Box contains documents pertaining to computing and network services such as implementation analysis, proposal summaries and correspondence. Additionally the box includes correspondence and reports from the Kansas regents educational communications center.
Office of the ProvostBox includes documents pertaining to different committees and councils such as the academic affairs committee, administrative council, university coup committee, committee on classified affairs, capital space advisory committee, citizen's forums, and a… read more
Box primarily contains correspondences between President Wefald and Provost Coffman in regards to various university responsibilities, such as but not limited to, international workshops, academic panels, and termination.
Office of the ProvostBox contains records regarding committee, council, faculty affairs, grievance board files on topics such as public relations, discrimination, faculty affairs, resource allocation, and human subjects in research.
Office of the ProvostBox includes meeting minutes and documents pertaining to the Dean's council, information on promotion & tenure, and information & agenda's from provost 's staff meetings. Records include (but are not limited to) progress reports, payroll… read more
Content within the box includes meeting minutes & agendas from the council of chief academic officers, and advisory reports. Additionally the box includes information on the Inter-University Ph.D. program in Computer Science, as well as letters from… read more
Box content includes information on the university's M.A/Ph.D. program (security studies) with Ft. Riley and Ft. Lauderdale. Documents include congressional request for funding, award reports, and external reviews. Additionally, a significant portion of… read more
Box includes information on the technology assistance center, the Stonehouse childcare center, the Kansas small business development center, the value added center, and the center for science education as well as information on sustainable agriculture.… read more
Box includes documents pertaining to Kansas State University Programs and Plans such as Diagnostic and Analytical Services, Research Infrastructure, K-State 8, Space Migration (relocation), State Exemptions, K-State First, Campus Master Plans, Capital… read more
Box contains files pertaining to various university task forces including IT, faculty, enrollment, and tuition. Additionally box includes several university distinguished lecturers proposals (FY 2010 - 2011) and information on the Universal K-state Board of Directors.
Office of the ProvostBox includes information on the Cabinet Diversity Task Force and the Developing Scholars Program. Additionally, the box primarily contains documents on the Kansas State University Research foundation (KSURF) and the Kansas State Diagnostic & Analytical Services (DAS).
Office of the ProvostBox Includes correspondence and Board of Regents Reviews on departments such as Agronomy, Art, Biochemistry, Biology, Computer Science, English, Journalism/Mass Communications, Music, Speech, physiology, Physical Education (Dance & Leisure Studies),… read more
Box contains role/aspiration reports, reading materials, and dean's reports from the college of education, college of engineering, human ecology, technology (Salina), and veterinary medicine.
Office of the ProvostBox contains memorandums, correspondence, program instructions, and plans of the Agency of Aging.
Office of the ProvostBox includes university committee lists, including the consultative committee, discrimination review committees, undergraduate grievance committee, and the council of academic Dean's sub committee on financial exigency, and several councils on public… read more
Box contains several reviews from across the university. Reviews focus on the cooperative extension service, college of education, physical sciences, college of human ecology, and the library program. The box also includes accreditation reports and self-… read more
Box contains material on university accreditation, materials contain confirmation letters, accreditation charts, and strategic plans. Additionally, the box contains regent reviews (primarily college of agriculture regent reviews volumes 2-4)
Office of the ProvostBox primarily contains records on the council of academic deans however it also contains records from the council of colleges of Arts and Sciences. Council records include minutes & Agendas, newsletters, and speeches.
Office of the ProvostBox includes self-evaluations of programs for the Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine.
Office of the Provost