Kansas State University calendar collection

Identity elements

Level of description



Kansas State University calendar collection


  • 1997-2014 (Creation)


0.50 Linear Feet, 1.00 Box

Content and structure elements

Scope and content

These calendars are produced by the university or by vendors with historical materials from the university.  Subjects include campus images, athletics, and historical figures in university history.

System of arrangement

The collection is arranged chronologically.

Conditions of access and use elements

Conditions governing access

No access restrictions: All materials are open for research.

Conditions governing reproduction

The researcher assumes full responsibility for observing all copyright, property, and libel laws as they apply.

Languages of the material

  • English

Scripts of the material

  • Latin

Acquisition and appraisal elements

Custodial history

U2011.14: accessioned on 5/12/2011 and is the 2011 football calendar with Kansas State University footbal program covers from 1930 to 1965.  Donated by Asgard Press.
U2012.12: accessioned on 5/9/2012 and includes 16 calendars from 1997 to 2012. read more

Immediate source of acquisition

Acqusition Date: 20110512

Specialized notes

  • Citation: Preferred Citation: [Item title], [item date], Kansas State University calendar collection, Box [number], Folder [number or title], Morse Department of Special Collections, Kansas State University Libraries.

Alternative identifier(s)

Archon Collection ID


Description control element

Rules or conventions

Describing Archives: A Content Standard

Archivist's note

Finding Aid Author: Cliff Hight
Processing Info: Cliff Hight, university archivist, first processed the materials in 2012 and added accruals as they were processed.
Publication Date: 2012-05-09

Access points

Subject access points