National Consumer Law Center records

Identity elements

Reference code

US US kmk P2008.04

Level of description



National Consumer Law Center records


  • 1969-2016 (Creation)


40.50 Linear Feet, 35.00 Boxes

Name of creator


Administrative history

1969        The National Consumer Law Center is founded at the Boston College School of Law 1969-Present Advocated for fairness in the Uniform Consumer Credit code 1969-Present Advocated on behalf of the Truth-in-Lending Act andread more

Content and structure elements

Scope and content

The National Consumer Law Center (NCLC) Records (1968-2015) consists primarily of administrative files, case files, research material, and inter-office memoranda in defense of individuals and small groups against unfair corporate practices andread more

System of arrangement

The records have been arranged into five series: 1) Administrative Files; 2) Standing and Advisory Committee Files; 3) General Files (Washington); 4) Advocacy and Conference Files (Massachusetts Office); and 5) Research Materials. The addition recievedread more

Conditions of access and use elements

Conditions governing access

No access restriction: All materials are open for research.

Conditions governing reproduction

The researcher assumes full responsibility for observing all copyright, property, and libel laws as they apply.

Languages of the material

  • English

Scripts of the material

  • Latin

Acquisition and appraisal elements

Custodial history

It received accession number P2008.04.
The original organizational file structure (a numerical case filing system) of different subjects has been retained as a contiguous unit. The remaining files have been organized by subject and chronology.

Immediate source of acquisition

Acqusition Source: Willard P. Ogburn, Executive Director of NCLC
Acqusition Method: Donation.
Acqusition Date: 20080101

Appraisal, destruction and scheduling information

In 2008, the Richard L. D. and Marjorie J. Morse Department of Special Collections at Hale Library, Kansas State University, became the official repository for the historical records (1968-2003) of the National Consumer Law Center (NCLC). Willard more

Related materials elements

Related archival materials

Fifteen binders containing clippings from prominent news organizations were received in January 2019. These have since been processed and added under the Media series.

General note

See accession record processing notes for further details

Specialized notes

  • Citation: Preferred Citation: [Item title], [item date], National Consumer Law Center records, Box [number], Folder [number or title],  Morse Department of Special Collections, Kansas State University Libraries.

Alternative identifier(s)

Archon Collection ID


Description control element

Rules or conventions

Describing Archives: A Content Standard

Archivist's note

Finding Aid Author: Paul Thomsen (2008 accrual), Artemis King (2015 accrual)
Processing Info: Processing by Paul Thomsen and Artemis King
Archon processing by Edward Nagurny, graduate research assistant, May 2015.
The collection was assigned the acessionread more

Access points

Subject access points