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Archival description
US US kmk U2015.01 · Collection · 1871–1901

These thirty-four (34) volumes of letterpress copybooks document presidential and college administration correspondence at Kansas State Agricultural College, now Kansas State University, between 1871 and 1901. Only one volume is incoming correspondence and the remaining volumes are copies of outgoing correspondence. The following is a list of the volumes with the order of each line thus: current volume number and type of correspondence, description and date(s), and old volume number.

Vol. 1 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1879–1884 (and Regents Secretary Elbridge Gale, 1871–1873) (old vol. 1), available at
Vol. 2 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1880–1882 (old vol. 2).
Vol. 3 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1882–1883 (old vol. 3), available at
Vol. 4 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1883–1885 (old vol. 4).
Vol. 5 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild and secretary, 1884–1886 (old vol. 5).
Vol. 6 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1885–1886 (old vol. 6).
Vol. 7 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1886–1888 (old vol. 7, possibly not numbered).
Vol. 8 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1886–1889 (old vol. 8).
Vol. 9 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1888–1889 (old vol. 9).
Vol. 10 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1889–1890 (old vol. 10).
Vol. 11 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1890–1891 (old vol. 11).
Vol. 12 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1891–1892 (old vol. 12).
Vol. 13 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1892 (old vol. 13).
Vol. 14 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1892–1893 (old vol. 14).
Vol. 15 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1894 (old vol. 15).
Vol. 16 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1894–1895 (old vol. 16).
Vol. 17 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1895–1896 (old vol. 17), available at
Vol. 18 outgoing presidential correspondence, President George T. Fairchild, 1896–1897, and President Thomas E. Will, 1897–1898 (old vol. 18).
Incoming correspondence, former president George T. Fairchild, 1897–1899 (old vol. 19), available at
Vol. 19 outgoing presidential correspondence, President Thomas E. Will (Will, Vol. I), 1897 (old vol. 20).
Vol. 20 outgoing presidential correspondence, President Thomas E. Will (Will, Vol. II), 1897 (old vol. 21).
Vol. 21 outgoing presidential correspondence, President Thomas E. Will and secretary (Will, Vol. III), 1897–1899 (old vol. 24), available at
Vol. 22 outgoing presidential correspondence, President Thomas E. Will and secretary (Will, Vol. IV), 1898 (old vol. 22).
Vol. 23 outgoing presidential correspondence, President Thomas E. Will and secretary (Will, Vol. V), 1898–1899 (old vol. 23).
Vol. 1 outgoing secretarial correspondence, Secretary (to president) Ira Graham, 1888–1891 (old vol. 25).
Vol. 2 outgoing secretarial correspondence, Secretary (to president) Ira Graham, 1890–1897 (old vol. 26).
Vol. 3 outgoing secretarial correspondence, Secretary (to president) Ira Graham, 1891–1893 (old vol. 27).
Vol. 4 outgoing secretarial correspondence, Secretary (to president) Ira Graham, 1897–1898 (old vol. 28).
Vol. 5 outgoing secretarial correspondence, Secretary to president, 1898–1901 (old vol. 29).
Vol. 6 outgoing secretarial correspondence, Secretary to president, 1899 (old vol. 30).
Vol. 1 outgoing loan commissioner correspondence, KSAC loan commissioner, 1871–1872 (old vol. 31).
Vol. 2 outgoing loan commissioner correspondence, KSAC loan commissioner, 1872–1879 (old vol. 32).
Vol. 3 outgoing loan commissioner correspondence, KSAC loan commissioner, 1882–1891 (old vol. 33).
Outgoing treasurer’s correspondence, KSAC treasurer's office, 1893–1895 (old vol. 34).
Office of the President
US US kmk U1984.39 · Collection · 1868-1902

The Kansas State Agricultural College records were generated and collected by KSAC, the organization that eventually came to be known as Kansas State University. The records pertain to sales of land to establish the college, physical improvements of buildings, and details about college life at the time. They document correspondence to KSAC Presidents (including Joseph Denison, John A. Anderson, and George T. Fairchild). Significant topics covered in the material include leasing land for the Manhattan Street Railway, demands by students for German to be added to the curriculum, "college greenbacks" (a type of banknote issued for use on campus), tuberculosis tests in cattle, industrials (a nineteenth and early twentieth century form of work-study at this institution), and various financial records. Approximate years covered by the records are 1868-1902.

Kansas State Agricultural College
Edward Hodgson collection
US US kmk U2013.09 · Collection · 1903–1906

Materials include photographs of Edward Hodgson's (B.S., Agronomy, 1903) college friends at Kansas State Agricultural College: Thomas Warner Buell (1903), Walter Otis Gray (1904), Martin Roy Schuler (1906), Orrin Pomeroy Drake (1903), and Clark Stewart Cole (1904), as well as portraits of faculty and staff that include Julius Terrass Willard, Albert Dickens, Benjamin Franklin Eyer, Alice Ruff, Herbert F. Roberts, Albert M. Ten Eyck.
Other photos include formal family photos, an aerial photo of Manhattan during the 1903 flood, and several undated portraits of unidentified people.

Hodgson, Edward Howard
Thomas E. Will papers
US US kmk U2005.29 · Collection · 1896-1909

The Thomas E. Will papers contain business correspondence, printed material, Board of Regents minutes, reports, legal documents, notes and drafts, and newspaper clippings from 1896 to 1909, some of which is connected to Will's time as president of Kansas State Agricultural College (KSAC) from 1899 to 1901. There are approximately 430 items in the collection, which is housed in one document box. The papers are divided into seven series: 1) correspondence, 2) minutes, 3) legal documents, 4) reports, 5) printed material, 6) financial records, and 7) notes and drafts.
Correspondence with Regents, KSAC executive department members, KSAC faculty and staff, and the governor of Kansas make up a large portion of the collection. Also among correspondence are letters between J. D. Walters and Will. Many of the letters deal with normal procedures at KSAC, however, some of the correspondence concerns the resignation of President Will. The series is contained in five folders.
Board of Regents minutes make up the second series and they are contained in a single folder. Among the minutes are reactions of Regents (especailly Carl Vrooman and Susan St. John) to the dismissal of President Will and other college professors. Legal documents are filed in one folder, and many of them are contracts written up by the Board of Regents for college faculty and staff. Some of the contracts are actually signed by the Regents, but many of them are blank forms. Other legal records consist of statements of college debts owed and changes within the Board of Regents.
Reports, the fourth series, concern the political controversies around populism that caused outrage in Manhattan and KSAC. The fifth series, printed material, makes up a large portion of the collection. Such items as programs and articles concerning KSAC, articles written by Will, a Kansas Supreme Court brief by G.C. Clemons, and newspaper clippings are included in this series. Financial documents include statements and expenditures concerning the treasury department of KSAC. Also included in this series are copies of the college deficits for the fiscal years 1886–1899. Notes and drafts make up the final series of this collection. The authorship of many of these handwritten items is unknown and they are difficult to read.

Will, Thomas E.
US US kmk 2015-16.021 · Collection · 1911

The Class of 1911 used the Royal Purple March as a fundraiser for their senior arch at Kansas State Agricultural College. George August Westphalinger, a retired chief musician for the United States Army who led the K-State College Band in 1909-1910 and 1910-1911, wrote the piece in 1911. More details are available in issues of The Kansas Industrialist on May 13 and June 17, 1911.

US US kmk U2015.28 · Collection · 1914–1916

This collection includes materials from Clarence Etherington's time as a student at Kansas State Agricultural College (KSAC), 1914–1916. Items include student handbooks from both KSAC (1914–1915) and the YMCA; notes and drawings from a course in Rural Economics; lab books and manuals from courses between 1914 and 1916 in Physics (AI and AII), Farm Machinery, Engineering - Tractor Engine, and General Botany; and loose papers that include drawings and a study of plants.

Etherington, Clarence Jinks
Short Course photograph
US US kmk U2014.02 · Collection · 1917

Photograph of short course students and instructors at Kansas State Agricultural College in February 1917.  One student was Maurice E. Dubbs, maternal grandfather of the donor.  He lived in Ransom, Ness County, Kansas, and took blacksmithing and woodworking courses in Manhattan.

Holt Feature Film Company
Lucille Byarlay Abel papers
US US kmk P2011.11 · Collection · 1928-1937

The Lucille Byarlay Abel papers include diaries of Lucille's time as a student at Kansas State Agricultural College and Kansas State College from 1928 to 1937.  She created the entries in the day books and collected comments and signatures in the autograph books from classmates, friends, and acquaintances.  Additional materials include transcriptions of the diaries, Kansas maps, genealogy charts, photographs, newspaper clippings, legal documents, and a name index.  Subjects include her courtship with Orval Abel, her teaching duties in Clay County, Kansas, rural social activities in the 1930s, and genealogy.

Abel, Lucille Byarlay
Julius T. Willard papers
Collection · 1847–1947

The Julius T. Willard papers include records related to his tenure at Kansas State University, personal records, the Students' Army Training Corps, financial documents, statistics related to the university, literary works, and various reports and printed materials. The correspondence series, 1894–1926, includes letters from the chief of the United States Department of Agriculture, the Riley County Treasurer, Kansas Attorney General Aretas Allen Gotard, professors at other universities, and many others. Correspondence also includes letters from the Agricultural Experiment Stations throughout Kansas, the United States, and Cuba, as well as correspondence related to reports of the Agricultural Experiment Stations. Subjects in the correspondence series relate to Willard’s travels abroad, personal purchases, character references, normal schools, articles by Willard submitted to Farm Life, subscriptions to various publications, chemistry coursework, etc. Correspondence relates both to Willard’s work at Kansas State College (KSC) as well as personal matters.

The subject file series includes both K-State and personal files. The K-State subject files are extensive, including academic calendars, applications for employment, correspondence about the selection of the official K-State college color, and information about various campus departments. The subject files also include information about various campus organizations, as well as biographical information about various faculty members, including Nellie Kedzie Jones and Mary Van Zile. Personal subject files contain financial documents pertaining to the Tacoma Company and the Portland Cement Company, as well as various organizations with which Willard was a member.

Materials in the estate series include correspondence related to the Willard farm and estate, expenditures, and receipts. The literary works series contains history of KSC in newspapers and in letters, drafts of works, and autobiographical reminiscences. The history of KSC in newspapers includes copies of articles printed in newspapers connected to K-State. The history of KSC in letters contains letters and newspaper correspondence pertaining to acts by the Board of Regents from 1897 to 1899. Additionally, there is a chapter omitted from Willard’s 1940 book, History of Kansas State College of Agriculture and Applied Science, titled “Discussion of the Controversy of the Seventies" [1870s]. The literary works series includes drafts of his 1940 book and Willard’s autobiographical reminiscences.

The military file series includes business files related to the Students' Army Training Corps and the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, as well as materials connected to training camp at Fort Sheridan. The bulk of the materials dates from 1918 and 1919. The financial documents series of Willard’s papers contains receipts, vouchers, and other materials related to K-State expenses including laboratory charges. The statistics series contains materials related to grade distribution, attendance, and enrollment. The report series includes reports for American Universities and Colleges, the Department of the Interior Bureau of Education, the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, as well as other reports such as the cost of attending K-State.

The final series includes a variety of printed materials including invitations, programs, a speech class syllabus, articles, and quotations. Also included are card files with lecture notes, names and positions of numerous faculty and students, and notes on various pieces of history related to K-State.

Willard, J. T. (Julius Terrass)
Ada Rice papers
US US kmk U2011.29 · Collection · 1896-1948

The Ada Rice papers include photocopied typescript and manuscript short stories of fiction and nonfiction, as well as digitized images from her life, between 1896 and 1948.  They are from the early twentieth century and cover subjects like children's literature, Filipino life and culture, genealogy, George Washington's first cabinet, gold mining, John Quincy Adams, King's College (now Columbia University), London (England) life and culture, and orphan trains.  The photographs include her portraits, her Manhattan home, the 1896 Mt. Pleasant (Kansas) school and students she taught, her international travels, and an American College Quill Club program.

This collection is housed with other small collections - Tex Winter collection (U2011.20) and Office of Military Affairs (U2011.16).

Rice, Ada
"3 for Tonight" poster
US US kmk U2012.45 · Collection · 1954

The poster promotes a Paul Gregory-Charles Laughton Production of Marge and Gower Champion, Harry Belafonte, and the Voices of Walter Schumann in the play "3 for Tonight."  It was scheduled for the Kansas State College auditorium on Wednesday, 17 November 1954.

Nellie Kedzie Jones series
US US kmk U1989.16 · Collection · 1860–1955

The Nellie Kedzie Jones series is part of the College of Human Ecology historical files at Kansas State University. Nellie Sawyer Kedzie Jones was an 1876 alumna who returned to lead domestic science instruction from 1882 until 1897. This series reflects papers related to her and her relatives and friends.
The first subseries pertains to Nellie Sawyer Kedzie Jones with dates between 1889 and 1955. Contents include developments in human ecology and are reflected in publications, printed materials, published works, manuscripts, typescripts, awards, and correspondence. Materials are organized chronologically within each group.
The second subseries is devoted to Howard Murray Jones, Nellie's husband from 1901 until his death in 1953. He was a minister, including time as a professor and administrator at Berea College. Contents include minimal correspondence along with writings, sermons, and printed materials. His sermons are arranged chronologically divided between typed and handwritten. Because he often used sermons twice, there are two dates on the manuscripts. The bulk of the materials pertains to religion and Christianity.
The third through ninth subseries contain information about friends and relatives of Howard and Nellie. Included are documents associated with the Fairchild family (Frank, David, and George Fairchild), Abby and Charles Marlatt, Gertrude and Theodore Jessup, Robert Clark Kedzie (Nellie's first husband who died in 1882), Addison Jones, his father, Ada Alice Tuttle, and Helen M. Jones. Types of material include news articles, correspondence, memoranda, printed materials, scrapbooks, and biographical information.
The tenth subseries includes five items relevant to Nellie: an autograph book, a scrapbook, a personal Bible, an award ribbon, and a leather pouch or wallet (unknown origin or ownership).
The final subseries includes photographs of Nellie and those associated with her. They are divided by group photos, photos of her, and photos of others who include Robert Clark Kedzie, Howard Murray Jones, the Fairchilds, and others.

College of Human Ecology
Esther M. Aberle trip diary
US US kmk 2020-21.04 · Collection · 1960 July 16-August 10

Trip diary written by Esther M. Aberle who was a member of the KSU choral group, the Kansas State Singers, during their Far East Tour. On July 25, 1960 this 13 member group left Manhattan, KS to give performances at Armed Forces Installations in Japan, Korea, Formosa, the Philippines, Guam, and Hawaii. William Fischer, Associate Professor of Music at K-State was the director of the group. In the diary, Aberle writes of her experiences at the various bases, the group’s performances, nightlife, and her thoughts on the people and places she encounters. For example, while in Seoul, Aberle wrote about going swimming in the enlisted men’s swimming pool, and then passing by local men, women, and children working along a road. In another entry, she writes about entering the DMZ (Korean Demilitarized Zone), being instructed not to “speak to any Reds,” and passing by the “Bridge of No Return” (a bridge used for prisoner exchanges between North and South Korea until 1968).

Aberle, Esther M.
US US kmk 2015-16.024 · Collection · 1949–1960

Materials include meeting minutes, 1949–1951; annual reports, 1950–1954, 1957, 1959–1960; newsletters (Bull Tales), 1953–1955, 1957–1958.

Kansas Artificial Breeding Service Unit
Richard D. Rees papers
US US kmk U2015.13 · Collection · 1910–1964

The Richard D. Rees papers are comprised of class notes from Rees’s tenure as a student at Kansas State University as well as various program documents, personal correspondence, market analysis of a feed firm, and milling industry bulletins. Class notes are from courses such as Elements of Milling, Elements of Dairy, General Biology I and II, Principles of Accounting, Agricultural Policy, and Money and Banking. Correspondence includes letters related to job interviews, employment at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, and the Short Course and Feed Production School in Kansas City. Also included are program documents from the Midwest Feed Manufacturers Association’s Feed Production School, the Management and Manufacturing Seminar. Also included are Rees’s master’s thesis and PhD classwork outlines.

Rees, Richard D.
US US kmk U1985.28 · Collection · 1951-1964

These materials comprise the files of Roman J. Verhaalen, who served as department head or acting head of continuing education from 1956 to 1964. The materials cover from 1951 to 1964 and topics include department activities and records, Abilene-Chapman college experiment, Advisory Council for General Extension, Continental Classroom movement, Faculty Senate activities, graduate and home study programs, instructional records, television and radio class publicity, and the 50th anniversary of the department.

Global Campus
Bob Newsome papers
US US kmk 2016-17.045 · Collection · 1961–1965

These materials include the 1965 dissertation of Robert Weldon "Bob" Newsome, extension faculty at Kansas State University from 1955 to 1994, titled "A Descriptive Study of the Origin, Development and Recent Major Trends of the Kansas Co-operative Agricultural Extension Service." Also included is his research for the dissertation and includes topics such as law and government, university budgeting, in-service training, adult education, and organization of extension services. Materials range from 1961 to 1965.

Newsome, Bob
Abby Lindsey Marlatt papers
US US kmk U2012.21 · Collection · 1874-1966

The Abby Lindsey Marlatt papers include records from her academic career and personal life. They are divided into series covering her academic work, personal life, correspondence, and publications and art.
The academic series covers her undergraduate coursework at Kansas State College (KSC), graduate work at the University of California-Berkeley, and employment as associate professor at KSC. Types of material included are assigned work, study materials, notes, quizzes, and exams. Also, this series contains items from her academic year teaching at the Beirut College for Women in Lebanon.
The materials in the personal series include documentation of her life outside academia, including information about her church, travel documents, newspaper clippings, and programs, as well as a few personal effects such as a driver's license, budget book, and guest register.
The correspondence series represents much of Abby’s adult life, although the bulk is from the late 1930s though the late 1950s. Exchanges with her parents and friends include letters, telegrams, and postcards covering topics that include her personal and professional activities, as well as social issues such as pacifism, race relations, rationing, and religion.
The publications and art series contains books and artwork from Abby's collection usually focused on Kansas and KSC.

Marlatt, Abby Lindsey
US US kmk U2007.03 · Collection · 1913–1969

These materials include correspondence and reports of the the Department of Zoology, as well as sheet music of and tributes to faculty member James E. Ackert, namely Ackert correspondence, 1913–1918; reports from faculty about extending a Ph.D. program in zoology, 1958; faculty proposals regarding a 20-year plan for zoology, circa 1934; faculty comments about uniting zoology and entomology, circa 1945; "Aggie Loyalty" sheet music with words by Florence T. Ackert and music by James E. Ackert, circa 1915; and tributes to Ackert in Transactions of the American Microscopical Society, 1969.

Division of Biology
Vida A. Harris papers
US US kmk 2017-18.015 · Collection · 1915-1970

The collection documents the family, travels, education, and art practice of Kansas State Agricultural College graduate and teacher Vida Agnes Harris (March 29, 1893-May 25, 1985) from 1915-1970. Correspondence includes a letter Harris wrote while working as a domestic science instructor at the American Missionary Society's Tillotson College in Austin, Texas (1915) and letters received from Margaret Justin, Dean of Home Economics (1923-1954). Three diaries record Harris' international trips: Europe (1930); Mexico (1940) and India (1951). Sketches, block prints, paintings, and handmade greeting cards represent her art and design techniques. One folder contains photocopied, handwritten, and typed recipes, a number of them credited to known associates.
Scant photographs and a notebook (1916-1918) pertain to her father, Samuel Murrell Harris (1858-1944), who operated the Hillside Dairy in Manhattan, Kansas. The photographs were taken during the early 1940s, and used by Ruth Linquist in her 1946 publication, Using and Sharing Our Hours (Chapel Hill, N.C.). Samuel M. Harris is shown at the site of his old barn, located at 700 Harris Avenue. Kansas State's Memorial Stadium, Anderson and Seaton Halls, and power plant may be seen in the distance.

Harris, Vida A.
Stereograph collection
Collection · 1844-1972

This collection combines from many sources stereographs from people connected to Kansas State University, as well as one record box of stereoscopes with miscellaneous parts in various conditions. The Morse Department of Special Collections created the alphabetical arrangement and storage of this collection.

Richard L. D. and Marjorie J. Morse Department of Archives and Special Collections
Robert Bontrager papers
US US kmk U2011.38 · Collection · 1964-1978

This collection includes serial publications from African-American publishers throughout the nation between 1964 and 1978.  Robert Bontrager used these materials to teach his "Black Press in America" course from 1970 to 1989.  There is representation from national publications like Ebony Jr! and The Journal of Negro Education, as well as smaller publications like Sepia (Fort Worth, Texas) and The Facts (Seattle, Washington).

Bontrager, Robert
Franklin A. Coffman papers
US US kmk P2011.10 · Collection · 1884-1978

The Franklin A. Coffman papers contain letters, autobiographical materials, paternal and maternal family genealogies, legal documents, literary works, awards and honors, printed materials, photographs, scrapbooks and photograph albums, and artifacts.
Personal correspondence is mainly amongst family members though there is a letter from J. Edgar Hoover regarding a poem Coffman published.  Business correspondence is sparse.  Coffman received a bound volume of congratulatory letters upon his retirement.  The letters provide the best account of Coffman's work with the United States Department of Agriculture within the collection.  Many describe interactions with Coffman during field work and visits to experiment stations across the country.  There is no official governmental correspondence in the collection documenting Coffman's work.
Coffman handwrote autobiographical accounts of his life during his later years.  These accounts are mainly of his childhood, college days and work in the Philippines.  The accounts covering the years Coffman spent in the Philippines are extensive.  They provide many details and impressions about the native people.  The accounts also cover his travels to other Asian countries while based in the Philippines.
Coffman spent years gathering genealogical information from relatives and researching his ancestors.  He traced his father's Coffman ancestors back to 1737 and his mother's Bayle ancestors back to 1796.  There are notes, different versions of family trees, and extensive narrative written by Coffman describing the lives of his ancestors.
Legal documents are sparse.
Coffman was a prolific poet.  There are clippings of poetry published in the Washington Post.  Some poems were published without his name.  Others have his initials, F.A.C., including two series of poems compiled in notebooks.  There are also unpublished poems.
There are certificates for scholarly and service awards and honors, and the registration certificate for the Marion Oat. There are not certificates for all the awards and honors listed on Coffman's resume.
There are just a few United States Department of Agriculture's bulletins and farmer's Bulletins that Coffman authored or co-authored.  The vast majority of Coffman's published research is not part of the collection.
One of Coffman's hobbies was photography.  There are hundreds of photographs documenting his personal and professional lives.  Subjects are wide-ranging. Coffman signed some of his photographs, mainly what he referred to as the "salon prints."  There are photographs taken by others including professional portraits and candid photographs of Coffman at various ages.  Many photographs are undated and unidentified.
There are seven scrapbooks containing photographs and memorabilia. 1) Photographs and memorabilia document a 10 day automobile trip to eastern cities and New England that Coffman took with his wife and daughter in 1936.  Expenses totaled $110.96.
2)  "The Farm" album contains photographs of family members, neighbors, friends, crops, farmhouse interiors and exteriors, Rocky Ford School, and Rocky Ford dam and mill.  The album is dated 1913 and some photographs are identified.  There are also approximately 56 photographs of Manhattan and Kansas State Agricultural College.  The subjects are the campus, buildings, classmates, lake recreation, train depot, street car, and a railroad bridge.  Some photos are identified and dated 1914.
3) This photo album with narrative is titled "The Many Faces of F.A.C." and is written by "A Couple of Norths and Shanghai Louis Kao."  It was compiled in 1962 and contains photographs of Coffman in various locations.
4) The album has photographs of Coffman's family and ancestors (earliest date 1884), Sunday school class, the First Baptist Church in 1902, Kansas State Agricultural College, and Manhattan.  There is extensive Kansas State Agricultural College memorabilia including a cadet corps certificate, 1908 fall term schedule, invitations, commencement programs, band programs, banquet programs, clippings and a baseball ticket.  The album also has correspondence and drawings.  The album has memorabilia from Coffman's transit back to the United States on the Shino Maru including menus and passenger list. There are photographs of the transit and memorabilia from a Hong Kong visit en route.  There are photographs of Kansas State Agricultural College, Oklahoma A&M and Akron, Colorado. 1916.
5) The Philippines album contains photographs of Coffman's trip across the western United States to board the S.S. Manchuria for transit to the Philippines.  Coffman photographed the Golden Gate Park,  the Panama Pacific International Exhibition grounds, onboard ship recreation, Honolulu, Tokyo, Nagasaki, the Philippines' countryside, Filipinos' daily activities, Philippine experiment stations, cultural activities, villages, Coffman's office and co-workers, YMCA sports,  Viscayia (German naval ship), Hong Kong, Shanghai, Kobe, Yamaa, Yokahoma,  the voyage back to the United States on the Shino Maru (not to be confused with the Shinyo Maru), Honolulu experiment station, Universal Film City, and the San Diego Exposition.  1914-1916.
6) The photographs and memorabilia in this album are compiled in honor of Coffman's brother, Will, who died in 1920.  It contains drawings, report cards, class schedule and photographs of Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, University of Kansas, and Will's travels. Loose commencement programs from Kansas State Agricultural College, 1913-1915, are with the album.
7)  The album contains photographs from Coffman's days in Akron and his travels to Amarillo, Chicago, Washington, D.C., Arlington, New York, Philadelphia and Mount Vernon from 1919-1922.  There is memorabilia from Washington, D.C., New York including a Metropolitan Opera House program and a Hippodrome souvenir book, Coffman's wedding and showers, and a program from the American Society of Agronomy 1922 meeting. Morrill, Kansas, Twin Oaks, Estes Park, county fairs, and Manhattan are also subjects of photographs.  Alta Johnson's School Girl Days: A Memory Book from Washington County High School, 1914, is boxed with the scrapbooks.
The most notable artifacts are four cameras, presumably used by Coffman:  Univex Model A, 1933; No. 1-A Kodak Junior Model A, 1914; No. 2 Folding Autographic Brownie, circa 1915-1916; Kodak Six-16 camera and leather case, circa 1932-1936.

Coffman, Franklin A.
Rusk Family collection
US US kmk 2016-17.029 · Collection · 1955–1981

This collection of materials from the Rusk family include two items from Marilyn "Maxine" Waite Rusk—a 1955 Little American Royal program and a 1961 K-State commencement announcement—and seven buttons collected by alumna Mona Rusk pertaining to student elections, K-State Athletics, and K-State.

Rusk, Madeleine
Francis ImMasche papers
US US kmk P1985.09 · Collection · 1926-1984

This collection primarily includes college documents and printed materials from Frances W. ImMasche, who graduated from Kansas State Agricultural College in 1929. Types of material include correspondence, programs, an agriculture handbook, invitations, cards, graduation programs, travel souvenirs, a scrapbook, and newspaper clippings. Correspondence from his time as a student primarily concerned the college and Lambda Gamma Delta, the honorary agricultural judging fraternity. Correspondence after college mainly includes letters from 1948 to 1954 from Carl (also spelled Karl) Hofer, a German abstract expressionist painter. ImMasche purchased four of his paintings and later donated them to Kansas State University, which is now in the collections of the Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art.
Additional topics in the ImMasche papers include his military service in the United States Army and Air Force, as well as a scrapbook documenting his time as a college student (Scrapbook 34 in the archives' scrapbook collection). Correspondents included Leland Call, C. W. McCampbell, F. D. Farrell, Howard T. Hill, H. H. King, and J. H. Burt. Organizations represented include Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Livestock Judging Team, Alpha Zeta, Aggie Orpheum, YMCA, Student Council, and the 1929 Senior Class.
Finally, a photocopy of "German Expressionist Artist Karl Hofer" from Journal of Popular Culture (Volume 22, Issue 4, Spring 1989) by Jessica Reichman and E. R. Hagemann is included and describes Hofer, his paintings, and his exchanges with ImMasche.

ImMasche, Francis W.
Tessie Agan papers
Collection · 1875-1984

This collection includes biographical information, correspondence, research materials, photographic materials, and other documentation of Tessie Agan and her professional studies, especially related to farm home design, space utilization, urban renewal, and aging. It contains pamphlets on the proper design of a farm home with other printed materials devoted to kitchens, living rooms, dining areas, cupboards, storage walls, and proper lighting. The collection also contains studies on the amount of time and labor spent on laundry and cleaning the bathroom, as well as the benefits of "garbage grinders" in a kitchen. Other areas of the collection are devoted to public housing needs for elderly and diverse populations, space requirements for preschool children, and research on children from a social service perspective.

Agan, Tessie
Photograph albums
Collection · 1860–1985

These photograph albums generally document the history of Kansas State University and Manhattan, Kansas.

Richard L. D. and Marjorie J. Morse Department of Archives and Special Collections
Hill Family papers
US US kmk U1999.15 · Collection · 1929-1987

The collection was created by three members of the Hill family --Randall C. Hill, Maurice L. Hill, and Opal B. Hill. The earliest document in the collection is a contract from 1929, and the manuscripts continue into the 1980s.
The bulk of Opal B. Hill's collection is her personal files that pertain to fabric and fabric history, and they are divided by subject. Also, the museum material is divided by subject for convenience and accessibility.
The first series in the collection pertains to Randall Hill and concerns his involvement with Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity at Kansas State. The first five folders deal with the early years, starting with the house contract in 1929. The theme of his collection centers around financial responsibilities and dues that former members owed to the house. The correspondence from 1932 to 1942 is mainly letters to former members reminding them of their obligations and dues.
The next series, that of Maurice Hill, is very similar to Randall Hill's papers. Maurice Hill was also involved with a fraternity, Phi Sigma Kappa, although his collection is smaller. In this series, however, there are a variety of formats; photos of former members, a newsletter, two fraternity songbooks, letterheads and envelopes, a gavel, and a large metal ring. There is a folder with a few letters from Hill to former members pertaining to dues owed to the fraternity.
The third series, and the largest of the Hill Family Papers, is that of Opal Hill. The first folder pertains to a dinner recognition for Hill and her involvement with the establishment of a museum at Kansas State University and her contributions to Kansas State. Since she was an art instructor, the rest of her collection relates to fabrics and tapestries, including Peruvian, Irish, Persian, and Japanese. The collection contains mostly printed material on various subjects in the form of news articles, essays, pamphlets, and booklets.
The fourth series, part of Opal Hill's papers, deals extensively with the proposal of a museum at Kansas State University. There are six folders, 1) letters, 2) proposals, 3) information about a curator, 4) grant information, 5) printed material about other university museums, and 6) articles about the museum. Another person who was heavily involved with the museum and is frequently mentioned throughout all six folders is Patricia O'Brian, who was a friend and fellow professor at Kansas State University.
The donation includes a collection of photographs associated with Maurice Hill and members of Phi Sigma Kappa. They are of members who were involved with K-State athletics including football, baseball, and track. Also, there are some photos of the Phi Sigma Kappa members who participated in the military training program, and a few group photographs of the fraternity members. The photographs have been removed and filed in the Photograph Collection, Vertical File-People, and in flat storage boxes. An inventory can be found following the container list in this register.
Also, there are six artifacts associated with the Hills that have been stored with the artifacts collection in the University Archives. These artifacts include 1) Phi Sigma Kappa metal nameplate, 2) Phi Delta Tau metal nameplate, 3) metal ring, 4) Gavel and base with Phi Delta Tau insignia, 5) Metals and ribbons with Phi Delta Tau insignia and 6) Lighted sign with Phi Delta Tau in Greek letters.

Hill Family
US US kmk 2016-17.041 · Collection · 1985–1988

These items include the following types of materials from the Beta Theta Pi, Gamma Epsilon chapter, fraternity at Kansas State University: photo of house mother and date (Amy DeLauro and Ray Crubel) in 1986, group photos of pledges in 1986 and 1988, composite photos from 1986 to 1988, and chapter publication, The Sphinx, from 1985 to 1988.

Von Elling, Ruth Ann
Jack Hartman papers
US US kmk U2006.04 · Collection · 1948-1989

The Jack Hartman Papers document Hartman's college coaching career from 1955-1986. They also include course material, correspondence regarding his retirement as head coach for Kansas State University and his nomination to the Hall of Fame in 1986, photographs, and artifacts. During Hartman's professional career he was head basketball coach at three schools including: Coffeyville (Kansas) Junior College (1955-1962), Southern Illinois University (1962-1970), and Kansas State University (1970-1986).
Oklahoma A & M, the first series, is comprised of material from courses in education and physical education that Hartman took while enrolled at the college.
The second series, Coffeyville Junior College (1955-1962), is divided into seven sub-series according to basketball season: 1) 1955-1956 contains a copy of the college magazine and awards; 2) 1956-1957 includes the college magazine from that year; 3) 1957-1958 consists of telegrams, tournament information, and newspaper clippings; 4) 1959-1960 contains newspaper clippings outlining highlights; 5) 1960-1961 includes tournament information; 6) 1961-1962 consists of tournament information and newspaper clippings, and 7) Miscellaneous includes scouting notes and a cutout of the Coffeyville Junior College mascot.
Southern Illinois University (1962-1970), the third series, is organized into eight sub-series: 1) 1962-1963 consists of newspaper clippings; 2) 1963-1964 contains newspaper clippings; 3) 1964-1965 includes telegrams, game statistics, programs, tournament information, and newspaper clippings; 4) 1967 National Invitational Tournament (NIT) consists of programs and newspaper clippings featuring the tournament highlights (Walt Frazier, who went on to star for the New York Knicks, was a member of the team); 5) 1967-1968 contains game statistics, programs, and newspaper clippings; 6) 1968-1969 includes game programs; 7) 1969-1970 consists of game statistics, programs, the Countrywide Sports magazine, and newspaper clippings; and 8) 1970 Transition from SIU to KSU includes newspaper clippings outlining Hartman's resignation from SIU and appointment as the new head basketball coach at Kansas State University.
The fourth series is Kansas State University (1970-1986). This series is separated into thirteen sub-series: 1) Clippings, undated, contains a number of newspaper clippings from unknown basketball seasons at Kansas State University; 2) 1970-1971 consists of telegrams, game statistics, programs, tournament information, and clippings; 3) KSU, 1971, Clippings includes newspaper clippings concerning Oklahoma University's basketball team; 4) 1971-1972 contains telegrams, game statistics, and newspaper clippings; 5) 1972-1973 consists of programs and newspaper clippings; 6) 1973-1974 contains game statistics, programs, and media guides, and newspaper clippings; 7) 1974-1975 includes programs and newspaper clippings; 8) 1975-1976 contains programs and newspaper clippings; 9) 1976-1977 consists of a photograph; 10) 1977-1978 includes newspaper clippings; 11) 1979-1980 contains college magazine and newspaper clippings; 12) 1984-1985 consists of newspaper clippings; and 13) 1985-1986 includes programs and newspaper clippings.
The series Correspondence (1986) is organized into two sub-series. The first sub-series is entitled Retirement and contains a number of letters regarding Hartman's retirement as the head coach for the men's basketball team at Kansas State University. It includes letters from Governor John Carlin (Kansas) and coaches Lou Henson, Tom Penders, "Wimp" Sanderson, and others. The second sub-series relates to Hartman's nomination to the Naismith Memorial Hall of Fame in Springfield, Massachusetts, in 1986 and contains letters of support from Henry Iba, DeLoss Dodds, Dean Smith, and others.
The Photographs series is divided into three sub-series: 1) Coffeyville Junior College consists of photographs from Hartman's time as head coach at Coffeyville; 2) Southern Illinois University includes Southern Illinois University's basketball team photographs, individual player photographs, a number of photographs of Hartman during his tenure as head coach, and a photograph from the National Invitation Tournament in 1967; and 3) Kansas State University contains a photograph of Hartman during his years as head coach at Kansas State University.
Artifacts comprise the last series and include a "Coach of the Year Award" trophy from the National Association of Basketball Coaches for the 1980-1981 season, and two plaques awarded to Hartman. The first plaque was given to him by the Kansas Basketball Coaches Association (KBCA) in honor of his induction into the KBCA Hall of Fame in 1989. The second plaque was presented by Kansas State University honoring Hartman as the winningest coach in Kansas State University basketball history, 1970-1986.

Hartman, Jack
James V. Craig papers
US US kmk U2009.12 · Collection · 1968-1991

This collection includes publications, photographs, one video cassette, one record, and class notes from James V. Craig from 1968-1991.  Publications include reprints of articles written by Craig.  Photographs include pictures of animals and experiments conducted in the Department of Animal Sciences and Industry.  Class notes include notes from classes taught by Craig (ASI 730 and ASI 840).  Notes also include material from Animal Behavior.  Additional topics include genetics, pigs, poultry, and dogs.

Craig, James V.
Chet Peters papers
US US kmk U2014.23 · Collection · 1957–1994

This collection is composed of four series, which include photographs and records that document Chet Peters’s employment at Kansas State University (K-State), contributions to professional organizations, personal life, and athletic and recreational pursuits.
K-State Series: These materials document his employment as the Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs at K-State and include correspondence, workshop transcripts and speeches, retirement papers, and photographs from 1957–1985. Materials relating to his involvement as an advisor to Blue Key and Student Government are also included. There are personal clippings from the K-State Collegian on various topics during his time at K-State, as well as information and photographs showing the construction of the Chester E. Peters Recreation Complex in 1980. These materials can be found in Box 1.
Professional Series: This series includes materials relating to Peters’s involvement with the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) between 1972 and 1975. These include notes and programs from annual business meetings, correspondence, regional awards/certificates, and speeches. Materials from his time on the NASPA Coordinating Committee and a speech that was given during his time as the NASPA President in 1972 are included, as well as various NASPA newsletters (The Forum) from the 1980s and 1990s. These materials can be found in Box 2.
Personal Series: The series includes various materials from Peters’s personal life including items from high school, college, and later endeavors such as his sculpting business and church activities. High school yearbooks and college diplomas are included, along with military information and other memorabilia such as patches, certificates, and digital images of plaques. Hundreds of photos of his wooden sculptures displayed in galleries, art shows, and in his home are included, along with sketches and inspirations for his sculptures. There are also a few materials from his work with religious organizations and church camps. Other miscellaneous materials include personal income records, correspondence, cards, awards, newspaper clippings, a box of notecards with inspirational quotes, and a K-State pennant. The dipolmas are in Box 1, photos in Box 5, quote notecards in Box 6, other materials in Boxes 2 and 3, and digital images available upon request.
Recreational Series: This series includes materials involving Peters’s recreational pursuits, specifically running at various races and events between 1975 and 1993. These include photographs, clippings, race maps, bibs, programs, certificates, digital images or medals and ribbons, and records from events with various organizations including the World Veterans Games/Championships, USA and World Masters Track Championships, and the Senior Olympics. These races took place in cities across the United States, as well as in other countries such as Canada, Germany, Finland, Italy, and Australia. This series also includes various materials from Peters’ involvement with the Kansas State Cornhusking Association and includes clippings, cornhusking contest details, and results from 1988 to 1994. These materials are found in Box 4, a few photographs are in Box 5, and digital images available upon request.

Peters, Chester E.
Putnam Hall collection
US US kmk U1999.1 · Collection · 1953-1995

The scrapbooks, and related material, document the campus and dormitory activities of the residents of Southeast/Putnam Hall from 1953 through 1998 and contain photographs, newspaper clippings, invitations, programs, newsletters, information booklets, etc. Events covered in the albums include social activities (homecoming, dances, parties, holiday celebrations, etc.) and campus involvement of residents (queens, honors, athletics, etc.), as well as major happenings at KSU, such as the burning of Nichols Gym in 1968. The volumes were created and maintained by students in the hall (usually a historian) and donated to the University Archives in 1998.

Kansas State University. Putnam Hall Residence Hall
US US kmk 2020-21.03 · Box · 1921 - 1996

The Kansas Iota chapter of Phi Kappa Theta was founded in 1921 and continues to be a presence at the university. These records contain meeting minutes from 1921 to 1996, attendance records, operating statements, and general fraternity history and activity. This collection also contains petitions from other university chapters asking to be inducted into the national fraternity. Box 1 contains meeting minutes from 1921-199. Box 2 contains the general records for the organization.

Kansas Iota Chapter of Phi Kappa Theta
Dick McDonald papers
US US kmk 2015-16.018 · Collection · 1977–1996

This collection details the construction and 1981 collapse of the walkways in the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Kansas City through the records of Richard (Dick) McDonald, an investigator of the accident. Included are preliminary designs and calculations, as well as finalized designs and plans for the hotel walkways. A large portion of the collection gives insight into the investigation by the National Bureau of Standards, including photographs, slides, and notes. Another feature of this collection is McDonald's teaching materials at Kansas State University in the subjects of architecture, applied mechanics, and design from 1969 to 1990. This collection includes detailed descriptions of his classes through his portfolios, as well as one folder of three sketches.

McDonald, Charles Richard (Dick)
US US kmk U2001.24 · Collection · 1987-1999

This collection is made up of one box that includes correspondence, memberships, organization records, and awards.

Kansas State University. University Women's Caucus
Phi Kappa Phi records
Collection · 1915-1999

This collection contains material ranging from 1915 to 1999 from the Kansas State University chapter of Phi Kappa Phi and was aquired in two different accessions. Included are chapter minutes, membership records, financial reports, banquet programs, various correspondence, awards, original charter, and published materials.
<emph render='bold'>The first accession, U1990.03, includes the following:</emph> Secretary records of membership (1916-1988) organized alphabetically and then chronologically, initiation records (1979-1987), handbooks and minutes (1930s-1980s)
<emph render='bold'>The second accession, U2014.51, includes the following:</emph> Schriver, Edward. <emph render='italic'>In Pursuit of Excellence: The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, 1987-1971</emph>. Orono, Maine: Phi Kappa Phi. 1971. Ritual instructions (1933 and 1948), charter applications, by-laws (1940s), check reciepts (1942-1954), nationals paperwork and materials (1948, 1951, 1956), annual reports (1915-1935, 1944-1958), service hours (1951-1952), correspondence (1915-1935), chapter minutes (1915-1935, 1949-1959), honor roll (1934-), assembly programs (1923-1963), "Phi Kappa Phi Journal" 1.1 1915, and faculty lists (1954-1955).

Phi Kappa Phi, Kansas State University chapter
Louis H. Douglas papers
US US kmk U2003.29 · Collection · 1957–1999

The Louis H. Douglas papers document the career of Douglas and the lecture series that was named after him at Kansas State University. Included are photographs of Douglas and speakers at the lecture series, as well as additional documentation regarding his time as a political science professor at Kansas State University from 1949–1977 and the Lou Douglas Lecture Series that began in 1980.

Douglas, Louis H.
US US kmk 2015-16-.050 · Collection · 1991–1999

This collection offers insight into the operations of the now defunct Kansas Center for Rural Initiatives in the School of Leadership Studies at Kansas State University from 1991–1999. The focus of the collection are the Rural Resource Directory and the program "Sustainable Manhattan." Documents for these two programs include: corrections, budgets, information sheets, correspondence, essays, newspaper clippings, and newsletters.

Kansas Center for Rural Initiative
US US kmk 2015-16.027 · Collection · 1910–2000

This collection is primarily made up of records, programs, and correspondence between Reva Helen Lyne and various athletic programs and schools across Kansas during her involvement with Kansas State Women's Athletic Association (KSWAA) at Kansas State Agricultural College between 1923 and 1928. These letters mainly discuss plans for Central Sectional KSWAA conferences, information about selecting and receiving a shield for the Association, and other notes from WAA meetings about specific sports and student athletic records (track and field, basketball, etc.). Photographs from her childhood, college years, and wedding to Paul Russell are also included, as well as a diary from 1925 and her funeral service program from 2000.

Russell, Reva Helen Lyne
Student Publications slides
US US kmk U2011.11 · Collection · 1983-2001

This binder includes images used in student publications like the Collegian and the Royal Purple between 1983 and 2001, with the majority of the slides covering 1992 through 1998.  Subjects include news of the time, college sports, and student life.

A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications
US US kmk U2011.21 · Collection · 2002-2003

These photographs include portraits, events, and other official photographs for the university, taken between April 30, 2002 and October 9, 2003.

Kansas State University
Bruce A. Adams family papers
US US kmk P2014.02 · Collection · 1891-2003

Bruce A. Adams Family Papers include genealogical and biographical information, educational records, military records, personal correspondence, and numerous photographs of Kansas natives Bruce A. Adams (KSU Class of 1969), George Earl Adams Jr. (KSU Class of 1948), George Earl Adams Sr., and their families. Of particular interest are World War II documents and photographs of George E. Adams Jr. who served as a reconnaissance pilot in Europe in 1944-45. The 31-year distinguished military career of K-State ROTC graduate Brigadier General Bruce Adams is well represented in the collection by a wide range of documents including three large photo albums that reflect in detail General Adams’ education, military training, military service, and personal life. The collection can be of interest to researchers whose scholarship focuses on twentieth-century American history, Kansans in the military, descendants of Seneca County, New York, and Atchison County, Kansas.

Adams, Bruce A.
Pat O'Brien papers
Collection · 1965–2005

Materials held in this collection pertain to professor emerita of archeology and anthropology Patricia "Pat" J. O’Brien and her nearly 31-year career at Kansas State University. The collection includes proposals for expanded curricula within the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work, reviews of this department from the Kansas Board of Regents, and documentation of events relative to the 500th anniversary of Columbus reaching the New World. Other contents include photographs from 2005 razing of the Kansas Artificial Breeding Service buildings that were on the original site of Bluemont Central College (K-State predecessor and the first site of K-State), documentation related to the Bluemont Central College monument, recorded and scripted correspondence between Pat and her friends, her latest curriculum vitae (2004), and limited correspondence with other renowned archeologists and anthropologists. Also included are oral histories with Abby Lindsey Marlatt in September 2005.

O’Brien, Patricia J.
William L. Stamey papers
US US kmk U2011.40 · Collection · 1968-2006

These materials are from the Landon Lecture series including booklets from the 2006 lectures by George W. Bush and Sam Brownback, a ticket to Richard Nixon's 1970 lecture, a parking permit for Ronald Reagan's 1982 lecture, a souvenir photo print of Richard Nixon and Alf Landon from 1970, and an inscribed copy of William Boyer's 1968 book, Issues 1968.

Stamey, William L.
US US kmk U2011.31 · Collection · 1955-2007

This accession includes milling-related activities of the Department of Grain Science and Industry mainly from 1977 to 1989.  Other articles, clippings, photographs, and programs cover topics like catfish research, faculty member John Shellenberger, other departmental faculty, and fraternity and university events between 1955 and 2007.  Items of note include programs from Charles Deyoe for a Gamma Sigma Delta (Kansas Eta Chapter) banquet, an Alpha Gamma Rho (Alpha Zeta Kansas Chapter) banquet, and KSU events and commencements.

Department of Grain Science and Industry
US US kmk U2011.08 · Collection · 1866-2007

Photographic materials in this collection include images of campus buildings, visitors to campus, students, athletic events, and faculty and staff.  There also are images of Manhattan and community locations.  Dates range from the 1866 to 2007.

Photographic Services
US US kmk U2011.30 · Collection · 1908-2008

This collection is comprised of material from the Dow Chemical Multicultural Resource Center at Kansas State University Libraries.  Material within this collection covers multicurtural issues, personalities, and events at Kansas State University as well as the surrounding area.  The bulk of the material in the collection is from the 1960s to the 1990s.  There are photographs taken by Lawerence Wright, Jr., as well as posters from events sponsored by the Dow Chemical Multicultural Resource Center.

US US kmk U2011.33 · Collection · 1963-2008

The Photographic Services photographs include photo cards and digital copies (CDs) of Landon Lectures, campus buildings, sports, staff, and college activities. All photographs were taken by Photographic Services of Kansas State University, between 1963 and 2008. Notable lecturers include George Bush, Sr., Jimmy Carter, Gerald R. Ford, John McCain, Sandra Day O'Connor, and Ronald Reagan. Also emphasized are photographs of football, student ambassadors, Nichols Hall, the Student Union, and the colleges of Agriculture, Architecture, and Engineering.

Photographic Services