Graphs with statistics and reports from the Association of Administrators of Home Economics (AAHE) from 1980-1988. Administrative Council minutes, correspondence, and budget proposals from 1999-2004.
New Zealand exchange program and partnership with Paraguay, 1973-1990. Ruth Hoeflin memos, conferences, newsletters, and correspondence from 1973-1989. Self-study report from 1863-1981.
Audiology program proposal and correspondence about program needs in 1991-1992. Child development lab photos and plans from 1958-1987. College of Arts and Sciences program reviews from 1992. Correspondence between administration and Communication Sciences and Disorders faculty about reorganization in 1992-1993.
Speeches from conferences, task force reports, and twenty year plan.
Communication Sciences and Disorder program defense of existence in protest to reorganization attempts 1988-1998. Reorganization attempts of Communication Sciences Disorders (CSD) program before 1992 and the effects of eliminating the program. The CSD merger of 1994 and planning materials. Domestic Science club history and minutes in 1861-1961. Early childhood laboratory history and correspondence 1972-1982.
Domestic Science club history and minutes up until 1961. Early childhood laboratory history and correspondence 1972-1982. The Galichia institute correspondence, proposal, and plans from 1991-1997. Hearings for the discontinuance of the Communication Sciences and Disorders program in 1993. History of home management houses from 1919-1986. Homemaker service project grant application from 1965-1966.
John Murray's article and correspondence 1985-1989. Kellstrom and Lee research on laundry efficiency in the household. Leone Kell papers and correspondence.
Leone Kell papers and projects. Correspondence and proposal for the Marriage and Family Therapy program merger in 1995. Marriage and Family Therapy accreditation report and response. Communication Sciences and Disorders program materials for the discontinuation hearings. Correspondence about Communication Sciences and Disorders merger.
Photos from the Nursery school. Proposals and correspondence for a new structure that includes the Social Work and Communication Sciences and Disorders program. Richard Morse correspondence from 1982-1985 and booklets 1975-1978. Speech and Hearing Center needs and the construction and expansion plans for Stonehouse in 1993-2000.
Correspondence about improvements and restructuring of positions. Articles written by Richard Morse in 1985-1987. Center for Aging Deans Board minutes annual reports. Summary of activities from 1996-1998 to be submitted to the Board of Deans.
Photos of A.S Cripps (1875). Memos, correspondence, and proposal for coordinated programs. Course and curriculum changes 1987-2000.
Stonehouse construction plans and photos 1999-2000. Studies in student personnel 1977-1982. Proposal for Visual works project in 2001 to update technology in Applied Human Science buildings.
Curriculum changes, restructuring, and graduate program reviews. Photos from foods classes, research, and meat judging teams.
International Congress notes from the Nutrition extension project in India. Proposals, correspondence, and plans regarding the Ph.D program and restructuring of the department 1995-1999. Correspondence between Dean Ruth Hoeflin and a former employee in the department. Minutes and proposal from the KSU Sensory Analysis Center Advisory Board Meetings from 1978-1990. Correspondence about a trademark for the Sensory Analysis Center in 1989.
Correspondence from the Department Head of Hotel and Restaurant Management and professors to other faculty, guest speakers, and potential students.
Administrative council minutes from 2003-2004. Books from educational workshop for administrators from 1960-1967. Correspondence from Dean Barbara Stowe from the years 1993-1997.
Correspondence from the Department Head of Hotel and Restaurant Management and professors to other faculty, guest speakers, and potential students.
Correspondence from the Department Head of Hotel and Restaurant Management and professors to other faculty, guest speakers, and potential students. Event and food preparation photos from 1968.
Photos from the Art Department, Design, and Clothing and Textiles research. FIDER accreditation progress reports and self-study.
FIDER accreditation report and recommendations from 1991-1999. Graduate program review of "Clothing Textiles and Interior Design" in the spring of 1997 and fall of 1998.
AHEA meeting programs, self-evaluation reports, reviews, and recommendations.
AHEA recommendations, AAFCCS standards, and faculty course loads.
Alumni Fellow and Distinguished Service awards. Board of Directors meeting minutes and correspondence. Prominent and black graduates from 1876-1971.
AAFCS faculty loads and self-study's. FAEIS reports and recommendations.
Board of Directors meeting minutes and newsletters.
Annual report to the Board of Regents that highlights enrollment, graduate school, research, extension and service work, campus development, expenditures, notable deaths and faculty salary classification. Budget requests sent to the Board of Regents from 1985-1995. Minutes and correspondence of Council of Academic Officers and Board of Regents. Petitions for department name changes 1999-2005. Booklets that include degree and certificate program inventory are included from 1996-2000. Mission statements for the Kansas Regents system and future development.
Undergraduate and graduate program reviews and recommendations.
Justin hall building plans and building committee meeting minutes. Brochures, speeches, and planning for Justin Hall dedication in 1960.
Justin hall renovation plans. Buildings on other campuses in the Midwest for Health and Human Science Departments.
Academic Advisor's Handbooks.
Academic Advisor's handbooks and enrollment statistics. Graduate Day programs, procedures, and correspondence. Photos and planning for Open House.
Dean Barbara Stowe's correspondence from 1989-1998. Christmas Newsletters written by Deans from 1943-1959. Biennial reports and budget requests made by Deans from 1934-1947.
Open House and plans for recruitment to increase enrollment. University enrollment data.
Case statements and committee meeting minutes. Essential edge proposal, report, and recommendations from Kansas State foundation.
Booklet from commencement in 1946. Employment of graduates and statistics of degrees earned. Graduate employment by department and graduation plan materials.
Photos and Newspaper clippings from the Hospitality days event. Invoices, steering committee meeting minutes, programs, and receipts.
Opinions on the graduation planning process. Ceremony for the first male who earned a degree from "Home Economics" but was denied a degree during his time at K-State. Typical employment for graduates from the college.
Photos of exhibits and newspaper clippings about the event. Correspondence about planning and budget decisions. handbook for future steering committee members.
Budget and expenditure reports along with steering committee correspondence and plans. Schedules of events and evaluations.
Academic affairs committee minutes regarding course and curriculum changes.
Academic Affairs committee minutes regarding course and curriculum changes.
Minutes from Administrative Council and Faculty Council meetings. Minutes regarding course and curriculum changes are included, as well as information from the American Home Economics Association meetings.
Minutes from the course and curriculum committee.
Minutes from the course and curriculum committee meetings. Deans administrative council and Faculty council meeting minutes.
Faculty council and student faculty affairs minutes. Home Economic club and KHEA student member minutes.
Agricultural Experiment Station budgets, correspondence, and reports. American Home Economics Association community extension education program scripts. Kansas conference on families correspondence and booklets. Research projects and Cooperative State Research Service (CSRS) reviews.
CSRS reviews and extension services. Correspondence about the merger of extension services. Correspondence and scripts for the extension programs such as Rapid Response Center and Family Forums.
Dean Barbara Stowe correspondence from 1990-1991. Council of Academic Deans minutes, agendas, and correspondence between members from1998-2001.
Grants for research from 1974-1980 and group and Individual teaching materials. Task force reports and correspondence about the extension merger and the history of extension services in Kansas.
Correspondence and planning reports with tables and supporting documents for Strategic Planning goals.