly Iowa.
Contained in the third series, literary works, are speeches and essays housed in five folders. Although some of the works are undated, most were, apparently, penned by George Smith.
In the next series, education, there are a variety of items including diplomas, school programs, teachers' certificates, and grade cards. These items are diverse and cover the period from 1927-1953 and are contained in two folders.
The fifth series, medicine, contains a single item, a 1921 handwritten cold remedy.
The sixth series, Booth Association, is housed in one folder. This organization was formed on November 15, 1854, in New York by descendants of the Booth family of England, who claim to be the lawful heirs of the Booth family estates. Included in the materials are the association's constitution and by-laws, a membership fee receipt, certificate, and newsletter made out to George Smith, and a broadside removed to a larger flat box because of its size.
In the seventh series, financial documents, there are many items dating from 1837-1953; ledgers, receipts, bank statements, tax information, and related pieces. These materials are organized chronologically with the ledgers filed separately at the end of the series.
Genealogy, the eighth series, is separated by surname. There are some original handwritten items placed at the beginning of the series but most of the materials are photocopied, typed, or handwritten reproductions of original documents. These materials, contained in eleven folders, provide biographical information about the families.
The ninth series, printed materials, consists of Christmas and greeting cards, advertising cards, certificates, and miscellaneous items. These are housed in five folders.
The last series, photographs, are separated by family surname, specifically, or more generally, as family and friends. All negatives and tintypes are identified. Unidentified photographs are filed at the end of the series. Photographs of locations in Kansas, particularly of the campus at K-State, have been removed and placed in the University Archives photograph collection.
This collection combines from many sources stereographs from people connected to Kansas State University, as well as one record box of stereoscopes with miscellaneous parts in various conditions. The Morse Department of Special Collections created the alphabetical arrangement and storage of this collection.
Richard L. D. and Marjorie J. Morse Department of Archives and Special CollectionsThe Julius T. Willard papers include records related to his tenure at Kansas State University, personal records, the Students' Army Training Corps, financial documents, statistics related to the university, literary works, and various reports and printed materials. The correspondence series, 1894–1926, includes letters from the chief of the United States Department of Agriculture, the Riley County Treasurer, Kansas Attorney General Aretas Allen Gotard, professors at other universities, and many others. Correspondence also includes letters from the Agricultural Experiment Stations throughout Kansas, the United States, and Cuba, as well as correspondence related to reports of the Agricultural Experiment Stations. Subjects in the correspondence series relate to Willard’s travels abroad, personal purchases, character references, normal schools, articles by Willard submitted to Farm Life, subscriptions to various publications, chemistry coursework, etc. Correspondence relates both to Willard’s work at Kansas State College (KSC) as well as personal matters.
The subject file series includes both K-State and personal files. The K-State subject files are extensive, including academic calendars, applications for employment, correspondence about the selection of the official K-State college color, and information about various campus departments. The subject files also include information about various campus organizations, as well as biographical information about various faculty members, including Nellie Kedzie Jones and Mary Van Zile. Personal subject files contain financial documents pertaining to the Tacoma Company and the Portland Cement Company, as well as various organizations with which Willard was a member.
Materials in the estate series include correspondence related to the Willard farm and estate, expenditures, and receipts. The literary works series contains history of KSC in newspapers and in letters, drafts of works, and autobiographical reminiscences. The history of KSC in newspapers includes copies of articles printed in newspapers connected to K-State. The history of KSC in letters contains letters and newspaper correspondence pertaining to acts by the Board of Regents from 1897 to 1899. Additionally, there is a chapter omitted from Willard’s 1940 book, History of Kansas State College of Agriculture and Applied Science, titled “Discussion of the Controversy of the Seventies" [1870s]. The literary works series includes drafts of his 1940 book and Willard’s autobiographical reminiscences.
The military file series includes business files related to the Students' Army Training Corps and the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, as well as materials connected to training camp at Fort Sheridan. The bulk of the materials dates from 1918 and 1919. The financial documents series of Willard’s papers contains receipts, vouchers, and other materials related to K-State expenses including laboratory charges. The statistics series contains materials related to grade distribution, attendance, and enrollment. The report series includes reports for American Universities and Colleges, the Department of the Interior Bureau of Education, the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, as well as other reports such as the cost of attending K-State.
The final series includes a variety of printed materials including invitations, programs, a speech class syllabus, articles, and quotations. Also included are card files with lecture notes, names and positions of numerous faculty and students, and notes on various pieces of history related to K-State.
Willard, J. T. (Julius Terrass)The Pillsbury Family Papers (1848-1958), contain a diary, a survey book, correspondence, literary works, research, and printed material. The papers, consisting of approximately 150 items, are housed in two document boxes. The papers are divided into six series l) diary, 1858-1860, 2) survey book, (1860); 3) correspondence, 1848-1958, 4) literary works, 1932-1940; 5) research; and 6) printed material. The major portion of the collection consists of material from Annie Pillsbury Young, daughter of Josiah H. and Alnora (Pervier) Pillsbury. The first and second series containing a diary (1858-1860) and a survey book (1860) of Josiah H. Pillsbury have significant historical information about his life in the Zeandale Township area, as well as his civil engineering pursuits. The copy of the diary has been translated by Mrs. E.M. Platt of Manhattan, Kansas, as it was in Isaac Pittman shorthand of 1850-60 period. The location of the original diary is unknown. The second folder contains page markers containing notes taken from the copy of the diary. Page numbers have been recorded on the markers for future reference. The diary of Josiah H. Pillsbury documents family history of the Pillsbury clan from 1858 to 1860 in the Zeandale Township area. Recorded are trials of illness and disease, weather hazards, and political turmoil of the period. Through the diary, however, Josiah H. Pillsbury remains a devoted family man, dedicated to preserving a community for which a family could be proud to reside. The work ethic was ingrained in him, as exemplified by being a carpenter, farmer, surveyor, newspaperman, political delegate, teacher, assistant clergyman, and postmaster, during his lifetime. Josiah H. Pillsbury was meticulous with numbers. The survey book (1860) has records of transactions for school, house, and fence building. A major portion is devoted to surveying for road construction into the Manhattan, Kansas area. The correspondence of the Pillsbury Family Papers is the third series in the collection. It is basically composed of letters of Annie Pillsbury Young, daughter of Josiah H. and Alnora (Pervier) Pillsbury. The time period ranges from 1848 through 1958. Mrs. Young was a prolific writer with numerous personal as well as business letters in the seven folders. Many of the letters involved correspondence with her sister Nellie on family concerns. Much of the business correspondence pertained to family genealogy. Folder four contains early letters dated 1871, Folder five contains typescript from 1848 to 1872, The location of the originals is unknown. Both sections give insight into the strong commitment to religion and family life of the Pillsbury family. Also, a firm belief that migrating to the Kansas area was the way of the future. Literary Works comprise the fourth series in the collection. Annie Pillsbury Young devoted time to writing essays and poetry. Some of the material appears to be partially autobiographical, such as "When Mother Was A Girl". She presented many of these writings to the newspaper for printing and to the literary societies' reading circles. The series, ranging in years 1932 to 1940, is contained in thirteen folders. The fifth series is devoted to research on the Pillsbury Family Biographical notes, as well as the personal accounts of Annie Pillsbury Young are incorporated in this section of material. The "Civic Center," in particular, should be of interest to researchers wanting insight into her father's dreams of success for Zeandale Township. Five folders house the research series of the collection. Printed Material is the sixth series in the Pillsbury Family Papers. This folder contains newspaper clippings, songs, and a brief excerpt about Josiah H. Pillsbury, by his son, Arthur J. Pillsbury. Four photographs have been removed from the papers and filed in the University Archives photograph collection. A list of the photographs is located after the container list.
Pillsbury FamilyThis collection comprises material related to the Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine between 1855-2014. This collection contains administrative records from this college, including handbooks and manuals, proposals and applications, various records, reports, publications, presentation materials, records related to international programs, material pertaining to campus and its buildings, and a film catalogue which describes some of the collection’s video material. It also contains recordings and transcripts of interviews, most of which featured alumni from the College of Veterinary Medicine for the history book “A Century of Excellence: Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine” by Howard H. Erickson and Ronnie G. Elmore. Drafts of this book are also present in this collection. Moreover, this collection contains yearbooks and scrapbooks, including auxiliaries and photo albums, from the college spanning nearly a century. There are also audio and video materials related to the College of Veterinary Medicine on cassette tapes, microcassette tapes, VHS tapes, CDs, and DVDs, and film reels which record college events, interviews, teaching aids, and virtual tours of the college. This collection includes class and faculty composites for the College of Veterinary Medicine spanning the majority of the 20th century, and even features a composite from the St. Joseph Veterinary College. These composites are either photographic negatives or oversize photographs.
Other photographs that can be found in this collection depict people, including faculty, staff, students, and other notable individuals. Photos of buildings, including diagrams and photos of buildings on the Kansas State campus and the Veterinary Medicine campus, as well. There are also photos of animals, which were either pets, farm animals, or lab animals, as well as the labs performed on these animals. Additionally, photographs of college events, miscellaneous photos, and oversize photos also contribute to this collection’s material.
Lastly, this collection features photographic negatives and photographic slides which depict people, like faculty, staff, students, exchange students, and Student Chapter of the American Veterinary Medical Association members. Also pictured are labs, lab equipment, and associated animals, which were often pets, farm animals, or wildlife/exotic animals. Locations within the Manhattan area (especially within the Kansas State University campus and the College of Veterinary Medicine Complex/Campus specifically) are also an important subject to this collection. Negatives of these locations feature buildings, layouts, maps, construction, maintenance, renovations, and damage to buildings. Formal, casual, recreational, donation-based, food-based, and sporting events related to the college can be found in this collection as well. Miscellaneous photo negatives and slides make up the remainder of the undeveloped photographic material in this collection.
College of Veterinary MedicineNewspaper and journal prints (1855-1991), booklets and pamphlets (1948-1997), Notes Re: History of Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine from Various Sources (1961-1995), faculty council minutes (1969-1973), Kansas State University Fact Book (1996).
Photos of faculty while working and faculty salary statistics. Correspondence and photos of the Golden Jubilee celebration in 1925. Highlights in history from 1855-1955.
Brochures, correspondence, and plan documents from the Justin Hall dedication (1960) and re-dedication in (1985). Construction plans for Hoeflin Stonehouse.
Justin hall building plans and building committee meeting minutes. Brochures, speeches, and planning for Justin Hall dedication in 1960.
This series contains administrative and related records from the College of Veterinary Medicine from 1855-2004. This series also functions as a catch-all for the material in this collection that didn’t seem to fit well in the other series. The contents of this series are largely handbooks and manuals, proposals and applications, various records, reports, publications, presentation materials, records related to international programs, material pertaining to campus and its buildings, and a films catalogue which describes some of the video materials of this collection (see: Video Materials, CDs, and Tapes).
This series’ handbooks and manuals include the Veterinary Medicine handbook, the Animal Resource Facility Information handbook, faculty handbooks, student handbooks, and the Manual of Poultry Diseases. The proposals and applications include curriculum proposals, grant applications, construction proposals, long term plans, and development plans.
Records in this series include financial records, record and notebooks, records for specific groups, reports, data and statistics, minutes, correspondence, awards and related documents, publications, presentation information, international program material, and campus and building information. The financial records contain material like account books, budget books, budget justification, and fundraiser information. Veterinary Medicine record books and notebooks can be found in this series, as well as lab records, Developmental Council records, Student Chapter of the American Veterinary Medical Association records, Administrative council records, Dean of Academic Administration records, and Instructional Technology Center records. Similarly, this series contains reports like project reports, accreditation reports, Veterinary Medicine Annual Reports and Audit Reports, Veterinary Medicine growth and development reports, reports of research, reports of programs, reports of experiments, Veterinary Medical Licensing Program reports, Clinic Reports, meeting reports, the New York Women’s League for Animals annual report, reports on Academic Success, self-studies of departments, self-evaluation of programs, and environmental assessments of campus.The data and statistics featured in this series relate to studies pertaining to the College of Veterinary Medicine, like historical statistics of the US, student stress data, Veterinary Medicine admissions data, graduate lists and alumni information, a Kansas State University fact book, History of the Kansas State Agricultural College, Veterinary Medicine history, Comparative Data Summaries, and statistics about animals who have been medical patients.
Minutes found in this series include faculty meeting minutes, faculty council minutes, conference minutes, and administrative council minutes. Correspondence in this series largely pertains to treatment, student jobs, and other universities. The material related to awards and similar documents includes lists of award recipients and nominees, committee information (especially for the Distinguished Service in the Field of Veterinary Medicine Award), certificates, oaths, bylaws, plaques, and the constitution of Veterinary Medicine. This series’ publications include newsletters, newspapers, journal prints, pamphlets, brochures, booklets, reprints (especially faculty reprints), bulletins, speeches, and dissertations. The presentation-related material includes programs, transcripts, publications, and other information related to conferences, lectures, and seminars. The international programs mentioned in this series are the Agency for International Development, the International Agricultural Programs, and Ahmadu Bello University, all of which have to do with the KSU College of Veterinary Medicine’s interaction with Nigeria. Lastly, this series contains information pertaining to campus and its buildings, like diagrams, plans, records of changes to buildings, information on construction, grants, and images.
David Dary donated his extensive collection of personal papers to the Morse Department of Special Collections in 2011. The papers span the years 1856 to 2013 and are housed in 103 boxes comprising 90 linear feet of shelf space.
Dary was born and raised in Manhattan, his maternal great-grandfather having settled there in 1866. All of his great-grandparents, grandparents, and parents, as well as other relatives, played active and prominent roles in the history of Manhattan. Dary graduated from Kansas State College in 1956 with a degree in speech, and the University of Kansas in 1970 with a master’s degree in journalism.
The papers reflect the various stages of Dary’s impressive professional career, along with his early activities as a magician followed by years as a short wave radio enthusiast. His career in broadcast journalism, most notably for CBS and NBC in Washington, D.C. during the 1960s, led to positions in the schools of journalism at the University of Kansas and the University of Oklahoma, where he served as director. His passion for history combined with his writing ability and style enabled Dary to become a major western historian with countless articles in newspapers and journals and over 20 books for which he has won numerous prestigious awards.
The Dary Papers include the most diverse number of research strengths than any other collection in the department. Among the topics represented in the papers are Manhattan history, history of print and broadcast journalism, U.S. history and political science, history of Kansas and the West.
At the time of the donation, the K-State Libraries purchased Dary’s library containing approximately 4,000 titles. Housed in special collections, its strengths mirror those of his papers.
The Family Series consists of three (3) boxes of material relating to David Dary’s family members. The family series is divided into several sub-series according to family members: Carl Engel (David’s great-grandfather on his mother’s side), Charles F. Engel (David’s great uncle), A.W. Long (David’s maternal grandfather and Manhattan City Mayor from 1909-1911), Milton Russell Dary (David’s father), Ruth Engel Long Dary (David’s mother and spouse to Milton Russell Dary), Sue Dary (David’s wife), and Cynthia Dary Rugolo and Carol Dary Pennington (David and Sue Dary’s daughters). Photographs of family members can be found in series 14, photography.
The Education Series is held in one (1) box. It contains material from David Dary’s days at Manhattan High School and Kansas State University (then Kansas State College). Dary graduated from Manhattan High School in 1952. Included in the high school material is documentation of Dary’s interest in being a magician and drummer. David attended Kansas State College from 1952-1956 where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Speech. Papers for this period include items related to K-State and his classes.
The Short Wave Radio series is made up of two (2) boxes of radio-related content belonging to David Dary. His first interest was in short-wave listening and later obtaining his FCC license as a radio amateur after trying to operate a very low-power radio station at his Manhattan home. they contain correspondence from other short-wave listeners and radio amateurs, photographs, QSL cards from short-wave broadcast stations around the world, and verifications to many stations he heard on his equipment. His files document radio activities from around the world and provide an insight into the history of short radio for several decades.
The Broadcast Journalism Career Series concentrates on this period of his career and consists of one (1) box of material. There are documents from Dary’s time at CBS (1960-1963) and NBC (1963-1967) including scripts, reports, staff directories, and other material. Dary covered the assassination of John F. Kennedy (included is the United Press wire report of the shooting in Dallas), the Cuban Missile Crisis, the inauguration of President Lyndon B. Johnson, and other key events. Related documentation can be found in other series including correspondence, Dary files, and photographs.
The Higher Education Career Series is made up of three (3) boxes. They contain information from David’s employment at the University of Kansas and the University of Oklahoma. He was a Professor in the School of Journalism at KU from 1970-1989. At OU, Dary was a Professor of Journalism and Director of H.H. School of Journalism and Mass Communication. He retired as Emeritus Gaylord Chair and Professor. Many of the files in the OU section pertain to the Gaylord family. Also included is documentation of Dary’s two visits to Sudan, 1988 and 1989, when he participated in a U. S. Information Agency program to teach Sudanese journalists about free press in a democracy.
The Correspondence Series is made up of seventeen (17) boxes of correspondence from individuals relating to different areas of interest: broadcast and print journalism, state and national governments, western history, publishing (history of the West in particular), universities of Kansas and Oklahoma, etc. The correspondents and subject matter basically relate to the various stages of Dary’s life and represent a “who’s who” in those fields. A few examples include Ed Bliss, David Boren, David Brinkley, Dan Casement, Don Goldsmith, Robert Hemenway, Richard Rogers, Dean Rusk, Pierre Salinger, Ed Turner, and Harry Truman. The contents are filed alphabetically by the correspondent’s last name.
While the files in the Correspondence Series concentrate on individuals and personalities, the fifteen (15) boxes in the Dary Files Series represent many of the subjects that Dary researched, wrote about, and collected. A large number of the files include those that Dary maintained according to historical topics and include correspondence, notes, newspapers and clippings, periodical articles, ephemera, maps, and photographs. These files are organized alphabetically.
The Business Records Series consists of two (2) boxes. The first box contains appraisals that Dary completed for numerous businesses and collectors and they remain closed to researchers at Dary’s request. The second box contains information from Dary’s book business dealing with out-of-print publications, 1969-1989. The material includes the catalogs he distributed that listed the items that he had for sale. Included are items relating to book fairs and collections. Dary also purchased and acquired many out-of-print and historically valuable items that are found in his papers and library.
The Speeches Series is made up of six (6) boxes with its contents arranged in chronological order by the date the speech was presented. The dates range from 1970-2013; the undated speeches are filed at the end. The titles (if provided) and location of the speeches are also listed. The over 160 speeches preserved in the files cover a wide variety of topics, the history of the West and Kansas in particular. They offer researchers the results of his research and experience associated with numerous subjects; the audiences ranged from members of professional organizations to civic clubs.
The Publication Files Series is housed in twenty-six (26) boxes divided into fifteen sub-series. The first twelve document a number of Dary’s books, including The Buffalo Book, Cowboy Culture, Entrepreneurs of the Old West, Frontier Medicine, Lawrence: An Informal History, Oklahoma Stories, Oregon Trail, Red Blood, and Black Ink, Seeking Pleasures in the Old West, The Santa Fe Trail, Stories of Old-Time Oklahoma, and True Tales of the Prairies and the Plains. They document his research and approach to writing and publishing major works on western history and the history of the state of Oklahoma. The final three boxes are divided into miscellaneous, illustrations, and literary works and research. They include files on illustrations for several of Dary’s books and research files.
The Certificates and Awards Series is contained in one (1) box. They represent certificates and awards presented to Dary, some of which are among the highest honors an author can receive. They include a Wrangler Award from the National Cowboy Hall of Fame and Western Heritage Center, and a Spur Award from the Western Writers of America. Alfred A. Knopf publishing company nominated Cowboy Culture for a Pulitzer Prize. Also included are three certificates related to the field of medicine that Gilbert Dary received, 1895-1902.
The Ephemera Series consists of two (2) boxes of items in various formats. It includes items that Dary collected over the years that fall into the categories of autographs, broadsides, correspondence, financial, printed material, and wire service. Some items of prominence include autographs of Kansas Governor, documents dating from Kansas Territory days, and the wire service account of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth. In addition, there is a collection of William Robert Smith letters that Dary purchased because of its historical interest. Smith (1863-1924) was a lawyer, judge, and U.S. congressman from Texas. He served as judge of the 32nd Judicial District of Texas, 1897-1903. He was elected to the U.S. Congress as a Democrat and served 1903-1917 after which President Woodrow Wilson appointed him the U.S. district judge for the Western District of Texas. The letters span the years 1890-1924.
The Printed Material Series, housed in two (2) boxes, is divided into seven subseries: 1) Early Journalism Career, 2) Career in Education-University of Kansas, 3) Career in Education-University of Oklahoma, 4) Writing Related Material, 5) Personal, and 6) Subject. They include a variety of formats and contain material associated with Dary’s early journalism career, years at Kansas University and the University of Oklahoma, a variety of items related to writing, personal activities, and subjects. Researchers are encouraged to look at the container list in order to gain a better perspective of the holdings in this series.
The Photograph Series is held in six (6) boxes divided into subseries according to family members. The first subseries on the Carl Engel family includes Manhattan photos of Norman Engel’s store, family homes, and other miscellaneous family views. In the Charles F. Engel section, there are photos of the Engel hardware store and log cabin. The third subseries covers A.W. Long’s family. It includes photos of family homes, the Long Oil Company, and family photos. The Milton Russell Dary photos include family, Poyntz Avenue, and the family home. David Dary’s subseries includes photos from both his career and personal life. His career photos include portraits of news reporters he worked with or knew; Dary’s own portrait, and photos from conferences/meetings/seminars. Photos from his personal life include those of his family and his home. The stereoviews (1880-1906) provide early views of Manhattan and the surrounding area including the family home and garden scenes. The subject series contains photos acquired by Dary and include notables such as Dwight Eisenhower and Harry Truman making “whistle stops” in Manhattan, Kansas [expand the number of examples].
The Audiovisual Series is contained in one (1) box and includes CDs, DVDs, Tapes, and slides.
The Oversize Series is housed in fifteen (15) boxes and several large folders filed in the oversize flat drawer cabinet; the locations are noted in the container list. This series contains material divided into nine subseries: 1) photographs; 2) scrapbooks; 3) maps; 4) posters; 5) artwork; 6) newspapers; 7) magazines; 8) certificates/diplomas/awards; 9) and other. The oversize material is housed in either large folders or oversize boxes. The photographs contain images of family as well as a few miscellaneous photos, such as the Popcorn Man. There are twenty-three scrapbooks in the oversize series. Four of the scrapbooks belong to Ruth Engel Long Dary (Dary’s mother) and cover the time she was attending Kansas State Agricultural College (circa 1926). Two belong to M. Russell Dary. And another two relate to M. Russell Dary and his marriage to Ruth Engel Long Dary, a guest list and anniversary memory book. Two are personal scrapbooks of Charles Engel and A.W. Long, respectively. Thirteen of the scrapbooks relate to David Dary, spanning from his birth to college to the publication of his articles. The maps section includes maps primarily over cattle trails and the frontier and there is also a large collection of Kanzana maps. The artwork and posters are housed in one box and one folder. They include artwork collected by David, covering mostly western topics, and posters from events, such as an NCAA final four game and movie posters. The oversize newspapers are separated into originals and facsimiles from sources such as the New York Times, the Kansas Republic News, etc. The magazines are all originals and include Life magazine, Kansas City Star Sunday magazine, Chicago Tribune, Collier’s magazine, and Midway. In the Certificates/Diplomas/Awards subseries there are items belonging to Gilbert Dary, Russell M. Dary, A.W. Long, and David Dary. The other category is a random assortment of items, such as a calendar, press passes, and table displays.
Collection predominately contains correspondence of Edwin C. Manning to J.B Myers regarding his wife's request for divorce as well as property records. Collection also contains a letter from Dr. G.W. Brown to Governor Charles Robinson, regarding the recently lost presidential election. Lastly, there is a full page document from Wyandott, K.T. pertaining to the Wyandott Indian Council, as regarding the estate of a Milton Rayrahov.
Edwin C. ManningThis collection includes genealogical materials, personal papers, and financial records relating to the Dodge family, especially William Pickett Dodge (1877-1966) and Robert "Bob" Hugh Dodge (1906-1997). Genealogical materials include a large binder, with accompanying USB flash drive, tracing the lineage of Orlando & Olive Dodge; Dodge and Cooper family documents; and photograph collections of Dodge family residences, the 2005 Richard Dodge wedding, and the 2009 Dodge family reunion. Personal papers include academic certificates, awards from professional associations, a postcard collection, and personal clippings. Financial records include real estate deeds and sale papers, farm ledgers, and assorted bills of sale.
Dodge FamilyThese photograph albums generally document the history of Kansas State University and Manhattan, Kansas.
Richard L. D. and Marjorie J. Morse Department of Archives and Special CollectionsThe Nellie Kedzie Jones series is part of the College of Human Ecology historical files at Kansas State University. Nellie Sawyer Kedzie Jones was an 1876 alumna who returned to lead domestic science instruction from 1882 until 1897. This series reflects papers related to her and her relatives and friends.
The first subseries pertains to Nellie Sawyer Kedzie Jones with dates between 1889 and 1955. Contents include developments in human ecology and are reflected in publications, printed materials, published works, manuscripts, typescripts, awards, and correspondence. Materials are organized chronologically within each group.
The second subseries is devoted to Howard Murray Jones, Nellie's husband from 1901 until his death in 1953. He was a minister, including time as a professor and administrator at Berea College. Contents include minimal correspondence along with writings, sermons, and printed materials. His sermons are arranged chronologically divided between typed and handwritten. Because he often used sermons twice, there are two dates on the manuscripts. The bulk of the materials pertains to religion and Christianity.
The third through ninth subseries contain information about friends and relatives of Howard and Nellie. Included are documents associated with the Fairchild family (Frank, David, and George Fairchild), Abby and Charles Marlatt, Gertrude and Theodore Jessup, Robert Clark Kedzie (Nellie's first husband who died in 1882), Addison Jones, his father, Ada Alice Tuttle, and Helen M. Jones. Types of material include news articles, correspondence, memoranda, printed materials, scrapbooks, and biographical information.
The tenth subseries includes five items relevant to Nellie: an autograph book, a scrapbook, a personal Bible, an award ribbon, and a leather pouch or wallet (unknown origin or ownership).
The final subseries includes photographs of Nellie and those associated with her. They are divided by group photos, photos of her, and photos of others who include Robert Clark Kedzie, Howard Murray Jones, the Fairchilds, and others.
Album of family photographs associated with sign and house painter Harvey Honnold of Olathe, Kansas. Photographs are the products of professional studios in Kansas, Missouri, Ohio and Tennessee. Most are cabinet photographs, but some are tintypes, others in carte-de-visite format. One photograph is marked “H. Honnold taken on Cedar Creek west of Olathe somewhere north of Farland, HoughlandNeighborhood/Taken by Bert Honnold” Circa 1892.
Honnold, HarveyThe College of Health and Human Science Records cover the history of the college spanning from 1863-2011. The collection includes documents, pictures, and other materials from Hospitality Days, departmental restructuring, name changes, various conference presentations and information from research and extension services. In 1912, Home Economics become a division within in the college and eventually in 1985, changed its' name to Human Ecology and later in 2019 the college changed its' name to the College of Health and Human Sciences. There were programs that moved to the College of Arts & Sciences, but the College of Health and Human Sciences retained the Interior Design and Fashion Studies programs in 1965. Likewise, programs were added to the College of Health of Human Sciences, such as Communication Sciences and Disorders and Social Work in 1994. There are correspondence and planning materials from these mergers and changes, along with other program moves. The collection contains notes and programs from conferences such as Lake Placid and the White House Conference on Families. Included in the collection is also personal and business related correspondence from Deans and other faculty members.
College of Human EcologyHandwritten transcribed version of diary and typescript of Civil War diary belonging largely to T.T. Shorthill with a few scattered entries indicated by previous owner of material to be R.S. Shorthilll's, brother to T.T. Shorthill. T.T. Shorthill served three years with the 38th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Company E, as a cook. Entries written while Shorthill served in Tennessee and Kentucky and described food and meals for troops as well as weather conditions, troop movements and officers.
This Civil War era pocket diary and account book records the daily life and finances of 110th Ohio Volunteer Infantry surgeon Dr. Robert Robison McCandliss (1826-1908) from May-December 1863. It includes Major General Horatio G. Wright's 1865 letter authorizing McCandliss to administer to the wounded during the final days of the war.
Born in Warren County, Ohio, Dr. McCandliss enlisted in the Union Army as a medical officer on 25 August 1862. Along with his wife, Priscilla (née Youart), and two orderlies, he rode with the 110th Ohio Volunteers in an ambulance. Surrounded by Confederate troops during the Battle of Winchester, the surgeon, his wife and hundreds of others were taken as prisoners. McCandliss was ultimately incarcerated in Libby Prison, his wife in Castle Thunder.
The diary's entries cover a wide range of topics, including the daily life of a medical officer in the Union Army, personal relationships, regiment fatalities, and brief mentions of skirmishes with Confederate Bushwackers. His account also provides readers with information regarding his capture, transfer, imprisonment and anticipated release. The diary concludes with his arrival in Washington, D.C. as workers were placing Thomas Crawford's statue atop the U.S. Capitol 2 December 1863. Supplementary pages include addresses of boarding houses and roadside inns, as well as notations regarding McCandliss's finances.
A small pocket within the binding contained a separate letter, dated 7 April 1865, authorizing the surgeon to administer to wounded soldiers until their impending transfer to Burke Station, Virginia. This was removed to a four-flap enclosure due to preservation concerns.
The Robert Robison McCandliss Diary is identified as University Archives accession number 2015-16.042. Preliminary processing of the diary was completed by Paul A. Thomsen on August 17, 2011.
Information for the Annual Conference for Kansas Veterinarians (programs, schedules, transcripts, committee records, correspondence, notes) (1922-1967), Chronology of Kansas State University (1863-1992), newspaper clippings (1935).
The collection consists of four Carte de visites (CdV) documenting Manhattan, Kansas and spanning the years 1863-1866. The photographs have been attributed to George Burgoyne (active Manhattan 1859-1890), and were presumably taken from his studio window. At the time of acquisition (2000), all four views bore penciled identifications on the versos, each image identified as Burgoyne's work, each subject identified and dated. Some of this information was presumably transferred from an album that once included the pictures.
The earliest CdV, dated 1863, includes Manhattan's main street, Poyntz Avenue, looking towards the East. The second, dated 1864, presents the town's residences, outhouses, and dirt streets in the direction of Bluemont Hill to the North. The third and fourth images return to the easterly vantage point of the 1863 image. One shows phalanxed U.S. troops crossing the mouth of the Big Blue River as part of the Indian Expedition on 28 June 1865. The final Carte de visite, dated 1866, reveals the addition of new commercial buildings along the city's main artery.
The collection is an important one for frontier Manhattan, as it includes the earliest known views of its commercial and residential districts.
This series includes correspondence between Dean's and other faculty and students. Majority of the correspondence documents are from Dean Barbara Stowe between the years of 1989-1998. Dean's academic council minutes and other documents are included. Ms. Jane Barnes' scrapbooks of "Highlights in History" are included from when she served as assistant to the Dean. Reports from conferences that Dean's attended are included. Biennial and centennial reports for the college.
New Zealand exchange program and partnership with Paraguay, 1973-1990. Ruth Hoeflin memos, conferences, newsletters, and correspondence from 1973-1989. Self-study report from 1863-1981.
Reports and recommendations from FIDER accreditation. Photos from textile chemistry classes, finished garments, and the Art Department. Correspondence about the transfer of the Art Department. Correspondence about the Family Economics merger. Previous names include, Domestic Art (1898), Department of Clothing and Textiles (1920), and Department of Clothing, Textiles, and Interior Design (1967).
Photos from the Art Department, Design, and Clothing and Textiles research. FIDER accreditation progress reports and self-study.
Photographic materials in this collection include images of campus buildings, visitors to campus, students, athletic events, and faculty and staff. There also are images of Manhattan and community locations. Dates range from the 1866 to 2007.
Photographic ServicesPhotographs and descriptions of both Machinery and storage systems used in the process of farming. Some of the general ideas these photos fall under are farmstead and household equipment, buildings, and environmental studies.
Russell Alan Frey dissertation 1970, constitution for the KSU College of Veterinary Medicine (1971-1973), faculty minutes (1970-1971), Kansas State Agricultural College graduates list (1867-1911), curriculum concept proposal (1970), alumni news (1966), New York Women’s League for Animals annual report (1957), Phase III of Clinical Sciences and Pathology Building information, teaching aid DVD (2003), Kind Hearts Caring Hands events (2004-2005), Animal Resource Facility Information Manual (1971), Student Chapter of the American Veterinary Medical Association records, correspondence (1900-1902; 1958; 1970-1971; 1994), newspaper clippings (1920-1960), pamphlets (1961-1966; 1970-1973; 1989; 1993-1994), photographs various dates between 1920-1994.
Russell Alan Frey dissertation (1970), constitution for the KSU College of Veterinary Medicine (1971-1973), faculty minutes (1970-1971), Kansas State Agricultural College graduates list (1867-1911), curriculum concept proposal (1970), alumni news (1966), New York Women’s League for Animals annual report (1957), Phase III of Clinical Sciences and Pathology Building information, teaching aid DVD (2003), Kind Hearts Caring Hands events (2004-2005), Animal Resource Facility Information Manual (1971), Student Chapter of the American Veterinary Medical Association records, correspondence (1900-1994), newspaper clippings (1920-1960), pamphlets (1961-1994), photographs various dates between 1920-1994.
Russell Alan Frey dissertation 1970, constitution for the KSU College of Veterinary Medicine (1971-1973), faculty minutes (1970-1971), Kansas State Agricultural College graduates list (1867-1911), curriculum concept proposal (1970), alumni news (1966), New York Women’s League for Animals annual report (1957), Phase III of Clinical Sciences and Pathology Building information, teaching aid DVD (2003), Kind Hearts Caring Hands events (2004-2005), Animal Resource Facility Information Manual (1971), Student Chapter of the American Veterinary Medical Association records, correspondence (1900-1902; 1958; 1970-1971; 1994), newspaper clippings (1920-1960), pamphlets (1961-1966; 1970-1973; 1989; 1993-1994), photographs various dates between 1920-1994.
Contains photos of Barry Flinchbaugh, employee benefits and job descriptions, agreements, briefings, correspondence people-to-people, names and addresses, leader's guide, certificates, emails, and passport.
Contains photos of Barry Flinchbaugh, employee benefits and job descriptions, agreements, briefings, correspondence people-to-people, names and addresses, leader's guide, certificates, emails, and passport.
Box contains 4-H annual reports, 4-H statistics reports, 4-H membership lists and 4-H project summaries. The box also consists of correspondences from County Coordinator Dale L. Ladd in relation to agriculture and additional documents in relation to news stories and columns focused on agriculture and communications.
McPherson 4-H and Related ClubsThe Kansas State Agricultural College records were generated and collected by KSAC, the organization that eventually came to be known as Kansas State University. The records pertain to sales of land to establish the college, physical improvements of buildings, and details about college life at the time. They document correspondence to KSAC Presidents (including Joseph Denison, John A. Anderson, and George T. Fairchild). Significant topics covered in the material include leasing land for the Manhattan Street Railway, demands by students for German to be added to the curriculum, "college greenbacks" (a type of banknote issued for use on campus), tuberculosis tests in cattle, industrials (a nineteenth and early twentieth century form of work-study at this institution), and various financial records. Approximate years covered by the records are 1868-1902.
Kansas State Agricultural CollegeMcPherson collection includes a multitude of documents pertaining the McPherson extension office as well as the 4-H program. Documents range from executive files such as financial records, meeting minutes, membership lists, and construction plans to documents such as photographs, slides, and program guides.
McPherson County Extension OfficeThis series includes notes from national conferences, correspondence about extension services, and scripts from extension events for the community.
Grants for research from 1974-1980 and group and Individual teaching materials. Task force reports and correspondence about the extension merger and the history of extension services in Kansas.
Correspondence, 1868-75
This collection documents the writings, photographs, and published material in regards to Dan D. Casement (1868-1953), a cattleman and horseman, from 1858-1953. The materials included in this collection are a wide range of documentation, including a large amount of correspondence from 1858-1953 chronologically and notable alphabetical correspondence with individuals in addition to the U.S. Army and U.S. Department of Agriculture. Journals and diaries belonging to Casement give insight into his family, time at Princeton, and to his life in Costa Rica from 1897-1903. Specific information from the time he spent laying railroad track in Costa Rica and other life events during that time can be found in B4/F16 - B5/F25 and B22/F6-7. Casement wrote extensively for the American Hereford Association and many other livestock associations and organizations. Several articles, letters, speeches, resolutions, and fragments of other writings (poetry, quotations, letters to editors, etc.) are included within this collection. Supplementing these writings are press releases and various printed materials, including scrapbooks, letters, and newspaper clippings. Legal and financial documents from 1884-1941, including army vouchers, can be found in boxes 22 and 23. Other items in the collection are artwork, including pencil sketches, water colors, and awards/certificates, some oversized documentation and printed materials, and several photographs spread throughout the collection (boxes 1, 2, 7, 8, 14, 26).
Casement, Dan D.Contains photos of Barry Flinchbaugh, employee benefits and job descriptions, agreements, briefings, correspondence people-to-people, names and addresses, leader's guide, certificates, emails, and passport.
Contains photos of Barry Flinchbaugh, employee benefits and job descriptions, agreements, briefings, correspondence people-to-people, names and addresses, leader's guide, certificates, emails, and passport.
Contains photos of Barry Flinchbaugh, employee benefits and job descriptions, agreements, briefings, correspondence people-to-people, names and addresses, leader's guide, certificates, emails, and passport.
The Munger Family papers documents three generations of correspondence within the family, on topics regarding their businesses, health, weather, and current events.
Part one includes correspondence between George Munger Sr. and his daughters Martha and Belle while they attended St. Mary’s in Notre Dame, Indiana. George Sr. corresponded with his wife, Susan while she was in the hospital for rheumatism during 1903. Other letters to George are from his father, Lyman Munger and his brother, Pliny Munger.
Part two is comprised of Belle Munger Riggle’s correspondence, which makes up the bulk of the collection. Letters between Belle and her husband, Edward, discuss business at Catalpa Knob and other places he worked as well as the welfare of their children. After Edward died in 1910, Belle married Irvin Hays Rice.
These letters provide historical information about the locations they were written from, which include Kansas, Illinois, California, and Indiana. Topics covered include business and economic matters, social and cultural life, family relationships, and conditions of the United States during the span of this collection.
Munger, George MerrickBonds-Oklahoma Territory, 1895-1896
Bonds-Correspondence, 1870-91
Surety bonds, 1883-1902