
To request to view an item or collection, please contact us at or (785) 532-7456.

The easiest way to place a request is to submit an email to the address above with links to the URLs of the collections you are interested in viewing.

You may also use the clipboard function to create a list of collections you want to view. Instructions for using this function are below.

You can use the clipboard function to save items.

  1. On the right side of your screen, click the "Add" button under "Clipboard" to add an item to your clipboard. Complete this action for each collection you’re interested in saving.
  2. Once you’ve added all your items, click the "Clipboard" button in the top menu bar and click "Go to clipboard."
  3. Click "Export."
  4. Choose whether to export your saved collections as a CSV or XML file. Note: CSV files are preferred if you are submitting your saved clipboard to us to pull items.
  5. Click "Export." You may need to click the "refresh the page" link.
  6. Click "Download."
  7. Your file should now be accessible in the Downloads folder of your computer. You can submit this file via email to the address listed above.