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5 Archival description results for Cookery

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Dottie Wellington papers
Collection · 1969-1980

The Dottie Wellington Papers consists of two boxes of original copies and reprints of the syndicated “Let’s Cook” cooking column by Dottie (Dorothy Anne Wellington, 1924-2015) that appeared in the Ottawa Herald of Ottawa, Kansas, and many otherread more

Wellington, Dorothy Anne
Jane Butel papers
US US kmk P2013.08 · Collection · 1956-2014

The collection was created by Jane Franz Butel during her college education and her career.
Series 1 is divided into two sub-series: Articles about Jane Butel and Articles by Jane Butel. Articles about Jane Butel include numerous newspaper and magazineread more

Butel, Jane
Collection · 1650–1980

The Manuscript Cookbook collection includes 125 cookbooks with culinary recipes and home remedies dating from the early 16th century to the late 20th century. The cookbooks originate from various countries, such as Austria (1), Denmark (1), England (25),read more

Richard L. D. and Marjorie J. Morse Department of Archives and Special Collections
Page Family collection
US US kmk P2003.01 · Collection · 1780-2004

The Correspondence Series (1834, 1845-1966) consists of twelve boxes and four sub-series.
The first sub-series are correspondence between family members and friends between the years 1834, and 1845 and 1966.  It consists of nine boxes and twentyread more

Page Family
Shirley Sarvis papers
US US kmk P2013.09 · Collection · 1957-2007

Shirley Sarvis papers reflect her professional career during the second half of the twentieth century, primarily dated 1960-2005. The collection contains her biography and several personal photos, including those from notable birthdays, family pictures,read more

Sarvis, Shirley