Office of Student Activities and Services records

Identity elements

Level of description



Office of Student Activities and Services records


  • 1946-2013 (Creation)


34.50 Linear Feet, 23.00 Boxes

Name of creator

Administrative history

The Office of Student Activities and Services at Kansas State University has existed in its current form since 1980 to complement the academic programs of study at K-State and to enhance the overall educational experience of students through exposure toread more

Content and structure elements

Scope and content

The records of the Office of Student Activities and Services (OSAS) at Kansas State University span from 1946 to 2013. The office oversees student organziations on campus, including the Student Governing Association, and contents relate to theread more

System of arrangement

The materials are generally organized by record type, with some exceptions.

Conditions of access and use elements

Conditions governing access

No access restriction:  All materials are open for research.

Conditions governing reproduction

The researcher assumes full responsibility for observing all copyright, property, and libel laws as they apply.

Languages of the material

  • English

Scripts of the material

  • Latin

Acquisition and appraisal elements

Custodial history

Records given by creating office on specified dates in most instances. The final accession (U2014.39) was an accumulation of records that had been in the archives for some time and never accessioned. Accession numbers include U1992.02 (old number UA 295),read more

Immediate source of acquisition

Acqusition Source: Office of Student Activities and Services
Acqusition Method: Records transfer.
Acqusition Date: 19920201

Appraisal, destruction and scheduling information

Records document activities of the office, student government, and student organizations, all of which are helpful in better understanding student life at Kansas State University. Most of the records were acquired through regular transfer of records asread more


04/22/1994; 11/02/1998; 06/30/2003; 06/09/2004; 07/15/2004; 07/15/2005; 07/26/2012; 03/10/2014; 07/09/2014; 09/09/2014

General note

Disaster Recovery 2023 note: Box with barcode (A83412041880) was added during the 2023 disaster recovery project and may need review. This box contains Student Senate minutes from 1964-1988.

Specialized notes

  • Citation: [Item title], [item date], Office of Student Activities and Services records, Box [number], Folder [number or title], Morse Department of Special Collections, Kansas State University Libraries.

Alternative identifier(s)

Archon Collection ID


Description control element

Rules or conventions

Describing Archives: A Content Standard

Archivist's note

Finding Aid Author: Cliff Hight
Processing Info: University archivist Cliff Hight finished processing this collection in 2015, with help along the way from project assistant James Smith in 2013 and student assistants Kelly Weckman and Abby Kopp in 2014read more

Access points