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Dates of existence
1969 The National Consumer Law Center is founded at the Boston College School of Law 1969-Present Advocated for fairness in the Uniform Consumer Credit code 1969-Present Advocated on behalf of the Truth-in-Lending Act and… read more
1969 The National Consumer Law Center is founded at the Boston College School of Law 1969-Present Advocated for fairness in the Uniform Consumer Credit code 1969-Present Advocated on behalf of the Truth-in-Lending Act and subsequent revisions as applied to the poor and middle-income families in several states
read less1972 Participated in the trial of Fuentes v Shevin, asserting unconstitutionality of the Uniform Commercial Code 1972 Participated in the trial of Swarb v Lennox, arguing that Philadelphia business actions violated the right to "due process"
1974 Shaped the implementation of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act
1974 Lobbied for the creation of the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program
1976 Lobbied the Federal Trade Commission to retract a statement on Enforcement Policy, which opened consumers to lender exploitation
1978 Aided in the passage of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. 1980s Advised on the application of the Unfair and Deceptive Practices Acts (UDPA), including the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (1978, 1986) 1984 March Robert Erwin Offered testimony before the United States Congress Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs committee on Bill S.2181
1987 Actively opposed the "Depository Institution Deregulation and Monetary Control Act"
1989 Queried the Federal Home Loan Bank Board on regulations concerning time shares
1990 Lobbied for the creation of the Low Income Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)
1990 NCLC presented the Vern Countryman Consumer Law Award to Henry J. Sommers for "leadership in promoting the field of consumer law." The annual award was given to a legal service or public interest attorney who provided a special contribution to the practice of consumer law on behalf of the rights of low-income Americans.
1994 Advised the Federal Trade Commission on the Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act 1996-Present Participated in the enforcement of Federal Reserve System Regulation Z of the Truth-in-Lending Act
1996 Shaped the implementation of an electronic payment of funds system by employers
1996 Argued on behalf of Dorothy McFarland in McFarland v. Southern Division Credit Union, regarding alleged improper loan/debt disclosure.
1997 Offered testimony before the United States Congress on behalf of the Regulatory Relief and Economic Efficiency Act
1999 Began Sustainable Homeownership Group Projects to combat high rate lending abuses
2000 Organized the Consumer Rights Litigation Conference, Broomfield, CO
2000 Organized an ongoing initiative focusing on the providing of affordable low-income access to private energy and public utilities services
2001 Organized the Consumer Rights Litigation Conference, Baltimore, MD
2002 Organized the Consumer Rights Litigation Conference, Atlanta, Georgia
2003 Organized the Consumer Rights Litigation Conference Oakland, CA
2004 Organized the Consumer Rights Litigation Conference Boston, MA
2005 Organized the Consumer Rights Litigation Conference Minneapolis, MN
2006 Organized the Consumer rights and Litigation Conference Miami
2007 Organized the Consumer Rights Litigation Conference, Washington, D.C
2008 After raising $5.5 million over a three year Building for Marketplace Justice Campaign NCLC moves into an 1870s apartment building on the corner of Summer Street and Otis Street in Boston's financial district
2009 Organized the Consumer Rights Litigation Conference and Consumer Class Action Symposium 2009 Organized the Fair Debt Collection Training Conference in San Diego, CA
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Creator Source: Local Authority File