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Archival description
US US kmk 2015-16.004 · Collection · 1994–2024

These records document the Great Plains Interactive Distance Education Alliance—often shortened to Great Plains IDEA—a collaboration of about twenty universities in the Plains region. Based out of Kansas State University, the group provides fully online graduate programs across several universities. Materials range from 1994 to 2015 and include meeting minutes, itineraries, board member information, education initiatives, and annual meeting information.

Additionally, there are web archives from 2001 to 2024. The current site,, has been crawled since September 2024, and the previous site,, was saved by the Wayback Machine 398 times between September 25, 2001, and July 21, 2024. Web archives available at*/ and*/

Great Plains Interactive Distance Education Alliance
Amateur Radio Club records
US US kmk 2024-11-13/74 · Collection · 1949 - 2024

Collection primarily contains amateur radio club QSLs, administrative/program materials, and station logs.

Kansas State University Amateur Radio Club
US US kmk 2015-16.017 · Collection · 1967-2023

The Consumer Federation of America records document the association's development from 1967 to 2017 through testimonies, newsletters, reports, statements, correspondence, press releases, pamphlets, policy resolutions, and audiotapes. The collection contains minutes from the CFA board of directors meetings, CFA policy resolutions and CFA annual reports (1980–2016). Other reports, statements, and surveys provide coverage of issues investigated, policies advanced, and materials developed to educate the public and media. Areas addressed include consumer safety, financial advancement and protection, consumer knowledge, post-9/11 terrorism insurance and safety, and product safety in general and specifically product safety in children's products and automobiles.

Of special interest is correspondence documenting interactions with prominent political figures including Joe Biden, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Bob Dole. Also noteworthy are pamphlets from the association’s annual Consumer Assembly (1980–2015) and pamphlets developed for the CFA project America Saves. A set of audiotapes (2000–2003) offers insight into CFA conferences that tackled issues including food safety, obesity, and bioterrorism. Reports document court cases and petitions. The collection contains the association's voting records (1971–2008).

CFAnews and Consumer Federation of America annual reports are available online. See Series 8 for online access to annual reports and series 9 for online access to CFAnews. Series 12 provides access to archives of CFA's website from 2007 to 2023.

Consumer Federation of America
US US kmk 1898-1900s · Box · 1898 - 2023-08-21

Records contained in this accession include early agriculture experiment station press reports and bulletins.

  • Folder 1: Agriculture Experiment Station: Press Reports 1898-1900
  • Folder 2: Press Bulletins 159-178
  • Folder 3: Press Bulletins 1-115
  • Folder 4: Press Bulletins 1-34
  • Folder 5: Press Bulletins 35-70
  • Folder 6: Press Bulletins 71-124
  • Folder 7: Press Reports 125-158
K-State Research and Extension
Thomas Cruise Palmer papers
US US kmk 2019-20.007 · Collection · 1913-2019

Photographs, correspondence, articles, news clippings, personal papers and other documents describing the life and career of Thomas Cruise Palmer (KSC, 1938), who from 1952 to 1977 served in various editorial positions with the Kansas City Star and Times, including ten years as executive editor. An advocate and supporter of K-State and its journalism program, Palmer was instrumental in acquiring the endowment establishing the A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications. News articles, photographs and military records describe Palmer’s service in the Navy in the Pacific during World War II, including his experience onboard the first Navy ship to enter Shanghai after the end of the war. Materials also include articles written by Palmer during his time at the Star, items related to his activities as a student and, later, a supporter of K-State, personal and family history-related documents and photographs with Robert Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Ginger Rogers and other notables.

Palmer, Thomas Cruise
US US kmk 2019-20.009 · Collection · 1989-2019

The Kansas State University Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture provided a forum for discussion of statistical issues motivated by agricultural problems. The conference brought together statisticians from academia, industry and government to discuss ideas and advancements in the application of statistics to solving agricultural research problems. The records pertain to the Kansas State University Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture. These records include conference proceedings, programs, correspondence, session presentations, call for papers, registration, and financial information. The conference began in 1989 and ran through 2018, it is unlikely the conference will resume.

Department of Statistics
US US kmk U2012.51 · Collection · 1936-2019

This collection is made up of documents created by the office of the provost and senior vice president at Kansas State University.  Documents in the collection consist of a wide range of material from the office administrative files, class documents, department and dean files, program reviews, role and aspirations, strategic planning, university events, COCAO, president's staff, Board of Regents, Dean's Council, grievances, university awards, and vice provost papers.  Some records document the interactions with other universities in the state of Kansas and universities nationally.  The bulk of the materials are from the 1980s to 2010 with most of the other documents dating back to the 1970s.

Office of the Provost (1980-)
US US kmk 2017-18.049 · Collection · 1989-2017

This collection holds the materials regarding the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse from the late 1980s through 2016, with the majority of the information regarding the years 1989-1994.

Collection · 1922–2017

These newsletters are from academic and other offices and units at Kansas State University. Topics typically will relate to department information, personnel updates, and similar subjects.

Kansas State University
Collection · 1986-2017

Pat J. Bosco worked as vice president for student life and dean of students at K-State, initially starting his career at the university as director of student activities. Under his former title, Bosco worked on everything related to students, including admissions, career and employment services, housing and dining, student crisis, parent and family programming, and student financial assistance. Due to this, within this collection is an eclectic assortment of various materials that fall under the grand umbrella of his job title. The majority of content is categorized under "correspondence," due to the larger scope of his work, much of this correspondence is interdisciplinary and interdepartmental. Besides the generalized correspondence, the rest of the collection is sorted into All-University Open Houses, Enrollment Management, Student Life Administration, and Workshops. The collection covers from 1986-2003. However, the bulk of correspondence lies between 1986-1989 and 2000-2003. Additionally, the Workshops included also include later years not found in the rest of the collection, ranging up to 2017. K-State Decathlon folder added to box 7.

Pat Bosco
US US kmk 2024-09-17/33 · Collection · 1868 - 2017

McPherson collection includes a multitude of documents pertaining the McPherson extension office as well as the 4-H program. Documents range from executive files such as financial records, meeting minutes, membership lists, and construction plans to documents such as photographs, slides, and program guides.

McPherson County Extension Office
US US kmk 2015-16.003 · Collection · 1861–2017

The College of Health and Human Science Records cover the history of the college spanning from 1863-2011. The collection includes documents, pictures, and other materials from Hospitality Days, departmental restructuring, name changes, various conference presentations and information from research and extension services. In 1912, Home Economics become a division within in the college and eventually in 1985, changed its' name to Human Ecology and later in 2019 the college changed its' name to the College of Health and Human Sciences. There were programs that moved to the College of Arts & Sciences, but the College of Health and Human Sciences retained the Interior Design and Fashion Studies programs in 1965. Likewise, programs were added to the College of Health of Human Sciences, such as Communication Sciences and Disorders and Social Work in 1994. There are correspondence and planning materials from these mergers and changes, along with other program moves. The collection contains notes and programs from conferences such as Lake Placid and the White House Conference on Families. Included in the collection is also personal and business related correspondence from Deans and other faculty members.

College of Human Ecology
Collection · 1917–2017

The collection is composed of materials relating to the Phi Beta Sigma fraternity, and the Delta chapter located at Kansas State University. A portion of the collection is devoted to chapter member Frank Marshall Davis, which includes three of his publications and correspondence between Davis and Kansas State University faculty member, Carol E. Oukrop. The chapter materials also include exhibit contents of physical items and web archives of a later online exhibit. The collection also has some of Phi Beta Sigma's Conclave programs, their national publication, The Crescent, and multiple yearbooks featuring Phi Beta Sigma members. Additional items include group photographs of the Alpha Sigma chapter, artifacts from previous conclaves, and a large Phi Beta Sigma banner. Another item of note is the George A. Parker scrapbook; Parker was a delegate to the 1964 Republican National Convention.

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity
US US kmk P2008.04 · Collection · 1969-2016

The National Consumer Law Center (NCLC) Records (1968-2015) consists primarily of administrative files, case files, research material, and inter-office memoranda in defense of individuals and small groups against unfair corporate practices and inefficient government oversight. Covering many aspects of twentieth-century consumer movement history, these records shed light on the role of a non-profit organization in advocating fairness on behalf of low-income individuals against corporate practices, the development of the protective consumer-oriented state and federal legislation, and their assistance in providing research, analysis, and experience to other non-profit entities working across the nation.
The Original Files Series, spanning ten boxes in the original collection and an additional one in the addition making eleven in total, gathers into an assortment of NCLC internal memoranda, staff reports, manuals, organizational policy statements, testimonies before state and federal congressional houses and consumer print matter bibliographies. The series also contains material from outside sources, including class action suits, banking, housing, lending and layaway plans of various institutions, debt collection credit rates, laws and individual practices, proposed federal trade regulations, and scams involving vocational schools, and various Universal Consumer Credit Code reports.
Likewise, some individual files contain published articles on subjects of on-going interest to the organization, including Gary Klein’s “Consumer Bankruptcy in the balance: The National Bankruptcy Review Commission’s Recommendations Tilt Toward Creditors” and William Willier’s “If Credit Reporting Agencies are Doing Their Jobs, Is There Really Any need for Collecting Agencies.” Where possible, the original organizational file structure of numerical case files has been retained as a contiguous unit.
The Standing and Advisory Committee Files Series is comprised of two boxes of material arranged in chronological order, which contain internal reports on regularly scheduled committee meetings (beginning in December 1998 and running into the twenty-first century) to address issues affecting the staff of NCLC, including budgetary allocations as well as office and personnel issues. The documents also cover issues relating to the Social and Unity Committees, changes to the internal database, and the role of a staff ombudsperson.
The General Files (Washington, D.C. Office) Series consists of one box, collecting in chronological order documentation on consumer affairs lobbying efforts at the organization’s Washington office, including correspondence, public statements, and newsletters. Some of the issues covered in the files include state oil overcharge allocation decisions involving Exxon, the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, the Coalition on Human Needs, and the proposed re-regulation of interest rates.
The Advocacy and Conference Files (Massachusetts Office) Series spans seven boxes (five are from the original collection while two are from the addition) of material arranged in chronological order and by subject pertaining to material used in NCLC’s annual consumer affairs conferences, including reports on consumer fraud laws, advocacy highlight reports, market failures and predatory lenders, specialist training in consumer affairs as well as consumer manuals and several issues of the Legal Service Corporation Quarterly Report.
The Research Materials Series covers nine boxes of primary source and reference material amassed by NCLC as background for several on-going projects. Some items include different versions of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, correspondence with the Federal Trade Commission, VHS tapes of news segments on family loan programs and predatory mortgage lending, bank creditor surveys, savings and loan, and insurance packing cases, reports on changes to credit rates and regulations in the 1970s and 1980s, analyses of different Truth-in-Lending Act iterations, court files relating to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, and comments on different drafts of the Uniform Consumer Credit Code. Where possible, the original organizational file structure of numerical case files has been retained as a contiguous unit. Those segments of the series which do not possess case numbers have been arranged chronologically by subject.
The NCLC Reports series, added for the purposes of the 2015 addition, consists of one box containing numerous reports officially published by the NCLC on a variety of topics (such as consumer credit, usury, bankruptcy, debt collection, foreclosure, and others of NCLC interest). The dates of these reports range from 1982 to 2013. These reports cover cases that fall in the realm of consumer law and provide teaching tips for consumer rights advocates.
The Media Series, added for the purposes of the 2015 addition, spans one box and covers the chronological span of 1983 to 2016. This series consists of press releases and articles from various media sources (such as journals, newspapers, magazines, and online sources) that make mention of the NCLC and its work, often commenting on cases undertaken by the organization or its publications. These clippings include sources such as The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and local news sources. They cover a large variety of topics such as student debt, foreclosure, credit card debt, credit unions, and others.
The Printed Materials Series is in one box and contains materials that are published and bound, consisting of publications that span numerous topics and include law journals, Congressional hearings, and bound publications by the NCLC and staff.
The Digital Files Series, added to the collection in 2017, contains 10 digital folders of information pertaining to NCLC. The first two folders include HTML data files from the NCLC website from 2002 and 2016 including many records, and published material for consumers. The third folder contains PDF and Word documents of amicus briefings and the sixth folder contains information from the fair debt collection practices act. Several folders, 4, 5, 8, and 9, contain information in regards to NCLC conferences, press releases, reports, and brochures. Folder seven pertains to mortgage conferences held in 2012, 2014, and 2015 and folder ten includes documentation from webinars given by NCLC staff and personnel from 2009-2015.

National Consumer Law Center
Collection · 1955-2016

The Robert Simonsen Photograph Collection contains autographed photographs divided into 4 series: U. S. Political, U. S. Military, U. S. Protectorates, and International Leaders. The collection is split fairly evenly between the United States and International photographs, with the majority of the U. S. photographs residing in the Political series. Many of the autographs include an inscription and/or an accompanying letter. Unidentified individuals are first within each section.
The United States Political series is divided into three subseries: States, Ambassadors, and Federal Agencies. The States are arranged alphabetically with the individuals sorted alphabetically by name under their political division: House of Representatives, Senate, and State Officials. This is followed by United States Ambassadors arranged alphabetically within various year ranges, and United States Federal Agencies sorted alphabetically by specific department then arranged alphabetically by name.
The United States Military series is divided into four subseries by branch: Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard, and Marines. Within each branch the names are alphabetized under rank. Some ranks are entered multiple times under various year ranges.
The photographs in the United States Protectorates series are alphabetized under the specific place: Micronesia, Palau, Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Trust Territory of the Pacific, Guam, and Marshall Islands.
The International Leaders series is sorted alphabetically by country. Some countries have all the individuals sorted alphabetically within a single grouping, while other countries will further divide the photographs into political and military subgroups. For example, the photographs for Argentina are all grouped together, while Australia is broken into 14 subgroups.

Simonsen, Robert A.
US US kmk 2017-18.017 · Collection · 1970–2016

The collection contains materials related to the Commission on the Status of Women (COSW) at Kansas State University from 1974 to 1989. The commission was appointed in 1972 by President James McCain and was charged with studying the status of women at K-State, searching out opportunities for women to achieve complete equality with men, creating an understanding of the needs of women within the academic community, and developing recommendations for change. This collection contains reports, correspondence, and committee notes primarily from the time the donor, Linda Morse, was an active member of the Commission. Also included are interview materials from a 2016 interview between a student and Morse, such as the student’s questions, handwritten notes, and a draft of the paper resulting from the interview.

Collection · 1930–2016

These records document the Alpha Rho chapter of Epsilon Sigma Phi, national extension honor society, at Kansas State University from 1930 to 2016. Types of material include programs, constitutions, newsletters, chapter history, minutes, financial information, membership listings, autobiographies, scrapbooks, and photographic materials. Some records from the 1990s are in digital format.

Epsilon Sigma Phi, Alpha Rho chapter
Collection · 1979–2016

The Chimes Junior Honorary Society records include scrapbooks and other records related to the activities of the group from 1979 to 2016.  Subjects include society activities such as meetings, banquets, Parents Day, Family Day, service projects, and special events.

Kansas State University. Chimes Junior Honorary Society
US US kmk P2012.04 · Collection · 1966-2016

The Board on Human Sciences, Inc. (BoHS) is the premier advocacy group representing higher education disciplines that focus on the health, well-being, and quality of living for individuals, families, and communities. The Board on Human Sciences, Inc. (BoHS) is affiliated with the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (A¨P¨L¨U).  Founded in 1966, the BoHS is an association of higher education administrators who are responsible for research, teaching, and extension outreach programs in Human Sciences disciplines at state and land-grant universities. Human Sciences use integrative approaches to study relationships among humans and their environments to achieve a healthy and sustainable world. The Board on Human Sciences, Inc. mission is to strengthen the intellectual integrity, stature, and centrality of the Human Sciences in member institutions, in the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities, and in government and industry. Archives of the Board on Human Sciences, Inc. include records from 1966 to 2016. The archives include annual directories of institutional membership and administrators representing each member unit. The archives include conference proceedings, Board of Directors meetings, financial records, organizational documents, and Rules of Operation. Federal relations advocacy initiatives are included in archives documents. The Board on Human Sciences began presenting national awards in 2008, and the archives include recipients for each year from 2008 through 2015.

Board on Human Sciences, Inc.
Faculty Senate records
Collection · 1956 - 2016

The general purpose of the Faculty Senate within Kansas State University is to facilitate faculty participation in the establishment of university policies and in the formulation of procedures for their interpretation. For the policies to remain useful they are delegated to sub-committees established by the Faculty Senate, responsible for a certain set of procedures and policies and filtering it from the Senate to the faculty. The Faculty Senate Records collection contains minutes and agendas from most of these committees. Along with minutes and agendas, this collection contains course and curriculum changes from proposed or already existing courses. Lastly it also contains general office files from Faculty Senate and from prior Faculty Senate President, Jerry Freiman.

Dodge Family papers
US US kmk 2016-17.021 · Collection · 1860-2015

This collection includes genealogical materials, personal papers, and financial records relating to the Dodge family, especially William Pickett Dodge (1877-1966) and Robert "Bob" Hugh Dodge (1906-1997).  Genealogical materials include a large binder, with accompanying USB flash drive, tracing the lineage of Orlando & Olive Dodge; Dodge and Cooper family documents; and photograph collections of Dodge family residences, the 2005 Richard Dodge wedding, and the 2009 Dodge family reunion.  Personal papers include academic certificates, awards from professional associations, a postcard collection, and personal clippings.  Financial records include real estate deeds and sale papers, farm ledgers, and assorted bills of sale.

Dodge Family
US US kmk U2011.23 · Collection · 2008-2015

This series of internal news and newsletters cover Animal Science and Industry Department events from September 2008 to June 2011 and includes information from Listservs and events through 2015.

Department of Animal Sciences and Industry
John C. Reese papers
US US kmk 2015-16.060 · Collection · 1971–2015

The John C. Reese papers include a 2013 curriculum vitae, a 2006 grant application, and reprinted publications from 1971 to 2015 of Kansas State University entomology professor John C. Reese. An expert in plant host resistance, Reese's papers document his career and associated research.

Reese, John C.
Donna C. Roper papers
US US kmk 2016-17.039 · Collection · 1929-2015

The Donna C. Roper papers includes the research documents and publications of Dr. Donna C. Roper, prolific archaeologist who made major research contributions, particularly in the Central Plains region of North America. This collection is separated into six series. The first series, field of compliance project records, containing print and electronic copies of documents such as proposals, project correspondence, site survey forms, field notes, and maps of sites. The second series is research and interpretation records, containing preliminary and final reports, data records such as artifact catalogs and dating, photographs, unfinished or draft manuscripts, published works such as journal articles, and conference papers. Professional service records include graduate committee correspondence, published book reviews, nominations for National Historic Landmarks, recommendation letters, teaching records, etc. the fourth series is for personal records, containing vitae, awards, and other things such as personal correspondence and diplomas. The fifth series contains bound publications, such as bound archaeological journals and published reports. The sixth series are oversized maps that could not fit with the rest of the collection. An estimated 2,000 slides and 500 print negatives are included in the second series with research records. The collection covers a temporal range from 1929 to 2015.

Roper, Donna C.
Collection · 1997-2014

These calendars are produced by the university or by vendors with historical materials from the university.  Subjects include campus images, athletics, and historical figures in university history.

Collection · 1855 - 2014

This collection comprises material related to the Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine between 1855-2014. This collection contains administrative records from this college, including handbooks and manuals, proposals and applications, various records, reports, publications, presentation materials, records related to international programs, material pertaining to campus and its buildings, and a film catalogue which describes some of the collection’s video material. It also contains recordings and transcripts of interviews, most of which featured alumni from the College of Veterinary Medicine for the history book “A Century of Excellence: Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine” by Howard H. Erickson and Ronnie G. Elmore. Drafts of this book are also present in this collection. Moreover, this collection contains yearbooks and scrapbooks, including auxiliaries and photo albums, from the college spanning nearly a century. There are also audio and video materials related to the College of Veterinary Medicine on cassette tapes, microcassette tapes, VHS tapes, CDs, and DVDs, and film reels which record college events, interviews, teaching aids, and virtual tours of the college. This collection includes class and faculty composites for the College of Veterinary Medicine spanning the majority of the 20th century, and even features a composite from the St. Joseph Veterinary College. These composites are either photographic negatives or oversize photographs.

Other photographs that can be found in this collection depict people, including faculty, staff, students, and other notable individuals. Photos of buildings, including diagrams and photos of buildings on the Kansas State campus and the Veterinary Medicine campus, as well. There are also photos of animals, which were either pets, farm animals, or lab animals, as well as the labs performed on these animals. Additionally, photographs of college events, miscellaneous photos, and oversize photos also contribute to this collection’s material.

Lastly, this collection features photographic negatives and photographic slides which depict people, like faculty, staff, students, exchange students, and Student Chapter of the American Veterinary Medical Association members. Also pictured are labs, lab equipment, and associated animals, which were often pets, farm animals, or wildlife/exotic animals. Locations within the Manhattan area (especially within the Kansas State University campus and the College of Veterinary Medicine Complex/Campus specifically) are also an important subject to this collection. Negatives of these locations feature buildings, layouts, maps, construction, maintenance, renovations, and damage to buildings. Formal, casual, recreational, donation-based, food-based, and sporting events related to the college can be found in this collection as well. Miscellaneous photo negatives and slides make up the remainder of the undeveloped photographic material in this collection.

College of Veterinary Medicine
Schulz Family papers
Collection · 2009-2014

These papers include correspondence, photographs, publications, audio/visual items, events ephemera, and a poster.  The papers span from early 2009 to early 2011 and document the Schulz family’s activities after moving to Manhattan, Kansas.   These activities included Kirk Schulz’s presidency at Kansas State University, K-State sporting events, partnerships with Fort Riley, and Noel Schulz’s work with women’s issues.  The correspondence in this collection is predominately cards sent to the family for the inauguration of Kirk Schulz, and others wishing the family well.  The publications consist mainly of newspapers and other materials documenting the Schulz inauguration, as well as other major events at Kansas State University that included athletic competitions and the hiring of major Kansas State personnel.  The remainder of the material in the collection pertains to the presidency of Kirk Schulz.

Schulz family
Jane Butel papers
US US kmk P2013.08 · Collection · 1956-2014

The collection was created by Jane Franz Butel during her college education and her career.
Series 1 is divided into two sub-series: Articles about Jane Butel and Articles by Jane Butel. Articles about Jane Butel include numerous newspaper and magazine articles ranging from 1976-2014, covering interviews with Jane Butel as well as reviews of her cookbooks and featured recipes. Included are articles from the <emph render='italic'>LA Times, New York Times,</emph> and the <emph render='italic'>San Francisco Chronicle,</emph> as well as travel magazines, ladies magazines, and cooking magazines. The March 1996 issue of Bon Appetit names Butel's cooking school as one of the top four in the world.  Articles by Jane Butel include clippings from newspapers and magazines written by Jane Butel between 1976-2008, covering topics such as chili and the history of Mexican cuisine. Included are recipes and stories appearing in <emph render='italic'>Cooking Light, Food and Wine, Los Angeles Times,</emph> <emph render='italic'>First for Women,</emph> and several publications from New Mexico.
Series 2 includes undated documents relating to publishing, press releases, research, and publicity tours for three of Butel’s cookbooks, <emph render='italic'>Chili Madness, Tex Mex,</emph> and <emph render='italic'>Hotter than Hell,</emph> as well as her unpublished manuscript<emph render='italic'>, The Efficient Kitchen.</emph>
Series 3 includes documents relating to cooking schools, many of which Butel hosted for private corporations as team building events.  Microsoft, Southwest Airlines, Hewlett Packard, Firestone and the Carlyle group are among her clients.
Series 4 contains documents on Butel’s consulting for corporations. Companies include Grand Union, Del Taco, Sargento and many others. Most include background information on revenue for these companies.
Series 5 has limited documentation about JBA, Jane Butel Associates.
Series 6 has product information and promotions for her business, Pecos Valley Spice Co. Yearly reports, status updates and demographic reports for the company are among the documents.
Series 7 contains letters sent to Jane Butel from 1965-2009, including fan mail ("nice letters") and thank you cards from school attendants. Also included is correspondence to and from magazines, newspapers, publicity companies and television stations.
Series 8 documents the early years of Butel’s career. Her work for the Public Service Co. of New Mexico, resumes, and extensive consumer papers from GE and Con Edison are included as well as papers relating to her work as Vice President of Consumer Affair and Marketing at American Express.
Series 9 contains copies of Con Edison speeches about cooking. Woman of Achievement award, KSU Entrepreneurship award, as well as New Mexico Woman award are included along with an invitation to the 1969 Presidential Inauguration.
Series 10 has Butel's coursework for her journalism and reporting classes as a student at Kansas State University.
Series 11 chronicles meetings and conferences Butel attended as a guest or honored award winner.
Series 12 contains extensive documentation about Butel’s publicity tours, advertisements, book promotions for things such as her books, as well as cooking schools and JBA. Included are contact lists, press releases and schedules.
Series 13 includes papers relating to organizing, planning, distributing, producing, and financing Jane Butel’s cooking show, as well as television show scripts and outlines.
Series 14 contains correspondence and contracts with Jane Butel’s Southwest Kitchen television show sponsors. They include the American Dairy Association, A.G. Russell Knives and Vitamax.
Series 15 contains correspondences with potential sponsors for Jane Butel’s cooking show. They include Con Agra Foods, Inc., Eastman Kodak, Gallo of Sonoma, General Electric, Land of Lakes, Mrs. Dash, and Southwest Airlines.
Series 16 has approximately 2,400 photographs taken of and by Butel, mainly of her cooking school and participants. There are also publicity photos, personal photos, and food photos. Only a few photographs are dated. Most of the people in the photographs are unidentified.
Series 17 has over 100 tapes of Butel's cooking shows, television appearances and feature stories. Of note are appearances on Regis and Kathy Lee, Emeril and Friends, and the Today Show. Filming for Butel's cooking shows, including Jane Butel's Southwest Kitchen, took place in 1998-2000. The series ran for seven years nationally on PBS as well as a channel out of Denver and one out of Dallas. The cooking shows are recorded on Betacam SP tapes.

Butel, Jane
US US kmk 2016-17.025 · Collection · 1947-2014

The Ernie and Bonnie Barrett papers include photographs, scrapbooks, artifacts, and other documentation relevant to their lives from 1947 to 2014. Box 1 includes photographic materials related to Bonnie from the 1940s to 1969, Ernie's basketball career from 1947 to 1955, the 1951 Kansas River flood in Manhattan, and family activities from 1951 to 1974. Also included are wedding and other correspondence from 1951 and 1958, documentation of family activities from 1951 to 1997, and “Palm Springs Life” magazine covers with one or both of them depicted from 1994 to 1997. The wedding photographs include a number of Bonnie's relatives: Peggy Sue Frommer, Deanna Frommer, Henry and Juanita Frommer, Alleta Frommer, Gene Frommer, Frank Frommer, Edith and George Frommer, and Mary and Walt Frommer.

Box 2 includes photographic materials, clippings, and other information pertaining to K-State football bowl games (1997 Fiesta Bowl and 2002 Holiday Bowl), Tex Winter’s 2011 induction to the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame, family and friends from 1981 to 2002, and the local chapter of the Blue Key Senior Honorary Society from 2003 and 2014.

Boxes 3 and 4 are family photographs, primarily of Bonnie, Ernie, and their two children (Duane and Brad) from the 1980s to 1995.

Boxes 5, 6, and 7 contain photograph albums related to family experiences and travels (1953 to 2001), K-State football bowl games (1993 to 1997), golf tournaments in the 1990s, and other K-State Athletics events from about 1990 to 2009 (Dev Nelson Press Box dedication, K-State Hall of Fame ceremonies, fundraisers, and the Mr. K-State statue dedication). Many of the albums of K-State events were created by George McCandless, an amateur photographer from the early 1990s to 2013.

Box 8 includes numerous plaques and a helmet signed by K-State football staff dating from about 1951 to about 2014. Also included are some strips of photographic negatives.

Box 9 contains a scrapbook describing a basketball team on which Ernie played while at Sandia Base during his time in the U.S. Air Force. It also includes other photographs, awards, and similar items related to Ernie’s high school, collegiate, and professional basketball career.

One oversize folder includes a matted photograph of Ernie from his collegiate time, a poster memorializing Ernie’s high school team, and a photograph of the 2009–2010 K-State men’s basketball team during a timeout.

Barrett, Ernie Drew
US US kmk 2019-20.001 · Collection · 1939-1949, 2000, 2005, 2013, undated

Collection includes documents, photographs, magazines, personal records, and other materials related to the life of Joseph Maxwell Tucker and his work in formulating and organizing the Massey-Harris Harvest Brigade in 1944 and 1945 which used Massey-Harris self-propelled combines to harvest wheat and other crops in a wartime environment of both scarce labor and rationing of raw materials. The combines were used to harvest crops in the Great Plains states, Pacific Northwest states, Arizona, and California.

The Subject Series is made up of five folders and includes an organization chart for VP & GSM Sales Department, Joseph Tucker's 1941 job application with the War Food Administration, a 1943 memorandum on the organization of the Massey-Harris Emergency Harvest Brigade, the 1943 proposal of the Massey-Harris Harvest Brigade, and two War Production Board certificates.

The Printed Material Series consists of fourteen folders and includes a calendar, four journal articles, a speech Joseph Tucker gave in 1946, and seven publications.

The Don & Kay Kluck Series is comprised of seven folders. This series pertains to The Kluck Brothers: Custom Harvesters (Emil Kluck, Ray Kluck, and Roy Kluck), the combines they purchased, and a few photographs.

The Photograph Series contains four folders. There are photographs of Lawrence John Letnes, Joseph Tucker, and a photograph of the medal, Order of the British Empire give to Joseph Tucker by King George VI in 1946.

The Oversize Printed Materials Subseries consists of three journal articles, three publications, and two advertising posters.

The Oversize Photographs Subseries has two photographs: 1) Proclamation by King George VI, 1946 September 9, that nominates and appoints Joseph Maxwell Tucker “to an Honorary Officer of the Civil Division of Our said and Most Excellent Order of the British Empire" and 2) a newspaper advertisement poking fun at Joseph Tucker titled “Retribution Overdue."

Tucker, Joseph M.
Collection · 1886-2013

The College of Engineering records contains information from specific departments within the college along with information for specific programs and curriculums from Engineering as well. The collection contains ten series all pertaining to different aspects within the College of Engineering, the series are College of Engineering materials, Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of Nuclear Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering, Concrete Canoe race, War Training Program, invoices for repairs and supplies, Accreditation Commission, and Historic Student Records. The series that pertain to departments within the College of Engineering and the educational aspects of the department as well. The series such as College of Engineering Materials and Invoices for repairs and supplies are generalized materials that pertain to the function and foundation of the College of Engineering.

College of Engineering
US US kmk U2014.14 · Collection · 1956–2013

This collection includes research and personal materials of Stephen L. and Enid Stover from 1956 to 2013. The bulk of the papers is from Stephen's time as a geography professor at Kansas State University, with his slides, diaries, and manuscripts dealing with global geography, Kansas agriculture, and the scholarship and instruction of his academic department. Major topical areas include Kansas, New Zealand, Australia, Stover genealogical materials, and extensive information on geographic subjects from around the world. Additional materials are from Enid, Stephen's wife, and include personal documents, works of poetry, and teaching materials. Included are Enid's diaries from 1981 to 2004 (some missing years), some identification cards, drafts of her poetry, and drafts of Sue Stover's 2012 biography of Enid and of a 2014 publication of Enid's poetry.

Stover, Stephen L.
David Schafer papers
Collection · 1892–2013

This collection features records from David Schafer who was a faculty member of the Department of Animal Sciences and Industry as well as the Faculty Senate at Kansas State University.  Many of the materials from the Department of Animal Sciences and Industry contain records from seminars, short courses, and instructional materials about proper food safety, processing, and meat handling.  Some of the seminars include Midwest Meat Processing, Angus Beef Round Up, and Kansas-Nebraska Processed Meats short course.  Almost all of these contain agendas and outlines for papers presented.  Other records included are articles, recipes, and course notes.  Many of the seminars contain information about food safety and meat handling, as well as tests, pamphlets, and coursework containing information and notes.  This information generally covers processing, packaging, and preparation of meat.  Courses contain diagrams of cuts and articles.  Food safety contains proper handling of meat, storage, and hand washing techniques.  The Angus Beef Round Up does contain photographs of a cow being butchered that some people might find objectionable.
Other materials in this collection are publications that cover a range of topics focused on meat, such as economic, production, health issues, and ethics.  Publications in the collection include newsletters, articles, magazines, newspaper clippings, magazine clippings, and several draft versions of articles.  The publications contain items from the Animal Science and Industry Facts newsletter that was published by the cooperative extension service of Kansas State University; this newsletter contains news and information about livestock.  Also included are articles about various kinds of food-borne illnesses, food preservation, and food poisoning.  Magazines include Animal Science and Industry trade publications, catalogs, and publications about food products and equipment.
David Schafer served on the Faculty Senate, including one year as the Faculty Senate President. Materials from his leadership role are featured alongside his professional documentation in the Department of Animal Sciences and Industry.  His Faculty Senate materials include records from the Council of Chief Academic Officers (COCAO), Board of Regents (BOR), and Faculty Senate committee records.
There are cooperative extension video tapes and film along with continuing education about food and animal safety.  Finally, there is a recording of a Primetime Live broadcast that includes notes about how meat inspection is portrayed in the segment.

Schafer, David E.
Collection · 1924-2013

The Phi Beta Kappa, Beta of Kansas chapter, records include materials documenting the local and national organizations.  The local chapter began in 1974, and records pre-dating that year include national records such as constitutions, by-laws, newsletters and other publications, a history, manuals, and letterhead.
The local Beta of Kansas chapter includes organizational operating records such as minutes, officer records, financial records, membership rolls, and chapter correspondence.  These local records also include society honors records such as initiation rites, speeches, and honors banquets.
A letter of note is one from Aldous Huxley responding to a request for him to speak.

Kansas State University. Phi Beta Kappa. Beta of Kansas
US US kmk U2014.29 · Collection · 1974–2013

The Women's Center records document the development and history of the Women's Center, known originally as the Women's Resource Center and today as CARE (Center for Advocacy, Response, and Education). The materials are divided into administrative records, Campaigns for Nonviolence (CNV), Proactive Educators for the Elimination of Sexual violence (PEERS), Wildcats Against Rape (WAR), photographs, artifacts, and posters.

The administrative records includes the history of the Women's Center, class resources, conferences (including one conference titled "Coming Out Day Conference" for the LGBT community), correspondence, handouts, office policies and procedures, newsletters, presentations, reports, workshops for women, the young women's project, four booklets empowering women to become leaders, and one CD with a note that reads "Future Music Possibilities." Class resources are Modules 1–6 in printed form and Modules 1–7 on a Zip disk, which were used in the "Students in Oral Communication I & IA: Speaking of Issues Relating to Women...and Men" class. The young women's project includes information on body image, eating disorders, dating, clothes, grades, and peer pressure.  A special project of the Women's Center was the Empty Bowls Project to raise funds and awareness in the fight to end hunger.

CNV materials include documentation of rallies and campaigns, history, speakers' information, campaigns and seminars, publicity, brochures, newspaper articles, one Beta video recording (Campaign for Nonviolence, July 2004), eleven CDs of photographs and information pertaining to the seasons for nonviolence, one audiocassette (CNV Rally 2001 that aired on radio station 580AM), and records pertaining to a program called "SafeZone."

PEERS records describe educational offerings about sexual violence, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and sexual harassment for women and men. Other materials include the book "Replacing Skeleton Key Thinking With Common Sense and Awareness" by Peggy Gene and Jennifer Schmidt, published by the The Stephanie Schmidt Foundation.

WAR records include documentation of activities such as pub crawls, run against rape, season for nonviolence city park dog walk, take back the day, and the date safe project. Other records include photographic prints, digital photographs, and advertising.

The Kansas Bureau of Investigation Forensic Laboratory Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kit is the only artifact in this collection.

Forty posters document the Center's efforts to educate students and community members and encourage them to participate in reducing the problem of sexual violence on campus, in the community, and in the African Congo. Examples include "Can I Buy You a Drink?," "The Art of Rape," "Force is Never Friendly," "Take Back the Night," "Preventing Violence Against Women on Campus," "Contemplate Act, Walk the Paths of Peace, Moonlight Walk on the Konza Prairie," "Walk the Paths of Peace, A Season for Nonviolence, Wildcats Against Rape presents reading from Purple Cried," "Purple Cried, K-State Students' Stories of Assault," and "Campaign for Nonviolence, 64 Ways to Practice Nonviolence."

Women's Center
Lou Herndon papers
US US kmk 2019-20.005 · Collection · 1925-2013

Records relating to the history of Cooperative Extension work in Sedgwick County Kansas and focusing particularly on the Prairie Gem unit of which Lou Herndon and her mother, Ruth Wilkins, were charter/lifetime members.

Herndon, Lou
Collection · 1946-2013

The records of the Office of Student Activities and Services (OSAS) at Kansas State University span from 1946 to 2013. The office oversees student organziations on campus, including the Student Governing Association, and contents relate to the administration of student activities and services by the office, as well as Student Governing Association (SGA) records and information about student organizations.
SGA records include agendas, minutes, election information, and legislation and statutes of the student senate. Agendas include some years between 1998-1999 and 2003-2004. Minutes cover most years between 1946-1947 and 1996-1997. Election information is from 1989-1990 to 1992-1993. Legislation and statutes span from 1967-1968 to 2008-2009. Additional types of materials include reports, fine arts council annual reports, committee documentation, and budget and allocation records from some years between 1995-1996 and 2005-2006.
A small portion of the materials relate to student government efforts to save Nichols Gym between 1975 and 1984, and include correspondence, reports, a petition, flyers, clippings, and materials related to the Nichols Hall art competition. People frequently appearing in the collection include Greg Musil, Larry Weigel, Eric Bransby, and many faculty and administrators at the university.
OSAS records include the office newsletter, "Paper Money Plus," from 1972 to 1992, as well as reports, procedures and guidelines, and budget items from 2006 to 2012. Much of the latter content focuses on fiscal procedures, financial reports, and budget allocations for student organizations.
The largest series of records are student organization registration records, which are in alphabetical order. Included are names of officer, constitutions, bylaws, and similar types of information.

Office of Student Activities and Services
US US kmk U2013.42 · Collection · 2010–2013

The Sesquicentennial Steering Committee records contain materials related to Kansas State University's celebration of its 150th anniversary. There are records from the planning stage of the celebration such as meeting minutes and marketing plans. Also, this collection has information over the Kickoff Weekend, Wildcat March (auction totals and details), Grand Finale, the Gala 150 (guest list and invitations), and the time capsule. There are two books Wildcat March and Generations of Success. Other items in the collection are two-anniversary coins, two-anniversary pins, promotional posters, and three large sesquicentennial banners for each campus (Manhattan, Salina, and Olathe).

Sesquicentennial Steering Committe
David Dary Papers
US US kmk P2011.13 · Collection · 1856-2013

David Dary donated his extensive collection of personal papers to the Morse Department of Special Collections in 2011.  The papers span the years 1856 to 2013 and are housed in 103 boxes comprising 90 linear feet of shelf space.
Dary was born and raised in Manhattan, his maternal great-grandfather having settled there in 1866.  All of his great-grandparents, grandparents, and parents, as well as other relatives, played active and prominent roles in the history of Manhattan. Dary graduated from Kansas State College in 1956 with a degree in speech, and the University of Kansas in 1970 with a master’s degree in journalism.
The papers reflect the various stages of Dary’s impressive professional career, along with his early activities as a magician followed by years as a short wave radio enthusiast.  His career in broadcast journalism, most notably for CBS and NBC in Washington, D.C. during the 1960s, led to positions in the schools of journalism at the University of Kansas and the University of Oklahoma, where he served as director.  His passion for history combined with his writing ability and style enabled Dary to become a major western historian with countless articles in newspapers and journals and over 20 books for which he has won numerous prestigious awards.
The Dary Papers include the most diverse number of research strengths than any other collection in the department.  Among the topics represented in the papers are Manhattan history, history of print and broadcast journalism, U.S. history and political science, history of Kansas and the West.
At the time of the donation, the K-State Libraries purchased Dary’s library containing approximately 4,000 titles.  Housed in special collections, its strengths mirror those of his papers.
The Family Series consists of three (3) boxes of material relating to David Dary’s family members. The family series is divided into several sub-series according to family members: Carl Engel (David’s great-grandfather on his mother’s side), Charles F. Engel (David’s great uncle), A.W. Long (David’s maternal grandfather and Manhattan City Mayor from 1909-1911), Milton Russell Dary (David’s father), Ruth Engel Long Dary (David’s mother and spouse to Milton Russell Dary), Sue Dary (David’s wife), and Cynthia Dary Rugolo and Carol Dary Pennington (David and Sue Dary’s daughters). Photographs of family members can be found in series 14, photography.
The Education Series is held in one (1) box. It contains material from David Dary’s days at Manhattan High School and Kansas State University (then Kansas State College). Dary graduated from Manhattan High School in 1952. Included in the high school material is documentation of Dary’s interest in being a magician and drummer. David attended Kansas State College from 1952-1956 where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Speech. Papers for this period include items related to K-State and his classes.
The Short Wave Radio series is made up of two (2) boxes of radio-related content belonging to David Dary. His first interest was in short-wave listening and later obtaining his FCC license as a radio amateur after trying to operate a very low-power radio station at his Manhattan home. they contain correspondence from other short-wave listeners and radio amateurs, photographs, QSL cards from short-wave broadcast stations around the world, and verifications to many stations he heard on his equipment. His files document radio activities from around the world and provide an insight into the history of short radio for several decades.
The Broadcast Journalism Career Series concentrates on this period of his career and consists of one (1) box of material. There are documents from Dary’s time at CBS (1960-1963) and NBC (1963-1967) including scripts, reports, staff directories, and other material. Dary covered the assassination of John F. Kennedy (included is the United Press wire report of the shooting in Dallas), the Cuban Missile Crisis, the inauguration of President Lyndon B. Johnson, and other key events. Related documentation can be found in other series including correspondence, Dary files, and photographs.
The Higher Education Career Series is made up of three (3) boxes. They contain information from David’s employment at the University of Kansas and the University of Oklahoma. He was a Professor in the School of Journalism at KU from 1970-1989. At OU, Dary was a Professor of Journalism and Director of H.H. School of Journalism and Mass Communication. He retired as Emeritus Gaylord Chair and Professor. Many of the files in the OU section pertain to the Gaylord family. Also included is documentation of Dary’s two visits to Sudan, 1988 and 1989, when he participated in a U. S. Information Agency program to teach Sudanese journalists about free press in a democracy.
The Correspondence Series is made up of seventeen (17) boxes of correspondence from individuals relating to different areas of interest: broadcast and print journalism, state and national governments, western history, publishing (history of the West in particular), universities of Kansas and Oklahoma, etc. The correspondents and subject matter basically relate to the various stages of Dary’s life and represent a “who’s who” in those fields. A few examples include Ed Bliss, David Boren, David Brinkley, Dan Casement, Don Goldsmith, Robert Hemenway, Richard Rogers, Dean Rusk, Pierre Salinger, Ed Turner, and Harry Truman. The contents are filed alphabetically by the correspondent’s last name.
While the files in the Correspondence Series concentrate on individuals and personalities, the fifteen (15) boxes in the Dary Files Series represent many of the subjects that Dary researched, wrote about, and collected. A large number of the files include those that Dary maintained according to historical topics and include correspondence, notes, newspapers and clippings, periodical articles, ephemera, maps, and photographs. These files are organized alphabetically.
The Business Records Series consists of two (2) boxes. The first box contains appraisals that Dary completed for numerous businesses and collectors and they remain closed to researchers at Dary’s request. The second box contains information from Dary’s book business dealing with out-of-print publications, 1969-1989. The material includes the catalogs he distributed that listed the items that he had for sale. Included are items relating to book fairs and collections. Dary also purchased and acquired many out-of-print and historically valuable items that are found in his papers and library.
The Speeches Series is made up of six (6) boxes with its contents arranged in chronological order by the date the speech was presented. The dates range from 1970-2013; the undated speeches are filed at the end. The titles (if provided) and location of the speeches are also listed. The over 160 speeches preserved in the files cover a wide variety of topics, the history of the West and Kansas in particular. They offer researchers the results of his research and experience associated with numerous subjects; the audiences ranged from members of professional organizations to civic clubs.
The Publication Files Series is housed in twenty-six (26) boxes divided into fifteen sub-series. The first twelve document a number of Dary’s books, including The Buffalo Book, Cowboy Culture, Entrepreneurs of the Old West, Frontier Medicine, Lawrence: An Informal History, Oklahoma Stories, Oregon Trail, Red Blood, and Black Ink, Seeking Pleasures in the Old West, The Santa Fe Trail, Stories of Old-Time Oklahoma, and True Tales of the Prairies and the Plains. They document his research and approach to writing and publishing major works on western history and the history of the state of Oklahoma. The final three boxes are divided into miscellaneous, illustrations, and literary works and research. They include files on illustrations for several of Dary’s books and research files.
The Certificates and Awards Series is contained in one (1) box. They represent certificates and awards presented to Dary, some of which are among the highest honors an author can receive. They include a Wrangler Award from the National Cowboy Hall of Fame and Western Heritage Center, and a Spur Award from the Western Writers of America. Alfred A. Knopf publishing company nominated Cowboy Culture for a Pulitzer Prize. Also included are three certificates related to the field of medicine that Gilbert Dary received, 1895-1902.
The Ephemera Series consists of two (2) boxes of items in various formats. It includes items that Dary collected over the years that fall into the categories of autographs, broadsides, correspondence, financial, printed material, and wire service. Some items of prominence include autographs of Kansas Governor, documents dating from Kansas Territory days, and the wire service account of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth. In addition, there is a collection of William Robert Smith letters that Dary purchased because of its historical interest. Smith (1863-1924) was a lawyer, judge, and U.S. congressman from Texas. He served as judge of the 32nd Judicial District of Texas, 1897-1903. He was elected to the U.S. Congress as a Democrat and served 1903-1917 after which President Woodrow Wilson appointed him the U.S. district judge for the Western District of Texas. The letters span the years 1890-1924.
The Printed Material Series, housed in two (2) boxes, is divided into seven subseries: 1) Early Journalism Career, 2) Career in Education-University of Kansas, 3) Career in Education-University of Oklahoma, 4) Writing Related Material, 5) Personal, and 6) Subject. They include a variety of formats and contain material associated with Dary’s early journalism career, years at Kansas University and the University of Oklahoma, a variety of items related to writing, personal activities, and subjects. Researchers are encouraged to look at the container list in order to gain a better perspective of the holdings in this series.
The Photograph Series is held in six (6) boxes divided into subseries according to family members. The first subseries on the Carl Engel family includes Manhattan photos of Norman Engel’s store, family homes, and other miscellaneous family views. In the Charles F. Engel section, there are photos of the Engel hardware store and log cabin. The third subseries covers A.W. Long’s family. It includes photos of family homes, the Long Oil Company, and family photos. The Milton Russell Dary photos include family, Poyntz Avenue, and the family home. David Dary’s subseries includes photos from both his career and personal life. His career photos include portraits of news reporters he worked with or knew; Dary’s own portrait, and photos from conferences/meetings/seminars. Photos from his personal life include those of his family and his home. The stereoviews (1880-1906) provide early views of Manhattan and the surrounding area including the family home and garden scenes. The subject series contains photos acquired by Dary and include notables such as Dwight Eisenhower and Harry Truman making “whistle stops” in Manhattan, Kansas [expand the number of examples].
The Audiovisual Series is contained in one (1) box and includes CDs, DVDs, Tapes, and slides.
The Oversize Series is housed in fifteen (15) boxes and several large folders filed in the oversize flat drawer cabinet; the locations are noted in the container list. This series contains material divided into nine subseries: 1) photographs; 2) scrapbooks; 3) maps; 4) posters; 5) artwork; 6) newspapers; 7) magazines; 8) certificates/diplomas/awards; 9) and other. The oversize material is housed in either large folders or oversize boxes. The photographs contain images of family as well as a few miscellaneous photos, such as the Popcorn Man. There are twenty-three scrapbooks in the oversize series. Four of the scrapbooks belong to Ruth Engel Long Dary (Dary’s mother) and cover the time she was attending Kansas State Agricultural College (circa 1926). Two belong to M. Russell Dary. And another two relate to M. Russell Dary and his marriage to Ruth Engel Long Dary, a guest list and anniversary memory book. Two are personal scrapbooks of Charles Engel and A.W. Long, respectively. Thirteen of the scrapbooks relate to David Dary, spanning from his birth to college to the publication of his articles. The maps section includes maps primarily over cattle trails and the frontier and there is also a large collection of Kanzana maps. The artwork and posters are housed in one box and one folder. They include artwork collected by David, covering mostly western topics, and posters from events, such as an NCAA final four game and movie posters. The oversize newspapers are separated into originals and facsimiles from sources such as the New York Times, the Kansas Republic News, etc. The magazines are all originals and include Life magazine, Kansas City Star Sunday magazine, Chicago Tribune, Collier’s magazine, and Midway. In the Certificates/Diplomas/Awards subseries there are items belonging to Gilbert Dary, Russell M. Dary, A.W. Long, and David Dary. The other category is a random assortment of items, such as a calendar, press passes, and table displays.

Dary, David (1934-   )
US US kmk P2008.03 · Collection · 1933-2012

The Society for Military History Records (1933-2006) consists primarily of administrative and journal-related correspondence, organizational planning memoranda, and internal officer level reports. The original general arrangement of the records has been retained wherever possible. The majority of the collection is related to the preparation for annual conferences and the publishing of the organization's quarterly journal. The collection is organized into seven series: 1) Historic Papers, 2) Administrative Records, 3) Subject Files, 4) Journal Publishing Records, 5) Financial Records, 6) Printed Material, 7) Photographs. More detailed summaries of each series follow the scope and content section.
Originating as collaboration between the army's publications/historical research office workers and several Washington, D.C. area archivists, the organization, originally called the American Military History Foundation, was formed in an attempt to supplement the military's primary resource-poor collection in preparation to fight future wars. In time, the organization gravitated towards the scholarly study of American war fighting capabilities and public policy. Eventually, the organization grew into a multi-facetted society of scholars, military personnel, archivists, and military history enthusiasts, encompassing a dual foreign and domestic orientation, which encouraged a veritable kaleidoscope of traditional and non-traditional subject fields. Hence, this collection spans the history of the organization's different incarnations chronologically and by subject. These periods of change are reflected in their changes in name. They are the American Military History Foundation (AMHF), 1933-1939, the American Military Institute (AMI), 1939-1990, and the Society for Military History (SMH), 1990-present, respectively.
Their main publication, frequently referred to as "the journal" in documentation, has also changed names several times. They are The Journal of the American Military History Foundation (1937-1939/1940), Military Affairs (1939/1940-1988), and The Journal of Military History (1988-present), respectively.
The records also reflect the organization's involvement with other scholarly organizations, most notably the American Historical Association (AHA), the Organization of American Historians (OAH) and the United States Commission on Military History (USCMH), as well as their affiliation and later absorption of the veterans/historians association the Order of the Indian Wars (OIW).
Consequently, the strength of the collection lies with documentation concerning both the shifting needs of the general military, academic community, and the general public as well as the increased diversification of the military historiographic landscape due to the organization's non-profit efforts in both the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
The Historic Papers (1933-1972) series consists of (1) box of documentation, relating to the original goals of the organization, several early projects, certificates of incorporation, constitutions and by-laws, reports outlining the duties of officers, copyright information, taxes, early organizational correspondence between founding members, and agreements made with other organizations regarding membership and journal publishing, including the Order of the Indian Wars (OIW) and Kansas State University (KSU). Also found in the series are a few 1935 articles, published through Army Ordinance, which provided a mission statement, the creation of an organization beyond the Army History Division and served as the starting point for the organization's publishing arm.
The Administrative Records (1933-2007) series consists of (79) boxes of correspondence and reports circulated between the officers of presidential administrations, individual organizational members, the executive directors, and the boards of trustees. These files include such issues as membership drives, conference planning, journal publication evaluations, officer reports, and general correspondence. The papers covering the early years focus on daily administrative activities within a narrow scope of weeks and months. The papers covering the latter years of the organization span both daily material and long-range planning by the organization's officers. Many notable archivists and historians served as officers in the organization, including Trevor Dupuy, William Foote, B.F. Cooling, Russell Weigley, K. Jack Bauer, Alan Millett, Robert Berlin, Donald Bittner, Timothy Nenninger, Edward Coffman, and Edwin Simmons. Much of the correspondence and officer reports also shed light on several key events in the organization's history, including a 1940s attempted transformation of the journal towards a National Geographic-type format by Dallas Irving, the 1950s and 1960s performance of an all-volunteer editorial staff managed by Victor Gondos, Trevor Dupuy's late 1950 attempts to develop AMI into an increasingly scholarly organization, periodic evaluations of Kansas State University's journal publishing performance, the forces behind the creation of the Moncado Awards and the AMI/SMH Book Award, the search for a replacement publisher for the journal prior to the 1988 completion of KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY 's contract, and reports outlining the sequence of fiscal/membership crises which nearly dissolved the organization. Similarly, the SMH papers of Donald Bittner collected in this series outline the entire process of conference creation from thematic conception to methodological process and management to the post-conference publication of several papers in the Marine Corps University's "Perspectives on Warfighting." Correspondence pertaining to several other noted military historians can also be found in this series, including material by Martin Blumenson, Victor Gondos, Brian Linn, Forest Pogue, Craig Symonds, Dennis Showalter, Robin Higham, Robert Berlin, and Bruce Catton.
The Subject Files (1908-1993) series consists of (11) boxes, containing a wide assortment of document-types from the organization's holdings according to topic and chronology. These files, originally retained separately from the general collection, were frequently utilized by different administrations as reference material for numerous policy initiatives described in other series. The set of records relating to the Order of Indian Wars contain both historic oral histories of the Plaines Wars and membership lists as a recruitment resource, which were incorporated into the organization when the Order of the Indian Wars merged with AMHF/AMI between 1938 and 1947. Other files contain biographical summaries of influential early members and journal contributors. Several files concern the drafts, correspondence, and memoranda on the reorganization of organization. Another collects the correspondence, submitted entries and judges description's for AMI's 1939 "Historical Fire Arms Contest." Still others include the efforts of several public relations to increase membership, membership paraphernalia, contractual agreements with other organizations, reports concerning the location and disposition of the AMI Library and Archives, federal tax-related forms, the history behind the Moncado Award, and one of the only successful 1960s Civil War commemorative events, the AMI Civil War Centennial Celebration.
The Journal Publishing Records (1933-1980) series consists of (13) boxes of correspondence, memoranda, reports, and papers submitted for publication by the journal. It covers the publication's many changes in name, editorial direction and format from The Journal of the American Military History Foundation (1937-1939) to The Journal of the American Military Institute (1939-1941) to Military Affairs (1941-1988), and, most recently, to The Journal of Military History (1989-present). The contents range from submitted manuscripts, such as "The United States Army Troops in China, 1912-1937" by Charles W. Thomas III (circa 1933), to editorial board-level material. Although originating in 1937 as the Journal of the American Military History Foundation, the majority of this collection was gathered together in the 1950s by Victor Gondos and served as the staff's institutional memory during his tenure as editor of Military Affairs. Researchers interested in business history and publishing will find the editor's daily correspondence particularly valuable, detailing the journal's on-going relationship with printers, advertisers, readers, reviewers, and prospective contributors. Another valuable resource includes the Cold War era's editorial board reports, which recorded membership/subscriber growth as well as managed printing venues, advertisers, subscribing institutions, and book reviewers. Other interesting subjects covered by the files include editor Dallas Irving's attempt to widen the journal's readership, the near dissolution of the journal in the late 1940s upon the resignation of the volunteer editor, the brief period in which the publication was maintained by the United States Army Office of the Chief of Military History, the 1949 attempt to rescue the publication by then-Columbia University President Dwight Eisenhower, the 1968 transition of publishing operations from a volunteer staff in the Washington, D.C. area to a paid professional publishing staff comprising Kansas State University's History and English departments and headed by Robin Higham, and a 1998 joint project with the United States Commission on Military History to publish an issue of Reveue Internationale D'Histoire Militair on the relationship between the United States Constitution and America's armed forces.
The Financial Records (1934-1999) series consists of (17) boxes of accounting records, receipts, officer reports, trustees meeting minutes, membership lists, and correspondence by subject and chronology. The first section of the records includes membership lists spanning the early years of the organization and the Cold War era AMI, detailing the status of active members, dues accrued, patrons, and honorary members as well as groupings of members by geographic region. Some individuals listed as members include George Marshall, Douglas MacArthur, Charles Summerall, Samuel Bemis, William D. Campell, Hoffman Nickerson, Hilario Moncado, Walter Lippmann, Milton Skelly, Bernard Brodie, Stephen Ambrose, and Harold Deutsch. The second section covers the accounting records of the early organization to the onset of the Second World War in the form of bank statements, bound ledgers, deposit slips, paid bills, and check books. The remainder of the collection covers the Treasurer and the Treasurer-Secretary's reports to the organization's officers, meeting minutes with the Board of Trustees, correspondence concerning member's status, investments, and bills to be paid. The financial arrangements made for joint conferences/seminars with other organizations are also interesting, including the American Historical Association and the Organization of American Historians, arrangements made for the organization's own annual conferences, and the early AMI Treasurer's financial reports concerning membership shortfalls after World War II and the Korean War.
The Printed Material series collects in (3) boxes maps, posters, and illustrations as well as copies of conference programs, newsletters, and some newspaper clippings. The first section of the series contains several black and white illustrations, printed in England, outlining the evolution of weaponry from edged weapons and armor to firearms, graphics describing officer ranks, two World War II era posters ("Careless Talk" and "5th War Loan"), maps of the United States, the world, and a handful of World War I battlefield actions. The second section holds several programs for SMH Annual Meeting events, membership directories for both the AMI and SMH for the years 1981, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1998, 2000, and 2002, respectively, and an eighteen year run of the Headquarters Gazette (1990-2008). The final section of the series includes newspaper clippings, featuring the obituaries of notable organizational members. A complete collection of Journal of Military History issues from 1994-2006 has been separated from the papers, catalogued, and shelved in the University Archives.
The Photographs (1940-2008) series collects in (1) box the miscellaneous printed images and portraits of the organization's members. Included in the series are portraits of several early organizational presidents and officers, black and white pictures of the 1968 Victor Gondos Testimonial Dinner, a photo of Victor Gondos at his desk, an assortment of images depicting naval vessels, aircraft, military personnel, and combat actions collected for potential supplements to issues of Military Affairs, as well as amateur pictures taken of SMH awards recipients and panel discussions held at miscellaneous annual conferences.

Society for Military History
US US kmk U2013.30 · Collection · 2005–2012

The Arthropod Genomics Center and Ecological Genomics Project was a part of the Targeted Excellence program through the Provost's Office beginning in 2005. More than 50 faculty members and about 100 totaly people worked with seasonal insects and ticks. They looked at genetics in ecological systems and changes due to environmental factors. This center is one of the pioneers in the area of both Anthropod and Ecological Genomics.
These records include information on an International Symposium and workshops, annual reports, budgets, activities, curriculum, infrastructure, newsletters, and records of visiting scientists.

Division of Biology
Collection · 1923–2012

This collection documents the history of the Sigma Xi honorary society at Kansas State University and includes the following records: check register (1963–1983); secretary records that contain member lists, committee records, meeting minutes, correspondence, and election data (1923-1924 to 1964-1965, 1967-1968 to 1980-1981, and 1986-1987); membership lists (paper: 1936-1937 to 1984-1985, 1996-1997 to 1997-1998, and 2004-2005; digital: 1992-1993 to 1996-1997, 2000-2001, and 2004-2005); annual reports (1998, 2005); chapter information; historical data; and some correspondence with the national organization. Additional digital content includes award recipients, membership lists, committee minutes, executive minutes, banquet programs, and calendars (1992-1993 to 1996-1997, 2000-2001, and 2004-2005).

Kansas State University. Sigma Xi
Student Senate records
US US kmk U2011.46 · Collection · 1992-2011

The Student Senate records were from documents compiled by Bill Muir while serving as the administrative representative to the student senate between 1992 and 2011.  The records contain election results, minutes, agendas, articles, correspondence, budget allocations, and other documents relating to the student senate.  These documents cover a variety of topics with some being more predominate than others.  These topics are described in further detail.

SGA 1992-1994
    Debate and discussion about how to alleviate the parking problem on campus.  Topics of discussion mainly cover the idea of a parking garage being built on campus with a possibility of it being constructed as part of Memorial Stadium.
    The beginning of alcohol sales in the Student Union with reports and recommendations, including a final recommendation by the Student Senate.
    A tribunal ruling and articles involving a violation in general funding regulation regarding a magazine named “MetaZine”.

SGA 1996-1998
    The K-State honor system is debated being implemented as well post honor code bill passage information and discussion.

SGA 1997-1998
    The expansion of Anderson Ave. is discussed here along with the issues surrounding it such as safety for pedestrians and bicyclists.

SGA 1998-2000
    Report and information about implementing the SafeRide program at K-State.
    An annual review and constitution of the K-State honor system along with an editorial by the honor system director.

SGA 2000-2003
    Honor system review and some debate material about it.
    The parking issue is once again discussed, this time about the construction of the eventual parking garage.
    Plans for the renovation of Memorial Stadium and turn it into a visitor’s center are discussed.
    Information concerning the implementation of the SafeRide program for the 2003/2004 year is discussed.

SGA 2004-2006
    Final discussions and debate about the construction of the parking garage in the student senate.

SGA 2006-2008

SGA 2008-2011

KSU Student Governing Association
US US kmk U2013.26 · Collection · 1987-2011

Since the late 1980s Kansas State University administration has encouraged a more diversified educational background for students.  Programs that have done this include Common University Degree Requirements (C.U.D.R.), University General Education (U.G.E.), and K-State 8.  This collection includes materials related to general education at K-State and include assessment records, course changes and descriptions, assessment surveys, advising records, funding proposals, and committee records.

Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning
Collection · 1999-2011

Materials include research notes from Ms. Reay's 1999 book, Land Grant Ladies: Kansas State University Presidential Wives, typescript with handwritten notes of a speech given in 2009, Christmas card and letter from 2008 that Joseph Denison's great-grandson sent to Ms. Chance-Reay, a scrap of fleece that bears the Kansas State University imprint from 2011, a letter from Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor from 2011, Cherokee Area Archives first lady photograph, Land Grant Ladies Book Review, A first lady cookbook, PEO magazine and yearbook, and Domestic Science Club information and materials.

Chance-Reay, Michaeline
Walter T. Dartland papers
Collection · 1970-2011

This collection is comprised of files from Mr. Dartland's career in various capacities as a consumer advocate.  The bulk of the materials cover the mid-1970s to mid-1990s. The vast majority pertain to Florida though there are examples of consumer advocacy from other states. Folder titles indicate the subjects included in the collection.  Folders contain a wide variety of publications: business correspondence, brochures, pamphlets, speeches, flyers, newspaper clippings, reprints of trade articles, magazine clippings, ordinances, news releases, trade publications, agendas, reports, surveys, public hearing notices, legal documents, legislative documents, advertisements, business cards, conference proceedings, conference programs, printed email messages, registration forms and several other forms of ephemera and publications.  Most items pertain to activities and issues that Mr. Dartland was directly involved in though some items seem to be just areas of interest. In addition to the publications, there are 34 VHS tapes, 3 DVDs, 1 flash drive, and 134 cassette tapes.

Dartland, Walt
US US kmk U2011.16 · Collection · 2009-2011

These records include a partnership agreement between Fort Riley and Kansas State University, as well as the Fort Riley-2015 Campaign Plan and a pamphlet about on-campus housing at Saunders Barracks, all between 2009 and 2011.

This is a small collection housed in a box with the Ada Rice Papers (U2011.29) and the Tex Winter collection (U2011.20).

Office of Military Affairs
Tex Winter collection
US US kmk U2011.20 · Collection · 2010-2011

Larry Weigel created the music on the CD for Tex Winter's birthday in 2010, and created the word art (tag cloud) in 2011 with help from Matt McCoy.  The words came from responses of former KSU basketball players to the question, "What word or phrase best describes Coach Winter?"

This is a small collection housed with the Ada Rice Papers (U2011.29) and the Office of Military Affairs (U2011.16).

Weigel, Larry
Shirley Smith papers
US US kmk P2014.1o · Collection · 1937-2011

The Shirley Smith Papers (1937-2011) include a wide array of varying fields and topics following the life and career of Shirley Smith. Growing up in rural Kansas and graduating from Kansas State College in 1951, Smith moved to New York City to begin her career as a model, then Broadway actress. In the early 1960s, Smith began to lose her hearing and focused her talents instead on an art career, which she continued for over 50 years. Much of her artwork hearkens back to Kansas roots, while other pieces are considered within the lyrical abstraction art movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s.

Smith, Shirley