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Archival description
US US kmk P2014.09 · Collection · 1941-42; 1944

The following 27 letters were donated in honor of Lt. General Richard J. Seitz by Alan G. Greer, husband of Patricia Seitz, the daughter of General Seitz.  The collection was donated in April 2014.
The letters describe military operations andread more

Seitz, Richard J.
Series · 1994-2017
Part of Dean of Student Life - Pat Bosco records

Contains one box that is filled with information regarding Big 8/Big 12 Senior Student Affairs Workshops from 1998-2011 and other workshops from 2001 - 2017.

Collection · 1985-1994

Women in Communications, inc., an honorary professional fraternity dedicated to empowering women in the communications professions, was founded in 1909 as Theta Sigma Phi at the University of Washington in Seattle. A local student chapter at Kansas Stateread more

Kansas State University. Women in Communications Honorary Professional Fraternity
William L. Stamey papers
US US kmk U2011.40 · Collection · 1968-2006

These materials are from the Landon Lecture series including booklets from the 2006 lectures by George W. Bush and Sam Brownback, a ticket to Richard Nixon's 1970 lecture, a parking permit for Ronald Reagan's 1982 lecture, a souvenir photo print ofread more

Stamey, William L.
William Binnie journal
US US kmk 2019-20.002 · Collection · 1907-1912

Personal journal kept by William Binnie, a Scottish-American self-taught naturalist, adventurer, explorer, businessman, developer and photographer between August 20, 1907 and April 11, 1912. Much of the journal’s content centers on ornithologicalread more

Binnie, William
Wheat Queen Contest

Scrapbook of photos and writing related to the Wheat Queen Contest. The typed preface explains that the contest was held as part of the Wheat Festival in Hutchinson, KS. The photos are often of the contestants, their families, and homes, usually on farmsread more

Warren N. White, Jr. papers
US US kmk 2021-22.01 · Collection · 1977 - 2010

The Warren N. White Jr. papers were generated during Dr. White’s career at K-State. The collection concerns Dr. White’s models, robots, and Kansas Electric Utilities (KEURP) research, as well as materials for the courses he taught. The work largelyread more

White, Warren N., Jr.
War Training Program
Part of College of Engineering records

The War Training Program series contains report cards of various training programs of war preparation through the War Training Program offered at Kansas State University. The date range for this series is 1920-1945.

Walter T. Dartland papers
Collection · 1970-2011

This collection is comprised of files from Mr. Dartland's career in various capacities as a consumer advocate.  The bulk of the materials cover the mid-1970s to mid-1990s. The vast majority pertain to Florida though there are examples of consumerread more

Dartland, Walt
Part of Pat O'Brien papers

This selection features images from Cardiff, Ilston, and Rhossili. These photos were taken during O'Brien's travels and thus are mostly made up of features of the cities that she found noteworthy. The images include pictures of Park Le Bruce Burialread more

W. Harold Hilts class notes
US US kmk U2014.53 · Collection · 1917-1918

The class notes of W. Harold Hilts comprise some of his coursework in veterinary medicine from 1917 to 1918. Classes include medicine, ophthalmology, therapeutics, and surgery, and each volume includes details about animal diseases and ailments. Inread more

Hilts, W. Harold
Virginia H. Knauer
US US kmk 2015-16.008 · Collection · 1969-1989

The materials within this collection include brochures, leaflets, guidebooks and handbooks, as well as a summary of consumer interest activities from 1981-1989.

Knauer, Virginia H.
Vida A. Harris papers
US US kmk 2017-18.015 · Collection · 1915-1970

The collection documents the family, travels, education, and art practice of Kansas State Agricultural College graduate and teacher Vida Agnes Harris (March 29, 1893-May 25, 1985) from 1915-1970. Correspondence includes a letter Harris wrote whileread more

Harris, Vida A.
US US kmk P2006.04 · Collection · 1944-1997

The Roper Papers consists predominantly of photocopied letters from Victor Roper to his wife, Alice Roelfs, while he was participating in the European Theater of World War II. Victor ("Vic") and Alice were married only days after he was commissioned asread more

Roper, Victor
US US kmk U2012.19 · Collection · 1990-2010

These records from the Vice President for Research, Ron Trewyn, document his interactions from 1990 to 2010 with the Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation, the Mid-America Commercialization Corporation, and Kansas Incorporated. These entities workedread more

Vice President for Research
Velma L. Carson papers
US US kmk P1984.10 · Collection · 1886-1986

The Velma L. Carson Papers comprises of correspondence, records, and photographs of her personal life, academic, and professional careers. The collection is divided into eight series: Manuscripts, Poems, Magazines and Published Articles, Correspondence,read more

Carson, Velma L.
Various Locations
Part of Pat O'Brien papers

Box 18E includes slides of Etruscan, Mycenaean, and early Greek art, as well as slides of art and architecture of Ancient Crete. Box 18E also includes slides related to the Travel & Archaeology series (New Mexico and Texas slides). Box 18F includesread more

US US kmk U2001.24 · Collection · 1987-1999

This collection is made up of one box that includes correspondence, memberships, organization records, and awards.

Kansas State University. University Women's Caucus
United States of America
Part of Pat O'Brien papers

This selection includes photos of the Midwest region, especially Colorado. There are images of geological features (including maps of these features) that reach as far east as Montana, as far east as Iowa, as far north as North Dakota, as far south asread more

US US kmk P2004.09 · Collection · 1973-2002

The United States Commission on Military History records (1973-2002) contain materials pertinent to the operation of the USCMH and the International Commission on Military History. The ICMH is an organization of national organizations that comprises theread more

United States Commission on Military History
Travel & Archaeology
Part of Pat O'Brien papers

Also included in this series are slides related to research on hot springs, birds and animals, and Native American sacred sites (animal lodges, etc). Specific locations of these sites include South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Wyoming, and Montana.

Thomas E. Will papers
US US kmk U2005.29 · Collection · 1896-1909

The Thomas E. Will papers contain business correspondence, printed material, Board of Regents minutes, reports, legal documents, notes and drafts, and newspaper clippings from 1896 to 1909, some of which is connected to Will's time as president of Kansasread more

Will, Thomas E.
Thomas Cruise Palmer papers
US US kmk 2019-20.007 · Collection · 1913-2019

Photographs, correspondence, articles, news clippings, personal papers and other documents describing the life and career of Thomas Cruise Palmer (KSC, 1938), who from 1952 to 1977 served in various editorial positions with the Kansas City Star and Times,read more

Palmer, Thomas Cruise
Thomas Brooks papers
US US kmk P1988.44 · Collection · 1911-1979

The Thomas Brooks Collection/Colston E. Warne Biography reflects the efforts of Brooks to write a biography on consumer leader, Colston Warne. A professor of Family Economics at Amherst College for 40 years, Warne played an important part in organizingread more

Brooks, Thomas Marion
Tex Winter collection
US US kmk U2011.20 · Collection · 2010-2011

Larry Weigel created the music on the CD for Tex Winter's birthday in 2010, and created the word art (tag cloud) in 2011 with help from Matt McCoy.  The words came from responses of former KSU basketball players to the question, "What word or phraseread more

Weigel, Larry
Tessie Agan papers
Collection · 1875-1984

This collection includes biographical information, correspondence, research materials, photographic materials, and other documentation of Tessie Agan and her professional studies, especially related to farm home design, space utilization, urban renewal,read more

Agan, Tessie
Part of Pat O'Brien papers

These photos were taken during O'Brien's travels and thus are mostly made up of features of the cities that she found noteworthy. There is also a photo presentation dated to 1999 which seems to be comprised of the images in this folder. The majority ofread more