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Archival description
Box 80
US US kmk U2012.51-2024-11-15/79-2024-11-15/80 · 1981 - 2002
Part of Office of the Provost records

Content within the box includes 2 drafts of a university self-study report and one published version (2001), reports contain information relating to accreditation such as university history, mission statements, resources, and a summary of educationalread more

Office of the Provost (1980-)
Box 81
U2012.51-2024-11-19/81 · Box · 1983 - 1988
Part of Office of the Provost records

Box contains information regarding fall and spring commencement, including handbook, committee meetings, reports, and instructions for each commencement ceremony.

Office of the Provost (1980-)
Box 82
US US kmk U2012.51-2024-11-19/82 · Box · 1984 - 1986
Part of Office of the Provost records

Box includes documents and records from the office of the associate provost, documents includes information on the president, research goals for the university, faculty, and department correspondence for the department of history, agriculture, and computing sciences.

Office of the Provost (1980-)
Box 83
US US kmk U2012.51-2024-11-19/83 · Box · 1987 - 1988
Part of Office of the Provost records

Content includes several documents pertaining to the Kansas Tech Enterp. Corp and its economic impact on the university. Additionally, several reports on division of biology, minority recruitment, and the Regents Honor Academy are included within the box.

Office of the Provost (1980-)
Box 84
US US kmk U2012.51-2024-11-19/84 · Box · 1985 - 1988
Part of Office of the Provost records

Box entirely consist of correspondence records from the provost, predominate names include R.F Kruh & James Coffman.

Office of the Provost (1980-)
Box 85
US US kmk U2012.51-2024-11-15/79-2024-11-19/85 · Box · 1971
Part of Office of the Provost records

Box contains North Central Association self-Study reports from across different colleges within the university. Colleges include arts and sciences, architecture and design, business administration, education, engineering, veterinary medicine, and homeread more

Office of the Provost (1980-)
Box 86
US US kmk U2012.51-2024-11-19/86 · Box · 1988 - 1990
Part of Office of the Provost records

Box primarily contains academic information regarding the university's interior architecture/interior design consolidation programs however, the box also includes information on the university's women's studies program, the Canadian studies program, andread more

Office of the Provost (1980-)
Box 87
US US kmk U2012.51-2024-11-15/79-2024-11-19/87 · Box · 1971 - 1988
Part of Office of the Provost records

Box includes several program reviews for different colleges within the university. Additionally, the box includes Kansas Regents reviews from 1987 for both the Regent's office and the KSU campus.

Office of the Provost (1980-)
Box 88
US US kmk U2012.51-2024-11-19/88 · Box · 1982 - 1987
Part of Office of the Provost records

Box includes information on several self-study reaccreditation reports for different departments, such as teacher's accreditation, accounting accreditation, business administration, and AACSB accreditation.

Office of the Provost (1980-)
Box 90
US US kmk U2012.51-2024-11-19/90 · Box · 1992
Part of Office of the Provost records

Box contains documents regarding the goals/mission and reading material for the provost committee, the college of agriculture, the college of architecture, college of arts and sciences.

Office of the Provost (1980-)
US US kmk U2012.51 · Collection · 1936-2019

This collection is made up of documents created by the office of the provost and senior vice president at Kansas State University.  Documents in the collection consist of a wide range of material from the office administrative files, class documents,read more

Office of the Provost (1980-)