Communication Sciences and Disorder program defense of existence in protest to reorganization attempts 1988-1998. Reorganization attempts of Communication Sciences Disorders (CSD) program before 1992 and the effects of eliminating the program. The CSD merger of 1994 and planning materials. Domestic Science club history and minutes in 1861-1961. Early childhood laboratory history and correspondence 1972-1982.
Notable players include Jonathon Beasley
Contains press clippings and mentions between 1994 and 2005 by heading: Irradiation, Is Our Food Safe?, Italian Food, Kids Menu Study, "Kitchen Fun for Kids" Video, Labeling, Labeling—Restaurant Menus, Milk Advertising, Nutrition, Nutrition Action Healthletter (NAH), NAH Press Conference, Obesity.
Aerials, Socolofsky, Computing and Information Technology Advisory Committee (CITAC), Systems and Procedures Exchange Center (SPEC), Strategic, Students, Funds (SWAP), Technology (SWAT), and Lectures
Office files related to summer school, surveys, and proposals from 1987 - 1997
General files related to programs and organizations, personnel files, after hour courses, etc., from 1987 - 1994
Personnel files and conferences and consortium information from 1981 - 1985
General files related to off-campus programs from 1989 - 1996
Files related to proposals, minutes, University for Man, and continuing education network from 1974 - 1975
From David Stewarts office Documents related to non-traditional study programs (Western Kansas Community Services Consortium, various consortiums and professional studies programs) 1996 - 1999
David Steward office files from 1997 - 1998: organization and committee files, meeting notes and minutes, National University Degree Consortium files
Reading files, Board of Regents information, reports and reviews, childcare information from 1978 - 1990