Collection material includes several housekeeping guides relating to laundering, sewing, cooking and natural disasters. In addition to housekeeping material the documents also include meeting minutes from the McPherson County Council on Children and Families and the Learning to Improve Food Choices & Exercise (LIFE) organization. Furthermore, the box contains several 4-H guides and activities. 4-H Freemont records include financial books and meeting minutes, EHU records, and seals.
McPherson County Extension OfficeBox contains several photos regarding 4H events and activities, including trips, livestock judging, and celebrations. Additionally, the box includes 4-H charter applications and seal awards.
McPherson 4-H and Related ClubsBox contains 4-H enrollment and membership cards alongside 4-H records regarding membership. Records include the County 4-H Events council handbook which contains documentation throughout the 1990s of club participation, roll call, meeting minutes, finances, and past family of the year letters. Additionally the box includes information on 4-H fair judging and Dale L. Ladd correspondence.
McPherson 4-H and Related ClubsThe box contains a bank erosion inventory from 1978 alongside 2 scrapbooks one from the Century Bells EHU and the other from the Lindsborg EHU.
McPherson County Extension OfficeBox contains documents pertaining to 4-H, the Adult Council, the Fair board, the Farm Service Agency, and community development. 4-H Documents include meeting minutes, guest books, member list, record books as well as historian and reporter notebooks. Fair board documents include correspondences to and from board members. Community development documents include correspondence from community coordinator Dale L. Ladd.
McPherson 4-H and Related ClubsBox contains several folders regarding the executive board of the county extension office and it's membership as well as meeting minutes. Additionally the box includes several salary books for extension county employees.
McPherson 4-H and Related ClubsBox contents primarily contains EHU records including meeting cards, meeting minutes, event programs and correspondence. EHU documents highlight specific subgroups within the organization such as Sunshine Homemakers and New Horizons. Additionally, the box includes information on 4-H seals, camping resources, and the Farm Bureau.
Box contains 4-H annual reports, 4-H statistics reports, 4-H membership lists and 4-H project summaries. The box also consists of correspondences from County Coordinator Dale L. Ladd in relation to agriculture and additional documents in relation to news stories and columns focused on agriculture and communications.
McPherson 4-H and Related ClubsBox includes a variety of Extension Homemakers Unit (EHU) records and 4-H material. EHU records include meeting minutes, record of officers, membership lists, and yearly unit programs of work across different units within McPherson County, primarily the Century Belles unit. EHU documents also include various material regarding EHU scholarship applications, program invitations, songs and games. The collection also includes 4-H records pertaining to several clubs such as the club seal goal committee and Livewires, documents include applications, enrollment cards, club guides, and event programs. Additionally, box 19 contains several documents regarding the McPherson county extension office and it's organization/procedure's, include board meeting minutes and documents pertaining to council elections
Box includes Dale Ladd (County Coordinator & Agriculture) correspondence from 2000 - 2005. Additionally box includes several county and city documents and reports, farm management, department of agricultural bulletins.
McPherson County Extension OfficeBox 19 primarily consists of documents pertaining to the livestock and agriculture industry in Kansas. Documents include contracts and meeting minutes from both the Dairy Herd Improvement Association (D.H.I.A) and the McPherson County Livestock Association. Significant contributions to the box are made by Dale L. Ladd's correspondences (Agriculture & Community Development.) Additionally, a notable amount of documents pertain to pest control and pesticide certifications. The box also includes documents on the extension office such progress reports, plans of work, and memorandums as well as information pertaining to the construction plans for the McPherson County Extension Office Building.
McPherson County Extension OfficeBox includes McPherson County annual reports from 1929-1942, reports include membership information, officer information, activities, food and nutrition, and inventory. Additionally, box includes various slides regarding 4-H Leadership development, contents include, Tractor series, fairs, buildings/scenery, livestock, and a pets need more than love series.
McPherson 4-H and Related ClubsBox includes several resources and guides on different topics, including cultural arts, family living, housing, food safety, and family economics. The box also includes information on 4-H livewires, information includes record books, meeting minutes, secretary notes, certificates of recognition, seal promotions, reports of accomplishments, correspondences and images from the livewires program. Additionally, information regarding the Lindsborg EHU program is present, information includes program booklets, account books and a photobook. Furthermore, box includes a photo of the 4-H king and queen in the year 1998.
6 slide boxes A-F
Box includes 6 Slide Boxes A-F
McPherson 4-H and Related ClubsContains various photos from 4-H trips (exchange trips and ski trips) and leader connection, and 4-H summer camp.
McPherson 4-H and Related ClubsBox 24 contains oversized 4-H items and digital documents including several scrapbooks, construction plans, and VHS tapes
McPherson 4-H and Related ClubsBox contains several documents pertaining to the county fair, 4-H programs, county audits, statistics, and annual reports.
County fair records document participants and fair board duties, as well as 4-H King and Queen. 4-H documents describe programs such as the LABO Exchange, castle cozy and several nutritional programs. A significant portion of the box contains organizational documents such as board meeting minutes, correspondence, and annual reports.
Box includes several annual reports and state supplements of McPherson county from 1943 - 1953. Additionally the box includes 4-H documents regarding castle cozy corner, Andover club documents, and youth surveys. The Box also contains 4-H slides containing images of people, trips, demos/talks, and the process of designing 4H with others.
McPherson County Extension OfficeA significant portion of the box includes Annual reports dated 1955-1961. The box includes state supplements, a county program evaluation guide, a home demonstration unit list, and a slide carousel containing slides from the national 4-H congress. Additionally the box includes a 4-H fair submission on the Andover Club and key events
McPherson 4-H and Related ClubsBox contains documents regarding McPherson County fair, 4-H contracts, and projects/clubs present at the fair. Majority of the box consists of recipes entered in the fair by 4-H participants, recipes are organized by year (1999, 1998, 1995, 1993) and size (full-length, half-page, and index card.) Additionally the box includes many guides and brochures regarding nutrition, health, and safety.
McPherson 4-H and Related ClubsBox includes several McPherson annual reports alongside 4-H reports on 4-H members and officers. The box includes several guides and materials for different 4-H programs ranging from raising animals to arts & crafts. Additionally, box includes a slide viewer as well as relevant slides which have been moved to slide box 2c-2e.
McPherson 4-H and Related ClubsBox primarily contains 4-H enrollment and membership cards for several club such as, Livewires, New Frontiers Unlimited, Andover, Good Luck, Better Farms, City Slickers, Smokey valley, and Friendly Fremont. The box includes 4-H documents such as record books, leader guides, notebooks, program books, and information on livestock sales. Additionally the box includes documents for different 4-H programs such as geology and home environment.
McPherson County Extension OfficeBox includes various 4-H judging guides on subjects such as photography and dog agility. The box also includes information on the stamp collecting project as well as knitting leaflets.
McPherson County Extension OfficeMcPherson collection includes a multitude of documents pertaining the McPherson extension office as well as the 4-H program. Documents range from executive files such as financial records, meeting minutes, membership lists, and construction plans to documents such as photographs, slides, and program guides.
McPherson County Extension OfficeSlide box Contains multiple slides and presentations on different 4-H projects including Horse Judging, "Pets Needs More Than Love", Beef, Fairs/Beef, Dairy, and Sheep/Swine.
McPherson County Extension OfficeBox includes several slides on 4-h topics and programs such as dogs, Misc. Animals, Tractor tragedy Series, Fair booth/Floats, Buildings/Scenery, Misc., Recognition Luncheon, Spring Show, 4-H emblem, Photo Project, Transportation, and 4-H Buildings
McPherson 4-H and Related ClubsSlide content includes various images of groups and individuals.
McPherson County Extension OfficeBox includes various slides of Exchange trip, People/Groups and Camping RSR
McPherson County Extension OfficeSlide Box includes various images of Camping RSR, Lake Perry, Camping Lake Perry, Canoe trip, Style Revue/ BGB, People/Intlnl., and Demos/Talks.
McPherson County Extension OfficeSlides box contains several images from the Sharing Leadership Series, Shadow Helper-ship, Willow in the snow, June 1984 4-H/HE PDC Crayola Factory, Rockets '86, Texas, Michigan Exchange, Spring Show, National 4-H fashion Revue, & Groups/People.
McPherson County Extension OfficeBox content includes slides on Groups/People, Livestock, Horses, Cooking, Summer Camp, Travel, Buildings, 4-H fame, "How to Give a Good Demonstration" , drawings, costumes/masks, ducks, rocketry, interior, and scenery.
McPherson County Extension OfficeBox includes slides of Cattle, Individuals, and groups/people.
McPherson 4-H and Related ClubsSlide box includes images from Day Camp, Swimming, Tractor, Livestock, Table Scapes, Groups, Livestock, Misc., Rock Springs, 4-H tours, Agriculture Extension Office Construction, 4-H building remodeling, Dennis P., and Construction.
McPherson 4-H and Related ClubsBox includes slides on wheat fields, ski trip, presentations, agriculture, KSC silo, beef performance, spring tea, housing tours, bulletin rocks, style show, color 1, knits, charm school, style revue, county fair, flower show, food judging, and crafts day.
McPherson County Extension OfficeBox includes slides from Clover Club, Housing tours, Goats, Homemakers E.H.U, Barn Remodeling, 4-H Style Revue, Foundation Garments, Fall Style Show, Room improvement, Rejects from Aesthetics lesson, Cookery, Annual meetings, Clothing, Home Improvement, Land Scaping, Tar Meetings, Medicare meetings, & Blender lessons
McPherson County Extension OfficeBox includes slides on 4-H Room Improvement, housing tours, room improvement, national meetings, weaving workshop craft fair, E.H.U, booths/table displays, clothing construction, and Boston/Omaha Board Meetings.
McPherson 4-H and Related Clubs