Artifacts from the opening ceremonies of Engineering open house. The artifacts include wood plaques of attendees to plaques of posters and advertisements for events hosted by the College of Engineering.
Lecture video tapes for the MANGT 420: Management Concepts Summer 1989 course
Dean Barbara Stowe correspondence from 1990-1991. Council of Academic Deans minutes, agendas, and correspondence between members from1998-2001.
Box four contains research materials related to Mesoamerica and, more specifically, Pat's Mayan measurement system research. Items include correspondence about the project with Hanne Christiansen and others, NEH and NSF grant applications, project-related manuscripts, comments from other scholars, measurement reports, and site floor plans. Box four also includes materials related to the Prehistoric Native Americans of the Great Plains series.
Contains press mentions from December 2004, as well as older clippings between 1982 and 1994 by heading: Acesulfame-K, Alcohol, All-Bran (Kellogg's), American Chemical Society (ACS) Speaks Out on Diet, ACS Lollipops, American Council on Science and Health, American Drug Association, Americans for Safe Foods, Anti-Cancer Eating Guide, Artificial Sweeteners, Aspen Charts (regarding Olestra), Beef, Belafonte Poster, Booze Merchants, Brain Polluters, Breakfast, Breakfast Cereal Petition, British Journal of Nutrition, Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT), Caffeine, Calcium.
Course materials for ME 640, ME 656, ME 699/916, ME 730, ME 732