The College of Engineering records contains information from specific departments within the college along with information for specific programs and curriculums from Engineering as well. The collection contains ten series all pertaining to different aspects within the College of Engineering, the series are College of Engineering materials, Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of Nuclear Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering, Concrete Canoe race, War Training Program, invoices for repairs and supplies, Accreditation Commission, and Historic Student Records. The series that pertain to departments within the College of Engineering and the educational aspects of the department as well. The series such as College of Engineering Materials and Invoices for repairs and supplies are generalized materials that pertain to the function and foundation of the College of Engineering.
College of EngineeringThe Concrete Canoe race series contains information to an annual race of concrete canoes built by students and faculty from Kansas State University and other various institutions as well. The race is sponsored by the department of Civil Engineering and the American Concrete Institute. The date range for this series is 1959-1983.
College of EngineeringThe Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering series contains three boxes consisting of material from the department. It includes faculty portraits, class profiles, Rathbone Hall construction photos, graduate and faculty meeting minutes, an Electrical Engineering Scrapbook, and various pictures and slides documenting different activities and student organizations including Engineering Open House and the Engineering Advisory Council.
College of Engineering