Intersession spring 1997 and summer 2002 course files
College of Veterinary Medicine records (1871-1930), History of the Kansas State Agricultural College (1909), College of Veterinary Medicine History (1940, 1995-1996), University of Missouri-Columbia College of Veterinary Medicine 50 Years of Excellence pictorial review (1946-1996), Distinguished Service in the Field of Veterinary Medicine Award recipients and nominee information (1955-1982), booklets (1963-1997), correspondence (1969-1995), Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine Self-Evaluation of Programs submitted to The American Veterinary Medical Association and Accreditation Report (1989), Kansas State University: The Quest for Identity (1995), 3.5” floppy disks (1995-1997).
Bound notebook of invoices containing estimates for the construction of an Agricultural building.
Box contains several folders regarding the executive board of the county extension office and it's membership as well as meeting minutes. Additionally the box includes several salary books for extension county employees.
McPherson 4-H and Related ClubsContains drafts, notes, and revisions related to Michael Jacobson's speeches, as well as many final versions of them. Dates range from 1971 to 1993, sorted chronologically by file (some files contain multiple years).